<<@JeanLloydBradberry says : Was it another illegal alien dreamer/ "asylum seeker"?>> <<@owenparkerjr.6588 says : Mass shootings under each Presidents terms: Reagan 1981-1989 (11 mass shootings) Bush Sr.1989-1993 (12 mass shootings) Clinton 1993-2001 (23 mass shootings) Bush Jr. 2001-2009 (16 mass shootings) Obama 2009-2016 (162 mass shootings) According to the FBI a mass shooting is defined as 4 or more people killed.>> <<@louisabrams9590 says : Hows that national anthem thing working out for ya>> <<@cobanus2862 says : Low trust society ground down by demographic death and subversion>> <<@paulburns4715 says : qo'qoubq qhiq'iq qa'qriqq>> <<@rn-om3hu says : Prayers for everyone who lost their lives.>> <<@WilliamPriceKing says : This has become “normal” in the US, and it’s very sad. Enough is enough!>> <<@HoTrEtArDeDcHiXx says : Jon Stewart says that doesn’t count 😤>> <<@Blacksheepishot says : Evil times, that's what we sadly live with (:-○)>> <<@docdoc7496 says : Government needs to do more to stop all these 😢😢 Sad news>> <<@geinikan1kan says : Is the shooting tragic or the murder of civilians?>> <<@geinikan1kan says : USA USA USA>>