<<@learningtho582 says : I swear if I see unreasonable prices for groceries after this, like >$13.00/kg for tomatoes or whatever, I will go somewhere else and just shop local. There are many other nonColes/Woolies groceries that offer competitive prices for veggies. Obvs they don't want to lose a bit of profit by giving farmers more and will pass to customers. It is absolutely disgusting.>> <<@rossevans1774 says : Supermarket code of conduct? More of the endless nonsense from the federal government. The federal government of Australia does not decide what we pay for our petrol, gas, electricity and groceries.>> <<@john-nq7kx says : FJB>> <<@KT-ki2nv says : Farmers deserve a better deal but customers will pay more. How does this government think they are helping with cost of living. What a joke.>> <<@Blazer3434 says : hilarious>> <<@carole5933 says : This is so insulting. I didn't expect the government to do much,but this isn't even trying. I'm sure everyone doing it tough understands just how little the pollies care.>> <<@hiya5357 says : politicians keep increasing their wages importing unskilled immigrants sending billions if not trillions abroad every year. They're creating an unliveable economy for the average person. But hey at least we know those fines will help increase the government salaries. They rake in so much money from fines, taxes,rego, fisheries etc etc but yet our economy is fucked just like our roads. As soon as I hear of new fines or new tax all I can think is, typical vermin government. Corrupt to the core.>> <<@sheilamorgan3845 says : And the people will be the ones paying the fines thru the company raising prices.>> <<@johnpaley8857 says : My comment is read all the comments.>> <<@user-co2li1vd5d says : Good, theyre just the middle man, the producer is the main man and should get the lions share of the profits , not the middle man parasite who cannot live without the host.>> <<@anderander5662 says : Next move... state owned food stores.... eg. USSR 1980>> <<@charmedaustralia6617 says : recalls what about them too late after it kills you with Salmonella in meals frozen foods vegetables you only know to recall them AFTER SOMEONE IS ILL OR DEAD. This nearly killed both myself and dog from frozen vegetables 🧐 Are you trying to kill us nice to see you change some things but you better do a lot better with your actual food and take off the Fresh label remove the Apeel Coating on fruit and vegetables it’s poison ☠️ causing Cancer. Fix it or close your door s What was your profit again 💰💰💰🧐>> <<@MichaelKingsfordGray says : Marxism.>> <<@writingonthewall3326 says : Name one thing the gubberment has done that didn't turn to shit I'll wait>> <<@healthrecord508 says : Now all we need is for the g'ment to do likewise with their own conduct towards the people. 😅>> <<@robertchaplin says : Creeping socialism. So much for freedom. One question if you walk into any establishment or deal with any establishment there are contract rules and one of those rules is there must be an intention to enter into any contract. Why do not people not walk if they are unhappy?>> <<@williamwenrich3288 says : Define your terms!>> <<@RoxyCloud28 says : Wait and see 😊>> <<@poppykoch9085 says : The only job the government is really brilliant at is knee-jerk policy. They don't think all scenarios through because if they did they would realise we will pay for the fines, prices will go up (again in anticipation of those fines) and there will always be a loophole that will be exploited. Where does the money go that will collected from the fines?>> <<@alienwarrior says : New source for food will be other countries... Why risk a huge fine for dealing with local growers when they can simply buy from overseas without risk of fines being imposed. AU grubberment is not a government but an out of control monolithic bureaucracy where voting for one party or the other has no real world effect other than continued abuse of the citizens!>> <<@alandelbridge5979 says : this government is like Joe Biden every time they speak they fart in to the wind so when it comes back they smell their own arses>> <<@darrylweidenhofer says : Stupid voice type.>> <<@grumpychristian8370 says : Somehow this will lead to more Government control over you.>> <<@grumpychristian8370 says : Alcahol is still the most damaging drug on the planet. So who is the biggest drug pusher in Australia ?>> <<@briansharman3813 says : Sorry not the food... Our food>> <<@briansharman3813 says : Just another step in controlling the food>> <<@jazzysnaps says : Like the fuel watch !!!>> <<@michaelliakos7971 says : One thing the government who’s still in the dark didn’t include the corporate suppliers who actually have all the power to buy directly from the producers and make more profits than any one they are the dictator>> <<@mariestack920 says : Pfft! Nothing but smoke and mirrors. Price gouging wont stop until WE THE PEOPLE STOP INVESTING IN THEIR PROFITEERING GREEEED!!! 👊😠. If i shop in coles or woollies i only buy the 1/2 price specials and dont buy their brand. I look for Aussie brands to support our farmers and pay with CASH EVERY TIME. Go to the markets and buy in season fresh produce & grow some produce too. We can all do our bit to stop making these a**wipes and banks richer while every day people struggle to make ends meet. Fk em 😤>> <<@drkrypton4410 says : They are slowly turning up the heat>> <<@drkrypton4410 says : Woolworths is still around!!??>> <<@louiswolff9382 says : You know what might actually prices down for the average family grocery store trip? Stop voting these leftist socialist criminals into office, and minimize government and keep their greedy hands out of the honey pot, this is just more bureaucratic bullshit so they can dip deeper into your pocket but blame it on the stores, stores don’t comply will be fined multi billion dollar fines? They’ll be out of business quickly to cut down on the competition and your gonna see prices sky rocket when those stores decide to just close their shops smdh>> <<@dkmzoneglobal-1472 says : There is no good faith in this Judus like government...>> <<@arclux says : It's not the government's failed policies driving inflation guys, its those dastardly supermarkets.>> <<@94baixinho says : Hilarious...... NOT 😡>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : Yeah right.. I’m sure that will bring costs down.. All this does is create another department of bureaucracy costing us more money..>> <<@mykelmoon9977 says : So more government …. BBS More business will Close 😢😢>> <<@Dismas2503 says : Fairer prices for farmers and suppliers will result in higher grocery prices. I am happy with that but there will be some consumers who might be in for a shock.>> <<@roostercogburn1984 says : yer right Labor, pigs might fly too>> <<@Sam-pu6kj says : Q: is it bad over in the land down under with stealing and no real punishment if the total of the items stolen is under $1,000 ???>> <<@Genesis-007 says : More smoke and mirrors to cover up price rises, don't fall for the dog and pony show>> <<@kanakalono says : So this is how they force thier junk poison food on the people.>> <<@henrymancini3750 says : Sounds like it's not a code but an honour system which is something the supermarkets lack.>> <<@Laurie-si7mp says : What if the product isnt up to standard and the supermarket rejects it for that reason its not the super markets job to sort through it is it.this is the same thing that western country's are guilty of government shifting the blame for what they do and make someone else the villain>> <<@evanangel2022 says : They been ripping us off for years>> <<@mommabearmaryann8106 says : The government needs to get their greedy hands out of our business. Period.>> <<@Bob-bb3ur says : Do you have the crazy Democrat types in Australia like America>> <<@Mrgreenjeans578 says : I don’t understand what this is? Can someone explain please? I’m serious I really don’t know>> <<@marilyncourteau8951 says : they're doing the same to health food stores in Canada...>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Why isn’t Bunnings covered? Merbau decking is dragged out of virgin rain forest in Myanmar for a dollar a day>>