<<@scottnielsen3620 says : Not an expert on dope either>> <<@stopdoingthat.hereletmedoi7320 says : Feels good to eat humble pie and swallow your pride. AKA leave the dems.>> <<@maheshay1665 says : Indian government workers so many people carpestion doing working time>> <<@theresaloncar2539 says : WOW I just can’t believe it took her 4 years to see this happening. So sad it took so long. Well better late then never. Alison be smart.>> <<@lonniemonroe2714 says : She's still a Democrat. And will still vote for them>> <<@barrymarsh4236 says : STUPITIDY RUNS THE DNC REGIME>> <<@Davemurray2880isaindian says : More fear mongering from the revolting Muppet Jesse>> <<@LenOliver-yz6os says : She had to be smoking crack at the time when she paid 1 million dollars for that worthless Obama poster.>> <<@sopheapkhai3497 says : Hello Jesse Watters! I like your show. I don't like CNN they are lies.>> <<@lovepeace8918 says : Jessie you should ask her what she likes to cook, I am interested>> <<@rexhallinan1785 says : Shes a griftet just after money>> <<@buddyhell7100 says : Its funny watching dumb, gullible lefties wake up.>> <<@TheMizpah2000 says : Stay safe, healthy and strong Ms. Alison.>> <<@Donald-John-Trump-JUNIOR says : *And he came to me with tears in his eye and said: “SIR, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE, PLEASE PROVIDE AN ATOM-SIZED PIECE OF EVIDENCE OF ELECTION 2020 THEFT! And I said: “Ha Ha, there isn’t any.”*>> <<@craigtripp5509 says : Good>> <<@jonconger3527 says : Nice to hear some honesty but this was all so obvious going back several years. But better late than never. Now wake up the rest of the California honest libs!>> <<@Dudley-ug9ug says : That looks like a communism poster from Cuba. F@ck Obama, get away from our house you socialist.>> <<@alanking6173 says : get out of California or any blue states if you can>> <<@Twins111105 says : Facts and reality?? Democrats are allergic to those things.>> <<@antenna69 says : Talks how she voted>> <<@defendpolicedefunddemokkkr6976 says : I'm independent but voting Republican is not the solution to problems, but voting democRAT will be the cause of most problems in America. Most problems in society today can be resolved by not voting democRAT & not voting for rinos. It's really not a difficult concept.>> <<@fonsecahebo says : Door dash isn't that's why it started.😮>> <<@paultruong6390 says : the President Trump require to Joe Biden take the drug test before he debate but he won't Joe Biden can used to fairy medication smock crack>> <<@glenm5034 says : Anericans under attack by biden>> <<@bryanspayde5681 says : Hope and change under Obama was a lie. .. not sure what president will go down in history as the worst for our country.. it will be Obama or Biden …. 😊>> <<@davidhill8437 says : Buyer’s Remorse 😂>> <<@AnthonyCrier-ck9qj says : ❤🎉 Hi judge Jeanine and Mr Jesse watters your the man 👞 Hi Dana and Greg gutfild my buddy and tyrus God bless you guys stay safe America vote red ♥️🍒 for 👑 King President Donald j Trump to save our nation>> <<@dustdevilz4771 says : When I was a little kid in the sixties my parents used to drive to SFO from Sacramento on weekends to show myself and sisters the “City”. It was beautiful, the Japanese Tea Garden, the Golden Gate, Planetarium, the De Young and Fisherman’s Warf. I recall visiting China Town in the evening for shopping in the many tourist shops and eating Chinese dinner. It was a magical city, even better than Disney Land and totally safe. We later mover to Daily City where I attended Abraham Lincoln Elementary which was next door to Benjamin Franklin Elementary. What great schools they were. I had black and Chinese friends. It was safe. Now SFO and Daily City are disaster zones, you can’t park a car anywhere with any confidence that it won’t be broken into. You can’t walk down a street without encountering homeless people defecating in public. You’d never take a kid there for a positive cultural or recreational experience now. Why do we put up with this?…I’ve been asking myself that question for years…If I were king I’d have the National Guard march into the entire area and clean the streets of vagrants, but only after they first chase the mindless left wing politicians who’re responsible for the disintegration of this once great city into the sea.>> <<@nooneknows8233 says : Awesome !!>> <<@annaw8361 says : The host is so fake when she talked about Asian hate. The thing is how is he better?>> <<@richardimon468 says : San Francisco was a great city at one time, we need to bring back Harry Callahan!>> <<@DataGeek903 says : Slowly slowly they wake up, but so late the country is almost lost>> <<@tylerfoss3346 says : "We are letting looters run our country." A quote from a Democrat from San Francisco in June 2024? Let's Go, Brandon? Just Get Vaccinated, You Won't Get Covid-19?>> <<@malcommckay2571 says : Lovely Lady glad she divorced the Democrat Party>> <<@troyprice531 says : Obama and his boy toy Michael managed to convince hundreds of thousands of kids to cut off their genitals at taxpayers expense! He doesn’t deserve to be on this side of the dirt neither one of them>> <<@PAPITO_49 says : She’s not Asian, she’s American. I wish people would ID as Americans and not an ethnicity.>> <<@heybrook819 says : This is how the democrats lower crimes , make everything legal. Problem solved.>> <<@user-jh4ck2ld4r says : I'd rather own the Bill Clinton in a Blue dress painting.>> <<@user-jh4ck2ld4r says : I feel like the words duh, and um are making a huge comeback.>> <<@tinabattle718 says : She's crazy for staying in SF and not believing the videos.>> <<@Channelscruf says : Asians will change their minds when facts are presented. Buckle up, Radical Democrats.>> <<@Tracey-cg8vv says : You alrready know, CNN probably gave Joe the debate questions in advance>> <<@tararomanow3055 says : 🎉❤❤>> <<@downieduck2414 says : i think big tech has gotten a turn a her face -- some serious problems there>> <<@MrSnyper360 says : Lol, I don't know how obama made a dollar with people like this working on his campaign. This person just doesn't speak well. Seems like a house wife that got an online degree from stamford, not stanford. It's a bad look and the Trump campaign should steer clear of this landmine.>> <<@drilldrulus1235 says : 1:36 they have changed the definition of crime and voila 😅>> <<@amassey7723 says : trump 2024!>> <<@amassey7723 says : rigged elections NEVER work, EVER!>> <<@baboonbill says : Vote Trump? ALL our protected freedoms GONE!>> <<@mgm7756 says : So nice to see. She's woken up!❤>>