<<@paulchilds9137 says : This Littleproud is something from the 1940s. A totally charmless and negative man. Wait until the Nationals poison a couple of country towns with radiation.>> <<@ministerofemergencies1809 says : More taxes on Super and Medicare Levy to 5%. Thanks Labor.>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : There should be a royal commission into who has vested interest in Albo Bowens ridiculous net zero policy as it seems they won’t admit its failing yet keep pushing the narrative at our expense a bunch of corrupt fools who would have the public believe their propaganda>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : Oh yes I just remembered they keep trying to fool us as Albo and his mates have money to be made from this net zero nonsense at the cost of us the taxpayer>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : I’m deeply puzzled and can’t get my head around the fact that this ridiculous net zero policy is costing trillions of dollars causing hardship on our people for 1 percent of emissions from this country there appears to be no logic we are not in dire straits but this government and the lefty greens appear to have fooled so many people with their propaganda and it’s evident they had no clue about what they were doing and still don’t what and why would anyone with a little common sense vote for this madness>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : Wish Clennel would grill Bowen about the cost of labour’s ridiculous net zero after 2yrs nobody knows and what we all know is isn’t working and nowhere ready and for all this ridiculous cost already labour couldn’t run a school tuck shop>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : I can only hope Australians have woken up to this BS labour keeps spewing all this misery they have caused us the people Albo is only interested in making a name for himself he’s very delusional as he will be known for the worst Prime Minister and labours shortest term in our history>> <<@bryanp4827 says : How about a senate inquiry into the renewables scam...>> <<@chrisgriffiths2533 says : Member Birmingham Must Explain Why He did Not Achieve GREEN STEEL, GREEN COPPER for South Australia when He was in Government ?.>> <<@chrisgriffiths2533 says : Update. Thanks to Leader Littleproud We have People in Central QLD Who Think a COAL MINE Costs Less than a SOLAR POWER STATION. Then When You ask Them what does a Dragline, Coal Truck, Coal Pre Plant, Long Wall Cost to BUY ?. They Don't Know!. Then When You ask Them what does a Dragline, Coal Truck, Coal Pre Plant, Long Wall Cost to RUN ?. They Don't Know!. Then When You ask Them what does a COAL TRAIN, a COAL SHIP Cost to Buy. They Don't Know!. Then When You ask Them what does a COAL TRAIN, a COAL SHIP Cost to Run. They Don't Know!.>> <<@chrisgriffiths2533 says : Leader Littleproud can Not be Taken Seriously. The Nuclear Water Pumps, Valves, Turbines, Generators, Boilers, Computers are going to Last Sixty Years ???. NO CHANCE. Further, Leader Littleproud's Electorate of Maranoa Could Power All of QLD from SOLAR ALONE. Now the Nationals are Anti Private Business. Now Leader Littleproud Misleads on MILITARY RISKS, Totally Disrespectful to DECEASED SUBMARINERS, Deceased Mariners, Deceased Military on the Bottom of the World's Oceans. Further Again, Leader Littleproud's Electorate of Maranoa Could Power All of QLD from SOLAR ALONE.>> <<@KKaaIIKKaaII says : Labour wants to supply australia with the first fully renewable nationalised energy system Liberals want to bring in a bunch if corporations from outside to own the nuclear powerplants they pay for through your tax payer money, these companies under libs will be awfully regulated and will lead to devastation of the environment The liberal destroy everything thats good the even fucked our nbn 😂>> <<@KKaaIIKKaaII says : These channels o Push so much propaganda This is why we need to remove wealth from the elite scums that control us through this shit media framing Grow up people Its not highschool Ther are real issues, like the fact that liberals and sky news are somehow seen as trustworthy, even after all the lies and corruption>> <<@Nathan-ry3yu says : 1.5 trillion dollars and only last for 20 years WTF Australia can't afford that. In 60 years Australia would spend 4.5 trillion dollars for renewables. End up in China pocket In 60 years Australia will pay roughly 200 billion for nuclear power. And it will be Australian owned>> <<@CareyFleming-jf2vw says : I live in a caravan that depends on solar when I get overcast days I run a generator you can not depend on solar or wind to survive always need other power sources>> <<@stuart1001 says : Generations of politicians have been destroying Australia. We should be in a better position than what we are experiencing.>> <<@aussienscale says : And need to be replaced every 25 years at best !!>> <<@justincarman943 says : The upfront capital cost is no different (financially) to giving a foreign national an annuity dividend for 20 years - that’s how annuities work.>> <<@justincarman943 says : CSIRO predict a 15 year build largely because our planning red tape (especially re nuclear) slow it down relative to international experience. Assuming we adopt international best practice there’s no reason they couldn’t be built in a fraction of the time.>> <<@justincarman943 says : This is a no brainer - $387bn is chicken feed compared to “renewables” which haven’t lowered power prices in 50 years.>> <<@alexwilson1241 says : ID10TS Australia will never be competitive on international markets,and what little manufacturing that is left will disappear,,,,,yet we still sell coal and gas to China ,,,,we’re sending our carbon footprint overseas fooling ourselves and destroy our economy and country.>> <<@Necjh says : Good stuff! And move forward, no more bending for trends, leadership Nats and Libs ! 👍>> <<@gregoryogrady2174 says : Honestly the last 2 competing brain cells on display here at Sky News. And that’s a good day! Imagine being so stupid as to believe anything littleproud says! Where illiteracy meets conspiracy theory…….no intelligence required! 😂>> <<@eb6552 says : And people already doing it tough. People living in tents working still fund this government. They have multiple properties, get medical and dental we fund yet cannot afford. They gave themselves hefty increases we don't get. When shall people understand they don't care for us nor for Australia. And thís presenter best get his mind in the right place we're over this lot undermining us with the news they slant as it suits them. You're the presenter not a ministerial enabler, but perhaps you are eh. The nuclear power will belong to us. The offshore windmill farms we fund it doesn't however belong to us.>> <<@craigwhite3724 says : Solar panels and the east coast's fantastic hail storms wow thats gunna be as funny as f-all !>> <<@desking8065 says : 4 Flow chart of siting process Read this and say nukes are possible on selected sites. Figure 1 provides an overview, albeit simplistic, of the siting process. It is important to note that the highest-ranked site may not be the most plausible site for various reasons. If a rigorous timeline is involved in the project delivery, then several well-ranked sites may be short-listed for simultaneous site characterisation to minimise potential delays, with the best being chosen through that process. More details are provided in the following sections. Plant site and surroundings The normal operation of the nuclear power plant or anticipated operational transients do not limit land use offsite. In the environment surrounding the nuclear power plant, however, precautions in the form of land use and public protection plans shall be taken with a view to the possibility of a severe accident [5, 6]. This means, among other things, that in the plant's vicinity there may not be facilities or population centres where the necessary protective measures, such as sheltering indoors or evacuation, would be difficult to implement. In the plant's vicinity, no activities may be carried out that could pose an external threat to the plant. A nuclear power plant site extends to about a kilometre's distance from the facility. It is defined as an area where only power plant related activities are allowed as a rule. Permanent settlement is prohibited and only very limited employee accommodation or recreational settlement is allowed. The licensee responsible for the operation of the nuclear power plant shall have authority of decision over all activities in the area and shall be able to remove unauthorised individuals from the site, if necessary, or prevent such individuals from entering it. The plant site may contain other non-facility related activities provided that they do not pose a threat to plant safety. A traffic lane may traverse the site if the volume of traffic is small and if traffic can be directed elsewhere, if necessary. Visits onsite are allowed provided that the licensee has the possibility to control the movement of visitorsThe plant site is surrounded by a protective zone extending to about a five kilometres' distance from the facility. Land use restrictions are in force within the zone may not contain such significant productive activities as could be affected by an accident at the nuclear power plant. The number of permanent inhabitants should not be in excess of 200. The number of persons taking part in recreational activities may be higher, provided that an appropriate rescue plan can be drawn up for the area. In accordance with a Ministry of the Interior Order [3], the nuclear facility is to be surrounded by an emergency planning zone extending to about 20 kilometres from the facility; the zone shall be covered by detailed rescue plans for public protection drawn up by the authorities. The authorities also bear responsibility for the implementation of the plans. In implementation, special attention shall be paid to the characteristics of the site's surroundings, such as archipelagos that are difficult to cross and recreational settlements, for example. The emergency planning zone may not contain such populations or population centres as would render impossible the efficient implementation of rescue measures applicable to them. 5 References [1] Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 25 February 1991. [2] European Commission Recommendation (1999/829/Euratom) on the Application of Article 37 of EURATOM Treaty. [3] Protective measures for radiation situations - planning and communicating, Ministry of the Interior, SM 1/97. [4] Instructions for action in a radiation accident situation, Ministry of the Interior, A:57, 10/011/98, 16 April 1998. [5] IAEA Safety Series 50-C-S, Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Siting, 1988. [6] International Nuclear Safety Convention (Decree 725/1996).>> <<@user-ys3co7bl1l says : Blowout on past projects indicate more like five trilon.>> <<@user-tm2sy5fb4r says : Yes Yes YES Peter Dutton do it and Australia should own it>> <<@vmura says : renewable profit for mates and ecological disaster>> <<@petermarsh4993 says : To start with, the only way these generators will be built on time and on budget is to exclude Trade Union interference. We cannot accept the Union bastadry that always plagues large significant developments. That’s why construction and management by the Commonwealth is the only way to go. The press is obsessed with finding out the cost but overlooks the reality that with Nuclear there are two components to nuclear costings. The first is the build cost which is amortised over the life of the plant - 80 to 100 years. The second is the generation cost which then translates into customers electricity bills. This is going to be about 1/3 the cost of current electricity generation using inefficient renewable systems that cost customers greatly because they are inefficient and intermittent. As cor solar subsidies, we are already seeing the wind back on feed-in tariffs towards fee-in tax then it would be obvious that solar panels on ordinary citizens roofs is now reaching the end of its expansion.>> <<@valspencer7371 says : All of the turbines, INFRASTRUCTURE, & solar panels, are made in China…. What a financial coup that is for CHINA! Nuclear power would be financed & owned by Australians… Government & later by Australian investors ….. is got to be a “no-brainer”.>> <<@petermarsh4993 says : To start with, the only way these generators will be built on time and on budget is to exclude Trade Union interference. We cannot accept the Union bastadry that always plagues large significant developments. That’s why construction and management by the Commonwealth is the only way to go. The press is obsessed with finding out the cost but overlooks the reality that with Nuclear there are two components to nuclear costings. The first is the build cost which is amortised over the life of the plant - 80 to 100 years. The second is the generation cost which then translates into customers electricity bills. This is going to be about 1/3 the cost of current electricity generation using inefficient renewable systems that cost customers greatly because they are inefficient and intermittent. As cor solar subsidies, we are already seeing the wind back on feed-in tariffs towards fee-in fees then it would be obvious that solar panels on ordinary citizens roofs is now reaching the end of its expansion.>> <<@Christian-yz1qu says : Only an economically illiterate person would push nuclear in Australia. Privatise profits, nationalise risks and losses. That's nuclear energy. Look at the cost blowouts and delays in nuclear projects overseas and you simply have to ditch the idea immediately. But Dutton doesn't care about facts, he's all about ideology and climate denialism. The LNP politicians do not understand that nuclear is a Trojan horse. Voters should not be as stupid as LNP politicians. The switch to renewables and smart grids is already underway around the world, and it's not "trillions" as some have been duped into believing - unless you count private rooftop solar that was installed years ago, which is comparing apples and oranges. SA is already running mostly on renewable electricity, exporting it on some days. You can't shut a reactor down when the renewable output meets all demand. Watch as an authoritarian Dutton takes away your rooftop solar to justify his nuclear reactor running. He doesn't believe in community consultation. The share of nuclear energy worldwide is on the decline. We don't need it here; it is a very stupid idea because it worsens the climate crisis by keeping ageing coal power plants and gas running and spewing carbon into the atmosphere. Renewables are creating more jobs overseas than nuclear or conventional energy. Reckless LNP climate change denialists want to destroy renewables to keep mining dirty fossil fuels because they won't even be holding office when their first fairy-tale reactor goes online. It's unbelievable that many people don't see this.>> <<@gribbo001 says : Love it when comments made by reporters make it sound like a dumb person is asking a question but I can see the need. Have to convince the less educated in our society and that means thinking like a Labor socialist>> <<@gribbo001 says : I bet Albo and the unions have made a deal with China for solar panels and wind turbine blades. Money going off shore and technology that use non environmentally and carbon increasing manufacturing>> <<@gribbo001 says : Bet the media especially ABC won’t report this>> <<@MelbourneHandyman says : The csiro are being paid by the government.>> <<@Mambojambo157 says : Albo went to the election without costing anything. He just “had a plan”. Remember?>> <<@Mambojambo157 says : Coal is way cheaper than nuclear.>> <<@Mambojambo157 says : The way Australians have dumped coal, shows how stupid we have become>> <<@Mambojambo157 says : 1.5 trillion for a crappy weak product>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : Liberal-National energy policy is astronomicly better than Labor-Green green agenda stupidity, definitely 🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 15:15>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : Definitely, with responsibility and accountability management, why not, a winner, definitely 🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 10:24>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : Voters, the people of Australia , like upfront political policy ,definitely 🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 8:24>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : CSRIO somtimes , in the past , used to make numbers for Labor political arguments, why???🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 6:28>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : How 19 countries find nuclear profil profitable but Labor in Australia can't see it ,why???🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 5:08>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : Labor talking about costing, give me a brake, please 🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 3:54>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : I do totally agree with Mr David, definitely 🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 2:25>> <<@milosradovanovic5280 says : Labor misleading about costing, definitely 🤗🌎🐖💯🇦🇺👍🇺🇸❤️ 1:57>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : 1.5 trillion for renewables or 387 billion for nuclear. Mmm a 1.2 trillion dollar saving for nuclear, would build a hell of a lot of hospitals, schools, houses, roads ect.>>