<<@ChristopherSaindon says : This miserable.. disgusting racist POS election-stealing fake "President" is subhuman! It is *a lifelong evil sociopath who has disintegrated into a diaper-loading, shuffling, drooling vegetable!!*>> <<@randybennett5417 says : For the debate, Joe"s handlers may give him his final boost. It is anticipated that they will give Joe Biden, speed, before the debate to perk him up, but speed could kill him, as he has high blood pressure and arterial fibrilation at times. Obama is getting all he can out of Joe. Joe has stage 6 Dementia, he won"t know whats going on.>> <<@kathleenneville1515 says : The lies the lies are just so bad they really think we are stupid that we have no logic or common sense and they wonder why Main Stream Media is dying>> <<@Adrian-gn5bw says : Hilarious.You clowns own the MSM, newspapers, and the rest of the relics. You are NOT the go to for information anymore. The days of propanda are coming to an end. Too many more trusted sources>> <<@kimcissell1905 says : United Spot memes are spot on.>> <<@wenettehamilton7585 says : Cheap fake, deep fake, sneak fake.............😂😂😂😂>> <<@joenissan says : They’ve already played the originals back to back. They’re real.>> <<@louettesommers8594 says : KJP, is a total idiot.>> <<@gordonmills7798 says : Joe Biden has broken every rule in the book, to make himself and his family wealthy: Joe Biden is a despicable person who deserves to be incarcerated for the rest of his life to pay for his many crimes against the American people:>> <<@vincequinn8120 says : Biden:my butts been wiped>> <<@rodicaionescu3024 says : Putin has Hus best shrinks They know Biden is gone long time ago>> <<@Steven-s4k says : What about the LAPTOP ??!! Massive conspiracy to defraud the American people .51 intelligence agents weren't fooled. Hunter knew all along. Biden's are evil liers.>> <<@johnribail7426 says : Ain't happenin EVER CLEAR! To late for the democrats and thier remote control mannequin damage is done! Listen up come November let's fix the 81 million voters f-up! Make it happen>> <<@timboss-is8fw says : THERES NO COVERING UP THAT BIDEN ISNT FIT FOR BINGO>> <<@leinam4164 says : Yayaya mumbling>> <<@leinam4164 says : Biden sick. He forgot his secretary mayokias she’s to good make up her lies.>> <<@saulmadrileno8529 says : I want more John Wayne stories from sleepy joe 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@paulleckner8235 says : "Never interrupt your enemy when they are making mistakes." Napoleon Bonaparte.>> <<@peopleforpooping says : "Pay no attention to the puppet master behind the curtain, Joe is actually totally coherent and being picked on by mean ol' Republicans and it makes super angy and makes me have big cry-crys every night 😢" -the crap the entire democrat party is trying to force-feed everyone>> <<@Gspokane1 says : I believe a small conference room full of Bevis and Buttheads are really running this country.>> <<@bournonville13 says : Get joe to step Down..>> <<@dewaynedaniels8576 says : When has Biden ever given a 40 minute speech, Mr Potatoe Head?>> <<@angeodeleo says : Why this press Secretary is lying, her salary is paid with taxpayers money!>> <<@jcampbell1648 says : Traitor Barrack Obama introduced Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven’s Strategy and Oligarchy thug Cho Bai-Din has committed (1) destroying the US$ by printing trillions of $ America does not have (2) building a deep state of government agents that will go after everyday citizens to absorb the private sector (3) opening up the southern border of the United States to allow tens of millions of third worlders to come into the country. The Obama-Biden administrative regime has been destroying the American Dreams and turning the United States of America into a George Orwell 1984 totalitarian country. Those 45% of don’t care and don’t even go to vote Americans better wake up to do their parts whatever they can before The United States of America disappears on the planet Earth.>> <<@vickimontemayor3262 says : Biden is a slobbering pooping in his diaper lying traitorous pervert while Karine is lying every time her mouth moves. FJB. FKJP. FDEMOCRATS>> <<@jasper6988 says : you are the biggest cheap fake of this country>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : these are the people who want to control information on the internet. ...... so here we are folks............>> <<@sherivandenbusch4120 says : Nothing fake>> <<@aliciakroeker3360 says : Is potato head back at CNN now.>> <<@johncollins8304 says : Fauci is not a cheap fake, is he. He's a millionaire fake.>> <<@diamonddave16 says : Dainty Brian stelter is laughable>> <<@darlenegoodall7797 says : Why is the media covering up for this incompetent..lying. delusional person They knowbetter!>> <<@craciuncostin4611 says : Looser jean pierre, d..b b...h.Biden it s a looser>> <<@weewhorobin8202 says : 40 minute speech by Biden, never seen it 😂>> <<@Kimberlyslife47 says : They Know Joe has dementia and people ARE NOT seeing things This is REALLY happening and no matter what the left says there’s NO way to cover Joe’s failing mental capacity isn’t happening!>> <<@johncollins8304 says : Biden suffering from pre-onset rigor mortis.>> <<@melcooperman2073 says : maybe kjp could be the haitian press secretary when she leaves her present job in january.>> <<@Kat-fq4ei says : So KJP is saying Jill Biden, France President & wife, Veterans on DDay, PM of Italy & co, Pope, military on white house grounds, cadets whoever picked up Biden at ceremony, secret service, Obama are on all the cheap shot fake videos. Who made this up deceitful lie. Won't work as everyone knows. Biden is a frail old man who can't stand trial because of his diminished faculties according to the Hur Report. Did Pierre forget...>> <<@charlierigolini1153 says : I guess those short stairs on Air Force One are fake too Huh?>> <<@nadie2795 says : The people who rigged the last election are planning a repeat >> <<@BucksRuckus says : Cheap fake= Biden !>> <<@BucksRuckus says : Does she have eyeballs drawn on her eyelids?>> <<@bruceirving5106 says : IT AIN'T FAKE WHEN YOU SEE IT LIVE AS IT HAPPENS ...>> <<@jacklincoln7786 says : You are telling me that was the Prime Minister and NOT Vanna White turning a letter …. “I’ll have the last letter B for FJB”>> <<@richardstentz8984 says : All propaganda from Whitehouse they all Liars to American people>> <<@richardstentz8984 says : The Whitehouse thinks we are stuiped wow these stuiped people in Biden administration we all see Biden mental state he's not fit unbelievable democrats. Biden fucked up>> <<@kirk5030 says : Oi , Mophead, clean up in aisle number 4!!!>> <<@olderolderman4603 says : Jill said joe is fine behind closed doors 🚪🚪 .>> <<@S01DATT says : The so-called Mainstream Media is nauseating in their hyper partisan support for Biden and clear hatred for the opposition. No different from TASS or Pravda in the USSR!!!>> <<@randykelley380 says : She's a bold face liar. She's obviously never been around somebody who has dementia. Reality will set in soon. They won't be able to hide it much longer.>>