<<@WhoTube277 says : Not commuting in SAVES you money. That's why they wouldn't mind a paycut. And what the hell do you care what I'm doing at home as long as I get my work done, it's on time, and it's done well? The trend is towards MORE work from home, not the other way around, dinos. Btw, I'm in my 40s and work for an extremely successful company that made the conscious decision to have most of its workforce remote. Been working from home now for nearly four and half years. There's no way I'm going back--and guess what? There are more remote jobs out there than ever.>> <<@alienwarrior says : Who is that horrible overly opinionated screeching woman?>> <<@anglosaxon876 says : Stopped watching halfway through, the woman is too squawky>> <<@homers7777 says : Maybe the indigenous folk could work from home. ..... or just work in general 😂>> <<@homers7777 says : Of course a pay cut is worth while to work from home. If you work out the petrol money over a year your way up.>> <<@PeterSigurdson says : All work is not a homogeneous box. A procedural checklist type job where you’re processing insurance forms paperwork is not the same thing as a creative job such as programming where the quality of the workout port depends on the creative imagination of the practitioner so in this case, yeah giving them some incentive to feel connected with doing interesting. Things is definitely a factor in productivity managers. Don’t want to hear this, but it really is.>> <<@kkcw6668 says : Sky news reported on Sunday 23rd june LOW productivity, so here's the unanswered and undisected: Which workforce sector by percent split? Govt xx% Private xx% military xx% /department or industry sector % split / age group / income %split. Split of male xx% female xx% How on earth can Govt sector be allowed to work from home? Its a massive security vulnerability! They're 'in service'. Their entitlements package is afforded in recognition of that (in theory). Our managers-in-trust on our behalf fail to manage in keeping with the PM's stated position of ""doing everything for the security of Our Country" on camera in India 2023!>> <<@user-zh5ri2fx8t says : Lazy nations end up self-destructing. We are already well on that road. Enjoy the ride to hell suckers!>> <<@JohnsonCranium says : If ya can’t turn up for the job. You have no job 😃👍>> <<@Tony-ne7hd says : If it is possible to do a job at home then we should look to make that happen and look for solutions to the highlighted potential problems. The relief is needed for the road system and parking infrastructure alone. There are many pros and cons but just like any evolution you need to run it in order to make the improvements needed over time>> <<@ArnethProductions says : ❤‍🔥𓆩✞𓆪 Moreover, brethren, I declare to you *the Gospel* which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also *you are saved* , if you hold fast that word which I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: -` 🚨⏰ ´- *THAT CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES, AND THAT HE WAS BURIED AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN ON THE THIRD DAY ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES.* ..1 Co 15:1-4 NKJV>> <<@eriktorget192 says : Po-jamma people.>> <<@ukkiwilady says : Mmm, gosh can't she just shut up, how annoying.>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : A lot of them play golf, go to the beach when they are “ working “. Hahahahha. No wonder they love to WFH.>> <<@michaelweston7742 says : This is very disappointing reporting from Sky news. If someone is able to work from home reliably, why shouldn't they? It should be an arrangement between an employer and trusted employee adequately equipped to work from home or anywhere. What does it take away from the employer if the work gets done? The employer knows if work is done or not and who the trustworthy and responsible employees are that can be allowed to do this. This seems to just be a push to get everyone back to the office because the plan to imprison them in their homes failed and they are enjoying working from home, but we can't have them enjoying something, so take it away and keep them as miserable as possible in those little cubicles with artificial lighting and extra stress from commuting and having to deal with puerile colleagues.>> <<@mm-zv1lb says : It’s very family friendly to be able to work from home. You have much more time for your kids, specially in early age for mothers.>> <<@jamestinning8900 says : You could provide this advice to your boss, Rupert. You can find him officially working from home in Montana. 🤫 He didn't take a pay cut.>> <<@grantbuttenshaw says : You are thick lady....there is millions of jobs that were offices based that are better suited to remote.>> <<@nonsolorasatura9093 says : Naturally exist even downside about it ... for example the possibilities of more competition for the job even outside your Nation...>> <<@grantbuttenshaw says : Just the saving in fuel or transport will save you the money.>> <<@zeorhymer6 says : Work from home, take a pay cut. Don’t complain because your co workers are making a whole lot more because they are in the office.>> <<@craptacular8282 says : During the industrial revolution, the luddites tried to destroy the machinery so they wouldn't lose their income. WFH solves so many problems, now the luddites are the rich people that are losing their wealth from the collapse in commercial real estate values.>> <<@sinefunction says : Fact: If you can work remotely, you can be replaced by someone else in another country who will work for a lot less.>> <<@sthcalguy3024 says : Ok Sky News haters, In America I work my "office" job 100% at home, dressed in shorts, no shirt, socks or shoes & I get paid "6 figures." But I'm 59, not 20. 😆>> <<@nonsolorasatura9093 says : Just be able to avoid another loss of job due another "pandemic" emergency is the hope of someone (1), plus the ability to live anywhere instead near the inflated price of big cities. And the environment inside an office is often don't good. 1)Hope that will be crashed by who have power, until people think that is acceptable that some people can dictate the life of the rest.>> <<@andrew6526 says : Become a Politician, get paid big bucks, for doing F all and if you screw up, just deny it. 😂>> <<@serviusm9523 says : You can't fight work from home. It reduces traffic, removes commute times, and opens up space for residential lots. You are just seeing the market pivot because it became too costly to commute and live affordable.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Angertaiment for the Boomers. . .>> <<@Chills33 says : A new work from home wage should be established, $5.00/hr should do it>> <<@Hyper_Vaccinated says : Not everyone can do this and it's as simple as that. Just because it's convenient, doesn't mean it's always the best thing. Don't people LIKE going outside and interacting with others? It doesn't always seem like it.>> <<@JIMMYJAMES156821 says : Here’s the deal; we are living in the end in this society! The rich are getting ultra rich and the poor are getting poorer, all over the world. The virtue of work is being overshadowed by the extreme greed at the top!>> <<@vikingmama93 says : A lot of the cost of living is gas/petrol these days.>> <<@optimistic5778 says : Nothing wrong with being comfortable. Saving time. Saving fuel. Saving pollution. Reducing traffic. Reducing inflation on offices. Cutting companies cost. Being dynamic at home. Having access to your home and family. Etc etc. boomers need to open their minds.>> <<@optimistic5778 says : Nothing wrong with being comfortable>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Glad I retired before the Plandemic and proudly unvaxxed 👍🏽🥃>> <<@michaeldomansky8497 says : Bullshit! Get off your butts and go to work!>> <<@crystalabel8976 says : Nope, the world is horrible. Now I can’t walk down the street without getting accosted, getting asked for money, getting asked for cigarettes, then an accosted again. Then the price of car, insurance, gas, tolls. Stop oil protesters, The transit is too even too expensive…add a child/child care, food. Unbelievable you just don’t realize what you’ve done. Everyone wants to stay inside like you are a storm we are waiting out. Sell outs the lot of you!>> <<@sirloin8745 says : Companies have only just figured out that businessmen on Zoom were having meetings at home in their boxers?>> <<@dariuslankarian3282 says : Yes let's add to the traffic so some clown can make more money on commercial real estate.>> <<@Design_no says : The point is no recent graduates actually want to work much at all.>> <<@berkvjli says : Maybe they should stop fear mongering society about virus's and keep crime rates down.>> <<@SStrudwick says : ATTENTION!!! Masks cause horrendous pollution that hurts our environment very much. Google :Face mask litter increased almost 9000 percent!>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : I don't get why people should be focused to work in a building if they can do their job over the Internet. Save on fuel and wear and tear on car. Save time and have more time with family and friends and doing things they want to actually do.>> <<@nicholasm.3919 says : Sounds like boomer talk right here.>> <<@GrandpaVince says : Old Vincey never takes my pj's off and yes they are skippy the bush kangaroo pyjamas>> <<@QTJub says : lazy people>>