<<@XxTheAwokenOnexX says : America will keep burning fossil fuels instead of harnessing all that free solar energy 😂>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : No climate change ? Still denying it ? Logically ……let say, you have 100 mil humans living on earth… Now, you have 8 bil humans . No difference? Duh….>> <<@petertraine3514 says : Its Called Summer People, Man Made climate change Is Nothing But A Hoax!>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Summer>> <<@ChickityChicken says : Told you to send Al Gore more money. 😢>> <<@maxy-sp7cn says : It's called summer 2024.>> <<@skydiver8163 says : Wow... Imagine that! During the summer heat waves.....>> <<@Diponty says : We had the coldest winter day in decades they said yesterday. Looks like CO2 has gone to the states for a holiday. Too cold here.>> <<@bmoreblondie6301 says : Was 95 degrees today where I live an had my daughters bday party today but we had a water bounce house wit water slide an above ground pool so it helped>> <<@carlcantrell4781 says : Oh, it is so terrible, it is so horrible; the planet is melting, the solar system is melting, the galaxy is melting. Why it is 90 degrees here today and it normally gets to 115+ in this high altitude desert...uh...but, hey the media are making more money by lying to scare people so they will watch the fake news more often. This is the best summer I have had since I moved back here 25 years ago. It is 25 degrees cooler than normal, we are getting more rain and sooner, and it is just nicer, which is probably bad, right? Well, the lying media will tell you that, won't they? Don't you just hate heat waves that cool you down 25 degrees? 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 BTW, I live in the high desert in the Southwest US.>> <<@WeveGotBush says : Summer? Calm down IPhone15 user's it's normal.>> <<@corbindallasmultipass says : Yep, its called weather. It changes because we are literally rocketing thought space and space does not have a set temperature....>> <<@johnpaquin366 says : Ehh were fine.... just took off my shirt wore my safety vest.... drank a fuck load of water and moved on.>> <<@NZ_Kiwi1010 says : Summer ❤>> <<@tomjones5338 says : The USA faces a wounderful summer the Sun gives you vitamin D unfortunately those who took safe and effective might want to watch they don't drop>> <<@michaelt3308 says : I blame Trump>> <<@neelyspivey7259 says : I was in Odessa, Texas 2 years ago, August, a 115° friend from Australia ses we were a bunch pusses>> <<@donotcomply665 says : Summer? Pretty cold here atm>> <<@maureen1820 says : IT"S SUMMER!!!!!>> <<@TheClownCunt says : It’s called summer , we are in the middle of it right now . We haven’t broke any records>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Who knew that its hot in summer>> <<@andylaauk says : LOL>> <<@l4rrikin says : You watch your climate propaganda and you let it ooze into your brain... filthy plebs>> <<@Jason_g_kennedy says : US faces Summer months, prepear for red coloured weather maps everywhere.>> <<@deanjackson2125 says : I’m sure Biden and Democrats will be working very hard other countries heatwave first..>> <<@JonDeth says : *I'm in Ohio directly on the lake and it's both brutal but feels amazing lol.*>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : They can only report on apparent extreme weather overseas as it’s difficult for the psychologically damaged people from climate propaganda to verify>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Imagine it being hot in summer. Come here, it's cold at the moment because it's winter. Climate change is real. 🥱>> <<@PeterA-r8x says : What's the temperature difference between a traditional heatwave and a severe heatwave? Zero I suspect.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : This comes as no surprise as the earth's orbit around the sun is not the same as it was on the same day in 2023. Nothing whatsoever to do with human activities.>> <<@GeorgePapadopolous says : Heatwaves are increasing due to Climate Change. Perkins-Kirkpatrick - Heatwaves - Nature Journal.>>