<<@SherylSchrantz says : ONLY ALBO And abnormal nut job greens would sell this b/s to Aussie and expect us to believe it!!>> <<@stevenmitchell7830 says : Ironically the biggest source of misinformation is the Labor party, that seeks to bring in misinformation laws to stop anyone challenging their misinformation.>> <<@buzz7927 says : The labor party never learn, who remembers when they said, they trust the Australian public to make the right decision on the Yes vote, well they were right the public did make the right decision but labor misread the people again. This is going to happen at the upcoming election The Australian people will decided what they want moving forward. A plan for the next 100 years or huge expense on solar panels and windfarms with a 20 year life expectancy. It is amazing how many labor politicians have outside interests in renewables. and we wonder why they push them. corruption is rife. I wonder why the Teals are also pushing renewables. could it be that Simon Holmes le court also has huge investments in renewables. Politicians are no better than motorcycle outlaw gangs, they just steal money legally.>> <<@alexdrake5048 says : With the A L P IF THEY LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT THEY ARE IDIOTS>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : Let's see big business SUPPORT THIS SCARE CAMPAIGN, cause it worked real well for his Racist Voice last time. A PECHALENT CHILD IN A MANS BODY. THE ONLY SCAM HERE IS GLOBAL WARMING !!!!>> <<@bb5147 says : Everything the current government does and says is absolute misinformation!!>> <<@DarrenForbes-cu4cj says : Grow up Albanese, and get the rest of your morons out of the sand pit.>> <<@RumperTumskin says : So how can one declare their own speech to be "political advertising and campaigns"?? Sounds like the ideal workaround>> <<@JimboJones-qn4wd says : WHY DOES NO ONE EVER ADDRESS THE FACT THAT LABOR WILL NEVER SUPPORT NUCLEAR BECAUSE THEY 100% RELY ON GREENS PREFERENCE TO EVER FORM GOVERNMENT!! YOU NEED TO START PUSHING THAT MUCH MORE AND TURN PEOPLE AWAY FROM VOTING FOR GREENS. GREEN VOTES WILL DETERMINE WHETHER LOBOR WINS AND WE WANT LESS GREENS IN THE SENATE!!!! SO STOP VOTING FOR GREENS!!!>> <<@JimboJones-qn4wd says : 1:47 - AMISH ALBO!!! SHE IS SUCH AN EFFING HYPOCRITE!!>> <<@JimboJones-qn4wd says : DO I NEED TO SAY ANYTHING MORE THAN LABOR WITHOUT GREENS = NO LABOR EVER AGAIN! THAT IS THE SOLE REASON WHY LABOUR WILL NEVER AGREE TO NUCLEAR!>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : Labor government lives under a rock>> <<@brendendyson8470 says : Typical hypocrite labor, fucking communists>> <<@camt8804 says : Dutton and his commie allies in the Nats are socialising our electricity grid. More government is not the answer!>> <<@PaulyDownUnder says : Nuclear is a no-brainer really, there's no other energy source that is comparable. For a country with vast supplies of Uranium, it's illogical to not take advantage of it. The Labor party has clearly showed how immature it is and that it doesn't understand what Nuclear is all about, incorrect memes showing 3-eyed Koalas and fish etc. just proves it.>> <<@vincemultari3423 says : Wat fake images it showed you as a cock that's so true>> <<@garymurphy2026 says : LNP propaganda pushed by Murdoch sycophantic media>> <<@steveone says : Labor dont have a problem with exporting uranium or coal to the rest of the world . Does that mean they dont care about people from other countries ?>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : Albo , the Minister for Disinformation.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : The biggest contraindication of nuclear energy is the LNP's safety ethos.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Until 1992, not one single country in the world had risk-based industrial safety laws, Australia was the first.>> <<@forevershining says : Albo is getting australia ready for us to be invaded we manufacture sweet FA we don't have reliable power they constantly demonise men and have disarmed the population he is a funking traitor>> <<@forevershining says : Can you send him back to mummy and find him a smart father it's clear he as aspirations far beyond his capabilities good on you mum .>> <<@joecolliscollis3512 says : nukes are the worst idea ever where do you put spent reactor rods every one we sell uranium to want use to take their waste i know lets make more dangerous waste and make Australia un livable there is better ways every one else is shutting down their nuke power.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Is pointing out dangers fear mongering , Always thought safety officers were just fear mongering the job site πŸ˜…>> <<@twodogswalking840 says : Hypocritical numbnut.>> <<@helengormlie966 says : Labour don't live in reality>> <<@anthonygioia888 says : What’s the word again Albozo?Arrr oh yes hypocrisy, that’s right!!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@robwitthoft7673 says : Children running the funny farm😒 both sides.>> <<@python27au says : After everything they’ve done, do they really think anything they say will sway the election? Action speak louder than words.>> <<@tonypucheta354 says : Albanese must go next election>> <<@haroldguenther3317 says : Most Australian's are well informed about nuclear power stations they've been around for many decades, we definitely don't want useless and super expensive renewables that are unreliable, cause massive pollution>> <<@wezl5502 says : and yet albo sleazy complains about all the memes that he recieved. need to go back to the old days :) what do u call 100 politicains at the bottom of sydney harbour?? a good start>> <<@aeroearth says : Terribly polite. I think you meant to say that the communist Labour Party is lying its arse off - as we have accepted as "nornal" if some what "dishonourable" for the communist Labour Party. Well, would you buy a used car off Comrade anthony albanese ?? No ??? I wouldn't either................>> <<@marsbearmcw3050 says : I don’t believe anything that bare faced lying Albanese says. And I don’t believe nuclear is more expensive than renewables no matter how many so-called experts say it is.>> <<@BatteryCommander says : Sounds like we need a Minister for Changing Politician's Behaviour...>> <<@stuartproctor6642 says : piss of albo media tells the truth unlike you>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : Well I think that the headline is wrong - the Coalition's nuclear policy has no basis in reality.>> <<@Gregpriestley-q4e says : Maybe the ALP, and ABC should take note πŸŽ‰>> <<@timchapman5567 says : Alabanese and his ALP are Marxists -- for whom reality and reason are trumped by ideological madness.>> <<@davidduffy9806 says : Nuclear power could be the election winning strategy for the LNP>> <<@timifumi46brown91 says : albo legacy will be labor will never run the country again while hes alive and probably 10 years after hes gone!!>> <<@patrickwakefield2297 says : when can we be rid of this bumbling boof head, albo is just a joke.>> <<@aussiemadman7560 says : The labor party, CCP-Hamas collaborators & sycophants, they want to tear down OZ from within>> <<@trevorsteel6605 says : Bill Rookyard . Here are all the figures, it's a long read but has every cost, including Transmission. Bowen states that nuclear is too expensive, so let's look at some real numbers to see just how wrong he is :- It's quite long, and involves some maths, but if you read it through to the end, I expect you might more clearly see the true cost comparison of wind and solar versus nuclear for similar duration. The Barakah nuclear plant in the UAE is adjacent to where the latest COP28 was held, so let's compare the cost of that facility with the wind, solar and storage option for Australia. The Barakah nuclear power station took 10 years from start to full commissioning, it has 4 reactors each of 1.4GWe and each costing AUD10 billion. So.. 5.6GWe and AUD40 billion cost. It uses sea water cooling, so there's little demand on fresh water supplies. In fact, the waste heat can be utilised to desalinate seawater and, given our various governments' aversion to building dams, that's a distinct advantage. Each reactor has a capacity factor of 93%, so the plant can deliver 45,622GWh per year. The largest wind farm in Australia with a published actual capacity factor is the Coopers Gap Wind Farm in Queensland, with a plated capacity of 450 MW and a cost of $850 million. It has a capacity factor of 25% so can produce 990GWh per year. By comparison you would require 48 of those wind farms to have an equal yearly output to the Barakah power station. 48 x $850m = $40.8 billion The largest solar farm in Australia is the Western Downs farm in Qld, at 400MW, $600 million cost and a capacity factor of 24%, so can produce 876GWh per year. By comparison you would require 52 of those solar farms to have an equal yearly output to just one Barakah power station. 52 x $600m = $31.2 billion. At first glance it looks like wind is comparable and solar is cheaper, but that's just an illusion. The nuclear plant will be in operation for at least 60 years so the establishment cost is fixed at $40B plus a bit for refuelling and general maintenance β€” allow another $16B over that 60 years β€” total cost is $56B. The wind and solar farms will have been replaced twice in that time, so that's $122.4B and $93.6B respectively for similar duration. β€” excluding inflation, disposal, etc. Of course the above costs account for only 5.6GW of a grid that typically draws around 5 times that at evening peak, so all nuclear becomes $280B, All wind is $612B, all solar is $458B β€” 50% wind and solar would still be $535B or 92% dearer than the nuclear option, and that's just the cost of the generators. As all of these farms are necessarily spread out across the country, the huge added cost of transmission infrastructure β€” none of which would be required for nuclear, must also be included in costings β€” currently estimated at $100B, but guaranteed to go much ‐ much higher β€” (the CSIRO conveniently omitted this and storage in their most recent Gencost report β€” they've recently admitted this omission). Add that $100B to the RE above and you're now at $635B. But wait, there's more... Those wind and solar farms will not produce consistently like the nuclear plant, so let's consider storage of at least the same capacity of just one single nuclear plant... The Mooroobool battery in Victoria has an instantaneous power of 300MW, cost $300M and has a capacity of 450MWh, so it can provide 300MW for just 1.5 hours till dead flat. So you're going to need 19 of those batteries to have an equivalent instantaneous capacity as one nuclear plant, but you will need 150 of them to provide the same output for a 12 hour night of a low wind event. 150 X $300m = $45 billion β€” that's more than the establishment cost of one nuclear power station. The entire East coast NEM area recently suffered a wind drought for almost a fortnight during which wind generation was as low as 96MW, or just 1.2% of plated capacity β€” when that occurs, storage alone will be available to keep the lights on at night. Typical NEM evening 3 hour peak demand is around 27GW tapering off to 20GW overnight the sun has gone down so there's no solar, and wind is almost non-existent. So.. you now need to supply the entire East coast NEM area from storage alone. Just 1 hour of that peak demand will require an instantaneous 27GW :- that's 90 of those big batteries, but they can only do that for 1.5 hours till dead flat, so you need 180 of them to cover the 3 hour peak. You still have 9 hours of night to go at β€” let's be generous and say an average of just 17GW.. 17GW X 9hrs = 153GWh. Remember that the first 180 batteries are all depleted, so now you need another :- 153GWh Γ· 450MWh = 340 batteries. Total batteries is now 520 @ $300 million = $156 billion. Now you have to add that $156B to the RE costs above, and you're at $156B + $635B = $791B. That's not the end of our costs though :- Grid battery life expectancy is 8 to 10 years, so they will be replaced 5 times in the 60 year life of the nuclear plant :- $156B x 5 = $780B plus inflation. Add that to the $791B and it's now a whopping $1.571 Trillion That's about 6 times dearer than the nuclear option, and almost exactly the cost projection that Net Zero Australia put forward in its report. What about community batteries? East coast NEM night time instantaneous demand is normally around 20GW with a 3 hour peak around 6pm of 27GW. A typical large community battery has 500KWh storage β€” so 13hrs minimum at β€” let's be generous again and go with that 17GW average = 221,000,000 KWh of energy requirement. 221,000,000 Γ· 500 = 442,000 community batteries at a cost of around $1 million each, or $442 billion total β€” all of which will require recharging the following day and replacing in 10 years. Think you can do it with EV battery back up via V2G technology? If you were to drain say 30KWh from each EV connected to the grid, that 221,000,000KWh overnight load would require 7.4 million EVs, all of which would require recharging next day. How many EV owners are going to be willing to sacrifice their battery life by depleting them so heavily for that fortnight? What about hydro? β€” the biggest hydro storage in Australia is the Snowy scheme β€” if all of its 9 power stations have all of their 33 turbines running flat out, they can generate only 4GW. Add the 2.6GW maximum from Tasmania, Wivenhoe's 0.5GW and the 2GW of Snowy 2 pumped Hydro β€” if it ever gets built at a cost estimate so far of $12B and counting, and you're still way short of the typical NEM instantaneous evening peak of 27GW that's required to avoid blackouts or, as AEMO prefer to call them... Load shedding. Drought conditions frequently restrict how much generating capacity our hydro can manage. Is pumped hydro going to save us? They're just another form of even more expensive battery, you always get less energy out than you put in and, just like those batteries, it has to be recharged by the renewables that are struggling to even supply the grid. Granted.... The generation and storage would be a combination of all of those things mentioned plus a few others, but the total costs will change very little (batteries are the cheapest and most efficient option), and will still be orders of magnitude higher than would be the case for nuclear, and would take up vast swathes of land β€” A 1GW nuclear power station occupies just 3.5sq km. For similar annual generation capacity, a wind farm will occupy 800sq km, and a solar farm will occupy 200sq km. Add the purchase or lease of that land to the costs. At some stage Bowen will be dragged kicking and screaming to the realisation, it's just a matter of how much pain he will put us through before then. From >> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚George Orwell Socialist Democrat had your had your number.>> <<@dennisbasford1813 says : Never able to beat the Murdoch Media Lies and Propaganda>> <<@wyattfamily8997 says : I guess the e-Safety Commissar can't take action against the Labor Party for "misinformation" as they EXEMPTED THEMSELVES from that requirement.>> <<@sierrabravo7368 says : The only way Nuclear energy will be safe is if it can be safe with zero maintenance>> <<@jimmartin9704 says : Well, let's hear how dutton's government is going to fund this plan. The time frame on this plan, where is all the water coming from to run these plants, etc,etc. I want realistic time frames, not dutton's fairy time lines, because if your record on the NBN or hydro2.0 is anything to go by, you fucked them up>>