<<@stevebrown4475 says : The net 0 crap is just to destroy Australia's economy nothing more>> <<@rob6543 says : Mr Roberts has been on about this for ever. It a pipe dream at its best use our resources full stop>> <<@RichNotWealthy says : Here in the Piney Woods region of Texas a severe storm doesn't have to produce hail in order to cause damage. Wind driven debris, especially trees and tree limbs cause widespread damage. My vehicles and property have been damaged by tree limbs far more often than from hail. That's why I chose NOT to put solar panels on my roof. Of course I'm getting off track because most city dwellers are dependent on the power grid. Way back in my college days I considered transferring to a campus near the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. Not long afterwards the plant experienced it's infamous event. Unfortunately people old enough to remember probably think of TMI, Chernobyl, and Fukushima when they hear "nuclear power plant". There are two nuclear power plants here in Texas and a desire to build more. I just read that France and Texas are nearly the same size geographically but France has roughly twice the population. France has 56 nuclear plants generating 75% of their electricity.>> <<@fredanderson2593 says : Why do you not ask the Government their full cost for all the Wind mills 2@ solar panels then compare this to Nuclear energy cost /.Simple>> <<@peterbulanyi1708 says : So sad to see a former scientist spruik such utter falsities and nonsense. A hail storm that takes out every rooftop in Sydney? I never heard of a hailstorm of that vast scale anywhere. A suburb yes, a city? No. That is an utter fabrication. There is no credibility in any of this. Finland is near the Arctic zone. They have little to no options, Nuclear is fine for them. We have the renewable resources of an entire island continent. Australia can absolutely be 95% renewable within 15 years. Make no mistake. The reason power prices are going up is because our coal generators are at end of life and no investors are prepared to waste their money on building a technology that is 100 years old. The renewable build out must accelerate and videos like this are propagating falsities.>> <<@andrewhamilton4781 says : Oh, no. An Australia-wide hailstorm.....>> <<@snoopydunworkin6652 says : Their ABC they are the most politically biased media organisation in Australia and we have to pay 1.4 billion dollars to support Their View. The next Liberal Coalition should make them totally commercial and let the lame brains who believe in them fund them.>> <<@turnyourbacktoit says : If your metal roof doesn't rust out from electrolysis first. 😉>> <<@francesdurietz750 says : We had a hail storm come through our town and our solar panels and hot water system were destroyed and they all had to be replaced>> <<@peterbrown4943 says : This bloke is not the only person in the world that knows what he is talking about. Anyone who is not aligned with Labor/liberal/greens etc. would be able to see through the lies about renewables. Number one there is no global warming. Number two Co2 is not a problem. Coal is clean enough. Gas is cleaner. Solar is rubbish. Hydrogen is not and never will be of any use to power anything. Pumped hydro is rediculous. Compare the above with availability and whatever your favourite political party and vote. End of story>> <<@peterbrown4943 says : Why not go back to coal and gas? Small nuclear generators are not as efficient (cost to output) go big on nuclear and try smaller nuclear as well. Big is better.>> <<@stronzer59 says : The US has already suffered a $100M solar plant wipeout in early 2024. It will not be rebuilt as the public funding is gone>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Dutton just wants your votes, bad as labor>> <<@immanuelesakalia6536 says : The nuclear power is not the problem, BUT where is the nuclear wastes going to dump ? A small leak of radiation can cause devastating effects on the whole of the pacific and not only in Australia , NO NUCLEAR POWER WHATSOEVER !>> <<@Wombah-rc6zz says : In spite of the nay sayers, that professor said we could have nuclear in 10 years! That's better than all that negativity from government trying to mesmerize the voters with "too costly & too untimely." Perhaps they really do NOT know that much after all? What nuclear qualifications makes THEM EXPERTS? Could THEY ALONE be CORRECT & yet the REST of the WESTERN WORLD WRONG? I really don't think so!>> <<@Wombah-rc6zz says : When I hear of politicians & "costing" I'm unbelieving! The term rubbery figures was made for such! So when Labor says the coalition's plan is uncosted I start to wonder just WHO exactly did the "costing" on THEIR plan & how accurate is THEIR arithmatic really? Going on recent experience, like Snowy 2.0, I can't hold out ANY hope on that! People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!>> <<@BwahBwah says : That gentleman needed way more time to speak. He had so much more to say.>> <<@bigman23DOTS says : Common sense would say ….if you are going to install solar panels on an industrial scale the deserts are they not the way>> <<@warrenedser1996 says : Remember, it is a new age and a new time of advancement in technology and nuclear is one of them. The countries in Europe are returning with a new outlook in the nuclear age with new technology where the waste is now electricity and only steam is pouring out. If albo had sat down at the beginning instead of spending those millions and billions of dollars and put it towards the future, and housing and other industries and companies and businesses after the lockdowns instead of spending it on his own imitative to please his corporate buddies - Now he is on a tantrum and waste time to using scare tactics only for him - nuclear, wind, and solar, and gas are resources that can work together to ensure that we are not in the dark and businesses may continue to support to growth and productivity for all. While others are in the dark, we will be in the light 24 hours a day even when the wind and sun and batteries have given out or not there. WE consider that nuclear is like the old times but the times we are in they have come along way from the past. Today, many countries in Europe have seen the consequences of going down the road of renewables and now turning to nuclear and in our age and time we now can turn the waste into more electricity and the other thing that pours out is steam. It just like a pressure cooker or a kettle pouring out steam . Now they have Nuclear, renewables and coal working together. Isn't this a perfect balance for our children and their children and future generations? The infrastructure is there, all we have to do is build. Finland, no cost to consumers with electricity to them 0.00- Free, 24 hrs a day and to industries who have a reliable flow, what more could you ask? Renewables in Europe, was an experiment and it failed miserably and now with nuclear, all three are working together, this is what Dutton has done. Free or the high cost to our new generation and the future.>> <<@jasoar1563 says : LABOR WILL DO EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO SILENCE MEN LIKE HIM>> <<@1tr1ck says : We have gas and coal .... no need for nuc 😂>> <<@colinm1325 says : Nuclear may ' the most expensive ', but ist it really? How expensive is it when there is No Power in the Power Point, or Power in the Battery Backup? And the battery cuts out in the middle of a medical operation? Get a grip people, how many of you have been through a power blackout that is Not caused by a storm? Sure, use a candle, generator, No we need power in reserve. Not the 5 minute battery that might run a suburb in Adelaide, if it hasnt burst into flames, and cant be put out. Check with a firefighter, they'll advise you you to keep your distance and let burn itself out. Anyone remember the pushbike dyno lighting system we had on bikes, ie, b4 battery lights.>> <<@kimnewburn1 says : Sadly our stupid government and Idiotic Bowen has no idea on what he’s doing. Sadly their ignorance is coming to whack them in the long term. They are destroying the land and wildlife in such a way they are criminal due to their actions.>> <<@PeterGlen-s9z says : Its probably what they want for us. What a lot of liars considering the carbon in the atmosphere is only 0.4% of the air.Australias politics at work again. Why are we becoming so poor, destroying our flora and fauna, WE so much mineral wealth and farming produce, yet we get no or little benefits from it. WE are being sold out by our own Politicians. too much immigration that we are now a minority. Im probably voting for Pauline or Dutto.>> <<@bradzimmerman3171 says : Smashing solar panels,that would be a good day,-panels are a stupid idea 💡>> <<@caroliner2029 says : I've seen hailstorm damage to cars in the Gold Coast and northern NSW. The hailstones were huge, and left windscreens cracked, and metal car roofs dented. Thin plastic on solar panels would never withstand the damage of impact, nor the weight of a deluge of hail. Two years ago in Melbourne I watched as my house was pounded by large marble sized hailstones (a 20 cent piece in diameter). My garden lay blanketed in white round ice for two days until it thawed. Anyone's solar panels on the roof would have been demolished by the onslaught of hail. My peach tree blossoms were all knocked off so I had no peach crop that year.>> <<@caroliner2029 says : Why isn't Mr Patterson the energy minister instead of Blackout Bowen? The Lord God bless and protect Mr Adi Patterson. ❤🇦🇺>> <<@dawndouglas7904 says : And the emissions have gone up with the making of these panels and the fires caused by the windmills>> <<@johnwalker6711 says : Globe goes nuclear ????? Most are winding down UK has one under contruction cost has blown out to $80billion and its way behind schedule being built by French and Chinese>> <<@rob6543 says : For Christ sake use our national resources every other country are but we can’t,we are rich in everything but feel guilty because we have been brainwashed,the world is not coming to an end the world will only when war comes and it’s coming>> <<@alistairnelson-u3r says : As usual the right wing media spouting garbage😫>> <<@mickyryan9280 says : He’s pretending that we can’t capture wind power in storage! And then he calls a report fascism! Because an economist was a co-author? How much will nuclear cost in AUSTRALIA? To set it up etc. How long did Finland take to set up neuclear?>> <<@mickyryan9280 says : So this fella just told us that he is an ideologue. Animal farm?>> <<@mickyryan9280 says : But big storms also brought down SA’s electricity grid when it was still connected to fossil fuels.>> <<@DisgustedAussie says : Nuclear is the only way to go and should have been promoted 40 years ago!>> <<@wingnut6472 says : Funny buggers the nuclear mob,so yesterday,Thorium's the way forward you morons.>> <<@Mr987greg123 says : There are nuclear plants that don’t have a potential byproduct of weapons- how come we aren’t talking about those, if we are talking about it. Gas plants are faster to get up running. What about the nuclear waste - are we just going to leave it for the future?>> <<@sportsfanivosevic9885 says : Germany is de-industrialising due to a Green political direction, foreign interference and community sentiment, higher energy costs from sanctions upon Russia and the destruction of the Nordstream gas pipeline by their own Western ally's. Nuclear has little to do with it but it is a convenient scare tool that works on the uninformed.>> <<@lubanskigornik282 says : The French are not pinching themselves, they are building 6 new and planned 8 more nuclear power plants. It should be noted that they currently have 96 reactors - some of them are undergoing modernization and renovation. Please watch: _French plan to build 80 nuclear power plants in 15 years. How many were created?_>> <<@bryanp4827 says : I've been saying about hailstorms and solar panels for years, and FINALLY someone brings it to light! 🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@davow8 says : I'm not sure that a scary Sydney Basin wide hail storm is necessarily realistic, they tend to be random and limited in area, although the point is taken. He likes using other scary terms like 'Fascism' also. Mr Paterson does however know a fair bit about the economics of Modular Nuclear Reactors. Check out the impressive Pebble Bed Modular Nuke Reactor in South Africa which he oversaw for a couple of years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebble_bed_modular_reactor.>> <<@sharonleis1365 says : Most people will not get the animal farm reference. Animal Farm by George Orwell.>> <<@iceblue1963 says : Absolute rubbish, he is telling utter lies, like Germany, wind, and solar are surging ahead there, solar panels are made to take big hits from hail, this dickhead is just the latest paid opinion on the shy BS show .. lol the mega hail storm what a childish comment does he think people are that stupid, well a lot of sky fans are i suppose,, come to qld we get huge hail every year, and solar panels are fine .. Nuclear will never happen in oz, dont believe me google what he is saying see what crap it is for yourself.>> <<@danielvitnell8091 says : We need that hail storm to teach all those still sleeping how unpractical solar is>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Sky News does a lot of supposition and wishful thinking>> <<@johnfranke9655 says : I'd rather listen to Adi Paterson and the real facts than listen to that "Blackout Bowen" who can't even pronounce NUCLEAR, nucular indeed, he is a joke>> <<@aussienscale says : Where is dunny boy ? gone the way of father and grandfather ?>> <<@PeterBrown-r6g says : Bowen and Albo ,will need to get the Labor Propaganda ministry (ABC) to sort him out!. Common sense just does not cut it!>> <<@wagonweel4200 says : Australian politicians won't look at infrastructure. The deals made by politicians with energy giants just before they left to go into those same industries they made legislation for is dispicable. If we go a fraction of what Qatar grt for their gas exports we be able to build hi-speed rail down the east coast and reduce our energy bills (including petrol) to a fraction of what it is now. There is no real shortage of gas, electricity etc only manufactured ones. Stop voting Labor, liberal or greens.>> <<@fishmut says : Every day Australia s can see what’s happening around the world and yet our leader and his government has their heads up their own backsides pushing green energy that is going to be a disaster , hail storms will show how bad this is but what about events like war , should aerial bombers fly over solar farm power supplies are done for , could you Imagine how long that would take to repair and the costs over again , definitely nuclear is the way to go , many countries are going this way except us , how incompetent is our government in dream land and worst decision makers to date ever.>>