<<@idahograybeard3292 says : Watch the impact of this story when it comes to reality in six months.>> <<@ChristineHannahs says : The globalist's wanted WW III and Biden got the ball rolling for for them. Should help the depopulatin agenda along nicely.>> <<@garyweston3269 says : Like him or not, Putin is making rational decisions based upon the overt behavior of the US and EU. At least he isn't turding his pants in public and on camera. 😂>> <<@Non-Serviam300 says : Biden is also an ally of China: China works with Central American drug cartels to flood the American border with weaponized illegals. So China is working both the U.S. and Russia.>> <<@robsomething7470 says : That slick back hair style like he got to much grease up there, that's a MFing Reptilian!!!>> <<@jrranch9712 says : The demon-crats and liberalism are purposely ruining this country.>> <<@akshonclip says : Buck Foe Jiden>> <<@MrGoyabeans21 says : With iran and north korea they might have a team>> <<@suasponte8363 says : There's only one reason they're doing this. Trump isn't the president!>> <<@Insertednmatrix says : Biden is the "Great Unifier." No one else could have brought these countries together the way he has.>> <<@phloxie says : there is no "usa", its called "greather israel" and yes the goyim knows>> <<@simonandga says : Never back a wildcat into a corner.>> <<@Two_Waters says : Joe Biden and his minions are the reason Russia, China, North Korea, and Vietnam are meeting. They see that the United States has a week and incompetent president.>> <<@QuantumPyrite_88.9 says : And still , the current administration makes no overtures for a possible peace plan and end to the war in Ukraine.>> <<@sojmike4761 says : None of this would've happened under trump..not even the Ukraine invasion..trump actually made peace with north Korea and Kim stopped testing icbms over the sea of Japan..ain't it crazy that the lefties are all for war now..I thought they were against the war machine>> <<@armyvet8279 says : Monica is 🔥>> <<@RMGCBG says : They will crush Biden's America in days. Hopefully they understand American citizens aren't part of Biden's madness.>>