<<@alancotterell9207 says : I do not usually try to discourage young people, but people who lack experience should probably avoid speaking as though they are experts. I have been in places in Australia where ordinary citizens cannot go because of the risk. I have had 40 years experience as a scientist, and I do not sell myself as an expert on anything. All engineering is based upon science, however engineers are not scientists and are often unable to deal effectively with uncertainty. In Australia, engineering is the lead profession.>> <<@clintclintonforshortbonser736 says : It will be much more reliable and cheap in the long run. No costing have been given for the 20000 plus transmission lines and pumped hydro. This labor mob are full of shite.>> <<@goosegreen4008 says : Where’s the DETAILS Peter! IF YOU DON’T KNOW, VOTE NO!>> <<@imeagleeye1 says : https://youtu.be/hIWu8rbWLGo?si=BldIdBxI0AeR3ZHS>> <<@Chrisplumbgas says : So much dribble. Labor is gone.>> <<@nealkent says : It proves that ALL these labor thugs are liars and criminals at decieving the general public...hey Wilson, so you reckon that the Nuclear power generation is a scam, and yet the rest of the world is using it and has been using it successfully for decades. No, what is a scam and the majority of Australians are now awaking to is that the Labor and greens party toxic and super expensive short lifed renewables and EV's is a scam.>> <<@peterarmstrong8613 says : Very well said Josh Wilson. We are so lucky to be in a country that has the best solar and wind resources in the world plus vast tracts of land. These regressive conservative dinosaurs have no idea.>> <<@chopinmack5418 says : UK Hinkley Point C Nuclear power station started construction in March 2017. Final cost could rise up to £46 billion in 2024 prices and completion would be delayed to 2029-2031. Over 70% of the land in Australia are Desert , Australia should be able to generate a lot of cheap electricity from the Sun .>> <<@kentaitchison889 says : This bloke is an idiot>> <<@kentaitchison889 says : Australia has turned labor off>> <<@kentaitchison889 says : This bloke is a clown never heard of him before>> <<@NGP14 says : Another moronic MP who just got a pay rise too!!So pathetic!!>> <<@stancraigie601 says : What about the cost of renewables josh? Not really sure about his opinion another Labor puppet. Just because renewables are new doesnt make them the best.>> <<@stancraigie601 says : That's a joke if anything is a scam it's renewables, lining the pockets of people like Holmes a Court and Twiggy Forrest.>> <<@HerfingPug says : Labour is clearly running scared>> <<@grahamsmall1250 says : Why isn’t he being challenged about talking this nonsense he’s coming out with>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Buffoon Bowen and the federal Labour party has no idea about "noook-leear", the cost of "noook-leear" wont be as much as the trillions buffon Bowen is putting up for sham renewables, and the reliability factor alone is good enough to go ahead with " noook-leear"😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@PetetG says : Australia A 1st world country WITH A 3rd World SELECTED AND NOT ELECTED KOR RUPT SUPPOSED IMITATION GOVERNMENT ATTEMPTING TO TURN AUSTRALIA INTO A 3rd world country. WITH RECORD IMMIGRATION AND UNRELIABLE AND EXPENSIVE POWER SUPPLY.>> <<@patrickwakefield2297 says : these morons seem to be under the impression the wind mills and panels are cheap compaired to nuclear. they aint, and nuclear lasts 80 odd years.mills and panels 20, then the scrap has to go some where.>> <<@donendusted2 says : Who cares what Labor Stooges think anyway.>> <<@herbertbuhlmann3679 says : So much bs from labor>> <<@chrissyjones-major1557 says : The biggest scam is climate crisis. Hysteria and Al Gore who really started this feeding frenzy of elites laughing all the way to the bank. They’ve made billions out of it.>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Labor is the scam.>> <<@WeveGotBush says : Look who's talking about scams😂>> <<@markspin4596 says : This tool just blocked me from his Facebook page after I questioned his authority on this subject. Hmmm>> <<@brianhoppy says : If for some reason Peter Dutton is able to " inflict " that future on us all , he says . Nice word that from the dystopia merchants playbook the Australian Labor Party . They learnt lots from the months of daily dystopia type words during the Wuhan lab virus " pandemic" . Not to mention the tactics used against free speech and democratic normality . Fancy encouraging citizens to dob each other in if they weren't wearing the Chinese made I'll fitting masks. Hay fever sufferers don't bother wearing them do they ?>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : the real Scam Artists are the socialist left labor Party I recall that Peter Garret stating to Lie to Australians before the Election then Once i Power then Carry out the Hidden True Policies of The Socialist / Communist party you saw the doubling of the petrol Excise $1500 tax rebate Gone the Tripling of Power Pricing and the 5 Point Plan to Fix teh Cost of Living Meanwhile Spending over $450 Million on Voice Referendum $450 Million on 2 new Aircraft .. Throwing Billions to Billionaires to Make not make Assembly of Solar Panels perhaps under License from China .. The Quantum Computer again Overseas.. yet a Lousy $70 Million for DefenceTex Australia to Purchase Brazilian Missile Manufacturer .. Radio Silence .. so much for manufacturing Defence Sovereign capacity here in Australia from These Cretins .Liars Incorporated This Labor Greens Teals Government will spend an estimated $1.5 Trillion Dollars with a future amount being $ 8 -$9 Trillion Dollars 2030 and 2050 .. the greatest scam Perpetrated on all Australian Citizens the true scam is Renewables Where are the environmental Impact studies the Restrictions and regulations regarding the Wind Solar Battery Installations .. Rectification works and Disposal of Wind Turbines and Solar Panels also Batteries .. directly into Landfill Site well these items have Highly Toxic Chemicals That are known Cancer and Reproductive Issues on all Lifeforms The same Level as Asbestos the OH& S requirements as overseas we've seen Wind turbines Topple over maintenance workers burnt to Death trapped as the Turbine catches on Fire ..Labor are running the Pink Batts affair again>> <<@brettchristoffel6391 says : So here's the deal "whatever the left accuses the right of, that is what they are doing". So applying that principle here Dutton has a long term plan that will be able supply base load well into the future where as labors "plan" can't supply base load now, without any allowance for demand created by an increase in population, and with a max peak out put life of about 15 to 20 years all the renewable energy sources will all have to be removed, disposed of and replaced 3 to 4 times over during the operating life of a nuclear power plant.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Like labor is forcing us down the path of renewables?>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Maybe we can call it Trans nuclear, it might be more acceptable.>> <<@coconuciferanuts339 says : Have a public debate on Power now. Bowen/Albo. v Dutto. & his nuclear expert on power.>> <<@Want0nS0up says : Labor MP Josh Wilson. A scam? Projection much?>> <<@pwillis1589. says : That lispy little beta male albagreasy is the worst PM in Australia's history. Liebor is continuing to be deliberately deceptive, as expected from a socialist dictatorship.>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : The air of panic from Labor is obvious. They are totally locked into renewables with no way out thanks to Bowen. Will he be Labor's Jim Jones? All the Coalition has done is widen the options. It has its appeal.>> <<@Averageperson0007 says : It's not a scam, Bozo Bowens Renewable energy plan is the real scam, Josh the clown just doesn't get it.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : It's Peter doing what he is told by the fossil fuel lobby, delay delay delay.>> <<@awc900 says : Nuclear phobia needs treatment with up to date facts.>> <<@michaelhewlett887 says : Were did Lador dig this IDIOT from?????>> <<@johngoogle8635 says : poor petey dutts>> <<@AP-ei4jt says : When Dutton comes up with an idea, aukus, nuclear power, square shaped wheels, Australians should be concerned.>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : could there be a bigger scam than renewables?>> <<@shanevonharten3100 says : They'll " slam " any opposition to the global cult>> <<@DominicPelleREAL says : Labor are toast at the next election... but whatever happens, Labor's supporters will whinge on SNA 😊>> <<@BobPsomiadis says : It's more than a scam .Too many key details haven't been released, and Dutton says we will release these in due course .He just says it's a big number .How insulting .What about all these current projects and all the workers employed on them ? Zis he going to tell these large businesses to stop funding them and sack every employee .?>> <<@DominicPelleREAL says : How is THIS the scam? 😂😂😂 The left can shriek and whinge for attention but all they are are hypocrites 😊>> <<@brianhoppy says : 0 . 04 % of the earths atmosphere is constantly CO 2 . And vegetation won't survive without it , and right now I'm walking around with two jumpers and a jacket on to keep warm . Why are we trying to lower CO2 levels . ? ? ?>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : 😂😂 seriously low intellect Labor>> <<@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty_1 says : 20 years to build, double to triple the cost of renewables. What's not to like about nuclear! I'd love to see the Liberal party's donation list and the paid trolls it employs on Sky.>> <<@wikindog says : Fanf*ck'ntastic, crucial energy policy that has life and death consequences turns into a political football for overpaid boffins to go bla-bla-bla. Every bla from every boffin mouth is a $1 taxpayer carbon credit. The people always must pay, even for oxygen and other boffin's carbon dioxide, aka 'Greenwashing'. We can never trust what the politicians tell us! VOTE_3-MAJORS_BOTTOM-3! 🤠>> <<@DavidBehne-px7jr says : Who really cares>>