<<@margarethennessey5182 says : I never would trust sleezebag at anytime. He’s jst a bad PM.>> <<@user-wb1ii4jg7i says : Hey Albo isn't it time you gave yourself and your comrades a another payrise?>> <<@greghunter5703 says : Gotcha>> <<@greghunter5703 says : What a moron>> <<@petermarsh4993 says : Paul Keating: It is far better to keep your mouth shut to deny others thinking one of being an idiot than to open your mouth and completely remove all doubt.>> <<@ministerofemergencies1809 says : The tax on Super will sink them. An own goal.>> <<@user-qb3tp4qc3p says : Um tanya, I think we don't have to look too far, basically all of labors policies in the last election really were not costed>> <<@user-cv3ox1sm1b says : How could you trust labor on any cost calculating! Look at their history! Still in play! Where are the 4000 beds that were promised? Where are the 80000 homes that were promised? Where are the power cuts that wee promised! Come on , how much can an aussie take>> <<@vincentburrowes9243 says : Dutton’s Nuclear Policy is a furphy – this is a smoke screen by the fossil fuel lobby to delay and destabilise the implementation of renewable energy such as wind and solar so that gas can be used as a generation fuel which will send energy prices through the roof. In my opinion Sky News is complicit in the energy war by fuelling misinformation.>> <<@hihihihih42 says : lets be honest there all fuck wits looking after there mates. all over the world every government is corrupt>> <<@briancurtin1216 says : Albo is a marijuana (a slow dope). His minions are a bunch of vapes.>> <<@sbGOM says : Priceless!>> <<@jasonglover7988 says : Haha. Labor saying where are the costings. What a joke. Didn’t we just spend 500m dollars on something with no details which Australia rejected. Labor energy plan 1.2-1.5 trillion taxpayer dollars and no base load. You gaslighting, deceptive liar Tania. Australians have had a gut full.>> <<@simonemullucks9446 says : Richard Miles needs to deliver what he’s debating - they had months to come up with a decent response rather than continued spending for example proposing increase to the New General Governor ! Plus Government has had 3 pay rises since being elected, millions provided to the NIA yet huge gaps in wellbeing for indigenous peoples - it’s an absolute MESS!>> <<@johnmancini4700 says : What’s needed is for the media to question these ministers at the press conferences! Ask the hard questions such as providing details and supporting information etc etc. Show us the detailed plans and total costs.>> <<@simonemullucks9446 says : Oh Tania, where’s Labours costings 🤔>> <<@user-kr1zi7ck9g says : I’ve just had a letter telling me my electricity is going up again July Thanks Albo 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@TheRoswellCode says : Does Zero Emissions include banning the Smoking Ceremony?>> <<@davidferry548 says : If your child was dying in a hospital bed you wouldn’t cost the treatment would you, we are getting to that stage here under ABOnese>> <<@deanmanly7622 says : F...your renewables, they dont work, blackouts, expense, my power bills have gone up 6 fold 4:07 & July is going up again My solar feed-in & pensioner rebate doesn't make a dent.>> <<@paulpedersen295 says : Plibersek cannot be taken seriously on any subject.>> <<@Christoph1888 says : The irony will be the Liberals win the next election, say in 5 years' time we have rolling blackouts due to state government's obsession with renewables. Blame is laid at the feet of nuclear and the coalition. We get more renewable evangelism. Buy then there will be enough legislation around misinformation to ban comments like renewables are expensive on the grounds of spreading dangerous environmental vandalism.>> <<@batmanlives6456 says : Wake up Pliberseck…. You guys are ploughing head long into your green fantasy world with NO bloody idea of what you’re spending or it’s effects Fair go …>> <<@jolla9963 says : If Bob Hawke was a CIA operative in the PMs chair, whose operative is in the PMs chair now? Me thinks he is a WEF operative, as he is not taking orders from us, his employer. So who own Albo?>> <<@robertnicholson1409 says : It's beautiful to see Albanese squirm over this nuclear issue......... Peter Dutton is a genius.>> <<@jolla9963 says : The pollies superannuation is invested i unreiabkes, if we drop them for nuclear, tje pollies won't get rich. We have to give pollies time to get their money oit of unreliables and into nuclear, only then will it be a good thing for Australia. Every labor polititician, state and federal need a forensic financial audit as to where they have put their suoer, and if it is into unreliqbkes, they lose for insider trading. They are feathering their own nest with our taxes, amd it has to stop...,>> <<@jolla9963 says : The ALP have no idea what to do as Klaus Schwab has retired and didn't leave any instructions.>> <<@BrianHunt1911 says : When: Well last election. What were we ALLOWED to know about albo's divisive $400mil install an autocrat over all Australians. 75% of Australians did not trust the prime Minister. they thought he had no credibility AND NOW amazingly, we know we had a liar in the lodge right through that campaign,[in effect saying you white skins don't mean a thing to me; why would I keep election promises] devoting all his time to that rather than COST OF LIVING OR $275 ENERGY SAVING. Well, its clear now we had it from the very beginning. A dishonest election campaign And frankly, I cannot see any action's the prime minister has taken to dispel that "liar in the lodge", WHY WOULD AUSTRALIANS ever trust albanese again. he went to the last election with premeditated ideas and plans to stop Australians from ever finding out the awful plans he had for our democracy and what he stood to gain personally from it all. Old sayings still hold true with this Labor government. I must never forget those who tried by deliberate and planned dishonesty to take away the future of myself, my children & grandchildren. I can see a meeting room where albo is saying Do ya think we could pull the wool over their eyes by Blah blah blah and now that Blah blah blah has turned to renewable s. And from labor (I do not respect liars with a Capital beginning beginning their name. In the end How do you imagine anthing except that narcissistic man who snatched the microphone from the organiser of the women against violence ralley in Canberra & seeing the woman on the floor in tears just continued on with what he wanted to say. A man of imposing his will over women. Could his oft spoken of lonely single mother in government housing be looking down proud of this son she bore , or plain ashamed? A retorical question. He chose the worst possible to place to show his "bully" personality. He's revealed a lot more about his true self since his election. Becoming comfortable enough to reveal his true self. https://youtu.be/DADzSymBNNA fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. So i'm shamed enough by this pm it has to be #neveragainlabor campaigh.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Probably didn't think LNP would bring it up, given they were in power for many many years and didn't bring it up before. Suddenly now it's a priority. I think this is more about keeping coal and the LNP getting that fossil fuel lobby money. Would have been nice to have this debate a few years ago.>> <<@TomTom-lr9ys says : Albo is a child mentally, and this must be catchy!……In fact the only attempt at a sensible statement came from Keating, but no one listens to him…………😂>> <<@zchannel5973 says : If you believe in Liberal or Labor doing anything different, you should wait for the Unicorns to arrive because they will make Australia Great Again....>> <<@aaronmoffatt4771 says : She not to bright has anybody seen there costings.but she has an arts degree>> <<@aaronmoffatt4771 says : Toto ate his homework>> <<@rosscoe3005 says : Only vote ONE NATION!!>> <<@Gordo999ify says : 100 billion for 100 years v 1.5 trillion every 20 years hahhaahahhahahahhahahahhahaha 🤡>> <<@opalguys9158 says : Ill prepared? or incompetent? Stop playing politics with my money.>> <<@infidel202 says : labor, the narcissist party>> <<@dawneevon says : Tanya Plibber and Albo Fibber have had 2+ years in Govt but they still CAN'T or WON'T give us the $$$ cost of 28,000kms of Transition Lines! Nor the cost of storage Batteries because as yet the technology is not available 😅.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Petes bank of Shanghai will take care of cost of reactors 😅>> <<@franktully3065 says : Paul Keating is VERY OBVIOUSLY, as Clive Hamilton's books so well reference the relationship, (at the very least) an apologist for the totalitarian PRC. Any of the ALP faithful denying it should read the books.>> <<@anthonygioia888 says : Tanya pls drop off the sanctimonious pretence!! Go away and ask Casanova your costs!!!!!>> <<@johnnykkkk says : Were is Labors costs on Renewable Rort ????? Solar and wind ???? Everything under Labor costs more>> <<@lynettemahoney1710 says : When has labour been prepared?They seem to think they can do and say anything and it’s all factual (more lies and bullshit).wHEN is the next election I can’t wait>> <<@dawndouglas7904 says : Tanya and the labor can't stop spending money on themselves and billions on the renewables that should never have happened. Finland just recently opened a nuclear power station and electrical costs have dropped.>> <<@graememcdonald5121 says : A typical example of labor ignorance 😊>> <<@user-ve5zn6wj4j says : Vote for Labor is a vote for poverty>> <<@graememcdonald5121 says : Plibersek is qualified in? Environment seriously 😮>> <<@user-ve5zn6wj4j says : Just sack her just sack her>> <<@Maggot548 says : Like you and your comments are important on YouTube.>> <<@brothermaynard3200 says : Australia is about to be hit with the biggest bullshit storm in living memory...>>