<<@yogirlsupa says : They are a bunch of Pharisees. You know, the people that Jesus rebuked publicly! Read your bible christian nationalist!!!!!>> <<@shanazhu2673 says : When the Lord Jesus returns he will remember all those who rejected him I choose Jesus he is the only way the only truth and the only life no one gets to the Father except through Jesus>> <<@Times397 says : Louisiana: you have one of the worst education systems in America. Additionally, you are one of the poorest states in America. All this time, money, and effort was wasted on getting these idiotic bills passed? Cant you see your religious extremism has gotten you no where and you’re a laughing stock to the world??>> <<@sandracox4341 says : Don't Democrats always say the US is a democracy, not a constitutional republic? In a democracy, majority rules. 75% of Louisiana consider themselves Christian. 75% is a majority. So majority rules.😅>> <<@GeorgeChilds-s7n says : Are you talking about Donald Trump bang break Christian and all that You ain't no done Christian I'm not judging you but you show you ain't nothing but a fraud and a light You somebody that destroyed the people you like a snake You know a lot of time we all about real Christian and we ain't nothing but Satan>> <<@scotthodgin7494 says : Before you get to put up a document talking about gods, you first have to empirically demonstrate a God can even exist.>> <<@scotthodgin7494 says : What is Louisiana’s ranking in education compared to the rest of the country? This requirement will undoubtedly cost taxpayer’s money to defend in court and it seems like that money would be better served teaching actual education instead of religious mythology.>> <<@TheDangerous123dan says : Me, I'm perfectly ok with posting the 10 comments in schools. But she needs to admit it is a religious document. But does that make it wrong to post it? I grew up in a time where they were posted in our class. If this is seen as indoctrination, any teaching in our schools can be seen as indoctrination. So its about what values are going to be taught. But I'm also wondering, how many people who are against this have actually even read the 10 commandments? Thats where, imo, she needed to take this argument. Let's look at the 10 commandments and tell me which one's you have a problem with. You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make idols. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet.>> <<@AcidGubba says : Believers are so lost>> <<@LindaC-ze5ob says : A MUST See! And perhaps a great guest on CNN!? James Talarico speaks on You Tube, at his church, about the danger of Christian Nationalism. Omg! It will touch your heart, and blow you away! Watch it now!!>> <<@kevinjones-lr7po says : Well done … thank you for your open and well debated discussion.. I still believe church and state should be separated, but the ten commandments are just a set of rules, most of which are just common sense..like shall not Kill … that’s what I want my kids to see.. for a kid, that wasn’t even an option.. now it’s on the table.. thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife. That’s just what I want my kids to see. And think about at the age of five…. Come on people lighten up… :)>> <<@discoveringthegardenofeden7882 says : It is a good idea. All states should implement it.>> <<@dumbwaymane2295 says : Race religion and politics should never be discussed outsideof you mind, because no one will ever agree on either one.>> <<@dumbwaymane2295 says : Honestly, why would you put that stuff on a wall. When you have a religious choice. Make it make sense.>> <<@johnperrin6341 says : Abby Phillip is one of the worst journalists in all of America. She has absolutely no credibility and she is very racist>> <<@LeoDenzelJr says : India for Hindus Pakistan, Saudi and all for Muslims But, When it comes to Christian countries... It's for everyone.. You people should think of the plight of minorities in India and muslim states too.. They also have rights... You are showing secularism on their blood>> <<@Thedieseltechpro says : Im glad they are trying to bring some type of trie moral influence to kids instead of the woke ideology 😊>> <<@Penguins44 says : If “a Jewish teacher who choose to hang one of their own religious text on a poster in the classroom right next to the 10 Commandments, would do you have a problem with that? You mean a Jewish texts like the 10 Commandments next to the 10 Commandments? Where does this dingaling think that the 10 Commandments come from?? 🤦‍♂️>> <<@ashleychristine-ld3yj says : Christians would never. This is Gods word being used as a smoke screen. Christians wouldnt yoke anyone to the law. We know that salvation comes through grace and that Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. We reject claims this is Christian in nature and pass it to the Catholics to claim responsibility.>> <<@CarlosFernandez-et8uq says : "This woman is actually imposing her "Christian Nationalistic" views on everyone and then, refers to this bill as "moral values." She definitely shows her ignoramce in avoiding the fact that America's societal structure has many ethnics and religions. Interestignly, enought, it would have been interesting if CNN could have had a much more aggressive individual who would debate this issue. The guy on the left looked "catatonic," to say the least. Those idiotic Lousiana legislators have failed to effectively read what the United States Constitution has to say. Moreover, how can Donald J. Trump claims to believe in God when he has been proven to he a sexual predator in a court of law, as well, as a crimminal defendant"?>> <<@WillieGillespie says : Jesus is king lord and Savior in the end he gets the final word>> <<@gyrth4456 says : Those who are not of the Christian faith can hang their religious symbols in their own schools' classrooms and not be offended by Christian public schools or Christian charter schools hanging the 10 Commandments inside their classrooms.>> <<@akheem7515 says : What a diverse crowd behind Landry😁😂😂😂😂>> <<@mmaloney5333 says : These Christian Nationalists have got to go. 😂>> <<@ShebaHealth5667 says : God never never ever ment for churches to publicly display a religious text but ruther to live in and live by the text, this mean not pushing off a text in a display order but rather to live religiously and live holy loving and respecting all other people. This is what these religious Southern so called Christian people have never been able to do or accomplish and that is live there lives according to a holy religious biblical text.>> <<@angiesmith1675 says : What part of the Ten Commandments do they have a problem with? Because if either of them were a friend of mine I’d like to know if they have a problem with “Thou shall not steal, lie, covet they neighbors things, honor your mother and father ….” If you directly oppose those things the people in your life ought to be informed.>> <<@alanharris3575 says : Most just want the money God😢>> <<@michaeledwardskeaton9253 says : 2 Timothy 3:16 English Standard Version 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Its clear the stance of the left, and in my opinion, they are confused. I say yes display the 10 commands. There is no harm in displaying the 10 commands unless you want to allow breaking them. Then that is your problem, its ok to post them. It takes a mandate from leaders to show the 10 commandments in class rooms and everywhere. In my opinion.>> <<@DivinaeMisericordiae77 says : Well Done Louisiana!!! God bless you 🙏🙏 You are living up to the mantra printed on your currency: "In God We Trust!">> <<@Andy101-tm3hz says : Christian nationalism will eventually be on par with ISIS or Taliban!! Even Jesus Prophesied that in the end times that believers will start to kill us thinking they are offering a service to God.>> <<@badatpseudoscience says : Whether they realize it or not, Christion Nationalists are a group that wants the government to control Christianity.>> <<@Tanstaafl1976 says : Poverty, substance abuse/dependence, homelessness, the cost of living/housing, the need for immigration reform, and THIS is what Republicans spend their time on.>> <<@CarrieMyres says : She has no answers she's just babbling trying to dodge questions this is great>> <<@TheSweetScience123 says : 1st Century Christianity had NOTHING to do with politics.>> <<@kingkongchief1177 says : Republicans and Project 2025: Make America into a Christian version of Afghanistan.>> <<@joinordie2451 says : Its religious indoctrination plain and simple. Right wingers think it's their religious right to force their faith on others. I have been hearing them say this my whole life and I am 45.>> <<@lifeinthailand254 says : It’s a big step to the right direction.>> <<@NeangDeng says : 1868Msnbc history of>> <<@NeangDeng says : Walking with Theo's Childers running>> <<@NeangDeng says : Hold>> <<@TzeentchLord412 says : "You are giving me a scenario that cannot be specifically addressed without knowing more of the details." In other words, she has not taken the time to study any other religion but her own.>> <<@valeriejones3808 says : Also why display what you're NOT obeying them. Hypocrites>> <<@sashimichele4005 says : Smells like fascism!>> <<@henoketesfahun5024 says : Cnn and the devil are very made, accept Jesus everything is OK, this way this world the devil heating the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus said " this world heat me ">> <<@chicoj-r1906 says : CNN - STOP DELETING MY COMMENTS BECAUSE YOU DISLIKE WHAT I AM SAYING>> <<@wanderingseth says : Rename Louisiana 'Gilead' and be done with it. What an awful state!!>> <<@cynicallyyours61 says : Children have the right to choose what they believe. Religion and politics should be kept out of schools. But what do you expect from a nation founded by religious zealots and invaded by Fascists. Its funny how a minority has so much control over education and politics. Christian Nationalists are a minority but because of their tithing, they have a lot of money to throw around. Everyone else in the country needs to stand and make their voice be heard. Stupid ignorant right wingers. Freak show>> <<@LeahWilliams-gt4ud says : The fact that we can not keep the Ten Commandments shows us our need for Jesus. That was the purpose of the mosaic law.>> <<@anushkasekkingstad1300 says : Being fortunate to live in a secular country, one of the world’s best functioning democracies and taking our religious freedom very much for granted, I can’t imagine such a thing as a christian community or the horror of living in such a thing. It’s nothing short of a nonsense to suggest a link between christianity and respect for the law. In the US, crime and corruption are out of control, unlike in our overwhelmingly atheist country where our citizens really do respect our laws, giving us one of the world’s lowest crime rates. Never having read them or heard them, nobody in our family could name a single commandment ~ they’re a complete irrelevance. The bible promotes criminality, hatred, violence, intolerance, misogyny and bigotry. If you want to reduce your staggering levels of criminality, it might be worth putting your bibles away and practising common decency.>> <<@KevinSutherlin says : Old 0711 requesting support.>>