<<@rainbowbudgies1129 says : Sign the recall petition.>> <<@Hemidakota says : REFORM CALIFORNIA - The DNC Party rigged elections due to not enough voters. It is the apparent problem here...>> <<@Hemidakota says : Corporations should sue the governor and the state assembly for damages. You enact the law, you are responsible for the law. Personal lawsuits against those who enact the illicit laws.>> <<@shereerockdaschel9301 says : They need to investigate Gavin Newsom he’s dirty dirty dirty.>> <<@TylerDurden916 says : Newsom is trash. So are his supporters.>> <<@budperez2921 says : Want to fix this? Vote Red! Sign the recall>> <<@ahgongchiu2213 says : Vote damn Democrats have consequences, enjoy>> <<@rickcoleman8903 says : You have to ask why Newsome wants excessive crime? These criminals aren't voting so shame on democrats wanting to ruin their state because of democrats propaganda>> <<@GRNbuilder925 says : Vote for lesser evil>> <<@brotherbruns2989 says : People in California need to wake up. The people voted not to become a Sanctuary State and the State Government did it anyway. The California State Government does not work for the people - they work for their own interest, and they don’t care about the consequences you suffer as a result of their bad legislation and policies, and they frame it as though it was your decision because a small minority of people contributed to the politician’s campaign coffers.>> <<@DarlaDietz says : CA has the dumbest law! Their dumb laws are forcing people to leave the state.>> <<@9aguirre says : Wait, but why are the looters all blacks? I am made to understand by the media that they are victims in society. Could this be a lie?>> <<@mya5980 says : THANK YOU Representative Kiley for giving us the TRUE FACTS about Gaven Newsom‼️>> <<@suseyq4559 says : Who’s giving him tips, Nancy?>> <<@frostygoob1508 says : Gavanewscum>> <<@kimm123 says : Cali has becoming an anarchy since newsom took over. Never ever vote for him as president, because the whole America is going to be California if he take office.>> <<@ericbrittain3370 says : Newsom is the worst Governor calif has ever had !!! He’s destroying our state !!!!>> <<@cookielapaz8927 says : The laws are deterrents to stop criminals from committing crimes. Why wouldn't Newsom want to endorse a bill that discourages theft😮>> <<@cookielapaz8927 says : These are obviously organized crime rings. Same people are seen in California neighborhoods stealing from parked vehicles, mailboxes, and doorsteps. Then a waiting or cruising vehicle picks them up. Why isn't the FBI and DOJ going after these crime rings. Police have access to the license plates and these repeat offenders.>> <<@ozarkcharlie9331 says : Commiefornia is a shytt whole.. The politicians are fkn criminals. The voting system is rigged to hi heaven>> <<@renesteitz8613 says : Everytbing is free unless youre a hard working citizen then youre slammed with crazy costs!!!!!>> <<@renesteitz8613 says : Wish we had Mr Kiley in our district, which we lost Nunes really hurt!!>> <<@fredarobertsonhall1532 says : Newsom is ruining our beautiful state.>> <<@jimmycain8669 says : Why doesn’t California abolish prisons and let all the prisoners loose on the people to increase the crime rate?>> <<@antoninababiy753 says : He destroy America land most beautiful state>> <<@Paul11B2P says : Yup.>> <<@rodpalm6398 says : This is right after Newsom went to the border and pretended, he put the National Guard down there which was a complete and total LIE. Newsom is a disgusting joke who works for Globalists at the UN Globalist regime.>> <<@HollyMoore-wo2mh says : gruesome is also the one that spent $1 BILLION in ch!na for masks (that no one saw) during the ch!nese v!rus.>> <<@suesanders3000 says : Newsom needs to be Arrested for crimes against the CITIZENS of California!!!>> <<@mauricenunez73 says : Newsom is a dictator. If you don’t like the way he runs the state, you have to pay a special flee tax. Those who stay, are for this. Total lunacy!!>> <<@michellet6227 says : Next lets talk about PG&E>> <<@richierich440007 says : Unbelievable at best 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫>> <<@laurenglass4514 says : The people in California are either on drugs or billionaires that are elitist communists.>> <<@kalog0220 says : Very evidence to dump Democrats.>> <<@bobortiz4704 says : Never gave us a vote to become a sanctuary state!! And we're flipping the bill for them! He's now pushing a bill if grocery store's have to give resident's 6 months warning before leaving or else resident's can Sue them!! We've tried to recall him 3 times but never goes thru!! And tax payers get to pay for his campaign!! And he wants to become PRESIDENT!! If this happens we're all in trouble!!>> <<@cynthiap1927 says : Who pays? Me. Everywhere.>> <<@jancoley9051 says : Dirty Newson>> <<@chrisfisher1100 says : Every illegal voting Newsome for President>> <<@debbiebrog8598 says : Never vote for newsome gruesome if you want a decent country. Man is pure evil.>> <<@johnreese4377 says : Voters choice, keep voting for pro criminal politicians who passed pro criminal policies and laws.>> <<@badcat5667 says : Idk doesn't seem like a crime when politicians and police are letting them get away with it ‼️ I feel for shop owners but they need to get together with citizens like minded & do something about it ‼️ I believe there are dumb voters but the way these politicians cheat.... ‼️Newsome is as dirty as they come ‼️🙏⚖️🇺🇲🦅>> <<@stacy8128 says : Letting these animals take whatever they want with no jail time is just ignorant. Newsom is just disgusting.>> <<@christineedelen9141 says : He doesn't know where $24 BILLION WENT MISSING...THE MONEY WAS FOR POOR HOMELESS PEOPLE AND THE ONES FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO A CAMP SOMEWHERE 😢>> <<@scottw5315 says : I'm not sure why democrats celebrate criminals but it's clear that is the case. Democrats in California will blink eventually as hundreds of thousands of productive citizens move out every year. Who am I kidding? Democrats will never change. Even animals don't sh-- where they sleep.>> <<@LorenKadison says : This is what we in California have to deal with the bait with one bill then thay change it without notice get the trash out of office>> <<@jkalibeelz4339 says : What a total sleezebag. All of them involved Public safety should be top priority no matter political party.. Watch out for the black bills where they add the reckless after a bill pass.. like fill in the blanks the public will never ever know.. look it up..>> <<@ICallItAsItIs says : If anything, Newsom should go to jail for losing over 40 billion of our tax dollars that was supposed to go to our homeless problem. Where the hell did the money go you crook???!!!>> <<@Renaudio says : 4:25 You are right! But we have to be wise and not vote for him for anything. 5:24 He is evil that is why. I wish people would see this. He releases the worst criminals early then he takes away our right to defend ourselves. Gavin Newsom hates us and he loves evil people.>> <<@gordonadams4793 says : The majority of looters would appear to be BLACK in CALIPORNIA>> <<@jerrypeal653 says : Glad I don’t run one of these business . They cause this ad will eventually have solutions but at a cost of peoples rights>>