<<@markpacheco443 says : This is Gods workd. He belongs everywhere>> <<@Justin_Beaver564 says : The US is a secular republic with a clear separation of government and religion>> <<@allthewayfrom says : Very Christian of her to attack the host...twice!>> <<@allthewayfrom says : As I watched, I wondered why someone this ignorant and hostile should be allowed to vote. Then I remembered that she's an elected official!>> <<@melissafalconbridge7490 says : If you teach the 10 commandments to children they might ask why trump lies, cheats on his wives and spreads scandalous gossip. Obviously, trump violates those commandments.>> <<@froglevelfilms says : Jesus must be really proud of this one.>> <<@gwmpsp420 says : So Louisianans are wiser than historical scholars.😒🙄🤦🏻‍♂️>> <<@gwmpsp420 says : It’s not a historical document. It’s a poster. There is NO original copy of the Ten Commandments like there is of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. And having them posted in churches hasn’t seemed to influence some Christians.>> <<@chrisanderson7820 says : The law doesn't say it can't be posted upside down. Can it be printed in Hebrew or Aramaic? I mean they were the original languages after all. Which version of the Bible? So many questions ...>> <<@WAEVOICE says : If showing respect to elders is a bad thing, then how is respecting oneself any better>> <<@Noraori says : Yet we vote for these types of people she can’t even answer the questions properly.>> <<@oldguy4821 says : I applaud the state of Louisiana. I am old enough to remember this was normal to see it in the classroom. This CNN reporter is negligent to see even the Mayflower compact comes out of the Ten Commandments. The founding fathers didn’t put God in the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence because He was already included in the culture of that time. This CNN reporter does not understand the nature of our God>> <<@chancefio says : She clearly didn’t pay attention in school.. and it shows>> <<@HaydenB-v5u says : I am a strong supporter of the Ten Commandments being available to view in the classroom. The Ten Commandments is a historical document that has influenced culture of our nation since its founding. If anything, it can be displayed in a historical context. Having religious materials available to view does not equate to enforcing or establishing a specified religion. Separation of church and state does not mean withholding information. It is the student's and family's decision on how they wish to interpret or apply it or not.>> <<@kevent1823 says : Reagan Republican please vote off this crazy movement in oder to keep our democracy intact. God doesn't mean Jesus.>> <<@matthewharper8986 says : She's a glassy-eyed lunatic>> <<@Puzekat2 says : Louisiana has the second worst education system out of the 50 states. This is what they spend their time on.>> <<@marionthomson9171 says : Extreme Right wing Nutter>> <<@lisahickenbottom3239 says : She's hysterical! She should be a comic!! HOLY SHIT!! I can't stop laughing!!>> <<@langerthree3013 says : Speaking of "moral" lessons from the Bible, why don't they post the story from the Book of Genesis where two daughters get their father drunk and have sex with him (Genesis 19:31-35)? The kids would have so many questions!>> <<@user-mz1kt6iz4e says : Someone should have added to her Louisiana Commandments : Thou Shalt Not Drunkenly Wag Thy God-Given Teats In The Streets In Exchange For Cheap Plastic Beads!>> <<@joer1678 says : This country was formed by people wanting to escape religious persecution and then you have these nut jobs>> <<@cherylbingham3217 says : She forgot to not covet …>> <<@rich.j5308 says : She's a lunatic and there are far too many of them with power going to their heads. She immediately attacked the presenter rather than answer his question. She is absolutely pathetic.>> <<@cryptochris9001 says : Based>> <<@paulnupe1911 says : She is a great example of her low education levels in her state. She talks like a moron and can not think, like at all. I feel sorry for the people of Louisiana that have to deal with such a corrupt state leadership, if you can call it that.>> <<@andreacrawford3410 says : Karen alert>> <<@gabrielbruce4493 says : What a bully. The constant need to attack shows how much of a moral dead horse she’s riding. Jesus would be so yucked. 🤮>> <<@the5thYearSeniors says : Such a classless woman>> <<@the5thYearSeniors says : She doesn'y understand hypotheticals>> <<@the5thYearSeniors says : Stop agreeing with the loon that it is a historical document>> <<@the5thYearSeniors says : This lady is coo-coo for cocoa puffs>> <<@christianfonseca6227 says : If students start asking "what is adultery?" we'll know why.>> <<@chuckbakerthebrowniecamera5859 says : This ignorant law maker shows exactly what happens when coming from the near bottom of the barrel states that rank lowest on the education scale.>> <<@marcusjohnson1390 says : Their kids are starving and under educated, but hey>> <<@MichaelAdamo-s8d says : This is what's important to a state that ranks 49 in public education>> <<@ph1646 says : If the ten commandments are so important to her, why does she break one in the interview. She is "Coveting" the dollar bills in his wallet.>> <<@bonedar333 says : in god we trust could be attributed to any god. Ala, Vishnu , Hebrew or christian god. Fun fact wacky christians added one nation under god to the pledge of allegiance it was not in the original version>> <<@chemquests says : They act like this document has generic moral principles. The first 4 commandments demand belief, which has nothing to do with morality. As an unbeliever, I find it inherently amoral.>> <<@chemquests says : The “In God We Trust” wasn’t on money until the 20th century.>> <<@chemquests says : Many of us don’t want our kids exposed to that trash (Christian mythology).>> <<@Mouse01011 says : Ummmm, maybe this theocrat should place these 10 commandments in Mar A Lago as a 3rd grader would have NO freakin' clue what adultery is.>> <<@jefffoggymountainworkshop5021 says : How does education and poverty rank in Louisiana? Seems like mis spent money.>> <<@turtlesoup7130 says : God is likely not explicitly stated in the constitution because of a change in the definition of "religion." Religion, when it was written in the Bill of Rights, was in reverence of God. So God is in the constitution within the word "religion." Furthermore, the 10 commandments aren't specific to "an establishment of religion." Therefore, if a state wishes to post it in their schools, that would not be unconstitutional.>> <<@chrisatchley523 says : Imagine defending the 10 commandments in classrooms and then immediately coveting what someone else has "get some of that CNN money in my pocket" or however she said it. Definitely just a greedy, morally bankrupt pos>> <<@snicklefritzsnicklefritz5069 says : Post every doctrine of every religion as well as the ten commandments every version of them. Islam Buddhism Hinduism etc. Faith family and freedom all exist outside the government. Try imposing another religious doctrine on her kids, watch her go ballistic. She wants it posted but it may be unreadable due to type size, so why post it ?>> <<@jordanvyonder says : If you have to post something at least make it something good like the golden rule. I didn't honor my mother BECAUSE SHE WAS ABUSIVE!!!!!!>> <<@nathanross121 says : "We believe in faith, family, and FREEDOM." Does she even HEAR the words coming out of her own mouth?? Some of us don't need a magical sky daddy to tell us not to kill other people. Shut up you silly lady. 😂>> <<@sarawallace6696 says : As a Christian, the 10 commandments have no place being posted in classrooms. Schools already teach children good things (including morals) and no religion deserves priority in schools. Parents are responsible to teach religion to their children if they choose to, not the government and certainly not schools.>> <<@sheppy101 says : as mad as a box of frogs>>