<<@jerzygirl6072 says : Get rid of democratic party period.>> <<@user-yn8xj3ur3p says : Why cancelling student loans??>> <<@user-yn8xj3ur3p says : Can these families sue Biden n Democrat's>> <<@user-yn8xj3ur3p says : Why they allowed these law breakers to go free lunatic๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข>> <<@user-yn8xj3ur3p says : Please restore law n order asap..hold Biden n Democrat's accountable>> <<@user-yn8xj3ur3p says : Some 1 just take Biden n his democrats to tasks>> <<@rudolph7104 says : They want one party rule.fjb and harris.>> <<@DAVIDLHARDEN says : TRUMP2024. BIDEN IS THE WORST ๐Ÿ˜ˆ PRESIDENT/OBAMA>> <<@inaviljoen1062 says : This anchor is so obviously anti GOP and pro Donkey party, it's painful to watch!>> <<@FireballProductions911 says : Okay I had lost all respect for Lindsey Graham and he used to be one of my favorite people but when he turned his back on Trump I turned my back on him. He is on a political teeter-totter most of the time but he seems to be getting his act together a little better I may have to start listening to him a little more>> <<@FireballProductions911 says : If I Was President Trump I would not want to take over this country after they have messed it up so bad. I give him kudos for even wanting to help much less being crucified for it>> <<@rickmanno491 says : We Cant Wat For Trump ,We need him NOW,Rite Now>> <<@quincyjones6382 says : Lindsay Graham is a HYPOCRITE!>> <<@azaleaacres says : Lindsey needs to go. He talks a lot but NEVER actually does anything.>> <<@queue555 says : It's disgusting. Biden should be sued by every family members of the dead. This would happen in a lower end of government, like the police department. Why the F should his decisions that unequivocally his fault, get away with it!. I hope some of those members of not all have a front seat tonight, but CNN probably wouldn't allow it. Trump 2024. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ>> <<@jollymoomoo9736 says : Policy! He has immunity>> <<@fordsrestorations970 says : Well Lindsey you should go personally and take that up with the Pope.>> <<@michaeljones7222 says : The country is a sinking ship at this point>> <<@dt8762 says : Swamp rat Republicans do nothing.>> <<@phillipcoiner4232 says : Thank goodness we have a jawboning do nothing on the case condemning the president for his crimes and letting us know what should be done. Thanks again captain obvious. We can always count on you to talk about what needs done.>> <<@franciscovalladolid3659 says : Enemy of the State - commie traitor Joe ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ’ฉ>> <<@MojoMountainMan says : America is on fire, and Biden is holding the match ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿฆฏ>> <<@MojoMountainMan says : They will release a murderer, but keep people that were arrested for drugs in jail. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE>> <<@user-ex9qf9dk8r says : Listen to this little man. He was a republican at one time, now he's a little pushy following after Trump, so sad. Maybe he wants trump.>> <<@stanleytolle416 says : All the policies Trump enacted were all over turned by the courts. The Republications did not do anything about the boarder when they had the Presidency, House, and Senate. Why would they do any better if Trump is elected. The guys are nothing but criticizers with no action.>> <<@ronking2177 says : Thank trump the majority of SCOTUS is following the constitution. If it would have gone according to Obama/Clinton plan, those judges would have been radical across the board. Those judges were left behind from Obama for Clinton to chose. Thank God their plan failed.>> <<@stanleytolle416 says : The current court is partisan corporate stooge. The Border would not a problem is the bipartisan water bill was passed. The lack of capacity to is the fault of the Republicans in the Congress not voting for funding or for reforms that are need. It's obvious the Republicans do not want to fix this problem they just simply want to make it worse.>> <<@stanleytolle416 says : Aledo and Thomas are simply corrupt. End of story.>> <<@thomasrichardson-ev1wp says : Linsey is a traitor>> <<@VicDich says : Oh, look. Everyone forgot Lindsey is the reason we are here. The complacency of the Republicans allowed this to happen. You are all just as guilty for doing nothing as the democrats are for doing it.>> <<@MrAbc54321 says : This guy needs to be voted out>> <<@Davidagarcia911 says : These guys are great at avoiding the questions and spewing their nonsense.>> <<@adoracle1 says : Who says they are out of kilter? Insane progressives. Period>> <<@cajbrg says : ... if I read the comments it seems the US turned crazy. I think a reality check is needed.>> <<@wtfhappened says : Graham only knows how to cruise for young boys.>> <<@user-xr5oq5pr7x says : Fukkk isreel>> <<@andresmit9384 says : Small amount of people? Are you demented like Bidet blondie???๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ>> <<@deanoverlie224 says : C'mon . Joe could , unilateraly , sign a bill of sale handing the United States over to th UN and HIS DOJ wouldn't do squat . He's been told over and over by the courts that he can't " forgive " student loans ( for 1 example ) . Each time he just tries ' something else ' . My point being that the rabid radical Left ( Dem. Party ) are consumed with the destruction of this country . They've said it . They mean it . They teach it . They live it . And the majority of Americans are oblivious .>> <<@LMcQuinn says : Ugh - I cannot stand Lindsey Graham .... That being said, he did bring up a lot of relevant & important facts...>> <<@NoneofyourBusiness-gy9yw says : too many stupids have entered america and allowed to breed that is why.>> <<@rheyn70 says : Democrats policies sound great now, wait until the near future. It always comes back on them. Fkn careless, dilusional, idiots!>> <<@rheyn70 says : Yep>> <<@johnbland1422 says : They pass their petty little laws. The Supreme Court rules they are unconstitutional. The only way they can force the Supreme Court to do anything is called a Constitutional Amendment. Yet Fjb apparently can by pass Congress and enact immigration law. His knew way of treating illegal aliens is the bill that didn't pass either house.>> <<@truckerinsight1179 says : Letโ€™s pretend we care about the border while we keep sending money to Israel and Ukraine>> <<@RobertDAdams-ui7tz says : Who woke Lindsay Graham up?? Bout time!!>> <<@t-jane says : FAMILY PRISON CELL for BIDENS>> <<@NaturesExpressions says : He seems a bit sober...>> <<@ICU-mw7su says : Lindsey the RINO.>> <<@johnchirila7072 says : Lindsey Graham is absolutely right about Biden and also about Israel, Biden is afraid of what Benjamin may say in congress speech so he should be because of their words like ironclad the support but that's words only when it comes to action they are very far behind>> <<@user-gf1fi4gd1q says : Fox News is real news ! 1000%>>