<<@tonyhorn2092 says : If Biden is re-elected, I believe that a another civil or revolutionary war will happen. Because I've seen history repeat itself time & time again in my own personal experience. Just look what's happening right now with TX. 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@burke7320 says : UN and EU next !!!?>> <<@burke7320 says : Jack Smith thinks he's a smart gay !!! He's a demercats pupit 🖕 and now he's going to get chought out !!!!!!! At last !!!! Crurp bidens courts>> <<@AtomicB-zq2cw says : Biden will be pooping in his diaper all night long …>> <<@lulumoon6942 says : DRUG TESTS! 😮>> <<@jewberrygreen says : Forget CNN, I plan on watching the Kennedy debate>> <<@BKay121 says : RFK Jr. The debate is rigged. This debate is happening 3 months earlier than any other debate in US history because Trump and Biden agreed to try and shut out RFK Jr. People, be smarter than this. Everyone just vote RFK Jr and make a stand. Be part of a movement>> <<@twisttwister8254 says : Long live Trump. The people president. 🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉>> <<@gashousegorillas1 says : Scam.....no way this moron biden is winning by 2 pts>> <<@gashousegorillas1 says : Which drugs will biden be on....they juiced Adolf very good Every day>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : Who cares>> <<@williamnelson8578 says : RFK Jr works for Putin and trump as a fake liberal big name spoiler. he has been colluding with trump the whole time and you can google the photo of him meeting with traitors Michael Flynn and Roger stone.>> <<@fiskman7227 says : The domestic terrorist democrats have nothing to say to the American people>> <<@fiskman7227 says : Lolol, the domestic terrorist biden has nothing to say>> <<@billywild5440 says : This will be the most corrupt US election ever.>> <<@donttakethebait says : I wish he was in the debate. It would expose him for who and what he really is. Just another unhinged lunatic democrat globalist.>> <<@billsmith-qq9pt says : These poles are only proof that the ultra left criminal elite are fixing the poles in preparation for another fixed Presidential Election. One more turn of the wrecking ball of the corrupt and demented Left, and the entire West will be finding out for themselves that Genocidal Communism is in reality ultra Feudalism>> <<@Fawkyoutube says : Why do we have a person with a speech impediment and disgusting teeth as a news reporter? Just saying if you want ratings remove stutterer!>> <<@Sandburn58 says : FCNN. I learned that there will not be any audiences attending the debate, so there will be no applauds, nor boos in the background. Another point. Why is it only the leftist media that moderates these debates? why not an independent group of journalists who can ask all the tuff questions to all candidates? instead of asking Biden "What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream?" while asking Trump "Why are you an election denier?">> <<@ptkettlehatsandthegang says : 1:26 Look I bet this comment won't get pinned or like but if replied I'll do 10 push ups which won't happen I hope.>> <<@The-Real-aPOC says : We all know the debate is going to be rigged by CNN, Biden's handlers would not allow it otherwise. The reason they don't want RFK Jr. there is because they don't want any witness that can confirm it was rigged. Trump needs to get a concealed camera and mic into the studio to document the WHOLE debate so it can be compared to the heavily edited footage CNN will air.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : The Democrats Are going to mute Trump in the debate when he attempts to speak>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : DEMOCRAT DOUBLE STANDARDS Its time to hold the Democrats to their own standard instead of exemptions and with Hillary Clinton boastfully mocking Trump over the hush money trial people forget that the Democrats really have double standards when it comes to this matter. Or that Democrats are guilty of the same when taxpayer funding has been used to pay off Bill' Clintons alleged victims of sexual Harrassment and assault in order to influence voters keeping him in office on more than one occassion and incorrectly put down as Government expenditure With episodes including Paula Jones who after their completely trashing her name trying to make her out to be a joke and to silence and make her go away Was then paid $ 850,000:00 to settle then there was the Monica Lewinski episode again Bill was guilty and both were written up as Government Legal expenditure now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black. However for this same issue more than one Democrat are now guilty of using taxpayer funding with over 268 Democrat sexual harassment claims occurring at this time all being paid all using taxpayer funding put through as Government expenditure purely to stay in office. DEMOCRATS THEMSELVES GUILTY OF WHAT THEY ACCUSE TRUMP Although the Democrats through Hillary Clinton did attempt to influence an election with the Steel Dosier falsifying business records and breached campaign finance law which is an offence. For in 2022 the Federal Election Commission determined that in 2016 Hillary Clinton in trying to influence the election outcome had committed campaign finance violations by incorrectly detailing campaign violation expenses as Government Legal expenses. When they clearly were not Government legal expenses and despite the fact they were guilty they were never prosecuted by any New York district attorneys even though the Clintons campaign was headquartered in New York There was never a single prosecution of any Democrat in the Hillary campaign for falsifying business records to cover up a campaign finance violation and yet they go after Trump So is it taught to all Democrats that whenever a Democrat is called before Congress to answer questions. That they won't answer but will deflect, pontificate on something entirely different and say they'll get back on that but never do all without ever answering the question. THE EVIDENCE FOR SELECTIVE POLITICAL PROSECUTION Prosecution based on political motivation Why when Democrats are guilty of doing exactly what they accuse Trump of doing are they exempt but are they now going after Trump in an election year. DEMOCRAT CAMPAIGN VIOLATIONS VIOLATING CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW When in 2022 the Federal Election Commission determined that Hillary Clinton committed campaign finance violations occurring in 2016 by trying to influence the election outcome which occurred in the same year they are now pursuing Trump for However why when the Clinton campaign paid taxpayer monies to fund the steel dossier portfolio with supposedly incriminating allegations against Trump and incorrectly reporting them as Government Legal expenses. Whereby the F.E.C. in 2022 after reviewing conveyed they were not Government legal expenses they were campaign violation expenses and that by falsifying business records violates campaign finance law. It was the Democrats who violated campaign finance law and despite the fact they were guilty they were never prosecuted by any New York district attorneys despite the Clintons campaign being headquartered in New York There was never a single prosecution of any Democrat in the Hillary campaign for falsifying business records to cover up a campaign finance violation now isn't that what they are accusing Trump of doing so why isn't Hillary being pursued and Jailed But the corruption runs deep and we could also talk about Hillary Clinton and the russiagate fiasco with all the lies and cover ups and the deleted emails occurring before congress again using taxpayer funding that influenced the outcome of an election. Then there was the Benghazi episode and causing the deaths of American diplomats and then there's the Epstein involvement. Total Democrat hypocrisy after the Trump guilty verdict with Hillary Clinton having the audacity now in posts and through merchandise with her image and a caption saying she was right about Trump all along shows their utter depravity and Gall so why isn't she in jail.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : TRUMP DID NOT VIOLATE THE LAW So when the election was in 2016 and no Trump payments were made until long after the election with the first occurring in 2017 and he was already President. So how can it be classified as election interference, manipulation and fraud attempting to influence an election. When there was no fraud, the statements were undervalued with no evidence of concealment. In fact there was eighteen pages of additional disclosing asset information and the Banks made it clear they provided Deutsch Bank above and beyond with everything they needed. So there was no crime and this is a political trial to remove an apponent in an election year and do all to hinder his election chances. Truthfully it's time to go after the Democrats for all their offences including Hillary Clinton violating campaign finance law Why are Democrats exempt when the Clinton campaign paid taxpayer monies to fund the steel dossier portfolio with supposedly incriminating allegations against Trump and incorrectly reporting them as Government Legal expenses. Whereby the F.E.C. in 2022 after reviewing conveyed they were not Government legal expenses they were campaign violation expenses and that by falsifying business records violates campaign finance law. It was the Democrats who violated campaign finance law not Trump and despite the fact they were guilty they were never prosecuted by any New York district attorneys despite the Clintons campaign being headquartered in New York so is there a double standard. Then there were Democrats causing numerous American deaths in Afghanistan and for the Democrat lies costing lives over the non existent weapons of mass destruction Just as its time to go after Democrat Obama for the Drone deaths of Americans and Obama care and for his empowering Mexican drug Cartels with american weapons that in turn caused the death of a U.S Border guard. Its time to go after Democrat Bush for imprisoning and torturing Americans at Gitmo and its time to go after Democrat Nancy Pelosi for all the illegal insider trading. And its time to Go after corrupt Joe Biden and the Biden crime family and all their illegal dealings and there are so many of them its beyond the pale. The Hunter gun trial is only the tip of the iceberg and purely a smokescreen>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : THE WEAPONISATION OF THE LEGAL SYSTEM This was a blatant weaponisitation of the legal system against Trump for something that had past the statute of limitations for a non disclosure payment that wasnt against the law. But they have manipulated into something more and into a Federal Law matter with all legal excess bounds being broken. Even before walking into the Court room this Judge ordered the Trump organisation and all affiliated companies and even his trust to be dissolved. This was even before any witnesses had taken the stand so the outcome of this case was evident and set in motion before it even began. Throughout the prosecution endeavouring through slight of hand in bringing into the trial matters that had nothing to do with this trial and turn it into a Federal offence and something entirely different to what it is and then have it tried it in a State jurisdiction And while a State Court can't try on Federal jurisdiction matters however it has in this instance and this sets a dangerous precedent for the American system of law It was a State Court trying on a Federal matter by a hand picked leftist Democrat Judge from Colombia and no one knows who appointed him as a Judge who is funding the Democrat Party and whose daughter was making money from the Trump Trial and stood to make much more if Trump was found guilty. There was a Democrat Soros funded Prosecutor and a Democrat Jury all hand picked after detailing they each hated Trump and hadn't voted for him and by demonstating their hate for Trump made them suitable as Jurists to this Judge. Where is we are all equal before the law and justice is blind and everyone is entitled to a fair trial but not Trump it would appear and this was stacked from the get-go. In all honesty how does anyone defend against something when they are not informed of what the charge is. While no one knew what the offence was going to be until after closing arguments and the Jury didnt need to unanimously agree on which offence as they could pick one from a drop down box. So even if different jurors picked different offences the Judge allowed that as a unanimous jury decision and even though there were no victims and the Bank has no complaints as Trump repaid the debt with his own money There were expert Election law witnesses for Trump not allowed with Bragg knowingly allowing perjury and false testimony against Trump on the witness stand and breaches of Trumps constitutional rights while repeatedly violating the Brady Supreme Court Ruling by withholding crucial evidence. This trial was set in motion the day Trump declared he was running and Biden declared intent of using the legal system against him. If this isn't a weaponisation of the legal system purely designed to get Trump in an election year and remove a Political apponent Trumps counsel repeatedly sought a directed verdict stating there is no case and that the Prosecutions star witness Michael Cohen really can't be trusted to give an honest account of anything. Especially when he has already been found to be a serial perjurist whose testimony is unreliable and changes to suit. So you have a corrupt Soros backed trial with a Judge restricting Trump unable to defend himself having had a gag order placed and a scenario where his attorney's are also gagged and not allowed to say what they need in order to defend their client. This all goes against the constitution and is needing to go to the Supreme Court and there are numerous grounds for taking it there. We could ask has the Supreme Court ever intervened in an election when it violated the constitution. Yes in the Bush vs Gore case and although the decision was split but seven did vote in favor on the application of the equal protection clause This is a close precedent case to what's occurring with Trump whereby in a similiar situation with a State Prosecutor and State Court seizing Federal jurisdiction authority in a Federal campaign. But in Trumps case its not just any Federal campaign its the most important Federal campaign being for the President of the United States and thats number one Number two is you have a myriad of fifth and fourteenth amendment violations against the current Republican nominee and former President. Violations not only hindering the Republican party as a whole and their donors but also the candidate himself. As an equal participant in a Presidential election whereby because of this the Repubican campaign is handicapped. As the Democrat campaign can do so unfetted and the Republican campaign is shackled and they are shackled for over a six week period and the State jurisdiction Judge is not done depending upon what the Appellant Courts do in New York So there are numerous grounds in this Trump case where you have a violation of due process under the fifth and fourteenth amendments For this case not only violates the first amendment, the fifth amendment due process and equal protection rights but also those conveyed in the fourteenth amendment and the sixth amendment. Whereby you have a right to competent council however a legal council can't be competent when constantly being interrupted sabotaged and hamstrung throughout the trial then gagged so they cannot defend their client. Unable to call proper witnesses and not given notice of what laws are involved or of what crime and then withholding crucial evidence with State Democrat Judges then making judicial decisions on Federal law issues With so many examples what was the point of all these due process violations it was to influence the election outcome and how by getting a guilty verdict A writ of certiorari along with an all writs and a common law writs therefore needs to be brought to the Supreme Court. For just as there are writs at common law , including the all writs which are common law writs and part of the all writs act that are part of the judiciary act of 1789. Filing applications for the common law writs within the U.S . Supreme Court but in doing so detailing where the harm is immediate and ongoing both to the Federal electoral system , the Federal campaign and to jurisdiction issues Reverse Federalism and the precedent that it might create through the back-door if it's left unchecked this can't be allowed Especially when there is already a bad precedent having been set in that the American people are left sitting around waiting for a State to decide the fate of a Presidential candidate on Federal law matters. If its not challenged it is going up through a State Court level Court and is binding on a Federal Presidential candidate and all of this State Appellant process involves Federal law The fact its taking place is enough to seek Supreme Court intervention and doing so through the all writs and the common law writs. Along with arguing for the Supreme Court to examine this for a multitude of reasons but also by tieing the Federalisation of what occurred in Manhattan. Where not only the Federal Government is being affected but so too is a Federal election and the American people as a whole for the entire campaign law process is now affected by this one State and by this one Court. Along with Filing a writ of prohibition that restrains a body exercising and exceeding its judicial powers by usurping its jurisdiction as this State Court has done. Also filing an order of Mandamus ordering a lower Court to stay their actions while the Federal Court considers it and whether general supervision over inferior State Courts applies. Especially with this Courts obstructing Federal pre-emption when Federal jurisdiction law violations are being heard by a State jurisdiction law court exceeding its authority with an acting State Judge and a State prosecutior and this an ongoing violation of constitutional rights A State Court cannot regulate congress as it's doing in this case where it takes authority to declare what a Federal election Law violation is and thats important or the equal protection clause or the due process clause or the first amendment right of free speech concerning a non disclosure agreement Then are numerous grounds for Supreme Court intervention there is the supremacy clause , the necessary property clause where when it comes to regulating Federal elections the Supreme Court has over -riding authority and there are multiple violations of Federal law in this case However while your stuck in New York you would also file the notice of your right to appeal and ask for a stay of the trial Court so that you stay the sentencing while considering the case. Within New York you would also file an emergency notice of appeal while seeking from the New York Appellant Court an expedited emergency review. Fot under Democrats the U.S. justice system has been compromised through the destruction of the legal system and if there was ever grounds for Supreme Court intervention this is it. This is crucial as leaks are now coming out of Bragg's department conveying they are seeking to Jail Trump for a minimum of at least twelve months but hopefully longer in a Maximum security prison and with the collaboration with secret service to remove all of his security detail and its believed that is possibly to Epstein him. The fact is that Trump will not receive a fair trial in the Blue State of New York where even looking at the Judges on the appeals Court each one is Democrat It's also now coming out that there were celebratory notes posted on the Judicial system website that Trump was going to be declared Guilty on all charges the day before the jury made their findings as if it was a foregone conclusion. Now isnt that grounds for a mis - trial with jury members disclosing trial information outside of court whilst the court is in motion.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : DEMOCRAT CORRUPTION UNDER BIDEN Truthfully its time to go after corrupt Joe Biden and his drug addict son and all their illegal dealings truthfully why should Democrats be exempt. Its alright to say Joe Biden is too old and frail to stand trial over anything he's done. But then to say he's never been more cognitive and on top of his game and alright to be President and leader of the free world really you can't have it both ways. ELECTION FRAUD AND COLLUSION And it's now come out the Biden family along with 51 intel secret service agents colluded with big tech to lie to the American people spreading propaganda and misinformation in order to interfere and influence the outcome of the 2020 election So the Democrats are actually guilty of election fraud manipulating the outcome of an election on more than one occassion and not Trump as through deception they stole the 2020 election. And it was telling watching Joe Biden's televised response after the Trump trial verdict was a long and hard evil smirking smile at the camera. These people are truly evil and Biden knows exactly what he's doing and its not adhering his oath pledging allegiance and to uphold the constitution that he took when sworn into office when both he and the Democrat party are openly committing acts of treason against America>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : THE BIDEN CORRUPTION RUNS DEEP Honestly the Biden family are so corrupt. The Democrat corruption against America , its people and its interests under Biden runs deep. However endeavouring through subpoenaed information to investigate the Biden family you also not only have to investigate their tax evasions. But also their money laundering, and the numerous shelf companies they've set up to accomodate it,. Along with the racketeering and with his being an unregistered foreign agent selling national security detail to foreign interests. You also need to look at their bribery and collusion whereby bank records reveal only some of the extent as the Biden's continue raking in millions of dollars from American adversaries worldwide. Including from adversaries in China whereby the documentation reveals contrary to their protestations the fact that Joe Biden himself has communicated with every single person that sent his family money and had dinners with many of them and he is directly involved. While everything we thought about the Biden laptop and selling information to foreign nationals and spies is true. It's not Russian disinformation and the FBI knew about it and were colluding and manipulating the election outcome in order to get Biden elected while running cover for him. Then we have stealing classified Government documents and sitting on them while still only a Senator and he had no right to do so. The difference between him and Trump was that Trump was President and had the right to declassify but Joe Biden when only a Senator did not. For this gun offence by Hunter Biden was honestly the least offensive misdemeanour that they could muster in the Hunter Biden' long list of one hundred and seventy offences. Thats right there are one hundred and seventy Hunter Biden offences that they knew about and are divulged upon his laptop its not Russian propaganda but they've run cover protecting him and his father throughout. It this was all occurring even before the election that got Biden elected and they knew about it but ran protection censoring it from coming out So when there are much bigger crimes including being a bag man for his father The Democrat corruption against America , its people and its interests under Biden runs deep. However endeavouring through subpoenaed information to investigate the Biden family you also not only have to investigate their tax evasions. But also their money laundering and the numerous shelf companies they've set up to accomodate it. Along with the racketeering and with his being an unregistered foreign agent selling national security detail to foreign interests acting against America and doing so with his father's involvement. You also need to look at their bribery and collusion whereby bank records reveal only some of the extent as the Biden's continue raking in millions of dollars from American adversaries worldwide. Including from adversaries in China, Russia and numerous other Global players. Whereby the documentation reveals contrary to their protestations, the fact that Joe Biden himself has communicated with every single person that sent his family money and had dinners with many of them. While everything we thought about the Biden laptop and selling information to foreign nationals and spies is true. It's not Russian disinformation and the FBI knew about it and Joe Biden himself was involved they were colluding and manipulating the election outcome in order to get Joe Biden elected while running cover for him. They knew all this was occurring before the election and still ran cover to get him elected while censoring information so that Americans remained unaware. While the Democrats claim no one is above the law, except it would seem Democrat Joe Biden. Who by invoking executive privilege for himself and those running cover for him including those fifty one lying intelligence officials and the Department of Justice and Merrit Garland. All so that Joe Biden doesn't face any legal jeopardy so why is no one is above the law suddenly is above the law.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : INTENDING TO MUTE TRUMP IN DEBATE Its also coming out Joe Bidens wife has divulged on the view that in the upcoming Political debate between her husband and Trump that they have taken steps and will be muting Trumps microphone whenever he attempts to speak So if they will be muting Trump's microphone whenever he attempts to speak is this how Democrats perceive fair when they honestly don't know the meaning of the word. Seriously why hasn't Bill Gates and Pfizer developed a vaccine for Trump derangement syndrome.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : BIDEN PERVERSION PERSONIFIED While Democrats made mileage out of Trump and his daughters innocent relationship trying to paint a deceptive picture. However we know from Joe Biden's daughter Ashley Blazer Biden's stolen diary that Joe Biden regularly showered with his pubescent twelve year old daughter. All apparently transpiring with his wife's knowledge. We also know that his daughter apparently felt turned on by these episodes as she detailed that in her diary and it's also collaborated through Hunter Bidens leaked text messages from his laptop While Joe Bidens daughter also believes that she was sexually molested when very young any other adult man would be in jail. And this really compounds when you stop and think about Joe Biden's obsession with smelling very young girls hair and with his getting way too familiar with them. In crossing boundaries that no older man should be doing with any under-age girls but the media running protection won't touch it. It's also telling that Hunter Biden doesn't want his father putting his hand on or touching his daughter even moving his father's hand away from his daughter in a press conference. Although we also know his son Hunter is a drug addict who isnt much better and after the death of his brother went straight around commencing a sexual relationship with his distraught sister in law his dead brothers wife Then they throw up this smokescreen conveying that Hunter Biden has now been found Guilty of the gun charges brought against him. The fact its coming straight after the Trump verdict is designed to say see justice is blind and that Trump had a fair trial even though he didnt while Hunter is free until mid January when they will reappear for sentencing Even though its only the tip of the iceberg of much larger crimes involving the family and the one crime negating any guilt of association with his father and he has been involved in all of them. Although it's also now believed a selection of Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race be replaced some sighting his cognitive decline as the reason. While others profess he's never been more cognitive and on top of his game and he's alright to be President and leader of the free world but then say he's too old and frail to stand trial really they can't have it both ways. It doesn't mean that he should be immune from prosecution or that his last act as President will not in fact be pardoning his son Hunter>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : IS IT POSSIBLE TO EVER COME BACK FROM THIS The corruption is just so deep and runs through all levels of Government and behind Government wondering if its at all possible to come back aware its time to drain the swamp on both sides. As people see the decline occurring under Biden they see the blatant sexualisation and endocrination of children in schools , they see the escalating cost of living and they see society unravelling just as they see the escalating foreign debt with the Democrats constantly giving more to Ukraine but doing nothing for Americans They see the Democrat attacks on free speech and upon those fundamental rights and freedoms the principals of America and their attempts to dismantle the constitution. They see the unprecedented assault on the rule of law and its lawfare targeting opponents and anyone with an opposing mindset to the Democrats They see the weaponisation of the department of justice and of law enforcement. And they see the persecution and attacks on religious freedoms They see the Democrats who like all in congress took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution when sworn into office but doing all to subvert, dismantle and destroy it They see the voter fraud always favouring Democrats and are aware Soros is behind numerous voter fraud issues occurring in America. The same as being behind and funding the Trump trials. Although amazingly always favouring Democrats and their marxist agenda and by using the leftist Cloward and Piven Strategy in order to overload the countries infrastructure so that it cannot support itself to the point of collapse We could all ask why is Soros continually allowed to commit treason by undermining and working to destroy the fabric of the America. Why isn't this man held for treason against the Nation when there's numerous grounds for doing so. Honestly so many people are not prepared to face another great depression with the prospect of war and ensuing starvation a scenario that is now being actively pursued by Democrats. People need to band together in networks of support preparing for the ensuing crisis just as people need to pray.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : AMERICANS WAKING UP The people can see how life was under Trump and the decline thats occurred under Biden. People can see the open borders and upwards of between 30 to fourty three million illegal criminals, drug cartel gang members, terrorists and released prisoners brought from emptied out foreign jails brought to the border and released into America. And its growing daily, this is the real number divulged from those in the know on border patrol and not what those within Government profess. Illegals that are flooding in all receiving the golden ticket in handouts and commit horrific crimes inside America only to be caught and released to re-offend. While many American veterans who put their lives on the line serving their country are now living on the street and their Government doesn't care about them. They see the irony of America standing to enforce the borders of other Nations and their funding Neo - Nazi organisations in Ukraine but doing nothing about protecting the open American borders at home. This is purely a Democrat Biden result of dismantling the previous Trump administrations precautions halting border crossings and Biden signing orders further enabling it so they cannot blame the previous administration. We could also ask why is there a two tier system of justice in America as numerous illegal criminals. As many of these illegals are actually foreign prisoners that are brought from foreign jails by their Government and being released at the border to cross over into America. So many are now committing serious crimes in America are being released straight back into society only to re-offend over and over again. With numerous episodes including the murders and rapes of American women and children that are now occurring by these illegals. With just a few of the episodes including that of the illegal Ecuadorian Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi with his long rap sheet of offences inside America and now we have his brutal raping of a thirteen year old girl at knifepoint in a broad daylight in a public park. Then there is the lovely bright young mother of five Rachel Moren who was viciously raped and murdered by the illegal Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez. A man wanted for a vicious crime spree starting in El Salvador where Hernandez is wanted for murder, and numerous other crimes according to reports. Before he then fled to the U.S. and commenced his crime spree all across multiple cities of the United States. As Hernandez then popped up in Los Angeles where he violently assaulted a 9-year-old girl and her mother during a violent home invasion. Hernandez then made his way to Harford County Maryland where he raped and killed a mother of 5, Rachel Morin, while she was walking down a trail. Then there is the violeny kidnap rape, torture and strangulation murder of a twelve year old girl in Houston. A lovely young girl whose body was then dumped in a creek by the two illegals from Venezuela named Franklin Pena and Jose Rangel who were only recently let in by Biden Why are all these illegals committing horrific crimes only to be captured and released put back out on the street only to re-offend and take American lives as has once again now occurred in Georgia. With no attempts to hold them to account to lock them up or to send them back where they came from just catch and release to re-offend the Democrat plan in action. With leaks inside border control and within Government conveying there are numerous contractor bids and programs already in place where illegals are being given free housing with taxpayer funding and numerous new houses and building companies are on board to build many more houses with Taxpayer funding all this while the American Government is screwing over Americans. People can see the Democrat plans to stack the decks having all those upwards of between 30 to fourty three million illegal criminals, drug cartel gang members, terrorists and illegals all voting Democrat and they see Democrats doing their all to make voter fraud occur and this is why showing ID to vote is so crucial. When the election is so easily able to be frauded, especially with all the absentee votes and with no ID checks. The fact that in many places they are not even checking ID with the electoral voter roles or verifying peoples place of residence is extremely disconcerting. Then also with the Soros backed electronic voter machines able to be altered that really all needs to be stopped. Then there is the mail in votes that are able to be tampered with and changed and with so people voting multiple times in multiple jurisdictions. So we could all ask why these electoral voter roles are not put in order and why the loopholes allowing fraud to occur havent been closed. We could also ask why all Democrats object to proposals of having to show ID to vote or of any efforts to close the voter fraud loopholes. As its now being revealed that early Election fraud is already occurring in a number of U.S. States including in Michigan. With registered voters tallying eight point one million in Michigan and they only have a 7.6 million population therein then clearly there is already a problem. Wondering when the rabbit hole of corruption is so deep will it ever be able to be brought back. However America with all thats transpiring do not be surprised if Democrats as a result of enabling this dishonest conduct are voted back in by a landslide even if all Americans had voted for Trump and the Republicans Aware there is a movement that everyone needs to get on board endeavouring to secure the election through www.protectthevote.com and www.protectthevote.net.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : ON THE BRINK OF WORLD WAR THREE While under cover of the Trump Trial President Biden without asking the American people has given permission to Ukraine, Zelenski and Nato to use American weapons inside Russia including the banned Cluster Munition Bombs that kill and maim civilians including children. and their use is commissioning a war crime. A scenarion whereby Biden is hoping to escalate the situation into World War three and that by doing so that the American people will rally behind their President in a time of war What is also ironic is that its the Democrats who accuse Trump of being the one that will start World War three but it's Democrat Biden doing all to make it happen Everything Democrats accuse Republicans of doing is exactly what the Democrats themselves are doing. We could all wonder if Russia were firing missiles inside America just how America would react believing that Putin has remained pretty calm considering the circumstances However the Russians won't take it laying down having American missiles firing into Russia and U.S. authorised highly illegal cluster Munition bombs where ninety five percent of casualties are civilians. For Biden doesnt care that illegal cluster Munition bombs sent by America to be used are now killing and horribly maiming civilians including children inside Russia. So as any reasonable leader would do Vladimir Putin is sending a very clear message to America with Russian warships and Nuclear capable submarines now beginning to arrive off the coast of Florida. With all the hostilities occurring inside Russia being caused by America against civilians and children whose blood is on American hands. Despite Democrat propaganda there is no way these Russian war ships entering enemy U.S. territory would not be armed. This is serious and in no way a game especially when you realise that Russia and China both have each other's backs and that combined their military is just massive. Especially when with escalating hostilities Russia endeavoured holding peace talks and negotiations but Joe Biden, Nato and Zelenski along with UK's Borris Johnson outright refused as they don't want peace and are actively pursuing war. But in a Nuclear war no one wins and there is no territory left to dispute>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : AMERICAN YOUTH TO BE DRAFTED As Biden has also just pushed through with the house passing a defence Bill automatically registering all 18 - 26 year olds into mandatory for all U.S. male and female citizens to be placed into the compulsory draft conscription and failure to register is considered a jailable felony This is all in order to sent away fighting in foreign forever wars aware the last American draft was the Viet Nam War With so much transpiring and Biden on the brink of causing world war three. It's scary to think he has the nuclear codes and authority to use them just as Putin also does in Russia. It's also telling that Joe Biden at this crucial moment in time when he has done all to start world war three and with Russia on the doorstep of America and Warships off the coast he now flies out of the country to the G7 Summit in Italy. And while there pledging an additional fifty Billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars more for Zelenski and the Ukraine for this year alone and this is only a few weeks after sending over another sixty one Billion Dollars to Ukraine. Just as the Ukrainian Zelenski is now also demanding a regime change inside Russia and the forfeiture of all Russian lands to be handed to Ukraine under Zelenski Remember when we were all told this was all about preserving democracy in the Ukraine. So in the name of preserving democracy Zelenski has now publically declared himself as the dictating leader for the next ten year period. Followed by stating that no elections will be had within the Ukraine throughout that ten year period so does that sound like democracy. Its now also coming out that Zelenski is buying up numerous mansions all over the world including within the United Arab Emirates. Apparently he is also buying numerous expensive yachts and cars and his wife regularly goes on expensive shopping trips to Paris buying up numerous designer $ 40,000:00 Dollar dresses But hey they need more money so in addition to pledging another fifty Billion to Ukraine for this year alone. President Biden has now also signed legally binding contracts guaranteeing financially supporting the war in Ukraine over the next ten year period. This along with pledging an additional trillion dollars in American taxpayer money to support them throughout that ten year period Pledging this in foreign aid to Ukraine just as the American debt surpasses 34 Trillion Dollars and Americans are reeling from cost of living. Can you see the movement to destroy America occurring from within by corrupt Politicians. Honestly we all need to pray to Jesus Christ for this Nation and for the world for his protection and guidance throughout the battle ahead to overcome in making this Nation great once again. Let's hope we all live to see this election and that Trump is still alive and elected as President. And that he is able to drain the swamp when the corruption just runs so deep. Recalling when President John F Kennedy said he wanted to disband the CIA and the deep State with their unlimited finances and not being answerable to anyone. That he wanted to end all the secret service corruption however we all know how that worked out for him when they ended up assassinating him and his brother Robert. It would seem the powers that be were more powerful than he and they remain. As a Nation we need to love one another and come back to God for a Nation who turns its back on God is doomed to failure.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : DEMOCRAT ATTEMPTS TO DISARM THE POPULACE All of this while the Biden Democrat Federal Government is currently massively arming all Government departments and moving in its attempts to disarm the populace. Whereby the Hunter Biden trial was simply a smokescreen trying to show that justice is blind and that no one is above the law. Its so they can say Trump received a fair trial even though he didn't but they will say that because they also found the Presidents son guilty so that proves justice is blind. Although concerning this gun matter the Democrats intend taking it to the Supreme Court and making it into a gun rights issue With Joe Biden now giving speeches on introducing new tighter gun restrictions and gun control. So you can see how this is this all playing out into manipulating the situation into disarming the American people. It was telling in Joe Biden's speech saying if the Government is seriously going to overstep their authority over the American people then there is nothing that you the American people can do about it. As your going to need more than F15 rifle to take on the Government, while within his speech also denigrating Thomas Jefferson and what he said within his letter concerning standing for liberty So take it under advisement Americans do not relinquish your arms or your right to defend yourself and to self determination. Truthfully all evil tyranny needs to succeed is for good people to be complacent in accepting and doing nothing. You seriously need to ask yourself if your prepared to stand and die for liberty for the sake of yourselves and your children and their children or succumb as slaves to tyranny. For when tyranny becomes law Rebellion becomes duty Thomas Jefferson Everything with the Democrats has an agenda and they are using Hunter Biden's Gun offence verdict as a means to justify an end attempting to disarm Americans which is not in America's favour and everything Democrats accuse Trump and the Republicans of is exactly what the Democrats themselves are doing>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : DEMOCRATS BUILDING CONCENTRATION CAMPS So let's talk about the Democrat claims of Republican concentration camps and apply that to what the Democrats are actually doing. As so many peaceful Americans who supported Trump are being openly targeted by Democrats as domestic terrorists being incarcerated in prisons without being charged and awaiting trial for months on end We also learned from Clayton Morris on the Redacted news broadcast the details from an official Government website where they intend building numerous concentration camp like facilities and are in the process of doing so now in all fifty States of America. Each housing upwards of tens of thousands of people but and this is crucial they are not for the illegals. As all the ice detainment facilities that were built for illegals currently remain empty and the Government has a catch and release back into society policy even for known criminals Sources within reveal that these camps are for dissenting dissidents and those with apposing viewpoints to the Democrats. Those people that don't want to comply with Government dictate. Or those that dont want to take vaccines or do as they are instructed. So any citizen not complying with Democrat Government dictate will be rounded up by the National Guard and Military and Martial law will be declared Its not nefarious or a conspiracy theory and when you look at what they are currently doing to the January 6' ers and anyone with an apposing mindset to Democrats. That are now being incarcerated and confined in prison cells without charge or trial for months on end and that includes little old grandmothers who were only just visiting the capital that are now sitting in prison cells without charge. This is all happening now under Democrats watch and America seriously you need to wake up.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : NANCY PELOSI CONVEYS TRUMP WILL NOT BE ALLOWED BACK IN THE WHITE HOUSE Its also telling watching Nancy Pelosi conveying in interviews that Trump won't be President and that he will not be allowed back in the White House. Does that sound like it's already been arranged and steps taken that he'll either be incarcerated and Epsteined or through voter fraud and election manipulation once again rigged affecting the outcome. Just as they attempted in 2016 and as they actually successfully did in 2020 and truthfully its ripe for voter fraud to occur. Especially when you don't even need to show ID to vote where people vote multiple times or voting ballets are changed and then you have dead people all voting Democrat with so many election fraud loopholes that really need closing. Every Rebulican needs to unite and stand together against tyranny and everyone needs to petition their members to act. While every Republican prosecutor now needs to haul every corrupt Democrat senator before the Courts as this corruption runs deep and its evil. We cant keep letting them off so they can keep attacking Republicans and Republicans see them doing the same or worse and repeatedly let them off only for them to once again attack holding Republicans to a standard that they themselves won't adhere. Although it suits the Democrats if Republicans are a soft touch repeatedly letting them off But we can't keep giving the Democrats another pass when they won't they're Marxists working to destroy the fabric of society and the Nation. While you have riots and people burning the American flag shouting death to America and Joe Biden responding saying he understands their passion The Democrats are the American Marxist party actively pursuing their destructive Communist ideals of dismantling America. People can see the Democrat and deep state collusive attempts to destroy America through the open borders and all the evil that's transpiring. Especially when you have so many illegals committing horrific and violent crimes against Americans only to be caught and released to re-offend. All this while also conveying that life has never been better than it is right now under Democrat Biden when Americans can in fact see differently. With Democrats attempts at controlling and manipulating media in order to portray a deceptive narrative while conveying its all in the interests of saving Democracy. However its the same Democrats and their surrogates that are intentionally undermining and destroying it. Just as they are now moving to destroy the constitution and the Republic of America and all it has stood for. Whereby Democrats are manipulating peoples minds and thoughts through their race baiting and inclusion dogma attempts to divide and conquer. This concept was particularly advanced under the Privileged Obama's and Clintons both of whom were never victims. Although they like to portray as such but honestly they had everything handed to them and were never victims. So it's Ironic when Democrats profess to be the party for black people that it was actually the Democrats who did their all to protect the Klu Klux Klan from extinction. When they were actively being pursued by the Republican Ulysses S. Grant who sought to end them. It was also the Republicans who were the anti-slavery party with the Republicans appointing the first African Americans and Jewish Americans to prominent federal offices. Whereby the first 23 Black congressmen in American history were also all Republican.” While in truth the Democratic Party for most of the 19th century was a white supremacist organization that gave no welcome to Black Americans and yet they managed to manipulate many. They were a conservative group of politicians known as the Bourbons who controlled the Southern Democratic parties. Well into the 20th century, the official name of Alabama’s dominant organization was the Democratic and Conservative Party of Alabama. The truth is the Democrats are all Marxist against any Nationalist for his country such as Donald Trump is for his country and America needs someone who is for America. However the Democrats are all wanting China to be a dominant super power in this century and for America to decline in status. When America and the free world needs Trump and the stability he brought aware the road back is not going to be an easy one. We all need to pray that America doesn't fall and that Trump lives to see the election and is re-ellected. Aware Trump is not perfect just like anyone he's human making mistakes but he is the only hope for the Nation of America. Because America needs a strong President who puts Americans first and foremost. Who realises that all Americans regardless of colour matter unlike Democrat Biden giving it away to foreign Nations and all the illegals but doing nothing for Americans Aware Trump is the hope of the Nation but that he also needs strong intelligent team of men and women of the Christian faith behind him. Those the likes of the black Lieutenant Govenor of North Carolina Mark Keith Robinson a truly great Christian man who speaks truth to power. Along with the likes and calibre of Ron Desantis, Tulsi Gabbard, John Kennedy, Elise Stefanik, and Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, John McCain, Jim DeMint, Scott Brown, John Cornyn, Josh Hawley amongst many others. We therefore pray that Jesus Christ uses Trump to bring back the Nation from the brink of chaos and destruction and that he is able to do so unhindered. Because honestly if Trump is not re-elected then its the end of America and if America falls that will be the day the global marxists and their agenda will target and persecute all Christians far beyond anything they have ever experienced and truthully we are all now on that precipice.>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : THE OVER-RIDING GLOBAL AGENDA Just as United Nations is seeking over-riding control over all nations in every facet of peoples lives under their transforming global Governance action 36 and action 41 plan and its in their paperwork and they make no attempt to hide it. With so many Marxists and left leaning Global Corporation Elite socialists including their own Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Who was the leader of the Socialists International Organisation which traces its lineage back to Karl Marx the father of Communism and who was also a member of the Portuguese Socialist Party before becoming Secretary General of the United Nations. The United Nations and their supporting network of Marxists in their derivatives the WEF, and the WHO and their entrenched Politicians in all western Governments many of them graduates of the WEF Young Leaders Program a subsidiary of United Nations Have actively worked to destroy the way the world was by changing it but not for the better in their build back better plan and in the process completely enslave humanity. Under their long-term plan the U.N. Secretary General will assume totalitarian worldwide control and influence over all Nations in a world without borders and the redistribution of wealth. As the one world Government under a global Police State actively pursuing their Communist ideals and that begins by censoring and controlling what people think and what they hear and in what they convey to others along with controlling their freedom of movement. So that in ignorance of knowing any better humanity will turn to Government for all answers. Just as people will turn away from Christianity and religion to their Government for their needs. This is the same ideals expressed within the Communist Manifesto their holy grail by the Marxist author Karl Marx a German Jewish man whose real name was Moses Mortica Levi decended from a long line of Telmudic Scholar Rabbi's. While it's openly being expressed by Yuval Harari the gay Jewish right hand man of the German Jewish man Klaus Schwab The German Jewish Klaus Schwab head of the WEF whose mother is a Rothschild and whose father is the former weapons and munitions supplier to the Nazi's working at Escher-Wyss during World War two is the former student of German Jew Henry Kissinger at Harvard While his man Yuval Harari possibly Klaus Schwab's likely WEF successor is a man who like the German Jew Klaus Schwab also idolises Lenin and boldly makes the claim to be as a God on earth. Conveying he doesnt believe in the Christian concept of God and would like to ban all Christian Churches. Conveying as a socialist he is apposed to Christianity and churches along with intending to have A.I. rewrite the Holy Bible. He also conveyed intending using A.I. in the microchipping of all human beings whereby the Government can influence an individuals thoughts. Thereby enabling the rise of the central dictatorship and authoritarian control over all. He believes that a one world authoritarian government that will in turn surpass being more efficient than any democracy could ever be and that it is a good thing. He also conveys that it begins by controlling what people see and the narrative of what people hear and they intend commencing this operation in stages beginning with global censorship and control of information. Then through the introduction of Digital ID's and Central Digital Bank Currencies along with the erradication of all hard cash. For by controlling the stream of information and the currency along with the food supply enables mass compliance. For when you have cash the Government doesn't know what your purchasing as there is no record. But that doesn't suit the Globalist agenda seeking to control every aspect of your life and your carbon footprint. However when its all digital he conveys they'll know everything your doing and what your buying. Being able to control what you buy or sell and whether your able to buy or sell. Or if having overused your allocated monthly carbon credits or not complied with Government dictate they also be able to freeze your account Yes with digital currency they will hold that level of control and be able to freeze your account so that your unable to buy food or to pay rent As citizens of a Sovereign Nation we all need to petition our Politicans to adhere our wishes and come out and away from United Nations and their derivatives the WEF, and the WHO and their controlling dictates actively working against the interests of the Sovereign Nation State and its citizens>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : INTENDING TO MUTE TRUMP IN DEBATE Its also coming out Joe Bidens wife has divulged on the view that in the upcoming Political debate between her husband and Trump that they have taken steps and will be muting Trumps microphone whenever he attempts to speak So if they will be muting Trump's microphone whenever he attempts to speak is this how Democrats perceive fair when they honestly don't know the meaning of the word. Seriously why hasn't Bill Gates and Pfizer developed a vaccine for Trump derangement syndrome.>> <<@brbhave2p00p4 says : #Newsom2024>> <<@LawandaFinch says : #TRUMP2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@LawandaFinch says : Biden and RFK have nothing I want to hear!>> <<@bethlehemeisenhour8352 says : Sad a man can only win when he has to run against a man with dementia. (GOD IS WATCHING, GOD IS TESTING HEARTS) GOD made no robots, but gave us free will and choice.>> <<@BushLieWorldDie says : Nobody votes for biden this is deep state bs>> <<@Stixenterprise says : FOX has gone down the same path as the other legacy media to actually announce that Biden is leading nationally is a Joke!>> <<@michaelcasey-qp6qx says : These poll numbers are rigged and the election is also rigged to favor biden Until the cheating is stopped there cant be a real election Everyone on earth knows Trumps poll numbers are double digits ahead of bidens Big tech is at it again... Kennedy was thrown out of this debate by big tech and biden to jack up bidens numbers and cheat again>> <<@strawberryego6669 says : Oh. It’s those two again, then? Had no idea 😂 LEGIT. So proud of myself. 🐍>> <<@user-pk9fm4zh1g says : The debate will be only 5 seconds before Joe shit himself.>> <<@traveljunky3610 says : Trump is going to cut Biden a new one>> <<@aluciat333 says : RFK Jr. is more than qualified to debate on that stage! More than qualified!>> <<@LoraDavis-oo9xz says : Robert F Kennedy is the only viable candidate. They're afraid of him. He could up end this race. And he has way more than 10% of the votes. MSM is shorting him. RFK gets my vote.>>