<<@BmobileMarketing says : I’m sorry, but these guys look like slobs - not FBI agents. Where’s the professional dress code? These guys look like they’re here to work on your roof. Shouldn’t they be in reasonable shape ? Man, this country has gone so far downhill !>> <<@Heinsalu says : Where is the Texas Governor???>> <<@lisalynch629 says : Life in prison for child mutilators>> <<@lisalynch629 says : FBI now kgb>> <<@markgentry5319 says : Next time you see men at your door don’t answer it, if they have a warrant there going to come in anyway>> <<@beasaroseco5840 says : Its the same depopulation agenda.>> <<@joecolumbia5104 says : FBI the goon squad of the DNC.>> <<@reginac5488 says : Sue the pants off of the FBI agents! This is shameful, evokes so much anger in me. FJB!>> <<@Bramon83 says : LETS GO RANGERS>> <<@Hemidakota says : First of all, what are their names? Intimidation is not tolerated, nor will these actors from a rogue agency have any immunity in the state of Texas. Their offices can be shutdown and told to leave the state. Second, unless they have a warrant, close the door and tell them to leave the premises or face arrest. Third, stand your ground. She is correct in blowing the whistle.>> <<@alanb287 says : Obama's KGB. Barry, trans will never be normal. Can you say "Michael"?>> <<@GolfIsFun69 says : The FBI lmaooooooo>> <<@elizabethkim3740 says : Crazy...>> <<@CS-en5xz says : This should have never been a thought, much less an actual headline>> <<@frankiek2269 says : Scumbags!! Crooks with badges!>> <<@graphguy says : Never let the fbi in your house. If they don’t have a warrant, tell them to leave.>> <<@graphguy says : Jammie is the face of satanic orientation? EOS>> <<@graphguy says : Jammie is the face of satanic orientation? Woa>> <<@nancyd1432 says : Biden, Obama, FBI and many other institutions are corrupt and need to go now.>> <<@carlburris9158 says : I pray our great father of the ages will stretch out his mighty hand against all federal entities and that there curses fall on them there families in all aspects of there lives that they repent and undo there evil. Glory and hallelujah>> <<@Crypto209Stockton says : Donald Trump 2024>> <<@crobinson2987 says : Lawfare is not just for political rivals of the ruling class its for all Americans who dare to speak out against the evil that has become the US government.>> <<@americangirl8970 says : FBI has gone completely rogue if this is their focus instead of the criminal aliens flooding the country under Biden.>> <<@SuzieQue42 says : TRUMP COULD PARDON THEM!!! ❤ MAGA 2024>> <<@dana8567 says : These agents should be ashamed of themselves!>> <<@djomegaminus says : Have you ever considered that we should not be fighting homosexuality, abortion, and transgenderism but in fact be celebrating them for taking their genes out of the gene pool?>> <<@Cypher84X says : Never talk the the bundles of sticks>> <<@hatachikoi-chickasawnation6711 says : They came to the door looking like slobs, then quickly displayed his ID, most likely fake. Don't come to my door with Cheeto dust on you.>> <<@hollymauk8008 says : Since when do FBI agents show up looking like chubby losers?>> <<@colinhopkins3676 says : F in disgusting>> <<@josephbingham1255 says : They wanted her to step outside because they did not have a warrant. What the Doctors did at the children's hospital sounds like what hospitals did during Covid. It's not about health. It's about money. The trust between people and the heath care system was ruined back them. This type of thing widens the gulf.>> <<@user-vt1ix6tn8f says : Never, never talk to the FBI without a lawyer present.>> <<@JCarlos.556 says : _Thank you so much Nurse Vanessa for exposing this travesty. God protect you. When did the FBI turn into the Fruit-Gestapo?_>> <<@Bay0Wulf says : Not sure which is creepier … Buddy Buddy Fed Boyz or … Full On Feebie SWAT. I DON’T CARE what kind of LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) you are … NO Warrant? NO Problem! You can Sit on the Curb by the Street!!! You’re TRESPASSING and I’m going to have to Claim the “Castle Doctrine”.>> <<@stevenmonson5149 says : Smiling faces hides the evil behind them F.B.I.>> <<@jkim92677 says : So much for keeping whistle blowers safe. Why would anyone wanna do the right thing and report wrongdoings?>> <<@royal9848 says : Do NOT step out, don't shake their hands, they can and will pull you out. Without a warrant, tell them to leave your property and close the door! If 2 kgb pukes say you said bolt and you claim you said nail, whom do you think a fed judge will believe. Then they have you for lying to a fed. You will never win and become bankrupt fighting the feds!>> <<@bigbamafan19591959 says : Until our government agencies,judges,DA’s and politicians face charges for targeting the average citizen and President Trump our nation is in danger of falling into chaos, which is exactly what the demonic democrats want>> <<@terrifictomm says : DON'T STEP OUTSIDE!! Don't talk to the police! EVER!!>> <<@greg33033 says : a pattern and practice of this administration is intimidating opponents, i.e. trump, j6'ers. our federal bureaucracy is now at the point of being an enemy to the free state. and very much should be treated as such. never talk to a federal, or for that matter any other law enforcement officer without legal counsel. they are not your friend, nor are they trying to help you. chekc your miranda rights?>> <<@tdw5933 says : Soviet Star Chamber>> <<@OldDogNewTricksJoey says : They have always been the CONFEDERATE government kkk and British crown society>> <<@lisasheline5406 says : Land of lawlessness.>> <<@V1Z13R says : Law enforcement has shown it's colors these last few years. They are enemies of the Republic. "Protect and Serve" has been replaced with "just following orders.">> <<@sandman38111 says : I'm going to go on record saying, that I have never had problems with gays and lesbians. Let's be honest has anyone ever had gays or lesbians give them problems? I can say never. These people get up get dressed go to work just like I do I have worked side-by-side with lesbians I have worked side-by-side and critical situations with gay people and we have functioned as a team. If everything turned out well we gave each other high fives and Pat's on the back if everything turned out bad we dried each other's tears and got each other something to drink. I don't care what you do in the privacy of your bedroom by yourself or with another consenting adult or multiple adults, as long as children are not involved and no small fuzzy creatures are injured. We all have our kinks.. I damn well know I do, but here's the thing. Number of years ago an East Tennessee mayor was explaining to the citizens of his community no one is saying that you can't sit on your front porch and no one is saying that you can't own a sofa you just can't bring your sofa out on the front porch anymore The analogy said, while I keep my kinks safely locked in the bedroom, the transsexuals want to bring their kinks on on the front porch. Furthermore they want to set up blinking lights fireworks and streamers so that everyone sees their kinks on the front porch, and they want us to pay homage to them. And they want me to bring my kinks out on the front porch too. Then they want to check out my kinks, and say Evan those are some pretty impressive kinks you got there buddy !! I think you should get into a pretty dress or maybe some Daisy dukes and we'll go prancing around together !!. I don't see that at least not with the gay people that I have been associated with in my life. So if my kinks make me mentally ill, transsexuals are so mentally ill and they and their supporters are so damn narcissistic they feel it's perfectly okay to make other people feel uncomfortable and to steal Glory in athletic competitions. And no matter how much and how many people say look, you're bringing your sofa on the front porch, they simply don't care. And they respond by bringing the entire broyhill collection.. I've been trying to get the studio Ghibli for the last 45 minutes but I keep running into stupid people doing stupid things. So now I'm going to shut up and I'm going to go directly to studio Ghibli and chill everybody have a nice Sunday I hope you have a great week coming up and take care of yourselves oh.. so queer eye for The straight Guy folks, Welcome to the White House !! Stay away from that woman she's bad news. Vote for Donald Trump in November we conservatives are not going to put you in a concentration camp, we like you, and I'll breathe my last breath defending you, as I will breath my last breath defending the Jews these campass terrorists want to bees are harassing and threatening to kill. Jesus do I need studio Ghibli my head hurts, first it was something stupid then it was something dumber and before this it was idiot saying well I don't really think anything is wrong with taking classified documents as long as Joe Biden did it.. yes there is something wrong with it what the hell's wrong with you for thinking that there's nothing wrong with it ? Please America stop being stupid Bye>> <<@pabloandboomerdoggie3375 says : Let's go Brandon 🎉>> <<@mamamia4183 says : 👏👏👏👏👏👍>> <<@jeepnj2502 says : The FBI is no longer what we were taught it was. Its not like it was on tv. The single biggest case with most money spent wasnt drugs, or bombings, or child trafficking rings. It was investigating ppl to stick w jan 6 charges. They exist now to protect the government from accountability, and prosecute thought crime. Not stop/solve crime against citizens.>> <<@jeepnj2502 says : Of course. Shes threatening the cash cow of lifelong medical dependence. This operation comes w the benefit of sterilizing the patient and convincing them its their own idea.>> <<@mikecavossa6450 says : Does the medical community believe themselves to be above the law? These people are ruthless and evil and need to be stopped for the children!>>