<<@Laviolette101 says : CNN aided and abetted Trump during his debate by not fact-checking his garbage. CNN aiding his crime.>> <<@Laviolette101 says : She was appointed by Trump, she's on the take in the grand fashion of the Supreme Court and their corruption. Shit can the 62 New Federalist appointments Trump made during his presidency that came up with Project 2025>> <<@larespo1 says : She is a MAGA Republican. Period. A judge is supposed to administer justice. She must recuse herself, even after making her decision.>> <<@TheRealist-u7f says : GOOGLE …Aileen Cannon's husband, Josh Lorence. The link between Trump and Cannon are obvious, it explains her blatant bias and corrupt actions in her rulings.>> <<@Iryna.Kokina says : Lies on lies>> <<@Iryna.Kokina says : Must be appointed by the senate, and president, period, that’s he law😂😂>> <<@bern84 says : The Loose Cannon>> <<@miniminamanmina3715 says : She is Supreme Court material , totally committed to destroying America.>> <<@mkay3310 says : When even the Supreme Court is extremely corrupt, you know our justice system is broken. Not in favor of one party over the other, but in favor of serving the interest of their wealthy donors who they are beholden to.>> <<@SubjectUSAY says : Fort Pierce where part of the project was made. Leave my baby's alone>> <<@captainamerica5826 says : They have to put Trump in prison before the election or he's going to win and become a director can't they find something on him to stop him from putting us in prison or killing us like Stalin and Mao did I'm scared he will put me in prison for voting against him.>> <<@Kerry-be5xx says : We need to have her thrown out,hell we had Trump convicted of a felony>> <<@lesliefisk1269 says : #disgraceful and #lawlessness law's don't apply to these white people ???? On full view for the world to see .....>> <<@myron-ut2nf says : Why its called a recommendation.>> <<@georgeburnham1515 says : Why because the senior judges are corrupt>> <<@georgeburnham1515 says : You all would find an issue with any judge that went pro Trump or Pro Justice>> <<@georgeburnham1515 says : FAKE NEWS MEDIA CNN>> <<@tadeuszgawron4748 says : Fake news>> <<@sloshulu760 says : Eric, just a bunch of fake news keep scrolling CNN is government propaganda trying to spit down your throat things that you do not need to hear nor are they even true CNN is preparing Joey at Camp David with all the questions they are fake news media, spitting government propaganda>> <<@Brave2standalone says : 1) Robert Muller was investigating "The Russia Gate" against Trump and his legitimacy wasn't challenged, that's true. The reason is that AG Bill Bar was a Republican and being Trump's own AG who appointed special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is also Republican. So, it was INTERNAL INVESTIGATION within the same party and Trump knew Bill Barr wouldn't allow any illegalities. 2) It's like if the Biden's AG Merrick Garland would investigate Joe Biden via Jack Smith. Biden could challenge that appointment but why would he? He knows the AG Garland 'has his back'! 3) So, Garland appointing a 'special prosecutor' to investigate a political opponent from another party without the consent of Congress and Senate is ILLEGAL and it should be challenged. And Jack Smith wasn't even active "US Attorney" as required by law.>> <<@kayaphus4303 says : Judge Cannon's home and family address is online. You have the power to change the future. If you arent willing to be a hero, who will?>> <<@legaleeblonde4310 says : The judges that want her to recuse are demonrats. Lol. Miami courts are run by them.>> <<@legaleeblonde4310 says : This is nuts! The judges that persecuted Trump were asked to recuse too for obvious conflicts, but dims refuse to acknowledge that. She's not bought and paid for.>> <<@robertodavila3724 says : Trump Derangement syndrome at its finest.>> <<@barbartel9398 says : Well stop being hypocrites!! The NY judge couldn’t have been more bias.>> <<@JeffreySmith7777 says : America's southern border.>> <<@kingscotimus says : We Democrats have to do whatever we need to do to steal another election.>> <<@RobertaGold-v3w says : Hilarious you all cry about her but not the dem judges in trumps other cases!😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭 harder>> <<@daiton-jon-f8179 says : Woh two judges "urged'' Cannon to recuse herself one for a ridiculous reason to do with physical proximity and another implying a bias. Hmm Merchan and Engoron are demonstrably biased as they're Democrat party donors and did they step down? Did CNN run a hit piece on them?>> <<@jamesnap601 says : CNN NEEDS TO PAY TRUMP FOR THIS DEBATE . THEY ARE A SINKING SHIP THIS WILL GET MORE VIEWS THEN THEY HAVE HAD COMBINED ALL SHOWS ALL YEAR.>> <<@oscarescarsega5355 says : she won[t step down she has to protect her god trump. Doing everything in her power to protect him.>> <<@aso1190 says : Get a job.>> <<@aso1190 says : Biden is too dimwitted to stand trial for stealing classified documents when he was a senator and then selling them to his publisher.>> <<@andrewpinson1268 says : You can bet your arse that CNN would not put a reporter from the NYT on air if he had not said that. CNN and MSNBC search high and low for those "hate Trump" experts.>> <<@wowzers0_070 says : Other Florida judges wanted a crack at being in the spotlight and tried to convince her to step down, more news at 7. CNN is just about as bad as a news network as you can have. Infowars is CNN-tier.>> <<@daiton-jon-f8179 says : She "REFUSED !!" Oh the CNN innuendo and drama !!! 😂😂😂 The reasons for her to recuse were what? Oh nothing near as bad as Judge Engoron the Dem donor who valued Maralago at a puny $18 million, the one with with the Tweet deleting wife who openly hates Trump and Judge Merchan the Dem donor with the daughter who raises money for Biden !! Give me a freeking break 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 !!!>> <<@aglady4032 says : Get Her Fired She Doesn’t Know What She Is Doing Who in The World Hired Her They Should Be Embarrassed About Doing This… they Have Ruined There History That They Worked Hard To Get Is Now Bcuz of this Lady Cannon Is GONE Forever WOW PLEASE 11th DISTRICT STEP IN and get this LADY CANNON OUT NOW immediately she is out of Control and embarrassing all Judges and Lawyers of the USA. She needs to be Evaluated Now …. On her Behavior is CRAZY WOW this is so Sad for Judge’s are In Florida and the USA….>> <<@opulencemoneywealthmeditat4358 says : This case is a joke, purely political. We all know Biden wasn’t allowed to take classified documents as a vice president but there are boxes full of them next to his Corvette>> <<@xpresident says : Biden administration so wanted another gag order for the leading candidate for President. lol>> <<@geraldf.1222 says : IF Alvin Bragg ( George Soros FUNDED ) can RUN on "Getting Trump AND Prosecute Trump, THEN Judge Canon can ALSO take Trump's Case. Hey, Progressives/Liberals/Democ-RATS, EAT IT!>> <<@drumbummpops7618 says : CNN is the most trusted fake news network.>> <<@Impozalla says : It is clear that Cannon is doing Trump's bidding. Even though two conservative judges came out to advisor to not take the case, she decided to take the case on the behest of Donald Trump's orders. We should not be surprised at all at how many favorable rulings she gave Trump's lawyers.>> <<@malibudreams2873 says : She’s doing a horrible job. She should be removed.>> <<@Brave2standalone says : WHY ROBERT MULLER WAS ILLEGALLY APPOINTED! (2019) ===================================================== "Boston University School of Law Scholarly Commons at Boston University School of Law Faculty Scholarship 11-2019 Why Robert Mueller’s Appointment As Special Counsel Was Unlawful Gary S. Lawson - Boston University School of Law Steven Calabresi - Northwestern University - Pritzker School of Law" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The same goes for Jack Smith!>> <<@larryp5024 says : Judge Cannon will go down in history as a patriotic hero.❤>> <<@TheWayouy says : Scoop, Bomb Shell, dirt,Woke Joke CNN. Judges talking to media. Think if you're not indoctrinated>> <<@Brian1Graves says : She is clearly a traitor.>> <<@randyjohnson2087 says : CNN has reached the bottom of the barrel>> <<@gtp65 says : Theater for the masses.>> <<@vimmentors6747 says : How do we feel about judges who are major donors to the Democratic party and whose daughter makes her living working for the Democratic party?>>