<<@pandemicoftheunvaccinated5367 says : Seven nuclear plants at $15 billion each is $105 billion. For that, taxpayers could pay for 7 million home solar panel or battery installations at $15,000 per installation.>> <<@jimmartin9704 says : The only thing this clown dissects is food>> <<@teagueman100 says : Shouldn't facts matter? And the fact is that nuclear is the best option and was the whole time.>> <<@dukkman010 says : Ah , the argument we were not allowed to have. Tricky.>> <<@aup10 says : Why are people calling this a plan? There is no plan!!! It's nothing more than a thought bubble at this time. No costing, no time frame, no output data, no interim measure. Even if it goes ahead, the best guesstimates is that nuclear will then only provide 5% of Australia energy needs. That's a whole lot of money for little return.>> <<@stickdude0299 says : How is this even a debate. Nuclear may be expensive to build but it’s gonna be so much more beneficial in the long run in terms of power, money and reducing emissions>> <<@mrmillane186 says : At least 60 Patents since the 1800's have been shelved that could have taken us off reliance on Nuclear, Fossil Fuels etc.....>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnynozKz7Aw>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : BARRAGE OF BULLSHIT !>> <<@rogertull8888 says : TIME FOR ANOTHER REFERENDUM ON NUCLEAR, NO MORE PUTTING THIS DECISION IN POLITICIANS HANDS, LET THE PEOPLE OF AUSTRALIA DECIDE IF NUCLEAR IS BEST FOR US. AND IF IT PASSED WOULD THE GOVERNMENT AGAIN TRY TO AGAINST OUR DECISION LIKE THEY TRIED WITH THE VOICE??>> <<@Denheer-de-Luynes says : The nucular power industry has gained a notorious reputation, due to its scientifically established likelihood of causing extensive and enduring environmental harm. Over time, even initially minor risks tend to manifest significantly, shifting towards inevitability. This reality categorises nucular energy as 'black' rather than green. Currently, we depend on fossil-fuelled chemical reactions as a temporary measure, while we strengthen our efforts in sourcing and storing genuinely sustainable energy. However, continuing this practice jeopardises our ability to avert a climate catastrophe. The crucial point is that fossil fuels can be theoretically reclaimed, offering future opportunities to mitigate their impact. In stark contrast, the irreversibility of nucular oopsies results in enduring uninhabitable zones. The persistence of lethal, long-lasting isotopes can span hundreds of years for significant decay. With overpopulation already straining food security, permanently losing productive lands exacerbates these challenges further. In a world that grows more divided, amassing the capability for self-destruction is dangerously reckless. Stockpiling fissile materials is often seen as a deterrent to conflict. However, placing these stockpiles in unhardened, above-ground installations, within and near populated and productive areas, only serves to incentivise, and provide coercive leverage for aggressive actions. The vulnerability created by these installations could be exploited by relatively unsophisticated means, resulting in significant loss and damage, which is deeply concerning. It's 3 am. You're startled awake by a frantic police officer at your door, urgently informing you that you have just 3 minutes to gather essentials and leave your home, abandoning everything permanently. Would you take a copy of your homeowner's insurance policy with you in such a situation? Take a moment to review your policy now and decide for yourself. The extensively researched, unsustainable expense of the nucular fuel cycle is prohibitively costly, even under optimal conditions. For purely economic reasons, this option should unequivocally be abandoned. Technology plays a crucial role in our journey ahead. Yet, we must strive to avoid significant policy missteps like this, at all costs.>> <<@rogertull8888 says : NUCLEAR WOULD COST THE SAME AS ALL THE WIND AND SOLAR FARMS AND BE RELIABLE UNLIKE WIND AND SOLAR, PLUS YOU CAN BUILD NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS WHERE THE CURRENT COAL POWER STATIONS ARE AND YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO BUILD NEW POWER LINES. AND DON'T FORGET ANY WIND OR SOLAR PLANTS ON LAND WOULD NEED TO DESTROY THE ENVIRONMENT TO BUILD THEM THUS DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT TO SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT SOUNDS LIKE AN INSANE PLAN>> <<@winstonwilliams4859 says : As if we could trust any pollie to ensure the proper building and running of a nuclear power station, I would agree but I don't trust any of them to do the job properly,just look at any major government project in the last 30 years.snow 2.0 as an example and that is using well known and proven tech that has been used in Australia recently.the libs expect us too trust them to build something with no real experience in australia and then have private companies run it , if it ever gets completed ,yes they will sell it off. the locations are all near urban areas so when the sh&t hits the fan lots of people are going to be hurt>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : You mean "fear and memes", like Sky news use every hour or two? How about Sky "fake" news keep out of this, for a change, and let the chips land where they should when people have accurate information, stop trying to influence people's decisions with misinformation.>> <<@allenknapp3416 says : Super disappointing this country is too childish to have a sensible rational debate. I want to see renewables succeed but I have never seen labour deliver successful projects yet so this government rolling renewables out is a scary prospect. Going for utopia never works where a staged approach always works and having our eggs in multiple baskets and not just a renewable one is a sensible approach. If only the media (not sky) were able to understand what sensible means, but alas they can't so they resort to cartoons that you often see drawn in a kindy>> <<@ArchieLea-ft7dr says : To the Australian fairdinkum people each way albo Labor party and Black out Bowen and greens and teal green these wind turbines and solar panels made in China have got POISONESS Gases and highly Inflammable and goes to the Australian soils and water tables that each way albo Labor party and Black out Bowen and greens and teal green didn't tell you And How much that these transmission lines Cost to the Australian fairdinkum people Say s IAM that Iam Amen and amen>> <<@SuperHowie001 says : Dutton Murdoch’s little puppy dog 🐩>> <<@darkhawk1979 says : I wish this wasn't a partisan issue, that always turns an intelligent discussion into a tribal stoush where people say the dumbest things because they only care about their team winning an election.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : They use a solar powered calculator in the sun 😅>> <<@MultiFab14 says : No one asked me yet, I want nuclear.>> <<@timifumi46brown91 says : wouldn't that be hilarious, get the Olympic games and the lights go out mid 100m sprint in Qld!!! Bowen would have to move to ???? who cares anywhere but here!!>> <<@drmarine1771 says : Ad me to a big yes for nuclear.>> <<@rogerthat487 says : Surely the question is why not nuclear? We've known for hundreds, maybe thousands of years that windmills don't work when it's too windy . Solar panels don't like hail - acres of shattered glass in Texas at the moment. Both have applications where they can contribute but Labor/Green/Climate Cult mandates are dumb. Dutton's mix based on suitability is tending to common sense. Same applies to electric cars really - horses for courses>> <<@jamielinsdell4900 says : We'll see how people vote on the day. When unsure people vote no, as they did with the voice. Nuclear will suffer the same fate.>> <<@stayawakenhealthy2539 says : Nuclear is the BEST. Australia has the MOST Uranium in the WORLD!!!! LOTS of jobs and CLEAN NRG!!>> <<@Dreadnought16 says : I’m in Ontario Canada, I love Australia I feel like we’re like brothers. But I have no idea how you guys are not on the nuclear power wagon. We have had safe reliable nuclear power here since the late 1960’s. We are currently building a small fleet of SMRs that will be the first operational SMR fleet in North America. SMRs are going to revolutionize electricity production and distribution…..don’t miss out!!>> <<@brucerobinson3715 says : The real issue is that the mainstream media will be pushing the fear lines of the no side and give little to no time for the yes argument>> <<@kenlewins3368 says : Australia following EU , America agenda .. just take a moment to look what has happened to Europe and America... Brain dead labour government>> <<@ShaneMcGrath. says : Called renewables for a reason, Got to keep replacing them every decade, That's if you are even that lucky. Already replaced one lot of solar panels in under 10 years that were doing F all!>> <<@JL-hz5li says : Fun fact: Labor supports exporting uranium both as government and as opposition, and Australia is one of the world's top uranium exporters. So Albo is literally nuclear bombing the rest of the world? Gutter journalism.>> <<@williamtyndale1402 says : Dumbass Australia. One of the worlds biggest gas and coal exporters but refuse to use it ourselves because well live on a different planet>> <<@davidhay3924 says : A labor voter can like nuclear but still will vote Labor. the 2PP is all that matters>> <<@darrylhalden1948 says : I wouldn't rely on one poll..wait for the regular polls which will undoubtedly come soon...that aside if opinion is split a lot depends on how the cohorts are distributed across the network of electorates. This assumes that all voters buy into the "only one issue" election.....which is very uncertain>> <<@keleth70 says : I find these cartoons more amusing and childish if anything.>> <<@Josma432 says : After albos meme dummy spit this makes him look an even bigger dill. Do as I say not as I do Albo.>> <<@GregMoylan-pn6sr says : During late 1700's to early 1800's "Luddites" broke into British factories to destroy new-technology weaving machines that robbed them of their skilled manual-weaving jobs. Similarly, Labor's nuclear Luddites are an anachronism... fighting against a tide that will inevitably rise & swamp them. Nuclear reactions power our sun & are singularly responsible for all life on earth. What kind of fools stand in the way of harnessing this form of near-boundless energy? As a side note, why has Australia's federal agency, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, been cooperating for the past 8 years with the construction of ITER near Marseille in the south of France (the world's largest fusion test reactor), if the Aust. govt. does not believe in the value of nuclear energy? The move to fusion power is on the horizon, but Labor troglodytes still can't accept nearly 80 year-old fission technology. Surrounded by clowns.>> <<@biglap.australia says : 28% of Green voters support nuclear power. Fascinating.>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Which Bank . Bank of Shanghai 😅>> <<@PearlJamaholic says : Story just came out last week that pollution kills 2,000 people a day, that's 730k annually. A yet not a single mention of nuclear energy. Even if you had a nuclear accident every year it would likely kill less than 500,000. Just in those terms, nuclear is safer, but there are a bunch of nuclear plants that are running on old tech cause of government redtape, and they could even be safer if they could be modernized. The problem is nuclear is not profitable enough, it provides so much energy for cheap and is safer and cleaner than almost everything else. Governments and big business will continue to push the anti-nuclear story cause it protects their financial interests.>> <<@desking8065 says : Ted O’Brian is putting to much power output of SMR the largest at this time is .7 MwH that is 7,000,000 KwH they are being built for small countries or large businesses. That is power for 538,461 persons @ 13 KwH / person. 4 million persons in Melbourne. = 52,000,000, Million KwH Melbourne would need 8 SMR reactors. Counting only residential. Businesses, sports grounds, street lighting ect: could even more than double that amount.>> <<@knight2425 says : Remember the referendum? It had more support until Albo started opening his mouth and Nuclear is already in front so let’s give Albo another big NO at his leadership come election time!>> <<@khaansulu5695 says : So people in Sydney like roof solar panels? I bet you most of the young people who said that are living in apartment buildings and don't even have their own roof>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : Only the ones having their back pockets filled are against nuclear power. Are these same ones also against nuclear submarines.? FIRM ANSWERS NEED TO BE HEARD FROM THESE TWATS.>> <<@khaansulu5695 says : Polls are useless to me. You can't say x% of Aussies. You didn't ask me.. You word the question in a leading way, then you go to places you know you'll get the answer you want. Of course if you go and ask a bunch of Sydney hippies if they want nuclear, they'll say no.>> <<@grantmcphail9042 says : I am in my mid 60's and i can safely say i will never see one them fully buand operational by time die even it i live a hundred. Just the paperwork that has to done before a shovel full dirt is turned will take 10 to 15 years for starters and that is for the first one. We the people of Queensland will be paying to ever increasing cost of the building and running and maintenance of them for decades after this fool Dutton and the rest of the LNP are long long gone for the life>> <<@DonCamua says : Greens are mostly city folks who don’t know how to farm and work manually and mostly woke hippies borderline communist but they do not support environmental policies if they don’t benefit them like greedy corporations>> <<@DonCamua says : Green is anti nuclear energy but they want climate action?! Utterly stupid party>> <<@scotty311 says : There's always polls, yet I've never been asked questions that refer to a poll. Who are they asking? I'm guessing not the normal folks but those looking to answer polls? Nobody I know gets asked these questions.>> <<@user-de5ez5pe8t says : Murray must stop with the Biden like whispering.>> <<@terryokeeffe6911 says : Nuclear power = New Clear Power>> <<@S.Carrick says : Notice Greens supporters prefer the environment destroyed and wildlife wipeout, with wind and solar, in preference, to keeping the environment intact. I thought they were supposed to be conservationists.>>