<<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : Being opposition leader - is a tough gig. And what makes it easier is labor in government. Is like the teenagers - let loose with the parents bank account. The main issue for the LNP - is they have to understand - if they win the next general federal election - they get energy policy right. The congressional hearing in the U.S. are good to watch. In that they asked Biden's climate people what is the percentage of Co2 in the atmosphere. They could not answer. Answer is = 0.0407% or less then half of one per cent. How far have ocean levels risen in the last fifty years - hardly at all. Of the 0.407% - how much of that is human Co2 we breathe out = 11%. How much has Co2 risen in the atmosphere since the 1970's - hardly art all. How much of that 0.407% does the U.S. contribute to each year. 0.000003%. So Australia is a much smaller Co2 emitter. The climate change fantasy - is one huge political lie. The issue here - is very simple. Go look at the facts. Not the climate change - church cult of fake science. And ask yourself - labor are lying. They are pissing the wealth of Australia - up against the wall - for nothing. The climate change cult - forget the earths natural eco-systems handle the break down of Co2. Plants - absorb most of the Co2. What no-one is talking about. Is the science that causes ice ages. It's not Co2. Co2 is by product of life on the planet. Co2 has little effect on the earth's climate. And the sun is big contender. What the science wont talk about is our sun novas. And they know that - because Hubble and James Webb - photograph - stars like our sun - that nova - all the time. A nova could have a number of effects. The sun could go dull after a nova event - for thousands of years. And the earth - goes into an ice age. Until the sun builds to it's next nova cycle. There is the cycle of the sun the Maya followed. And that cycle is 12,068 years. We see the earth tilt a few degrees - and now it's cold. Despite all the climate change - lies. Everyone is now using electricity to stay warm. So winter is still winter. And a few degrees tilt in our processional wobble around the sun - and we get cold - very quickly. The earth has been in the last 23,000 years - knocked 23 degrees off north. That's been picked up in rock magnetic sediments. The earth - gets pushed away from the sun. Which would explain - the nova events - are a cycle of our sun. Dinosaurs have three chamber hearts. They lived in a much warmer climate. Humans have four chamber hearts - for colder climates.>> <<@jimmartin9704 says : Vision, my arse. Typical dutton has ideas, but can not back it up with hard realistic facts or figures. Piss & wind>> <<@benjaminfalzon4622 says : What's fair is fair, Albo did say YES, to the Voice.>> <<@benjaminfalzon4622 says : Albo doesn't believe in new technologies, he still prefers carrier pigeons.>> <<@benjaminfalzon4622 says : The planet is saying, plant more trees on my land, not more wind turbines, Solar panels, and transmission lines on my land and on my oceans.>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : How is that vision? He’s 65 years too late. Nuclear is a dud in 2024 Australia. It only demonstrates how much Liberals are in hock to their lobbyists to keep burning coal and how much their media friends care about audience and driving ad $. It’s so pathetic to ordinary people>> <<@imeagleeye1 says : Please explain how it clean. I mean honestly how is untreatable Radioactive Waste clean.>> <<@BigFerg-hf6uv says : Well done Peter lets get Australia back on track.>> <<@Concerned318 says : Peter Dutton just another puppet?>> <<@bigearz255 says : Potato-head has no vision>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Yeah right. Benito's only vision is charging Australians far more for their power bills and getting kick backs from foreign nuclear reactor companies, Jimmy. :I>> <<@goosegreen4008 says : Dutton is Mr. Magoo.>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Surely you mean Dr Evil?>> <<@wilbur1884 says : PEDDAH PEDDAH DA DUTTON EADDAH HAULZE DROPPED HIS MUTTON CAULZING CONTRIVERSAYE LITTRILAYE EVERYDAYE TADAYE UND YESTURDAYE OKAYE 👋>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : Hawhaehawhawheeheeha>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : Why is Albo always saying no to science and no to the future.>> <<@jennymills3147 says : GO !!!! PETER DUTTON. the country is watching.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : A Vision Far Far Away to the Looniverse and Beyond. ****There's a reason why they close down the highway with Federal Police escort when transporting Nuclear 💥RADIOACTIVE 💥waste from Lucas Highest to Port Kembla for shipment to somewhere unknown to us****>> <<@creationdotcomfan says : Thanks to the Greens, banning/scrapping coal and now gas, we now have to have nuclear. If they just shut their traps, we would all be happy.>> <<@awc900 says : If Labor thinks nuclear power is so dangerous, when is it going to issue travel safety warnings to those wishing to travel to countries with nuclear power? And will this cause multiple diplomatic incidents?>> <<@KenDyer-wl4lf says : I don't know how a spud can have vision.>>