<<@rhodarobertson9835 says : Markle knows she was the guilty one who caused the trouble for Queen Elizabeth 2 and Prince Philip and brought.their end sooner with the stress. Markle should be locked up and so.should Harry as they are so toxic Markle is totally obnoxiousl and should be locked up.and the key thrown away and never found.>> <<@bullterror5 says : WHOEVER YOUVE FUCKING GOT LIVHING IN THE FUCKING CEILING OF THE HOUSE, GET THEM FUCKING OUT UOU CARLTON PIECE SKF RICHMOND, FITZROY FUCKING SHIT GET THAT PERSON OUT OF MY FUCKING CEILING WHO KEEP A FUCKING TRAPPING LIKE THE MURDER DOCUMENTARY THERE'S EVIDENCE SOMEONE IS FUCKING LIVING IN THERE BECAUSE THE WALLS ARE FUCKING LEAKING FROM THE FUCKING ROOF YOU STUPID NAZI PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT TOP. YOUR FUCKING TRAPPING AND GET UOUR FUCKING KILLER OUT OF MY FUCKING CEILING>> <<@leoniemoar5409 says : Fat chance they could ever trust the Sussex’s. Kate wouldn’t allow it this report is tosh.>> <<@debrazawlocki3975 says : You're delusional to believe M, a narcissist, feels ANY compassion for anyone except herself. She doesn't care about Princess Catherine or King Charles III. She doesn't care about HER OWN FATHER. Yet, you push this false suggestion of a 180. Do your homework. MM has hidden agendas to better her situation over that of others.>> <<@carebear381 says : Fuh. They need to check that witch, and her 🍋 lemon hexes.>> <<@carebear381 says : When that couple have been 🎤 ed up??? Not an fn chance>> <<@anapantelic782 says : They do, really? Why? So they can collect more ammunition from close quarters? So they can more easily drive the knife in? So that they can better manipulate? So they can do greater damage to the Wales children? Great distances, are safe distances. Naivety is a dangerous grub that creates vulnerability.>> <<@tmg0100 says : How could anyone ever trust them ? They are unstable people.>> <<@kathyw348 says : There is no Princess Kate. Her name is Catherine. The traitors are done>> <<@cpr2450 says : Do not let them through the gates of the palace. What Markle really wants is to be right there in case something ever happened to Kate because of her cancer. Markle is looking at a potential end game for her! Do Not be Fooled!>> <<@kimoakes1503 says : what a nerve after the hurt that those two have caused.>> <<@llee8825 says : The motive is their failure. They have failed at everything since trashing the royal family. 🤣😂 No way back ever for Harold the traitor.>> <<@00S3V3N says : I WOULD NOT LET HARMEG BACK IN THE FOLD!! THAT IS WHO THEY ARE!>> <<@tsam3338 says : RF will never have a honest open meaningful conversation with either MM or harry. MM & H conversations will consist of weather & kids that is it, nothing else.>> <<@rachelwestervelt1396 says : I love this is true princess Catherine didn't release this once again they're still releasing stuff to the media and what did Megan do to herself her side view she looks like the wicked witch I'm sorry not the wicked witch she looks like Anastasia from Cinderella and what's with that big vein on her narcissistic self the royal family is not going to accept them>> <<@lovely95149 says : Exactly! What's these two ex royals are up to??? I think we all know- they're looking into getting themselves up there with the real royals because they're getting nowhere in this world on their own - they need the True Royals🤔🤔🤔>> <<@crucible4silver says : These two evil doers are up to no good. Princess Catherine. Stay away from these two!>> <<@northshoremoana says : Because they are hated around the world. They are BROKE. Without the royal family they have nothing to peddle. There are no kids. Two dolls the nut job drags around.>> <<@LisaMoon-ke2si says : They have no money left.>> <<@user-tb9nw5ov1c says : Megan and Harry aren't to be trusted after selling drama stories/book to the media. Their disrespect to Queen Elizabeth when she was alive and the Royal family is awful!!! Megan did the same thing to the royals that she complained about from her family. All Megan and Harry want is money!!!>> <<@garythornbury9793 says : they need money.>> <<@loveyboo says : They certainly didn't reach out to Princess Catherine when Scobie accused her if being one of the "2 royal racists" . Oh no. They stayed radio silent which meant agreement with that accusation. It cane fron Meghan's letter to Charles that Scobie had access too. Talk about way too late ! They've had over 6 months to patch things up about that accusation made on the world stage and they chose not to. Stay away from Catherine!>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : Mmmmm… pretty sure Kate is smarter than Harry and Meghan… Wouldn’t trust them as far as could kick them..>> <<@lizhorton5333 says : There is no “feud”. Meghan is a vile narcissist and Catherine did nothing wrong. If Meghan wants to “be nice”, there’s probably an ulterior motive like money or PR. I don’t think she cares about anyone or anything except herself and furthering her own agenda. Cheers from America.>> <<@daizyduke12 says : Meghan doesn’t feel bad for her own father. She probably has an ulterior motive. Nothing seems to be working out for her here in the U.S.>> <<@BrielleH803 says : This is a new strategy in their war against the RF. They want to turn the tde so all criticism would be on the RF or particularly the Princess of Wales, for not giving in to their demand. What an evil couple.>> <<@momof2949 says : People like H&M do nothing unless they can "GET" something.>> <<@khemah1705 says : Now, they realise that without the RF, they are NOTHING. They tried to get back to the RF through the kindness of the Princess of Wales. Have some dignity and decency to accept responsibility, firstly, then apologise publicly to the people you hurt, and finally shut down the electronic civil war you have waged against the RF.>> <<@GStimmi says : Who is princess Kate ????>> <<@kham7571 says : She/he are manipulating the situation in order to push Catherine in to a corner , just like the late queen. They can then claim to be the better people. They see it as a win win. But I hope the public sees through this falseness. We all know they would not shed too many tears if sweet Catherine were to pass away. Meghan is desperate now.>> <<@martinrogers4904 says : Quite simply harry and Me-again have realised that their attempts to "diss" the royals has back fired and they are now THE most hated couple on the planet . Now they need to be friends with the royals to boost their popularity . Sorry the British public wont have none of it,.... we can see straight through them both...they are not liked...not needed and completely not wanted here in the UK ....END OF !!!>> <<@trumpthis2 says : Seriously why now? They are broke financially and emotionally and don’t know what is next. Like we say in the real world. You made your bed now sleep in it.>> <<@rishankahsay1602 says : Always the most hateful, jealous, lies, obsessed with meghan are the uneducated unsuccessful unhappy white trash women's,>> <<@lauramarlo8108 says : Are you kidding? Why are you repeating that nonsense report, obviously put out by Meghans new PR team. You gals should know that story is just PR to make the Jarkles look good (as if) and the family look bad. Wow I did not know you were that naive.>> <<@Mamabear7388 says : She needs to reach out to her own father and stay away from the royal family. She’s too toxic to be around anyone who’s grappling with a deadly disease. Besides , she accused them of racism , have they changed then??? Whatever happens, they will broadcast it on Netflix, Oprah, Paramount or any media platform that will offer them money to spill their guts. If I were Catherine, I wouldn’t touch both of them with a ten foot pole.>> <<@sandyjoestes5619 says : Megan thinks she’s being the bigger person by letting “bygones be bygones” when she is the one that has done all the damage and is the evil one. Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II said so.>> <<@sandyjoestes5619 says : Please know that Harry and Meghan can never be trusted. All bridges they have burned down. Prince William loves his wife and family far too much to allow his traitorous brother and viper wife near them ever again. The children can get together, but not with Harry and Meghan. That is my opinion.>> <<@trishaleroux7006 says : hmm... where did this report originate? and ... if the royal family reportedly reject this notion, will this appear in the next book awaited from Montecito?>> <<@ClaudiaHoenicke says : SHE knows this will create attention for her. I would never let them anywhere near Princess Catherine or anyone in the royal family. Now they need the Royal Family to make them relevant. Banish them to New Zealand>> <<@vanessahe9336 says : Nope, there will never NO reconciliation. This is just wishful thinking on the part of the UK and British media. The Sussexs life is in California, not Britain.>> <<@valforbes6374 says : Because they know that they will get no response and then they can cry “victim” again, saying that they tried but the Princess of Wales ignored their olive branch. They are SO transparent. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧>> <<@BarbaraMoitoso says : Lies lies lies… Neil Sean said Catherine has a ring of steel around her against anything to do with Mahgan, not even a mention of her name is allowed.>> <<@luciageyer2056 says : They should really ached leave the Princess in peace. She has enough to cope with. Two idiots.>> <<@kb7379 says : H&M are running out of money, Kate should tell her to F off. KC should grow a set of balls and denounce them>> <<@dianamcmahon8704 says : Prince William will never let it happen!! They just want material for Netflix or another Book>> <<@erickriebel4366 says : HARRY IS OUT. HE'S TRYING TO WORM HIMSELF BACK INSIDE GOOD LUCK. NO. F. WAY.👎🏿🍺🍺👎🏿>> <<@marianac715 says : What a bunch of bs They try to stab Catherine in the back on Saturday, and she gets a lot of backlash, and them on Wednesday, she releases that she wants to be the peacemaker and end their feud? The Wales have said nothing and done nothing while the Sussex have done nothing but attack nonstop since they left. A snake sheds its skin only to be a bigger snake. The Sussrx are not just snakes. They are vipers. Would you bring a poisonous snake into your home and family and let it loose and expect it not to attack and bite? Of course not.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : MEG-HEAD'S JEALOUS 🤣 MEG-HEAD'S JEALOUS 🤣 MEG-HEAD'S JEALOUS 🤣 TADAYE UND YESTURDAYE IT'S NAULT OKAYE TA-BE KINN TO HOEZAYE MONTERAYE AND DEE OLE JACK CHEEZERS OVA AT DEE OLE NAULSTEOUS OF DAMNED OLE DAYOOH'S 👋🤨👋😳👋🐼👍>> <<@ch33psk8 says : Shut up stupid woman, you knew i was a snake when you took me in.>> <<@Khuttu2 says : Irrespective of how we feel about this, it is a Family matter that directly affects the wellbeing of the family especially King Charles who is probably not feeling his best and for the children to bond.>>