<<@Jck9102 says : I am sure if that was true, which it probably wasn't, it isn't now.>> <<@user-rd5dm7cu2d says : Haha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha haha haha I just spit milk all over the house from laughing so hard haha haha hahaha ha hahaha hahaha haha. Did they mention the pole was at democrat HQ in Boston>> <<@anonperson4597 says : Lies.>> <<@kathycullen7095 says : Fake ! Fake ! Fake ! News again.>> <<@rickpritchett9425 says : Hay full of it.... Remember what hapens to all lier's and deceivers, so says GOD.>> <<@goinpostal says : Anyone that would vote for Biden at this point needs to leave the country.>> <<@nedboy8370 says : The government doesn't dictate morality? Yeah right. That's almost the only thing they do these days. They push Anti-Christ doctrines.>> <<@wilddekardde says : no shock at all. Tronald Dump is working very hard to lose voters.>> <<@dianneohara8051 says : No way>> <<@davidcarter8119 says : I don't know who they're talking to about it being a tight race? But the whole thing is b*******. Biden isn't even close to Trump in any form whatsoever>> <<@donaldhelie115 says : Bullshit it's Trump 99% and Biden 1% this is the real number 😊>> <<@jeffb3487 says : The Fix is in for Biden just like 2020 was......get ready for what comes next......nothing was fixed.......dominion voting system will ensure biden wins.......look at other countries that use dominion how their elections turned out......>> <<@adamlunn3071 says : How is this a shock?>> <<@OhSoddit says : I really, REALLY believe a poll from MSM. Just like I believe vaccines are "safe and effective". Maybe I'm a "true believer" LOL. Time for the military to step in. If they don't, we're DOOMED.>> <<@foedeer says : I cant believe he thinks we need to give fairness to islam. Why do we need to do that exactly? What an idiot.>> <<@mallardfilmore4194 says : When you say Zero: Are you talking about JoeBiden Having Zero Understanding, Zero Credibility, Zero Accountability, Zero Reliability, Zero Integrity, Zero Accomplishments, Zero Ability To Stop Sniffing Young Females Hair, Zero Ability To String A Coherent Sentence Together Without Being Drugged, Or Zero Ability To Be An Effective And Productive President???? President Trumps “Conviction” Was A Complete Bought And Paid For Fraud: By A Proven Bought And Paid For Crooked Judge
>> <<@leolikiardopulos4891 says : Fox is going woke and rogue , too now ?! And that guy is obviously wrong about all that he said>> <<@MaxStArlyn says : Trump, Biden,
 Don’t be a cowards.>> <<@buddhastaxi666 says : The "SHOCK" is why Murdoch Sky News keeps flogging the Trump brand like a pair of sweaty gold sneakers.>> <<@shaneharris2497 says : Are these comments here straight from the Maga cultist network>> <<@shaneharris2497 says : Clueless comments by male chicken head Australian commentator and use the term loosely that is clueless about the American constitution>> <<@abernbaum says : That’s because conservatives are watching newsmax. Fox has really gone downhill. Fox poll?>> <<@shaneharris2497 says : The only shock is that a Fox news pole accurately put Biden ahead of Diaper Donny but don't worry Fox will fix that>> <<@TLL999 says : BS>> <<@kyliesbubbie says : Fake news>> <<@JohnSmith-lg3iz says : What about woke and transgender in schools people are tired of it you take the gay stuff out of school maybe that would 0:09 help keep the government out of schools l didn’t say anything about that is he bias>> <<@TerryMcMaster-jw8zr says : Louisiana has the death penalty
 go figure>> <<@bonniemagne2598 says : I hope people don’t believe this bs. Trump is definitely ahead.>> <<@derlflagg5557 says : They are just setting up the public for another stolen election>> <<@mitchellmeyer293 says : A bit of a Shock ? Really ? Why is Sky Propaganda News so fixated with helping Diaper Don the Convicted Felon ? Could it be Greed $$ like FOX the Fake News Propaganda network.. Focus on Australias horrible crimes and Drug Epidemic for a change and help Australians deal with their own political Messes>> <<@TheNo1bucsfan says : More propaganda>> <<@jerryholman9613 says : Don’t believe it.>> <<@FDT24 says : And suddenly Trump supporters don’t believe the poll results>> <<@gerondajenkins6947 says : I HAVE AWESOME PARENTS THAT TOOK ME TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY AND WAS ACTIVE IN OUR PTA!!!!!! I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL IN 1989!!! We ALWAYS SAID THE LORDS PRAYER AND SAID THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGENCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG IN EVERY GRADE IN SCHOOL!!!!!!! I HAVE MY MASTER DEGREE Izn CRIMINOLOGY!! I MAKE 6 FIGURES EVERY YEAR AND I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST OUR ONE TRUE GOD!!!!!!>> <<@mikestephens40 says : Bullshit>> <<@karenburr3178 says : 🎉 boy you ever so wrong we need to Ten Commandments back in the 1700s and 1600s children and people were taught to read and write from the Bible the holy scriptures no it needs to be taught in school Ten Commandments must be taught in schools>> <<@garyjohnstone6422 says : Dream on stooging yourself as comfort. Reality check polls are heavily against you. There will be a dramatic burst of prosperity with Trump that the ppl need and know they will get. An economy managed responsibly by a Conservative does that for you.>> <<@ATLGRINDER says : So here starts the lead up to cheating. Everyone knows they plan on stealing it again. If they weren’t, Joe Biden wouldn’t be the Democrat candidate. It’s stupid because Americans aren’t standing for that shit again.>> <<@pj3062 says : Sky has gone woke..>> <<@Opinionsrnotfacts574 says : Polls and elections don't matter to Trump supporters - in their kool aid soaked heads Trump will always be the winner.>> <<@ivanchancastillo1025 says : Trump is a loser guy he's already lost the election of 2024>> <<@MrGeorgeTruth says : Fox News Poll has abviously been hacked..>> <<@billfoley7428 says : B.S.we need trump back to make America great again.>> <<@mikey3387 says : I call BS>> <<@PeterGoodwin-nl9bt says : You are kidding.>> <<@maisies927 says : That's because they've allowing illegals to vote. The illegals can continue to live in America and American citizens pay for their housing, food.... as long as they vote for democrats only. Otherwise they will be deported.>> <<@pauljanssen7594 says : Close race my ass nobody's going to be voting for Joe Biden they're asking the same people who you going to vote for. Just think of all the secret voters that are going to be voted for Donald J Trump>> <<@garrettstraffon608 says : Garbage poll. We will have wars everywhere if Biden is president>> <<@Wardy383 says : Fake polls if trump doesnt get in well its rigged>> <<@SmileyZ says : Well no one will believe this load of đŸ’©>>