<<@lograzenslab2320 says : Bodaring tactics in 2024? Omg the Roman is back, say hello to golden ages😂>> <<@OliverDumagniug says : 😡😡😡😡😡🤬>> <<@romeocivilino6667 says : PRC Foreign Ministry is always speaking all kinds of Falsehoods and Bullshitry, they’re trying to misdirect the blame on the Philippines on the Criminal Acts that they’re the one’s which are guilty of doing so. Trying to portray itself as Victim while Bullying others, what a pathetic and cowardly Misusage of Diplomacy is that, it tarnished the reputation of Diplomacy when hideous liars and unhinged bullies are given chances to used it.>> <<@AntonChigurh0101 says : Lots of bots in here>> <<@closery1406 says : Is this Indian media? They also want to seize China's territory, just like the Philippines, both of which are instigated by the United States from behind>> <<@kylorokx1552 says : Pirates with Chinese characteristics 😂>> <<@athenaperez4011 says : Now the whole world knows about PRC - Pirates Republic of China! Pirates who doesn't recognize international law.>> <<@henrickguzman says : As far as I remember, there is what you call "Nine Dash Line". But, this idea is applicable ONLY for those ARCHIPELAGIC countries like Philippines.>> <<@hermelinotusi957 says : CHINA: The Chinese Coastguard (a.k.a West Philippine Sea Pirates) behaved in a professional and restraint way and no direct measures were taken against Philippine personnel blah...blah...blah...! PHILIPPINES: The Video speaks for itself? INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY: Hahahahahaha. The nerve with this Chinese clowns.>> <<@seekersoul3439 says : Please check latest news. Philippines govt has want to tone down the issue.>> <<@user-sw2su5no2t says : can't NATO control???... such countries that are violating it's occupation of other territories.>> <<@user-xc6tn4rn9j says : 想碰瓷又打不赢,被打了又哭唧唧,说别人欺负他,真像隔壁家的小媳妇儿😂欺软怕硬的懦夫>> <<@drkenchao1849 says : 有理冇理,先把菲傭從香港趕走! 也提议馬可耻先行扯旗,咁有尊严,快帶領菲傭撤軍,勿賺中国人的錢,另外可去乌黑難做僱佣 兵>> <<@user-hc8ki1rl4t says : South Sudan will have its first elections in December. It's time for China to have its first elections. China is almost as advanced as South Sudan. It is ready.>> <<@lclalnl says : Wion is better at reporting than the local here. Thanks WION.>> <<@Readyy123 says : Sana maging tulad ang PH sa Indonesia….. they told China to F.O>> <<@pazidatinekazem8647 says : United Nations Security Council, UNSC is only legal place which can resolve maritime border issues. Other legal institutions do not cover case, and has no power to resolve it.>> <<@hello-lo6hg says : 🐒>> <<@arcailecorp says : Chinese pirates>> <<@飘来荡去 says : 😮😮😮😮>> <<@ericgamboa-xf6hy says : PLA -Pirates Liberation Army con thieves the world see them now as a low class army>> <<@user-sh3vq3vx2k says : 谁也不能破坏中菲友谊,菲律宾也不行😘>> <<@Mr.ELVLOGTv says : Chinese are the new Modern Pirates in the West Philippines Sea.>> <<@X1JinPig says : that is xi's winnie the pooh pirates😂>> <<@AlvinGammaru says : Please report this To all south east asian countries be aware that china is trying to invade Philippines so they can holp all the cargo shipment passing through the Philippines so they can also easily invade other south east asian countries>> <<@FLORIDIANMILLIONAIRE says : They need to stop killing fish and become vegetarians follow the teachings of Buddha and stop attacking innocent fish and improve the oceans.>> <<@CHRISTO_1001 says : 🏏🤑👨‍👩‍👧🔑🔑🥇🥇😀😀🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️>> <<@christianoronaldo2189 says : Chinese don’t even spare the peoples who looks like them 😅 Pakistani take a note 📝>> <<@jonathanorel8517 says : Chinese are the kindest, most friendly, most civilized people on earth 😂😂😂>> <<@naturesbest9019 says : This place are inside the Philippine territory and these Chines are the Invaders... International Law affirms that Ayungin shoal is part of the Philippines and the only country that have the authority regulate the Law.. It's China is the TROUBLEMAKER in ASIA... even Vietnam TAiwan India Indonesia Japan Malaysia Brunei and all of the country that surrounded by... China must be ISOLATED country because they don't know what RESPECT means. Reply>> <<@a693ane says : China the New Pirate in the ASEAN sea.>> <<@ctbossing5515 says : Barbaric modern pirates... Hypocrite>> <<@benevolencehubcom says : चीन का पहला हमला पश्चिम फिलीपीन सागर में हुआ, दूसरा हमला ताइवान, जापान के ज़िंगाको द्वीप पर और अंतिम हमला भारत की सीमा पर हुआ, जिसे चीन ने अपना क्षेत्र बताया। तीसरा विश्व युद्ध शुरू होता है।>> <<@mingmuyiyang8615 says : Chinese coast guards are enforcing the law in Chinese territorial waters as normal. Philippine special forces enter Chinese territorial waters armed with assault rifles. When the police encounter armed criminals, they subdue them with professionalism and restraint.>> <<@gemazmotovlog says : Chinese pirates>> <<@MangKanor-wp9xb says : BEFORE PEOPLE OF PHILIPPINES THEY LIKE MOVE OUT THE USA MILITARY BASES EVEN THE US PAYING TO GOVERNMENT OF PHILIPPINES NOW THEY LIKE USA MILITARY BASES COME BACK AND WANTED TO PAY USA JUST TO COME BACK THE USMILITARY BASES JUST LIKE TAIWAN AND JAPAN PAYING TO AMERICANS PROTECTION AGAINST CHINA>> <<@jpmj2703 says : Pakyu china!!!>> <<@michaelceralde9978 says : China's recent action that resulted to an injury of a Philippine Navy personnel, the boarding and destruction of Philippine Boats and damaging of equipments and the looting/stealing/seizing of Philippine Weapons is no longer a provocation but rather an ACT OF WAR. CHINA's deliberate and arrogant move is befitting for a PIRATE & HOODLUMS in the sea. What a shame for a superpower country that encroaches on other countrie's sovereignty based on IMAGINATIVE DASH LINES that kept on changing. The communist CHINA reveals it's true colors and forms. Indeed, CHINA is a BARBARIC PIRATE and an aggressor BULLY in the west Philippine sea. The whole nation and the world has seen it. Now, this tactical move between China and Philippines resulted to a LITMUS TEST to the Mutual Defense Treaty of Philippines and U.S. The Philippines should have invoke the treaty since it has allowed multiple American Military Base throughout the country. No need to sugarcoat CHINA's barbaric actions and downplay the Ayungin Shoal standoff.>> <<@cecilfernandez2454 says : West Phillippnes Sea!>> <<@junmaclan4235 says : The China (PLA) PIRATE LIBERATION ARMY, terrorized the Indo Pacific region.>> <<@neililagan5289 says : BLOODLINES of LIMAHONG still exist. Same style of the pirates from year 1600's. There new Leader is Zi Jinx Pink 😂😂😂>> <<@edwinpena6120 says : It's Philippines territory base on international law.. China is not professional obviously as the world see who is the intruders and not following the international law. Videos see who is not professional and full of lies not telling the truth>> <<@pcx187 says : Chinese Covid Pirates>> <<@jac0007 says : No worries…Philippine president said it’s not armed attack…it’s just losing a finger and boats being poked with knives>> <<@jessiecasanada8158 says : Phillipines Navy…Kakahiya kayo,,buong Mundo na nakakapanood,,bawi sana kayo sa kahihiyan,,hindi naman kayo duwag>> <<@cdg8101 says : China is delusional>> <<@lahingkayumanggi says : PHILIPPINES WEST SEA.>> <<@lostlogic6911 says : China is desperate. They know that International Law has already stated that they have no claim to the West Philippine. Now their only option is intimidation, but what can intimidation do when the other side is not afraid?>> <<@miralu1279 says : The fact is, those islands are Chinese territory. Millions of Chinese have lived in the Philippines for hundreds of years. The Chinese have been in the South China Sea for thousands of years. The Chinese even established a country on Philippine soil hundreds of years ago.>> <<@roybutiong4468 says : Chinese STOLEN UNDERWEAR 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 no SHAME>>