<<@Mrherbalful says : Not a fan of Dutton but have been a fan of nuclear power for over 20 years now. Australia has the resources to do Nuclear power relatively cheap>> <<@1080sucks says : AND New Zealand>> <<@zannaduresident4934 says : Nuclear power smart untill war breaks out. The first thing hit is power plants? Why do they not listen to someone like Elon Musk. He quoted 100 gigga solar plants with Battery back up is more then you need to power the world. They can be build and make power in about 1 year. he proved this with a giga plant in Australia build and running in under 100 days. With wind and solar you can achive this without the worry of a breach. Security is lower as they do not need to worry about transfere of waste and storage of it. The tech they are talking about does not exist at the moment your looking 5 to 10 years for the tech and training. I sometimes wonder who is getting the backhand for air head projects. Wonders if our so called leaders have truly lost the plot!>> <<@knight2425 says : For the second time Albo is going to find Australians voting NO to him but the second one is going to be the sweetest!>> <<@JD-bn2ch says : Crisafulli in QLD needs to get behind Dutton! He is so weak and he needs to grow a pair!>> <<@YouShouldThink4Yourself says : Growing faster than the crops. And it's where the stations will be built so pull your heads in city folks Greens and Teals especially. You can be as NIMBY as you like, just as long as YOU use the Wind and Solar and WE Regionals go Nuclear.>> <<@pamelawinfield9211 says : Labor has always been very good at public relations, “ proving” their lies to ignorant people. Nuclear is safer than any of these “ renewables “. Destroy the environment, planet to push their agenda. They’re feeling threatened that anyone has listened to Dutton’s statement.>> <<@margaretmax-community says : Yes for Nuclear energy now I’m paying $360 a month for energy in a small house with 2 people in Mildura>> <<@BigFatBobnBarry says : And what are these amazing new industries that are going to pop up if these nuclear power stations are built ? even when Australia had some of the cheapest power prices in the world most industries moved off shore. don't be fooled that these plants will automatically make Australia a manufacturing power house. its all bs in a teabag . prices will stay high if not higher than they are now just to pay of the construction costs. never mind maintaining then their eventual decommission>> <<@BigFatBobnBarry says : Guess any safety concerns people have will get swept under the carpet just like when the jabs were rolled out. and if the SHTF and one of these plants goes into full melt down all you pushers out there will run a mile. Really have to wonder about the collective intelligence of this country at times.>> <<@timwilson4684 says : The little council house boy , Elmer Fudd , is running very scared at this time - I'm sure he will cry on TV again pretty soon - his obsession with everything renewable is causing him a lot of grief - he was devastated by the Voice loss because he just thought everyone loved him and would always just go with his feel good legacy seeker - now that he realises that not everyone loves him and Peter Dutton has thrown him a challenge - he is even more devastated - it is hitting home to him that he may not be the Prime Minister soon. He will therefore hold off on the election as long as he can - but makes no difference - it's goodbye.>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : Where are they going, take to the next election 😅😅😅😅>> <<@polarbear7255 says : Opposition to nuclear is primarily political and ideological. There are no valid technical, safety or economic reasons not to build them. This is why the green left will oppose nuclear even when staring defeat in the face. They want scarce and expensive electricity to deindustrialise the country and reduce emissions to 18th century levels… and living standards.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Talking bullshit will not make anything safe. The most dangerous thing about nuclear energy is the Liberal Party ethos.>> <<@peterkirgan2921 says : I remember my late mother had Doris Day records she used to play! One of those songs was High Hopes! Reminds me of Peter Dutton!! Hopefully he will not be pm nxt election !! I hope Hanson Mundine or Price are !!!>> <<@JohnWilliams-iw6oq says : The opposition still believes in anthropomorphic climate change in spite of the lack of scientific proof.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : As Dutton would say,"Where's the detail, to many unanswered questions, its a dogs breakfast". Of course the Gas and Coal industry would enjoy an extra 15 years of gouging Australian's.>> <<@jeanettepaetzold6076 says : William is absolutely the best back one day is going to be a liberal politician>> <<@SteveBarritt says : CSIRO study on generating costs per MW/h: nuclear $155-$252 falling to $136-$226 by 2040 best case. Risk of doubling is high, coal $100-$200, gas $120-$160, wind $90, solar $60. So let’s set the budget for replacing the existing base load generation with batteries at $100 and expand solar and wind, all using the existing distribution network. It’s cost, risk and timing sensible when compared to nuclear, which looks like train wreck from day zero.>> <<@jerrywong5960 says : Both Japan and China have nuclear plants. What is the problem?>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : The Australian poll? ROFL.>> <<@stephenbrickwood1602 says : Australia to stop worldwide CO2 emissions with nuclear electricity. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant 👏 👌 😀. 7 times more to replace all Australians fossil fueled energy, money in the bank, 😊😊😊 You can't beat facts.>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : it is 280 bill for nuclear or 1.5 trillions for renuvable>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : Labor government has destroyed Australia....peter dutton all the way>> <<@doogssmee9742 says : Its the only option and should have been done long before wind and solar Wind and solar is only good for those that want to be "off grid">> <<@ThatGuy-ze5kk says : unfortunately what rural voters think is irrelevant, elections are decided by the cities 🤗🥲>> <<@martino2794 says : Notice that Labor and (most of) the media are trying to paint this issue as Left v Right? The Virtuous v Nazis>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Bullshit peddlers😅>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Really, i'd be thinking the Latrobe Valley is country. They don't seem to be overly happy about it. Is this Sky news polling? I wouldn't be believing that. Sky news is the least trusted news outlet in the entire country. Newscorp, least trusted in the world. Owned by one of the most hated people in the world.>> <<@ArchieLea-ft7dr says : God willing.>> <<@ArchieLea-ft7dr says : Yea and Amen Says IAM that Iam Amen and amen to the Australian fairdinkum people Say s IAM that Iam Amen and amen>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : Stop the presses. Dutton has just released his nuclear policy. It is one page. Do you feel left in the dark and fed bulls**t?>> <<@russellbenning240 says : That kid makes more sence than labours immature politions>> <<@c.s2001 says : And at the ABC…..comments are turned off.>> <<@NateMcCarthy-d4b says : AnAl will become a very angry little minion when he figures out he won’t even form a minority government after the next election 😂😂😂>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Duttons plan is untenable, his intentions are dishonest. The Liberals underlying inability to accept the reason for a transition to renewable energy is at the core of this deceitful campaign. This is just another 'climate change is crap' pitch to gullible and frightened imbeciles who can't face reality, being peddled by one.>> <<@wyattfamily8997 says : Why hasn't Albo been questioned on the safety of the Lucas Heights facility if his advertising is to be believed he must CLOSE IT URGENTLY to SAVE the people of Sydney.>> <<@stephengrocott3917 says : the Australian is a right wing rag>> <<@poppykoch9085 says : Is this really about nuclear energy or is it about who actually is showing some stronger leadership? Dutton has been too quiet and not strong in his position of opposition leader. He is now making some decisive noises while Albo is stubbornly clings to renewables (just like he did with the voice). Despite his promise to reduce our costs, his policy has pushed our power prices up, done damage to our environment with land clearing and installation and we are not even manufacturing them here so no huge benefit in jobs numbers. At the end of the day are either really up to the job or doing the BEST for us as a country? I don't think so. Philippians 2:3 - Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : We've had a reactor in Lucas heights since 1958>> <<@chass53 says : So the big drive on solar power is finished, the power companies now want to charge people to export their excess power into the grid because they haven’t built the infrastructure to cope with it, makes sense 😏>> <<@PulouBaukes says : Australia has uranium reserves to supply unlimited power ,only scaremongering Party’s trying to undermine the projects France Russia USA Japan most countries having it on the dawning Board’s ,man was able to build the Bomb,he also knows how to rid of the Waste,Buying Uranium Stock today in 10 Years you be surprised!>> <<@connorduke4619 says : Get stuck into them Will, you're going great! Go tour Australia with Dutton like Jacinda did on the Voice!>> <<@connorduke4619 says : Libs do not claim $1.2 Trillion, Woke Melbourne University does!>> <<@Alladin-n5j says : The problem is that they can leak and potentially melt down,>> <<@Terkini-pr1nj says : For making nuclear power plant in rural area . Government must use feasibility study ( not public survey)>> <<@lloydsingline340 says : It has to be nuclear and rooftop solar.We are witnessing Labor's alternative and it is very ugly.Get them out before they destroy any more of our resource rich nation.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Until they find out how much more it will cost and find out where the waste will go>> <<@shur7318 says : Yup you idiots supporting your demise in the near future with these deathly weapons did your forget what happened in Chernobyl’s reactor? You idiots !>> <<@clifffowler2581 says : Growing in rural areas???... it's a no brainer....get elbow out now before he wastes mo money.>>