<<@alfredpetrossian3036 says : This character is no journalist with a free voice - he is cashing in by voicing propaganda of the Neocons and those those in power who yank his chain.>> <<@user-dt3iv5oc6f says : Define hard right>> <<@user-dt3iv5oc6f says : Jesus Christ .. the tories are not right wing ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ fareed talk to Matt Goodwin>> <<@user-dt3iv5oc6f says : Rory Stewart is not a person to talk to, he is part of the problem being a member of the liberal globalist elite that dominates the party being out of touch with its red wall voters who wanted less migration, reform of nhs , promotion of British values etc..>> <<@ManishParmar-ne1yq says : SC/ST not eligible for reserved job because Professors misuse power give low score percentage in exam results in INDIAN Universities,Shameful Castesism>> <<@ManishParmar-ne1yq says : SC/ST not eligible for reserved job because Professors misuse power give low score percentage in exam results in INDIAN Universities,Shameful Castesism>> <<@stephengardner4194 says : Yep, the current Labour party are conservatives, and nobody wants them, but they might be a tad better than the worst government Britain has ever had. You really want that for America?>> <<@jackiepearson1288 says : @markgarrat3647 Presumably, you do not see the flaws in the system. The American system is inherently corrupt, what with the electoral college, gerrymandering, the lobbying system, politicians appointing the judiciary etc. The system in the UK is quicker, fairer and more inclusive. Also, religious nonsense doesn't enter into a UK election. Electoral spending is capped to a relatively small amount, making it more inclusive, and donations over certain amounts are scrutinised. The electoral system in the UK has changed since the 1770's, the American system hasn't.>> <<@bee5025 says : Starmer and Sunak are puppets of the WEF controllers.>> <<@monacophotographyevents2384 says : The polls in the UK close at 10pm on the 4th July, all postal votes are already in by that date (no fuss about postal votes in the UK, as there is in America). Results should be known in the early hours of the 5th. July. The six week electioneering, as mentioned previously, has been one of the longest periods, and is considered by the British to be too long it's normally around 4 weeks. But it's worth mentioning as well that the period is considerably less than in America, it is also a lot less intense. Despite this, the British are fed up with the electioneering after about two week, so it must be agony in America to have, what appears to be non stop electioneering. And, when the votes are in, there are no primadonna politicians screaming that they should have won, or the vote was stolen, and no ridiculous court cases about the results. They are voted out on the 4th, and by the 5th they are out, and if the current party loses, the Prime Minister will be out of Downing street on the 5th. It's all nice and quick. There is no discontinuity of government when power goes to a different party. In the UK, there can be, and often is, a seismic change of the ruling party, does this happen in America, or is it just a few seats that change hands at the end of every election? Also, in the UK and Europe, the leader of the ruling party can call an election at any time within the statutory period, (or indeed be ousted by a vote of no confidence) this doesn't seem to be the case in America, where parties always seem to go the whole term. Is that correct?>> <<@nicholashealy9746 says : In the UK elections are lost, not won. It is for the government of the day to lose.>> <<@adviceman66 says : Fareed Zakaria has a bias typical of the Global and Educational elites. They care nothing of the population who are not supported by, and in fact damaged, by democrat government policies. He has divided the population into two classes, populists and elitists. Traditional liberalism is a classless society. Each group will vote in the way they feel will help them flourish.>> <<@lyudmilakutsenko7045 says : That Mossad is the most powerful intelligence service? I know that from the childhood. But they learned that already on 1sept1. Terrible.>> <<@viewer.123 says : 4:09 Wouldn't say brilliant, just not as incompetent as the Tories>> <<@commonsense6534 says : Fareed's take. I remember him lecturing Trump supporters in 2016 just before the election about WHY he was going to lose. He's just another biased left talking head.>> <<@osmangiire1349 says : Mind your maners๐Ÿ˜‚ https://youtube.com/shorts/Cl0pNuHJThA?si=_Gn5lnW2KabYnGAZ CNN๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@nyerineu3388 says : NYT, TF, other political pundits wish President Biden to get out NOW, but no calls from Faux News, Hannity for the Slob, a lying convicted felon, racist, know-nothing to bow out....sad! What stood out for me were the lies put forth by the slob about NATO where his 'base' will believe that only the US is footing the Ukrainian bill! His base has no clue that here in Germany, >1mill. Ukrainians sought refuge; Poland took in 3mill. That costs EU governments mucho dinero, viel Geld! Not everything is measured in BFVs, tanks, humanitarian support in Europe is huge and EU nations have stepped up to the plate to make their military contributions. Anyone can google NATO nations and their contributions to support Ukraine, why didn't CNN fact check? As supposed journalistic professionals, CNN'S Bash & Tapper did nothing to challenge the Slob on such lies and absurd assertions.>> <<@michaelmazowiecki9195 says : Good analysis. The voting public is bell shaped , tapering down to the two extremes of left and right. The party or candidate that controls the middle ground , thus isolating the two extremes, wins elections. Further what the bulk of the populations wants is pragmatic policies that work and benefit the mass of the population, improving its standard of living and services.>> <<@fastpistonx says : The only thing to learn is that conducting a war against a massive nuclear power such as Russia is absolute unambiguous madness. Simple.>> <<@markgarrett3647 says : Oh yes learning from the mother country that we seceded from in 1775 because we didn't find their system of governance fair enough on how to do our elections. Great suggestion Fareed.>> <<@capoeirastronaut says : Keir Starmer, the Labour John Major..>> <<@glenbolderson9279 says : Nobody cares about Fareeds CIA take.>> <<@mrmaxxx94 says : They racist as well, own Black folks reparations as well and politics is embarrassing and a bad joke>> <<@user-qz7uu2lt4w says : Both the traditional parties Labor and Conservative Dominant for the past one hundred years Are past their sell by date Are not fit for purpose And are ideologically and beaurocraticlly Paralyzed Same applies to the two main parties in the USA>> <<@BallyBoy95 says : Fareed Zakaria knows jack. Stick to US politics, and stop dumbing down UK politics. Keir Starmer is not the reasonable candidate, that's Jeremy Corbyn. Stop defending this fake middle-line. The middle-line is heavily set in the Tories' backyard and these bs yanki-zion wars.>> <<@walts4425 says : 4:49 more propaganda from Zakaria. Starmer bent the knee to the Burn Loot Murder mob. He is another entryist this time a Marxist masquerading as a centrist.>> <<@walts4425 says : Job done Sunak and rest of the globalist entryists can claim their rewards from their intersectional globalist cult overlords. Fareed Zakaria and the rest of CNN are propagandists for the same globalist cult.>> <<@Thrawn90 says : Fareed like always nails it.>> <<@Thrawn90 says : Starting to think that the people can't stand the Conservatives, Labor, Republicans, or Democrats.>> <<@IrishDean1000 says : CNN is literally 8 years behind in their analysis. And is succumbing to the very narrative they scoffed at and ignorantly swept aside during the left cultural tsunami of the past decade that saw the radical capture of every important institution in the land. The rise of populist right figures is exclusively down to the blowback of the radical left and an intellectual snobbery and elitism combined with a cowardice that has allowed for absolute nonsense to dominate every cultural and social issue for a decade. CNN included. So fuck your analysis. It's too late.>> <<@MichaelDamianPHD says : Britain was destroyed by mass immigration. End of story>> <<@ramsg9988 says : You still deal with this stupid? He says american economy is robust currently under Biden? I call him a bloody simple idiot.>> <<@juliangriffiths242 says : wrong on several counts the large majority you mention in the beginning at the last election was won by Boris Johnson. You said Starmer has Eschewed woke agenda in fact they have been embroiled in several episodes that have highlighted thier inconsistent positions on this. The left will win but it is in fact a reaction to all the problems encountered by the tories - they've had enough - and labour has an inbuilt tribal voter block wh will vote for no-one else. there isn't actually much to get excited about with Labour>> <<@wjchanter says : It's immigration and the economy!!>> <<@alanconway94 says : If you want to learn anything about UK politics, here are a few pointers. Under the First Past The Post voting system, you only need 40% of the popular vote, to gain a majority in Parliament. Due to population differences, the only votes that determine the outcome of a UK General Election, are cast by English voters. Since 1979, the centre of UK politics has been dragged so far to the right, the Labour Party is no longer socialist. Starmer's "changed" Labour Party, is nothing but "Conservative-lite". It has to be, for him to win. The voters of England are right of centre and will not have it any other way. Eventually, over time, this will cause the break up of the UK; especially if Reform infiltrates the Conservatives. Upcoming generations of Scots and Irish voters, who really are socialists, will continue to press for leaving the UK and rejoining the EU. It will take decades.>> <<@nsaiswatching289 says : Holy Shit Fareed, the RIght have you trained so well, now to say "Woke Politics". What a shame you have turned into. Someone that does not live up to what it preaches>> <<@robertlight5227 says : America has a left?>> <<@jamesstreeter7434 says : Fareed is basically saying stop talking about diversity, abortion, anti-discrimination, and anything that makes whites feel uncomfortable. Democrats are the party of diversity because we have diverse members. We need to be ion the middle..yes..but the middle of the Democratic party.>> <<@SwoleTown says : The native population in the UK is soon going to be outnumbered by muslim and other immigrant populations. They can play pretend for now with all this stuff, but pretty soon we will see.>> <<@tokukeitaro says : Jfc Fareed, im embarrassed i ever took you seriously.>> <<@tokukeitaro says : Noone who is conservative is competent or stand for anything except serving the rich.>> <<@FalconsEye58094 says : big difference, the UK already has a bunch of things the US wishes it had, including but not limited to, basically a direct popular vote and a national health service. The Democrats need to do better than being center>> <<@user-zb1fm4bp2h says : Both UK and Dem are trash as well as u liber voice>> <<@haleytakamura6772 says : It's refreshing to have an influential voice saying it's better to come to the center politically instead of all the insanity that has been happening in politics at the obnoxious extremes>> <<@JZef says : I profoundly disagree... What's the point of the left winning an election if they don't do anything remotely lefty and embrace everything the right stands for? Sure, winning elections is important, but not if you have to forfeit every semblance of a principle. Kier Stammer will win not because of any brilliance on his strategy but because the Tories have imploded and are finally being punished by the people.>> <<@colinbaker3916 says : Correction In 2019, the Tories won 365 seats, a majority of 80. They didnโ€™t get a majority of 365.>> <<@AahFukIt says : Anyone running old style British style goverment should change asap! And make it more equal to other parties and opinions!>> <<@donttrip8282 says : Hi from the UK. This clown wants the US democrats to learn from Labour, when basically all they did is turn into the US democrats. This is genuinely hilarious analysis, fucking stupid, but hilarious. Labour are winning by default this time because people are that mad at the Tories, that's it, it has fuck all to do with Keir Starmer's strategy, all that did was assure the establishment and mainstream media that he poses no threat to the status quo, whilst voters have fuck all idea what he stands for, Starmer keeps u turning on policy and pledges he lied about being progressive to get the leadership, then pivoted right, it is mostly an anti-Tory vote that crwated their lead. But Labour are going to do more austerity and privatisation and other Tory tactics the main criticism is their is vanishingly small difference between them, the funding has moved away from grass roots to large donors and they mostly appease various lobbies including the Israel lobby. Some of their new candidates are literally former corporate lobbyists. Only a shill or an idiot would think this is all a great development.>> <<@jmaitland5709 says : Small correction, Rory Stewart is not a Tory, he left the party 8 years ago and has been an independent ever since.>> <<@DJ-fl4gn says : This video can be safely ignored. Anyone who describes Reform as "hard-right" can not be taken seriously. And I say that as someone who will not be voting for Reform.>>