<<@GloriaPena-fb6vk says : Why was Biden allowed to bring notes to the debate ?? I saw him with a pen in his right hand checking off a list that theyโ€™ve covered.>> <<@user-we3lc6ov3w says : CNN moderators didn't fact check Trump once during the debate. What does CNN stand for again? Conservative News Network? What an awful news organization>> <<@georgepowe4898 says : Well, if you haven't already known about it for a few years I guess you do now. If you have any braincells left that is. The government has been lying to us again. This time about something of epic importance, the health of our President. The way they've been shooting him full of drugs and propping him up is felony abuse of the elderly and they should be punished. If they will lie to us about something this important it makes you wonder what else they've been lying to us about. CNN tried to rig this debate by setting never before seen oppressive rules in order to deter President Trump from accepting their invitation. But it backfired on them in a devastating manner. The government lies and corruption have seen the light of day. Biden and Harris are both just visible puppets while unknown and unelected communist some bodies have been running this once great nation into the dirt for the last three and a half years. (Wonder who they are). The cat is out of the bag now for all of the people that are not too brainwashed to see it. And like him or not everything Trump has said over the last eleven and a half years has proven to be the truth. Sadly, it has also proven our current government and mainstream media to be collaborating, lying, propaganda spouting traitors to our nation and people.>> <<@msmolyneux3169 says : CNN hosted the worst debate in history.>> <<@erics7226 says : Sympathies to CNN after the slaughter of their candidate and their moderators.>> <<@ShinKamaitachi says : I bet they're going to talk over Trump again like the town hall. 0:33 who wants to bet they're going to get a guy who sounds like Biden wearing one of those CIA disguises that looks like joe. Seriously if Joe talk for more than 5 minutes coherently then something's up. 0:43 I also feel like CNN commentators are going to talk over Trump when he's talking and not Joe.>> <<@eddieob4795 says : No clear front runner ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚what a joke this CNN is๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@franklicary3407 says : Liar. Trump is clearly going to win with 320 electoral votes.>> <<@metalmilitia1096 says : Trump 2024 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ>> <<@danielroberts6212 says : CNN had probably shared the questions with Biden.>> <<@stephaniechristine308 says : CNN = Communist News Network ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž>> <<@willman9567 says : Wish they were not using CNN. Trump will be debating the commentator while Biden gets questions about which ice-cream he likes. Wish they would do a long format style conversation instead. With an independent commentator. This will just be a bunch of gotcha attempts and gaslighting. I will not be watching. Over that bs.>> <<@durandr1 says : So boring, shouldโ€™ve let Bobby on the stage. Even if you donโ€™t like the guy it wouldโ€™ve made for a more interesting debate. Trump, Biden, CNN cowardly behavior>> <<@michaelangelo9119 says : Wasn't there a CNN debate where Donna Brazile leaked the questions to Hillary? Will CNN unethically do it again?>> <<@michaelangelo9119 says : I will watch the debate with interest. What is with Biden thinking he inherited 9% inflation saying so 3 times in a week. Crazy!!! Will Biden apologize for lying as he massively did in the last debate? No one defunded the police but Trump? Hunter never made a cent in China? The laptop was Russian din-information? Massively unethical. Is he saving the soul of the nation? No, Biden represents a threat to democracy. Joe is mentally and ethnically compromised. The Biden family laundered money through 20 LLC's? Biden never takes responsibility.>> <<@3dbunkers says : Trump blows away Biden on intelligence and integrity unless your brainwashed by CNN>> <<@3dbunkers says : CNN is wicked by not allowing other networks to air the debate. Maybe they have the kill switch when Biden gets lost on stage>> <<@Amarok-p6l says : The absolute worst presidential canidates in the history of the United States.>> <<@tinablanton9046 says : I love trump i have a trump hat on my head and a trump sign on my porch cnn will protect joe tho>> <<@seetheforest says : CNN sux>> <<@CharlesDarwinBarkley says : everything about this debate is for biden's advantage.. It's going to be moderated by the most bias news station CNN>> <<@jeffnay6502 says : Instead of the leftist loonies at CNN handing hidden Biden all the questions and the answers. How about the candidates ask each other questions??? That way neither side will have the questions and answers provided to them by CNN moderators before the debate.>> <<@stevezuspann4711 says : What are the odds that Biden and Trump are treated very different by a moderator who has repeatedly refersed to Trump as "Hitler", all while pushing falsehoods. Biden is currently memorizeing the answers to CNN questions which he has been given along with a complete blood transfusion of the blood of children( a bit of hyperbole) No point to watch this. Why watch Biden who is hopped up on drugs? Putin would be more trustworthy than CNN. Sad, pitiful and pathetic journalistic integrity will be on display.>> <<@spdbggy9675 says : A network who had to was sued and had to settle out of court for the Nick Sandman incident should not be allowed to moderate a presidential debate. Unless top intelligence officials wrote a letter. Or the Hillary campaign paid for a dossier on the matter.>> <<@horizonsblue says : Biden has been in politics most of his adult life. He has made a [very handsome] living off of tax payerโ€™s dollars during that time. So has his family members. Thatโ€™s FACT. I donโ€™t like Trump as a person, but I will vote for him if Biden is the other choice. Our county has experienced so many economic, immigration and crime issues since he took power. Inflation is out of control. Mortgage rates are insane. Seeing the Biden administration attempt to act tougher on immigration a few months shy of of the next election doesnโ€™t sway me an inch. Too little, too late. Itโ€™s also an insincere, political attempt to preserve power from the party that has literally fโ€™d up our economy. If you paid a financial company to manage your finances or retirement and they lost your money, you would fire them. Rich or poor. Left or right. Itโ€™s probably time for even Trump haters to vote for him, if anything to teach the current left that they need to shift. Crazy stuff.>> <<@jamalex says : Let RFK debate!!!>> <<@commander_software says : Time to end BIDENIGRATION!>> <<@CoachNaylorTV says : if you agree with Letting in Terrorists and ILLEGAL aliens equal to 23 times the population of Alaska in 3 years and recieving 24 million dollars filtered through 20 companies from china, Russia, ukraine, then you can go to jail with biden as well>> <<@ky4821 says : Need rfk there>> <<@CoachNaylorTV says : Just got done watching the latest Biden impeachment hearing! Biden doesn't stand a chance. Look at the country and world when Trump was president vs Biden. Biden should be in prison. the senate has caught Biden in lies and presented factual proof with evidence that Biden has been colluding with and receiving money from the Chinese communist party, Russia, and many other countries. The country is worse than it has ever been in history under Biden. 17 million illegal immigrants let in! That is 23 times the population of Alaska! and it is just the beginning. America is for AMERICANS! you can become American legally! Homeless veterans sleeping in bushes while Biden gives illegal terrorist free money and hotels. What a joke! That include terrorists from countries all over the world! Literally entire prisons and mental institutions are emptied into America from countries around the world and all they have to say is that they are seeking asylum(If they even get questioned.) Biden's most recent executive order limits to 2500 per day(nearly 1 million per year.) Either Biden supporters are terrorists themselves or have not done the correct research by checking government websites to read executive orders and/or watched Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, which are on YouTube! Wake up and go learn the facts before believing ANY news station who lean either way! The only reason Biden is not in jail is because he is a "well meaning elderly man with poor memory" and this is who you support?>> <<@IntelligenciaX says : What about RFKjr in debate? He has significant numbers, but ignored by media? Odd. Whether you like him or not, the media silence is is bizarre.>> <<@mjohnsimmons says : "Bring in the guilty SOB and let's give him a fair trial" CNN>> <<@LGarci3 says : The fact the biden hasn't gained any voters from last election but only lost it to Trump only tells you people are tonstarting to only care about policy and economy of the country>> <<@OO-ud2if says : Definitely voting for Former President Donald J Trump ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ to save the USA from destruction!๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ>> <<@drstone1167 says : Letโ€™s not forget that ๐Ÿ”ด CNN Fake News Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, repeatedly showed nasty bias against former President Donald Trump during previous network remarks. Tapper and Bash will co- host and moderate the CNN presidential debate Thursday night between Trump and Biden. Tapper and Bash bias will be on full display Thursday night. One thing CNN fake news will have is the best viewer numbers in 20 years since they only average 540,000 viewers in Prime Time based on Nielsen numbers.>> <<@Murdok1889 says : These have to be the most fake comments of any channel. Every comment is pro biden... yeah right... CNN making it so obvious>> <<@cptcaveman9183 says : Biden sucks...>> <<@ArielSMondragon-cx5ot says : Trump president 2024>> <<@lifeisgood8290 says : Trumnp, make history and elect a VP Democrat. You will win.>> <<@beeweb1137 says : "Debate prep" : Trying to teach Joe how to string a coherent sentence together enough to where CNN makes it look like he isn't a complete moron.>> <<@LoireValleyChateaux says : Pres Trump's debating THREE far left radicals. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™>> <<@LoireValleyChateaux says : Biden WON'T take a dope test! ๐ŸŽช๐Ÿคก๐ŸŽช>> <<@josephross7936 says : Why does Biden need a week for a 90 minutes debate? Doesnt Biden still have a real job of begin The President and President things?>> <<@SylvanTuck says : Jake Tapper should not be allowed to host this debate. He is the biggest Trump hater!!! Just Google jake tapper vs Trump.>> <<@Littlecarneg20 says : *TRUMP WILL WIN AND HE WILL BE PRESIDENT* Biden has destroyed the economy and America as a whole. CNN is a fraud news channel they are a Democratic and will only show you stuff they want you to see instead of the whole truth.>> <<@Theotheruniverse00000 says : They keep telling us Trump is Hitler or an evil dictator who wants to take away our democracy. But I wonder if any of them has considered what that means for Joe Biden. It means he had three years to prove himself to the country and needs a team of advisors working around the clock for several weeks to help him convince us that he would be a better choice than Hitler.>> <<@MC-ct3pe says : We appreciate your help helping Trump win. Thank you! TRUMP 2024 โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ FJB!>> <<@scottyp947 says : Biden can sum his up in 2 words "Made in America.">> <<@SteveMeade-mq6mv says : Biden already has the questions, that's a given.>> <<@sgtb3691 says : CNN is the enemy of the people.>>