<<@haroldsmith7044 says : So now the big question ... who will be the first African-American woman to watch a presidential debate moderated by an African-American woman?>> <<@quijybojanklebits8750 says : Biden's brain is broken. Dude wondered of like a fucking toddler.>> <<@quijybojanklebits8750 says : Cnn told Tim Pool that he cant cover the debate. This shows how Cnn knows Biden will suck and ack like he has dementia. The fact this lady is black doesnt matter, stupid thing to emphasize.>> <<@minkiuna says : Biden is smart and sharp. 🤣🤣😂😂>> <<@cassandralake7989 says : Biden is going to blow that dummy off the stage!!!!>> <<@Tammarrah100 says : ❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@billshackelford3426 says : A bias moderator. Nothing wrong with that.>> <<@bennyhotsteppa9388 says : Trump had to debate the moderators.>> <<@bennyhotsteppa9388 says : Wow she is delusional and biased.>> <<@jolyonwelsh9834 says : She's a real geezer.>> <<@nickandelizabethkousiakis543 says : #CNNFAKENEWS>> <<@msjustgreatloveherweeks8735 says : Carol looking Great 👍>> <<@eekthecat9933 says : She white>> <<@kennethboydsr3966 says : Biden needs to ask Trump. Would he continue to try and close down the postal service like he was doing when he was president the other time we had postal people here then driving her own vehicle‘s she just about succeeded and he wants to do away with Social Security he’s younger people better think about that.😢>> <<@Bill-vo1wn says : If you watch the fake news, you have no idea whats happening at the SOUTHERN BOARDER. WAKE up AMERICA 🇺🇸>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : She was from an era where journalists like the late Bernard Shaw did their level best to be objective! Both CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have been shamelessly outspoken Trump haters when interviewed on other networks! They are biased for Biden!>> <<@keepingit8797 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@WarlanderTV says : She thinks Trump is in cognitive decline but not Biden? This woman is a loser.>> <<@deerobins9086 says : What a woman! 83! The brain is good. Go you amazing woman. Uk.😅😅😅>> <<@jono3447 says : Biden has retreated to his basement to prepare, who has ever done that, you are paid to do a job, do it, we are closer to ww3 than ever, crime is through the roof and the economy is in the gutter, what a mess you have created in the short time you've actually done some work, the rest of has been spent on the beach eating icecream.>> <<@THollandcunt says : 😎https://youtu.be/nZ6tjUk1QOA?si=6L5tXA2NOibOwQZ8>> <<@CarlAquaForce says : 1:15 😂😂😂 Did she just say that someone might fall out? We all know who she was referring to.>> <<@AlieneHancook says : Ms.Carole Simpson is a Black American, that's it and that's all.....>> <<@JEDIMASTERPOOPJUICE says : Where is this Black girl? I did not see her here.>> <<@RainFannan says : she just said she know biden is going to show hes cognitively able to to the job but she doesnt know about trump .. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@MicklowFilms says : So sick of the media pushing this “first black” or “first woman” garbage. “Everybody gets a participation trophy generation” strikes again… 💀 Whatever happened to just picking the most talented, smartest people?>> <<@warmachine2098 says : Imagine you work a long successful career and everyone leads off your intro mentioning your race 😮🙄>> <<@sharonmassey2923 says : Trevor Noah came up with just the right words to describe my discomfort every time the term "African American" comes up: "Africa is not a color. It's a place.">> <<@celticmulato2609 says : Hardly Black. 😂>> <<@erictalbert4633 says : I lot of ignorant Trump ❄️ ‘s commenting if Carole Simpson is black. Showing your ignorance. She is a light complexed Black woman. Trump supporters should be worried about the debate that he won’t be able rattle off his lies. Got to be hard being a convicted felon liable of sexual assault to even make the debate>> <<@celticmulato2609 says : Trump 2024!!😊>> <<@celticmulato2609 says : African American?? She is obviously Mulata or Mixed race; she looks Latina. Nevertheless, Democrats love to push the racist 1 drop rule which was overturned in 1967. Some people dont what Black looks like anymore, especially the old heads! SMH>> <<@kt3505 says : Just had to make it about race eh CNN? Couldn't just let the individual go and do her things based on her personal merits. But I guess you can't have virtue signalling ( which is clicks/views in this case) without it. Stop bringing race into everything for ratings!!!>> <<@Lawlzinator says : The country is objectively worse off after suffering years of Biden. Record inflation, record illegal immigration, and 2 wars in which billions of our money are being funneled overseas for laundering.>> <<@circleoflife3806 says : "First African-American woman to moderate presidential debate" means "First African-American woman who is going to moderate presidential debate", not "First African-American woman who moderated presidential debate". The title is misleading.>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : She was from an era where journalists like the late Bernard Shaw did their level best to be objective! Both CNN's Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have been shamelessly outspoken Trump haters when interviewed on other networks! They are biased for Biden!>> <<@huutran9396 says : Do not trust and listen any things from Don . We should take a look at his promises in the past.>> <<@jaymass1178 says : So what? Everything with CNN has to be about race or gender.>> <<@you21MS says : Can you people hear or read? She is not going to be moderator. So much hysteria from your own imagination; chasing your bs like a dumb dog.>> <<@sateshemrit says : Oh boy Dumpty 'daddy money' trumpty is in trouble now, as the ebonics are out of his limit>> <<@kbean5338 says : What is a woman? Are you a biologist?>> <<@seanmccartney5177 says : Hey wheres the AOC rally coverage...........She did a "Bang up" job! PATHETIC>> <<@seanmccartney5177 says : WHY CANT SHE JUST BE A MODERATOR????>> <<@ann-nerissaparkes6154 says : I am afraid that the muted mike will not STOP Trump from interrupting President Biden. His goal apparently is to confuse President Biden and make him loose control and look confused. Hopefully he won't get away with it.>> <<@okodughashedrack6483 says : This woman is bias siding Biden already? This is the mess of how the media had become. If you are a good moderator, Why are you bias and being one-sided? Trump Is a hero and the wise people of America know it. This election is election of common sense. Trump 2024.>> <<@Sbannmarie says : Dana Bash definitely needs to grow a pair- as she lets those fools go on and on.>> <<@bettyforde9423 says : Always love your voice. You are still maarvelous and beautiful. God bless you. That voice forever etched in my brain. God bless you>> <<@aintnoslice3422 says : Who the F cares she's African-American? Such narcissistic identity politics>> <<@bettyforde9423 says : Wondered whatever happened to her. ...aren't you the education president?>> <<@jackdetweiler3442 says : The presidential debate is not legitimate without RFK on the stage>>