<<@chrisoulalakkas7935 says : Put more effort into listening than speaking. That's how you put more effort into growth than image.>> <<@PatsyStone-cl3px says : Vote for a demoncrat and then be outraged by democratic policies...>> <<@missf4681 says : These low barrier shelters have every time of problems . There are fights there are drugs there is major crime. They actually dtop their pants and deficate right in the middle of the street, needles everywhere. Crime will escalate and your homes garaged and cars will be constantly broken into. People will get mugged etc Property values pumet . You cant walk your dog or let your kids play because of fear of needles>> <<@Truthtella203 says : All this homeless protection, sounds like no jobs and no housing. The city is losing money because the police and the government.>> <<@Madinfidelprepper says : Why are they so afraid of what they wanted? Oops>> <<@matthewholt9501 says : Wake up Americans, they are pushing us aside and stepping over and on us to make way for the illegal aliens. They are number 1 now, and if joe gets 4 more years, we will never go back to normal . We will be a banna Republic.>> <<@Janet-pd3mk says : You are placing OUR CHILDREN in HARMS~WAY. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? BRING THEM BACK TO MARTHA'S VINEYARD.>> <<@normtheteacher5485 says : I have rented rooms in my home to homeless type people. Not all homeless people are bad but believe me when I say my experience with them was overall NOT GOOD! Many of them are mentally ill, drug users and schizophrenic. When I let them in it did change the neighborhood, and not for the good. I eventually got all of them out and will never rent to those type of people again. Actually, the experience was bad enough where I have stopped renting rooms altogether. If I ever do rent again I will check out an applicant from A to Z. If they are not a top rated citizen, then they don't get in.>> <<@scottmadoff7444 says : i just hope that shelter & school are in a democrat area so they get what they voted for but i do feel bad for this guy & his kid>> <<@eddienc7380 says : That’s not surprising when the mayor is too busy celebrating that chocolate is running nyc…..into the ground.>> <<@LT-cp4qs says : From what I see, most NYC school kids don’t get driven to schools…they walk and that’s an issue>> <<@jessicae.s.340 says : 👀f😳j😒b🥸>> <<@mr.etoyou9857 says : ITS TIME TO LEAVE NEW YORK!!>> <<@diydame7863 says : Parents - you best help be volunteer armed security guards.>> <<@user-ce5sm8bc1y says : NYC is becoming a scum city thanks to the democrats>> <<@TuulaHaneline says : HOW DO YOU SAY YOU'RE TARGETTING AMERICANS WITHOUT SAYING YOU'RE TARGETTING AMERICANS.>> <<@Diane-1855 says : Prayers to Everyone up in that area, Especially the Parents, Children and Teachers. 🙏>> <<@tammypierce3250 says : The idiocy of the leaders in NYC is beyond the pale. It’s almost like they do these things on purpose.>> <<@dianegarner2590 says : Hell no>> <<@leslieturcotte1008 says : We have definitely passed the "What are they thinking?" to "They are NOT thinking at all." 🤬>> <<@Susan-yc7ij says : Nothing surprises me anymore in N.Y. or Califonia both have gone to he$$>> <<@TheBringeroftruth333 says : Hell no protect those kids.>> <<@deborahlmyers7328 says : Send all the migrants back to where they came from how to free up a lot of space>> <<@deborahlmyers7328 says : If they're migrants send them home>> <<@anthonyanthony8827 says : Dems don't have solutions to the problems they are the problem period and still there are people stupid enough to support and vote for dems 😮>> <<@seandoherty1507 says : NYC,one bad idea after another. The voters keep their heads in the sand.>> <<@bridgetsandy6323 says : That's an awful idea.>> <<@maryannedaugherty8722 says : Ridiculous! 🤬🤬🤬>> <<@logicresearch9849 says : Low screening? it's just a matter of time before a child is assaulted. Our government wants to spend our money without representing our interest. Didn't we fight a war over taxation without representation.>> <<@brentlloyd644 says : They don't care>> <<@lauralovescoffee9290 says : NEW YORK CITY IS THE NEW OLD ROME WERE DEGENERATES AND JUST EVIL LIVES AND FESTER>> <<@joe225c says : More ' great ' ideas from Dems.>> <<@AsaTrenchard1865 says : These people are intentionally putting your children in danger 😐 Ready to vote better yet? FJB and God bless the Constitution 🇺🇸>> <<@Ijusthavequestions says : That school administration needs to show they care about their children and shut down until this deal is reversed.>> <<@KingErnestG3238 says : DEPORT THEM ALL !!!!!>> <<@KingErnestG3238 says : STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS!!!!!>> <<@jeansimpson2373 says : 😲😡🤬>> <<@annettemoneski3463 says : SERIOUSLY what the HELL & who's incompetent idea was this?.>> <<@privacy9175 says : It's so obvious why they placed the building there. Sexual assault is one. Think a little people.>> <<@carladahlquist2152 says : Soooo now they are gonna just let kids become victims to all the abuses... START SCREAMING NOW PARENTS GRANDPARENTS AUNTS AND UNCLES 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡>> <<@Shannete572 says : This is to dangerous for are US children , especially when it’s a migrant shelter across the school. Oh hells nah, we don’t know anything about them, they can be carrying weapons in that shelter. It’s gonna cause a lot of problems and more crime on the rise too. Biden doesn’t care about are kids. Like it seems odd that why they are picking Different spots for? Like really?>> <<@BillyRaymondfell says : New targeting homeless people?? Really media you should be ashamed of yourself.>> <<@tonyamartin7370 says : 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@K-lINE-76 says : Why is Biden still president?>> <<@Melissa12606 says : Stop complaining and change your vote.>> <<@user-vb1ou4yf9n says : This should not be allowed 😮>> <<@lucillegriffin9428 says : How stupid are the people in the DSS ? These people should not be placed anywhere near a school !!!!!!>> <<@Foofrarf23 says : This is no accident. All of it is planned. America needs to wake up from this nightmare we're in. Whether it be inflation, illegal immigrants, fentanyl, gang/ gun violence, electric cars, petophiles, closing stores, violence in stores...>> <<@ireneerrico4706 says : Can’t fix stupid.>> <<@audreycasassa1683 says : OMG this is outrageous!>>