<<@unknownisbest says : A Labor Minister’s knowledge of his or her portfolio comes from his or her favourite NGO!🤣🤣🤣>> <<@DanielRadford-kx5ci says : Vote for albo and you will have bown for another 4 years what a cockup>> <<@Wombah-rc6zz says : So it's now 100 years, is it Chris? Nowhere on earth does it take 100 years!>> <<@waynegrosvenor9699 says : asking him about costings is a bit rich Labor have gone headlong into renewables and have not provided one costing at all>> <<@MrTryReasoning says : This Labor bias interviewer. The CSIRO GEN REPORT IS. Wrong ! If we had a Good Government In Power we could have had the real information already. Once again the intervieer is Cherry Picking information to create . The interveiw again talking of driving up power cost when that is exactly what LABOR HAS GIVEN THE NATION! Bottom line… Here 1, CO2, Nuclear TICK! 2, 24/7 longterm power supplies Nuclear TICK! 3, National self sustained energy supply. From our Nation. Nuclear. Ticks! 4, Does Nuclear need as much land areas of Forests and Mountain Tops? NO! TICK! 5, Can Nuclear be Located. Near OutBack Townships as the population Grows ? Nuclear 24/7 TICK! Can Nuclear Be apart of Electrified Railways across Australia ? Nuclear YES! Tick! Can Australia Offer Manufacturing /Businesses quality 24/7 Power??? With Nuclear Yes! Tick. Lets face it though Australia.. ! HOW MUCH DO WE ADD TO CO2 ?? In this Current World.. India and China alone are increasing CO2 emissions.. What we do to bring down CO2. is just a Political Stunt for Politicians that just want to puff out their Chests! Then if you look at how those emissions are calculated ? We are a Continent.. Put up our Continent against others. EG; Europe? The North American and South American Continents? The Middle East South Africa? India? Asian? China? Are we calculated for what we mine?? That goes off shore?? Is that coal double counted??? Net Zero Emissions is a Tax.. Nothing More! Our LABOR Interveiwers are so blind to see WE ARE BEING HAD ! To me Australia is the only nation not playing with a full deck.. The game is rigged against us.. The political Class and Socialistic Government so Blinded by the rhetoric . The Lies and where the money is being made? Quite Honestly it is discusting how openly Blind or how exstreme bias is playing its Game ! THE WORLD IS FALLING APART AND WE ARE STILL ARGUEING OVER OUR 1% EMMISIONS OR 4% EMMISSIONS.. FOR FLIPS SACK GROW UP YOU CHILDREN…. YOUR BEING TAKEN FOR A RIDED ! LABOR IS DONE ! ALLOW NUCLEAR FOR AUSTRALIA SO WE CAN GET THE FIGURES IN. TIME FRAMES.. UNTIL THEN STOP THE CLOSURES OF COAL FIRED POWER PLANTS.. SHUT DOWN THE ABC. THERE IS OVER A BILLION IN SAVINGS EVERY YEAR.. IT IS AS PLAIN AS DAY THE GAMES THEY PLAY.. IT IS NOT WHAT AUSTRALIA NEEDS.. THEIR IDEALISUM.. THEY SEEM TO FORGET MAJORITY RULES.. TRUST ME WHEN I SAY LOOK AT THE WORLD TODAY.. PULL YOUR HEAD IN TURTLE!>> <<@MrTryReasoning says : What also seems to being by-passed is the Size of this Continent and how few people are going to pay for all of this.. None gives what we need 24/7 reliable power supply.. If it is all about CO2 ? Then what the hell is the talk about Nuclear Clear by Mile answer the Nedds both Now and into the future.. Look 20, 30, 50 years down the track we may have a better solution.. But there is NO BETTER SOLUTION NOW.. Now on top of that The PROMISE OF HYDROGEN.. It has Collapsed. Now that Tax money has been Had ? they are promising a Pipe dream and totally fabricating the Costs.. Where is the Talk about the Batteries that blow up?? The large storage bank.. Burnt to the Ground.. every and each way we look at it ! IT FAILS. Now they want in desparation to use Cars to power the Grid. What Tard though that was a great Idea??   The LABOR PARTY WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY FOR THIS IDEALISTIC DREAM BUBBLE! THE COST OF WHICH OUR CHILDREN AND THEIRE CHILDREN WILL PAY FOR.. I AM 72 AND I HAVE HEARD THE CLIMATE ALARM FOR OVER 50 YEARS.. ALL THE MODELS AND THOSE COMPUTERS ARE TO BLAME RIGHT.. NOT THE DONKEYS THAT PUNCHED IN THE FALSE DATA !! SHAME ON HUMANITY FOR ALLOWING SUCH A CON.. FOR POWER AND CONTROL!>> <<@8101nevermind says : And should be a reminder of what happens when you sell ya public assets..... to money making machine.>> <<@tonyscrimshaw869 says : Bowen is so out of touch with the rest of the world he is a complete fool of a MP who should not get anymore tax payers Money as a wage. A complete Uneducated fool with his mate the PM>> <<@Ds-lq3tc says : You can't belive anything the bull shxt Labor party says>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : Albo …. Hiding figures… Only telling parts of the story…. How surprising Include the changes to the grid to make this garbage work!!! Then the figures look horrendous…. Oh but then your story won’t look so good , will it….>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : More AU owned. Renewables making Chinas industry richer>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Services should never have been sold first place>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Nothing wrong with AU coal. AU is a very low admitted compared with other countries that are not going where Bowen is heading>> <<@MatthewSwift-xc8sn says : Cost also includes. Subsidies currently given out.>> <<@olddog-fv2ox says : Japan is currently assembly line building new nuke generators for less than five billion per reactor and withinin four years>> <<@pwillis1589 says : Typical dimwit RWNJ cherry picking data using worse case renewables and absolutely best case nuclear.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Car thieves are arseholes.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Building a nuclear power plant costs $4-9 billion, with annual operating costs of $150-250 million, including fuel, maintenance, and staff expenses.>> <<@infidel202 says : I don't remember labor telling us that they were going to implement this green energy crap or the voice rubbish before the election, I do remember albonso and co saying cheaper electricity under labor, its now 40% higher>> <<@graemekeeley4497 says : Labor's and the Greens' path to Net Zero via renewables, storage, and transmission is an eye-watering cost of $1,500 billion Duttons reactor plan puts a reactor cost built to connect to existing lines at $160 billion and could be half that so we deducted 7 plants will cost somewhere between $60 billion and $100 billion to be spent between 2025 and 2250 That is about 10% of what the Labor , Greens and Teals Renewables experiment will cost Reactor capital cost recovery time is 75- to 100 years ,Renewable has a maximum lifespan of 25 years Dutton has started the debate and left it to the likes of Dutton and Tanya Plibersek to make right fools of themselves in the debate Reply>> <<@_hold_the_line_ says : LOL, some blades and panels need replacement after only 2 years.>> <<@jasonjudkins2056 says : I don’t trust the CSIRO figures as I feel they have been politicised. Take subsidies off renewables and let the international companies stand on their own two feet if they are cost effective.>> <<@lynettemahoney1710 says : Well we ALL know PINOCCHIO and that other silly man are LIERS>> <<@digger1900 says : At least the coalition wil have an end cost, not an open cheque.>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : Bowen is a spoilt child who has had a tantrum and thrown his toys out of the cot because he can't get his own way with his renewable toys,,,No one takes any notice of anything this spoilt child says !😢>> <<@brad363 says : 8.6 billion per reactor seems good, trillions for renewables over 25 years not so much, Consider all the land ripped up for turbines, panels and wires and the environmental impact. Consider all the copper, lithium and cobalt needed to be mined for renewables.>> <<@smcyfs9477 says : $1 500 000 000 000, thats what Bowens ruinables energy future is going to cost Australia...WTF! 😂>> <<@moe2470 says : They,re all liars. Dont believe anything they say. They all spin BS for votes.😡>> <<@robertzoomer9886 says : No to Labour and it's lies.>> <<@politenessman3901 says : 28,000kms of extra powerlines, that will need the foliage beneath them cut back forever and if they fail to get it, bush fires.>> <<@mikeoneill9461 says : Let's look at the international experience with toxic fires in major battery storage, which are causing significant concerns.>> <<@Get_YT_Views_940 says : Your personality shines through your videos.>> <<@Nutta1 says : Why do 7 do 20 and remove all renewables. Get our land back>> <<@Mulder-m7s says : Using existing poles and wires is the only logical option. Labor don’t seem to understand how fanciful their policy is. Germany tried all renewables and they are now importing nuclear power from France. I hope Australia wakes up in time.>> <<@radambrose7571 says : Someone should ask that stupid Bozo Bowen what his plan is to avoid massive battery storage fires like the one in California, that firemen were unable to extinguish for many days.>> <<@alexpalmer776 says : Western Australia has a surplus of about 3 billion now and could easily start to pay for the first nuclear plant in Australia to produce cheap electricity owned by the WA people. Let WA go 50/50 with the Federal Government now and get it going straight away using the Canadian model.>> <<@alexpalmer776 says : Labours lies, lies and more lies.>> <<@michaelsizer-r7w says : As long as you pricks dont then privatise it like etsa,thats how we got in this mess>> <<@leaffyTrees says : We are killing our oxygen and food makers to give us power, doesn’t make sense.>> <<@starchild5793 says : 7 is a bit rich isn't it. Tasmania? Northern Territory? talk about balls deep. start with 3. One for WA, one in Victoria and another for NSW and QLD. Expand from there. Wind and gas in Tasmania. Solar and gas in the NT. ACT and SA can F*** off lol>> <<@alexdrake5048 says : ALP want us in the DARKAGES LIKE 200 YEARS AGO>> <<@guymoschella4066 says : You can not put brains in coconuts Bowen is a coconut come to think of it 95% of Liebor politicians are in the coconut category.>> <<@MrMe-z1n says : "Mr Littleproud, you and Dutton reminded me of the speech JFK gave on reaching the moon, not that you are both JFK but you both made me proud. I can hear you saying "We choose to go Nuclear in the next ten years and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard". Come on Australia get behind this far seeing Mr Dutton / Littleproud and vote for LNP both in the Senate and The House of Representatives or the ALP, Greens and loopy Teals will forever stop us moving forward and bankrupt Australia with the cost of renewables, which have to be replaced and disposed of in 15yrs".>> <<@Spacewolf01 says : Burkina Faso, a third world African back water has just signed a deal to acquire nuclear powered electricity generation.>> <<@politicz1973 says : What you need to realise with pigs fly with Socialist Labor where "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others.">> <<@clydesimpson1462 says : Bowen has been very secretive in his guaranteed dividends to foreign entities.>> <<@Lillyboo65640 says : Yes, aussies should own & control their electricity generation. Should never have been privatised!! I don't trust that all these imported solar panels & wind turbines don't have a sleeper chip 🤫 that can be manipulated by any of the governments that have supplied it all. One flick of a switch & our power is turned off. Our government don't trust tictok & the Parliament security cameras (which are imported from overseas) which they have removed due to security issues, yet we are trusting all of our electricity supply on overseas made & supplied solar & turbines!!! 😵‍💫🧐🤔>> <<@questioneverythingalways820 says : FUCK NET ZERO - FUCKING SCAM>> <<@weekendwithbevoblog2171 says : 32 countries across the world, all North America and almost all of Europe and a large chunk of Asia generate nuclear power. They can't all be wrong.>> <<@LuciannaG123 says : Socialist energy policy? The Liberal party is about capitalism, wtf are they doing? So are they going to sell them off once they are built? Is that why they are not including build costs? Let the taxpayers foot the bill? And 1950s tech in 2050... is that a good idea?>>