<<@roundsaturn31 says : US currency "In God We Trust" Even an atheist with half a brain understands checks and balances of good vs evil that is needed to run a society. How can this show still exist?>> <<@warcamp9311 says : Whoopie Hush.>> <<@harrywilliams4279 says : SO WHOOPI HAS A DEVIL IN HER...😂>> <<@ryandehoyos6687 says : What happened to Whoopi man? What happened to sister act Whoopi? She was happier>> <<@305ojito says : Lmfao move to a country that was not founded “UNDER GOD”>> <<@leslieaharden6183 says : I used to like Whoopi Goldberg. It's hard to believe the way that actors influence others to stoop and live without values.>> <<@catherinecallahan says : She is an idiot.😂>> <<@tammyanderson2372 says : You’re wrong Whoopi we’ve been taught and encouraged to spread the word of God’s Grace but people like you try to make us feel bad about it>> <<@tammypadilla7499 says : I hate the view !>> <<@SoobeAz22 says : Time to move you get out of our country Trump's 2024>> <<@Slingblade69ss says : Hollywood and MSM need to stay out of our business>> <<@Slingblade69ss says : I thought in 2016 whoopie said if Trump won she would leave America and live in another country she's a 2 faced Liar>> <<@thread_master_3 says : So when is whoopi moving to canada 😂>> <<@tammypadilla7499 says : Idiots>> <<@drewhoopingarner8871 says : So let me get this right. Whoopi is saying only basic education should be taught in taxpayer-funded schools. So DEI and all this rainbow stuff. Should not be in our schools. Well I have to agree.>> <<@sandrasatterfield4432 says : If you want transgenders in swimming sports put them in their on category..... Isn't that what whoopi is saying about this other issue??>> <<@tammyanderson2372 says : Next let’s return prayer to schools>> <<@halhudson4009 says : Freedom of speech unless it’s something they don’t agree with>> <<@kimberleetomlinsonpapadaki4314 says : Well at least Trump never murdered anyone like Biden did!>> <<@MarkOcha says : Whoopi goldberg is like a mosquito, its both bad when she is making noise and when she is silent😂😂>> <<@Albert-v1s says : She sucks>> <<@omegaman9988 says : Democrats are now openly associated with not wanting God in anything and not wanting to make America great. Watching how many votes they still get in elections is scary af to a normal American>> <<@BernabeLangit-x4z says : Whoopi goopi acts like a demon>> <<@Suisk8 says : FJB>> <<@gregpoole9259 says : Whoopi is claiming to be from Louisiana? If she is not, the Whoopi, get out THEIR school.>> <<@orlanca758 says : I wish she would retire and go away>> <<@Concerned_American says : Good for Louisiana. I hope and pray that other state follow suit. It’s time to return to the biblical foundations our country was founded upon before the “Enlightened “ nonsense and Humanisim of today’s society.>> <<@Concerned_American says : God said that in the end times there would be scoffers, “ Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,” 2 Peter 3:3>> <<@TomKas66 says : However, I'm supposed to pay my school taxes AND pay for catholic school for my children. Why doesn't Whoopi pay my school taxes if she wants me to send my kids to catholic school so I don't have to pay twice?>> <<@RichieRich1234RICH says : What’s wrong with having a Bible in schools. There’s literally one in every hotel room on Earth.>> <<@Missmarple007 says : You guys are satanic>> <<@frankbarbina9973 says : We don't want democrats telling us that kids have thre right to cut off thier genitalia in schools either , but u didn't care then ĵust like we don't care now!!>> <<@AngelaMancini-vd7ll says : It's Called School CHOICE!! GO TO ANOTHER SCHOOL IF U DONT WANT IT!!>> <<@lcools14u says : Wear is Damon Imani>> <<@evanellis672 says : Special place in hell for old whoopie!>> <<@TheresaHarris-s2w says : Get out of TV please>> <<@TeresaOneill-h2m says : Hey, Whoopi, the parents who are sending their children to a religious school ARE STILL FORCED TO PAY FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOL WHILE THEY PAY FOR TUITION AT THE RELIGIOS SCHOOL!! She should already know that!!>> <<@robertkeeverkeever6420 says : Cuz he's lying she's throwing your hands in the air in front of her face so nobody can see that she's lying he's getting paid to buy this is what NBC CBS whatever you want to call her the voice is a bunch of women that lie cuz the FBI and the CIA are controlling what they say>> <<@marcusgarvey3416 says : Your god is not my god. Keep it to yourself.>> <<@tedeitel8060 says : Go Louisiana! FJB and Whoopi!😊😊😊>> <<@SkyeTerry-888 says : These women are insane. They certainly don’t represent the majority of women.>> <<@bessiemcguire5853 says : Evil Evil women.>> <<@geniehults8171 says : 10 BASIC rules. If EVERYONE followed those 10 simple rules the 🌎 would not be in the state it is in!>> <<@The1Marine1 says : Yes Woopie, we all know your the devil itself.>> <<@michellemcdonald9564 says : Karen, Karen,Karen PLEASE get off the air.>> <<@larrybronas2700 says : Known one cares what your views are. Remove view all witch hunt.>> <<@heydude36 says : And GET OUTA MY STATE!>> <<@thomasmurphy3601 says : Isn't Whoopi a little old to be in school?!? 😂>> <<@jeffsmith2930 says : CLIMATE HOAX SHOULD GET OUT OF OUR POCKETS..... PAYING OFF UKRAINE AND WAITING FOR THE KICKBACKS SHOULD GET OUT OF MY POCKETS....>> <<@JohnnyHuber says : Whoopi should be ashamed of spreading hate every way she can>>