<<@mumbulog says : Nasty criminal trump buddy Bannon? Stole 25 million in build the wall money! Prosecute full extent fraud use campaign funds! Trump for prison too! Lock them up! Throw away key>> <<@weredoomed113 says : "On the merits he will win" - after losing literally 8-10 times in a row in different courts on the exact same dumb argument.>> <<@LibertyMason-01001 says : I do not honor youre usage of fake names in news ever again or charges will be pressed.>> <<@LibertyMason-01001 says : This human is not to use this name isit is not their name put them in federal priaon.>> <<@F16_viper_pilot says : Why all the whining? I thought that he thought he was the sht; now all we see from him are MAGA tears.πŸ˜†>> <<@BIG-D7309 says : He scared talks all that shit how he somebody's BITCH! JUSTICE AT ITS FINEST!!!>> <<@AllThingsSoul says : Bannon is right where Trump wants him...in prison! Trump has a habit of throwing his supporters in prison when he's done using them. Ask Michael Cohen.>> <<@apollothirteen9236 says : No one who's rich or powerful should ever be arrested, sent to jail or prison regardless of political affirmation. Those places are dangerous and sometimes deadly. They are loud, they smell & the food is awful. Prisons and jails are for middle class, working class and poor people. Not big people.>> <<@solovoyager says : Those clowns on the bench just might give him a pass. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past the Supremes.>> <<@ghostmantagshome-er6pb says : CNN FOR PRISON>> <<@beeseewill2407 says : Dirty Don the retributionist can't save Stevie Three Shirts this time.Even if he gave him the shirts off his back.>> <<@patriciacarter4777 says : Lock him up>> <<@nikushim6665 says : For a man that keeps claiming he doesn't fear prison at all, he seems to be constantly stalling and evading it as much as possible. To bad the supreme court ripped up his appeal :P.>> <<@yvetteShorter-l5n says : They are so loud and bad until they got to take their ass to jail....Lock his dusty ass up.>> <<@thulanimakhaye8458 says : There's a jumpsuit waiting for the scumbag . Let him go to jail .>> <<@sidneyconyers6687 says : So these people only go to prison if and only if they agree to go !>> <<@RPG420 says : They gonna love your hair in prison Bannon. Enjoy>> <<@andrewmoore662 says : Put Trump in prison with him. He can advise him from there.>> <<@walterspaceman5592 says : I find it hilarious and a hoot amusing, having physically beaten bullies up, my entire life, that bullies are stereotypical weak shameful cowards consistently, that always cave when finally confronted. " Are we gonna dance, oh yes we are !!! ". " You bet. ". Steve Bannon talks tough, loves hurting the weak, innocent, and impoverished, but evidently for his OWN PRINCIPLES, is not willing to go to prison , and do real time, for them ? And because I believe in Karma wholeheartedly, I am delighted there is a real chance Steve is going to Rikers island prison, a vertible " goto must " holiday vacation hot spot for the convicted privileged. And Steve, always the tough talking bully, did you notice, there are other serious state indictments awaiting in the wings. Maybe years if convicted. Best wishes. Those very bright colored iridescent orange heavy industrial polyester prison suits with indestructible creases that do not ever bend uncomfortable, and are unbearable suits, that can be seen from space, are all the former whitehouse covicted insider rage this year .>> <<@maryhardy6468 says : July 1st and July 11th>> <<@Brazos50 says : If you are someone in Trumps world you get your simple case taken to the SCOTUS.You and I?We don't.Never dreamed that this could be.>> <<@optimusdaddy7739 says : F word this is crazy>> <<@cnwil4594 says : I thought Bannon was a tough guy - LMAO>> <<@paulottley8835 says : Heck no, the law must take precedent, use your common sense if you have any, do the right thing.>> <<@jsch4092 says : It's funny because he's fat.>> <<@jimmyharvey5332 says : Lock him up, quit whining and do your time and don't drop the soap πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@donaldwuerlmke says : Nope. He will lose!>> <<@Drcragory says : Steve Bannon reminds me of Edgar from Men in Black...>> <<@GNFLYER says : If you do the crime expect to do the time. It was your choice to defy congress. Stop whining and take it like a man.>> <<@philgordon6671 says : Lock the prick up already>> <<@julieholien3681 says : Bannon is a vile and gross person. How sickening and pathetic. O come on, jail is the only optio . Too many chances, this is dusguating.>> <<@mikewashburn1207 says : One statement like that should put him in prison with extended stay! And did he get punched allot growing up cause his face looks similar to a pizza!>> <<@groupergary5536 says : Sorry Bannon, your choice to find a lawyer to push your wanting to not comply. Most would say comply and take the 5th.>> <<@bailey2016 says : I LOVE HOW WHEN THESE SO CALLED TOUGH GUYS ARE OUT IN PUBLIC, THEY ARE SURROUNDED BY SECURITY!!! BANNON, ROGER STONE, WHAT THE F ARE THEY AFRAID OF!!! THEY ARE ALL COWARDS!!! FMAGA!πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@MelaP-ei1om says : Funny all these maga’s are a bunch of clowns and crybabies waaaaa… no real man could follow crybaby trump unless you’re a crybaby to! 😭πŸ€₯🀑>> <<@ytrrs says : If he doesn't get tamed enough in the prison, during the 4 months period, he has another chance - for a few years - when NY "Build the wall" case comes up in Sep 2024. 🀣>> <<@ytrrs says : Hey CNN, interview the same lawyer guy, on July 1st. It'll be fun! 🀣>> <<@pfrydog says : Stop crying and do the time. And do something about your hygiene.>> <<@aliciao.5731 says : Bannon is guilty, he needs to go to jail.>> <<@anthonyquarles7647 says : Just man up and go serve your time! My God you talk all this tuff talk and 2 tier justice system that only exists with cowards like you>> <<@Mozart1220 says : Typical "bully syndrome" a real tough guy when he thinks he's got a little power, but folds like a pup tent and cries like a bitch when faced with accountability.>> <<@sheckyfeinstein says : Why does Bannon get the ear of SCOTUS whilst unknown criminals do not?>> <<@tonyface2007 says : I don't see the master race when I look at Bannon, I doubt if the SS would have either, and carted him off as an inferior. In the type of round-ups he is advocating for others.>> <<@wef1956 says : Steve Bannon is a true Patriot, he uncovers the hypocrisy of the left and they jail him just like a communist country. Think for yourself democrats. Dont let these media brainwashers continue to influence your common sense. I pray for you and the liars in the modern media. Think for yourself!>> <<@davidpride8199 says : Is the rumor true, that Steve Bannon actually cringed in prison orientation, after learning his cellmates name, Ben Dover?>> <<@horstwolframmichaelschmidt4338 says : Look at his disgusting face and you know everything...>> <<@victoriagrahm3915 says : ****News Flash*** Most people on here YAKING about Bannon have NEVER even heard his podcast, heard him speak or know what Steve Bannon stands for. All they know is what the Global Elite and the Deep State Actors WANT them to think by way of their Fake News Henchman. They have their pos media talking heads constantly attack Bannon and carefully edit his words and have an idiots narrate what THEY say he meant... and THATS how they developed their "opinion" of him. Bannon loves this country, he stands for our sovereignty, constitution and freedoms.. He's NOT with the Global Cabal working through the politicians to bring this nation to her knees.... "Contempt of Congress" is his charge ??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??? Do any of you fools on here know how many times the CIA, FBI and other politicians do that, Lie, Break our laws ?? They just want you to hate him so you won't go listen to him because when you do, if you are intellectually honest and have half a brain, he makes A LOT of sense. Just go to Rumble or Brigh teon and actually listen TO HIM NOT A PAID HACK..πŸ™„ listen to 4-5 of his podcast on the War Room or Steve Bannon. The man is spot on...We need to STOP falling for their LIES & Tricks.. No, everyone one on side isn't good and everyone on the other side all bad.. Grow up and wake up. Your country and way of life ARE under attack...>> <<@Joseperez-q3e says : The world laughing USA this is a joke criminal are over the law trump bannon who more>> <<@L8rCloud says : Does he still have those syphilitic scabs on his face...??? Ewwwwwwwwww>> <<@Maxxmentum says : Does Bannon have enough for the bribe?>>