<<@GAZBLIN says : WION will be fooked if the feature works>> <<@LunaJLane says : I will never trust big tech to give actual truth. Usually youtube itself is giving the misinformation, shutting down streamers who are talking about their opinions or what they have experienced or what they have learned from other sources that they are sharing. We are seeing that all of the "misinformation" about covid that youtube was shutting people down for 3 years ago is actually what was going on and the truth. Youtube doesn't care about truth, it's only about what they want us to believe.>> <<@1DVSB says : YouTube is pushing the Liberal elite political agenda using AI>> <<@seangallagher8233 says : 'misinformation'....that usually becomes useful information, that no one apologises for having censored, about 3 years later!>> <<@googlespynetwork says : YouTube sucks now.>> <<@grantp3911 says : Excellent, now we'll know that anything youtube marks with notes as misinformation may actually be the truth πŸ˜‚ Good job youtube, you'll be highlighting some truths the controllers don't want us believing.>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : There are 7 comments here and deceptive youtube hid my comment. You'll have to do sort by the newest to see my comment. Not everyone are a bunch of fools to fall for their lies.>> <<@CristinaJeanDonato says : the question is who are writing these notes>> <<@jdhybridx says : why no more down votes,..etc ???? youtube pukes>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : Youtube which has been censoring and shadow banning people should be the last place to do a fact check.>> <<@ToolmantheDruid-p3o says : Great more censorship>> <<@HoTrEtArDeDcHiXx says : Can’t wait not to read them πŸ™„>> <<@darkhorseman8263 says : They can post a note about youtubes claims that it doesn't shadowban.>>