<<@NateMcCarthy-d4b says : Andrew spreading pro labor propaganda is getting old. I seem to recall AnAl crying because he was the subject of memes a couple of weeks ago and now he’s trying to use memes to make Peter Dutton look bad 🥴😂😂😂>> <<@pwillis1589 says : Did they? Or did they just point out the economic flaws in nuclear power.>> <<@addLADN says : Keep speaking Albo, every weasel word is nailing labor’s coffin. Everyone I speak to, even the people that voted labor are realising what a mistake it was to vote for labor and cannot wait for the opportunity to get rid of Albo, Bowen, Chalmers, Giles, O’Neill, Marles and all the rest of the clowns.>> <<@adrianw7011 says : Look Albanese squirm, nervous, almost yelling. The sign of a very scared and worried little man. Excellent.>> <<@onlymelbourne2842 says : sounds like julia gillard another disappointing labor 'leader' dressed up in an albo costume>> <<@repairman2be250 says : I guess the Canadian's have a pretty good idea of how much a Nuclear power plant will cost. And do not let Australians build such power plants - Disaster waiting to happen.>> <<@martino2794 says : Albanese's strangled speech impediment only adds to his appeal>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : Good old Foreskin, doesn't have a working brain cell in his head. Had it been a photo opportunity or his next free overseas flight it would be a different reply.>> <<@alexdrake5048 says : SCARY THING IS STINKING COMMUNIST ALP SCUM IN PARLEMENT>> <<@dukkman010 says : Scare is all they have.>> <<@pkd6369 says : like a frog in cold water about to be warmed up by NUCLEARin paris ,maybe take bride to be for a free bee>> <<@NateMcCarthy-d4b says : AnAl, Andrew and Kieran are all W⚓️’s>> <<@imeagleeye1 says : And rightly so The most toxix Environmentaly disasters ever created Is Nuclear. Be afraid be very Afraid.>> <<@allanedwards1036 says : LIFT the Nuclear Ban NOW in ALL STATES and Territories.>> <<@nickwirdnam7316 says : The costs of building nuclear plants must be easy to find out, there are plenty of countries which have them, there's also plenty evidence of what nuclear power costs in those countries e.g. Canadas electricity bills are half what Australias are.>> <<@bigearz255 says : So Potato-head wants to take private property by force and make it a state asset. That's Communism!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@JeannineCoventon says : There is a homeless guy who is a massive drunk living in a park connected to this Fukushima event now on the Gold Coast he said he saw " too much" with that disaster. He is an Australian. There are a lot of very interesting people in that cohort. Maybe Sky ahould talk to him.>> <<@JeannineCoventon says : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima_nuclear_accident>> <<@StellarJones says : Labor either playing the obvious politics game or simply doesn't know the basic economy.>> <<@ivansultanoff6719 says : I don't what political persuasion anyone is-but if any politician, mp or whomever can't come up with truthful estimates in my mind is unacceptable, political stunt for election gain, l say agsin: all options MUST be considered : coal, gas, nuclear,renewable done step by step without dragging public into dark ages yet on our tax $$s>> <<@rickandersen707 says : Who recalls MEDISCARE....now NUCLEAR DARE>> <<@AnneSchneider-j6y says : Aussies just want to be able to keep the lights on.Labor running scared.>> <<@kensommers5096 says : Sorry Dutto but you forgot to add " petulant ". He is a petulant child in a man's body.🤠👍❤️🇭🇲 Stop labour murdering our country, vote LNP!>> <<@stephengrocott3917 says : sky is trashing whatever creditability it has in its unreserved support for Dutton's fantasy>> <<@moe2470 says : The only thing that scares me about labor is they might get re elected.>> <<@N-JOI says : Labour acting worse than school kids calling names. What an embarrassing uneducated goverment we have. Albo and his muppets just get worse by the day. Farcical.>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : I am a three eyed goon from the shire … We have had a reactor in the Sutherland shire in Sydney for over 60 years>> <<@tlb2970 says : Albo went into scare campaign because he’s scared 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : It’s all Albo has …. Cry and chuck the toys outta the cot !!!>> <<@frank00135 says : Labor are complete liar’s as renewable system that need replacing every 20 years against a 50 to 80year lifetime nuclear system without the thousands of un-costed powerlines destroying our forests and farming lands. Not counting the millions of birds and insects that are killed by the wind turbine blades (as all wing farms happen to be on major bird seasonal flight paths) we will need to bury in the ground (Pollution Max)! Come on Labor tell the truth and stop the lies and childish fear campaigns.>> <<@EdwinWilkinson-w8e says : Albanese keeps grinding his teeth, he won’t be able to eat his ice cream soon, what a tosser>> <<@anthonygioia888 says : Sorry Albozo, what was that about lectures?? 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅>> <<@johnkauppi7078 says : $8 billion each. $56 billion all up. Knowing government projects, double that sum. $112 billion. For huge mega wattage electricity 24 hours a day. Way better than a bunch of wind towers and solar farms that have to be replaced every 20 years.>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : Scare campaign! What a joke! But be afraid, be very afraid of the Coalition after Ted O'Brien's performance on seen on ABC Insiders today. Ted O’Brien won’t disclose how much nuclear will contribute to energy mix During an extraordinary exchange between David Speers and Ted O’Brien, the ABC Insiders host attempts to get any sort of detail about the Coalition’s nuclear energy plan out of the shadow climate change minister. Speers: “They’ll only do that if the market keeps investing, as you have acknowledged.” O’Brien: “I could have answered that.” Speers: “They will only invest if you give them some clarity if nuclear will take up 50% or 2% of the mix.” O’Brien: “They will get clarity.” Speers: “Do you know this answer?” O’Brien: “In terms of the broader energy mix, we’ll be coming out with that in due course.” Speers: “Do you know yourself? You mentioned earlier this body that will work out how many reactors will go on each plant site. That suggests you haven’t worked this out.” O’Brien: “So, we have done our planning and we’ll be very explicit about our assumptions.” Speers: “Do you know the answer to this question?” O’Brien: “Rephrase the question.” Speers: “The question is how much of the energy mix will be nuclear under this plan?” O’Brien: “We’ll be announcing that at the time we announce our broader mix.”>> <<@knight2425 says : The scare tactics won’t work. We’ve had Lucas heights for how many years and theres been so many nuclear sites around the world, we’ve never seen any mutant animals anywhere, we’ve not has any meltdowns in the last 40 years etc etc. Can’t try to play scare games about costs because Labor hasn’t released full costing themselves, they can’t tell us how much is going to be paid constructing all these transmission lines, they can’t tell us how much will compensation will be paid to farmers that have to have these transmission lines, compensation to indigenous people for using what is supposed to be their land, they can’t tell us how much it will cost to acquire land for all these renewable plants, they can’t tell us how much it will cost to use gas and coal when the sun isn’t shinning or the wind isn’t blowing. At least we have an idea with Duttons plan but so many questions with Albos it’s not worth the risk plus he has done nothing but be deceitful and tell lies since coming into power so we can’t trust anything he says. Bring on the election and we’ll give Albo a second big NO directed at him!>> <<@humananity says : Perhaps we should examine examine how the U.S. uses dirty nuclear weapons to cripple generations of it's nominal enemies? Is Dutton's plan more corruption?>> <<@politicz1973 says : Catholics are great at scaremongering just ask the Catholic priests and their history. It is no mistake that the Irish and Spanish Catholics are scaremongering again as they steal. That is the Catholic cult. Just like the Spanish Catholic priests throwing cats into the fire warning of hell while they stole the people's wealth. Same is happening here.>> <<@PetraHewitt says : Labor Greens and Teals want to bring us down big time. Follow the money and see who is getting what. Could the devils advocates show us deformed fish and other animals in the numerous European countries that have nuclear power.>> <<@patriot388 says : 440 nuclear power plants worldwide! Albo's scare campaign is ridiculous! His rejection is not based on science but on leftist ideology!>> <<@tonynicholson3328 says : Albo volunteered for the Alzheimers drug trial😅>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : Maybe they learnt how to position things better based on the Liberal The Voice scare campaign. Reap what you sow, I guess>> <<@cheesecracker1543 says : Is that all around 8Billion per Nuclear power station CHEAP! 35Billion each year to 3% of Australians, and we get nothing for it. Where are you hiding Governor General? Do your job and sack this Government.🇦🇺>> <<@snipermama777 says : Forget the Paris agreement it’s a lot of rubbish!!!! Who the hell cares what the rest of the world thinks of Australia 🇦🇺 we need to look after ourselves no other country in the world is going to look after us. Wake up Australia 🇦🇺 We support nuclear in Qld, David Crisafulli get in line with Peter Dutton or we will be voting 🗳️ One Nation.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Being risk conscious is a 'scare campaign' ? - the Libs are never proactive, they are always looking back when they should be moving forward.>> <<@johnnixon9444 says : So who’s funding the useless renewables>> <<@Josma432 says : Labor putting out memes? Isn’t poor widdle Albanese against that?>> <<@PhilipBurton-dn3ce says : All of a sudden they forget its zero emmissions and dwell on cost...make it up as they go along>> <<@paulhanlon5112 says : Albanese is just a union Hack, and not an intelligent one at that, never constructive, just stays in his lane and sticks to the script, relies heavily on his advisers, at the end of the day he doesn't amount to much, a very uninspiring and boring person !>> <<@user-rf2el4gh5d says : Same old Labor through scare tactics and ignore the benefits. Albanese nothing but a middle-aged activist reliving his youth.>> <<@BigFerg-hf6uv says : Yes let's not have a fair reasonable discussion putting all options including nuclear on the table. That's just crazy. That's why I'm backing Dutton>>