<<@stevewonder9523 says : For the ignorant people in the comment section, we have had an operating nuclear reactor south of Sydney for the last 60 years, Lucas heights. Google it, hasn’t been any apocalyptic scenarios. A bunch of dog whistling and fear mongering.>> <<@awc900 says : The Teals are in the pocket of those slurping at the renewables subsidy bowl. Fully renewable is a pipe dream and would come in at %1.2-1.5 trillion if it could ever even be made to work. Nuclear would come in at least a tenth of that and will work.>> <<@eb2505 says : Part ofthe uniparty - not getting my vote. Still no-one held to accoun t for the enormous harm from the safe and effective.>> <<@brycestevens5392 says : No one but MAGA wannabes are going to vote for Dutton.>> <<@paddleboatman3767 says : He has nothing to loose and everything to win. Dutton will win with policy.>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Dutton has more chance of growing an afro.>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : The sound, practical science that identifies climate change also identifies the solution in renewables. Dutton is an opportunist trying to destabilise a viable and critical effort to decarbonise our country as quickly as possible, in line with efforts by other enlightened nations. Duttons plan is as destructive as it is dishonest and deceitful. The boundless arrogance of this small town ex pig would be hilarious if it wasn't so dangerous. The Liberals like a head kicker up front, they've lost control of this one. What a prick.>> <<@connorduke4619 says : Bruce, you're missing the point. There is NO viable renewable plan. Dutton is not merely introducing nuclear, he is also exposing Commie Albo on his own total lack of a feasible plan. Btw 6 metre seas level rises by 2050 are also a hoax if you didn't get it by now.>> <<@sirstiffpilchard says : Dutton needs for the Liberals to be real and not Laborlite>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : Yeh he won't get it.Who wants to live next to a Nuclear Power Station. 😅>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Dutton is dead in the water he can't be Liberal leader after the failed Nuclear rollout.>> <<@gw5436 says : Dutton NEEDS to work with One Nation, just like the Green slime does with Labor (and gives Labor government to achieve it's dark-ages ambitions). One Nation has huge support in the bush, way more than the Nationals cowards, who have sold us out. Break this Green/Labor clusterf*ck. Don't say "they're all the same" and be so naive.>> <<@PetetG says : *KEANU REEVES IS BEYOND PERPLEXED HE DOES NOT KNOW WHO* *PETER DUTTON IS AND WHY HE KEEPS GETTING FONE* *CALLS ABOUT HIM* PETER DUTTON!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@emperordalektardis says : Do people really think that energy companies will be satisfied with less profit and charge less with nuclear? Really??>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Duttons got to stop lying to Australians. The cost of the renewables roll out is NOT $1.3 trillion it's $1.3 billion according to AEMO, the department of finance and various senate costings hearings. Dutton and his media platform, Sky label Albo a liar, pff.>> <<@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty_1 says : Liberals are victims of their own successful campaign of destroying Labor. Their moderates lost their seats to the Teals who vote for positive change. That leaves the nut bag Liberal supporters that are unable to think for themselves and are hoping for a strong single voice party and leader to tell them silly 3 word slogans that appeal to the simple folk.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : Even the liberals preferred scomo>> <<@Iygfdsvnkyf says : Yes..I would vote for Dutton if he cared .. about womens lives....and banned gun ownership in Australia...then I will return to him my care about his money profitting schemes...>> <<@Genesis-007 says : Wrong, Australia needs new leadership VOTE ONE NATION 🇦🇺 PROBLEM SOLVED 👍>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : The problem with righties is that when they have an idea (rarely) they push it in media so hard as a talking point and everyone kinda says ‘why they push this message so hard?’ And we all know it’s coz the rich and lobbyists stand to gain from their nonsense. Private wealth, socialise bad stuff. Same playbook in everything they do>> <<@Dismas2503 says : By the time these reactors come on line in the 2040s, renewables will be supplying 100% of Australia's energy needs.(It is already at 39.4%) Nuclear will simply be money down the drain.>> <<@destinyangel5 says : Albo and Bowen, Nuclear is pronounced nyoo-klee-uh . Peter's got this, Albo and his climate change obsessed team are panicking. They will be out of a job soon and are worried at being labeled a one term terrible inept government. These Labor idiots who are wrecking Australia , will only be remembered for the money wasting on voice, Shorten being hopeless with his management of NDIS, failed policies , Labor can't mange the economy and over spending, resulting in everybody worse off and poorer under Albo.  This is a fact right now with living standards in Australia is the opposite of what Albo promised us . Albo's Labor government is much worse than the disfunctional Whitlam. Call in the King and sack Albo. lock him up put him in the Tower of London, for causing business to close and go off shore , suffering and hurting all everyday Aussies since he has failed all Australians with his terrible policies resulting in the higher cost of living a cancer on Aussie society that's happening under his watch .Petrol, food and electricity is out of control and has become unaffordable for many Aussies .Everyday Aussies are going without food or electricity now because of Albo .>> <<@MrKenng123 says : Vote Lnp and kick Albo out. Thanks.>> <<@Dismas2503 says : The middle of the political spectrum will not support a right-wing dog-whistler. If you don't know, VOTE NO.>> <<@JamesJonahJameson-cp6xr says : Where are you witch doctor? Deleted your whole account 🤣😂 fucking hilarious 🤣😂>> <<@timwilson4684 says : Bruce Hawker - another Stephen Conroy & Graeme Richardson - unable to support anything unless it's Labor propaganda - would be interesting to hear their comments if it was Labor proposing nuclear instead of LNP.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Who will be the first "leader" to announce they will be leaving the UN/WEF/WHO will get my vote, ask dud ...DUT TON about the false flag he raised about Ruby Princess phoney super spreader event, these are the people your minders are telling you to promote.>> <<@oldsgtdad8472 says : FRANCE has NUCLEAR POWER so why are sending our OLYMPIC TEAM there, if it's so bad.>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : He's got it!!!>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : The Coalition need to stop worrying about upsetting minority groups and vocal individuals. Leave that to Labor. Start being strong and decisive for the long term benefit for our country… What am I thinking.. Our pollies only think about the next election… 🇦🇺>> <<@TrickyBoy1517. says : Keep 'em squeal'n, Dutton ;) 😆😆😆>> <<@wilbur1884 says : WUTT ABOAT DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DEE OLE NAULSTEOUS OF DAMNED OLE DAYOOH'S 👋🤪>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Labor lost the voice 61%, believe me dead man walking, adding all the foreigners has added more against theme, you're deluded if you think Labor has a chance>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Timmy the China lover. Typical leftist.>> <<@viti8347 says : Duttons made a start - there is the NDIS, Immigration, Housing crisis and crime to work on yet. He hasn't yet begun to fight!. There is not one thing the Teals can do about any of these. Labor made the problems.!>> <<@johnhome5872 says : What gas? Labor blowing it out the back 😂>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Lol.. Australians are wise to Peter Dutton, his imaginary nuclear policy is a ruse so to continue riding the taxpayer funded gravy train while delivering nothing but fairytales and unicorns 🦄.. Dutton should resign after supporting Peter Costello for assaulting a journalist.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Cost of living has more to do with the basket case of an economy the LNP left behind. Trickle-down economics is a lie created by the rich elites to solidify their power.>> <<@TheBillABCTV says : I support Nuclear Power.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Good News for the LNP PHON & UAP... **Homer Simpson approves of Dutton's Nuclear Policy**>> <<@grantsapain says : Cost of living will do that for him. Albo has no clue how to fix it...>> <<@kkcw6668 says : Well ummm, lets think about this... if political parties and their candidates were obligated to INSPIRE civilians to t urn up to vote rather than profit from their slavery of democracy (forcing us to turn up to vote under threat), then things WILL change. Like the PM said at the dispatch box during a question time session in back end of 2023, "how can you expect different outcomes if you do the same things"?>>