<<@beverlyfleming6352 says : Oh and where are they going to put the used up radioactive water from a flush… just asking.>> <<@beverlyfleming6352 says : Well thank goodness they are working on how the Fukushima wild boars are surviving the radioactive in environment they live in. That will help all humans. Chernobyl not so much success . And we need to be able to survive a radioactive environment. Nothing is perfect.>> <<@user-zb6ho1ou7q says : Labour needs to grow a brain and get on board with nuclear, if not its just blackouts and load shedding. We will not have enough power - just a fact. Follow the money and you will see where the motivation for renewables comes from. Our government has been bought out.>> <<@leonharrison800 says : Nuclear power too expensive and too dangerous. Shut it down and cancel the Peter Dutton imbecile!!!😂🤮👍>> <<@Christian-yz1qu says : Not a single nuclear power plant anywhere has run for even 60 years, let alone 80 or 100. You are being conned by the dishonest Nationals fossil fuel junkies.>> <<@nevillegreg1 says : What the poll has exposed, is there are dingbats out there that don't have a brain. They want lower power prices, they want lower supermarket costs, they are OK with nuclear to achieve these but are not going to vote for the Libs/Nationals. Dingbats you are. Wake up and work out that if you vote Labor/Greens/Teals it will mean no nuclear. No point is being OK with nuclear to get lower prices if you are voting not to make that happen.>> <<@1knightinbangkok946 says : It's not 7 nuclear reactors, it's 7 sites with multiple reactors. Also, as Dr Patterson states, all we need is one bad hail storm and there goes a huge amount of solar. You need something like nuclear to provide that security...>> <<@Ernst12 says : If Labor and the Greens haven't got the intelligence to realise that nuclear is the base option for baseload power that is required in one form or another then there is no hope for lower power pricies and having a stable energy grid. That is the simple fact and if this is what the voters want the of course they need to wear that decision. However, it is not only about the energy transition but Labor governments at all levels are not delivering the stellar performance that they have promised.>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : AND They have Just Made the Man WHO BLOWES UP our BASE LOAD POWER, Matt Keane Head of Climate change . They are INSANE. They should Go to Jail for TREASON on the Australian People. This is NATIONAL SECURITY. NOT a Political Argument.>> <<@Squeeeeeeeezy says : I believe in Nuclear Power David . Michael in Newport Victoria>> <<@philipwilkie3239 says : For a fast build out - a fleet of new gas plants that are specifically designed to be converted to a molten salt nuclear island in about 10 - 15 yrs time. About 80% of the cost of a NPP is outside of the nuclear core, which make this an entirely feasible plan. We could have the first ones up and running on gas inside 3 -4 yrs with the realistic conversions to advanced Gen 4 nuclear inside 15yrs.>> <<@haroldguenther3317 says : We want Nuclear, coal and gas powered power stations 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺>> <<@deanmanly7622 says : Labor should be sacked. For $$$ Mismanagement, Corruption, calling what you want, it's as if the people don't exist. All we hear is. Paris agreement United Nations. Green bullshit scam Australia 1% China 30 % Need I say more. Coal bring it on...the people should always come first. LABOR DONT BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU. Labor, you're there for a good time, not a long time. NEXT ELECTION YOUR OUT ON YOUR ASS WHERE YOU BELONG.>> <<@stevenmitchell7830 says : Australia's economy is devolving into government employees, NDIS grifters and retirees. The rest of Australia is working hard to just hang on by their fingernails to pay rent/mortgage and (on a good day) buy some food. Then there is Bowen, who doesn't fit into any off these... Maybe create some new categories like "Random Insane Energy Grid Terrorists with silly smiles"? Small business and existing Australian manufacturing are so far in the rear view mirror for the Albowen government that it is a bad/sad joke.>> <<@deanmanly7622 says : Solar feed in to the grid we get paid Sweet FA. So disrespectful.>> <<@desking8065 says : 5 References [1] Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 25 February 1991. [2] European Commission Recommendation (1999/829/Euratom) on the Application of Article 37 of EURATOM Treaty. [3] Protective measures for radiation situations - planning and communicating, Ministry of the Interior, SM 1/97. [4] Instructions for action in a radiation accident situation, Ministry of the Interior, A:57, 10/011/98, 16 April 1998. [5] IAEA Safety Series 50-C-S, Code on the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Siting, 1988. [6] International Nuclear Safety Convention (Decree 725/1996).>> <<@che59v says : The 2 big political parties have failed us, time for a grass-root political party to raise its head. Like it or not, nuclear energy is the only future (if Australia stays a modern country).>> <<@user-gx8by7vv7m says : I love how all of a sudden, ordinary joe blow with no knowledge of Nuclear energy 🙃 now are Experts in the field lol How bad it would be.. People are painful since social media.... Remembering bloody covid..my god conspiracy crap.. Im for it ..because I don't trust Albo one word that comes out of his mouth. Nothing...>> <<@jennymills3147 says : It is enevitable>> <<@TheDixiechick12 says : Nuclear yes, but the Coalition needs to do the right thing in many more problems in Australia,.Education,Housing and Small Business to name a few, If you want to be upfront with the people then represent the people with actions not fluffy words>> <<@margaretarmstrong2445 says : We don't have much more than 7 coal-fired power plants in Australia right now but they still supply most of our electricity. Why can't people see that 7 nuclear power plants could provide even more electricity than the coal fired plants that they would replace? The capacity factor of nuclear power is around 93%, it has the highest energy density on the planet and is engineered to produce clean electricity reliably 24/7 for around 80 years. Wind and solar have the lowest capacity factors of all energy generators at around 30 to 35% for wind and 18 to 24% for solar. But worse than that they cannot be engineered to provide electricity 24/7 because they are weather dependent. Without sunshine and or wind you dont get any energy at all so building more of them is pointless. Battery backup is not capable of filling the gaps and in reality was only ever intended to smooth out the grid. You cannot compare the capacity factors of coal, gas and nuclear with wind and solar because the first three are engineered to be available on demand at full rated capacity 24/7 and the other two are only capable of reaching rated capacity during optimal weather conditions which often only occur for short periods of time or not at all. One gigawatt of nuclear power is not equal to one gigawatt of wind or solar power. The energy density of nuclear is far higher and can be engineered for demand. That is why they overbuild renewables infrastructure. Such a waste for a form of energy that only works part-time and only lasts between 10 and 20 years. I encourage people to look up the cradle to grave story of renewables, there is nothing clean, green, sustainable, reliable or even ethical about them. And you will never get cheap electricity either.>> <<@user-du8kd3sn8n says : There's no business case for nuclear in 2024 Australia. This is not the right thing. These are not serious people.>> <<@desertwind666 says : Their plan effectively involves milking the wells of fossil fuels dry and maximising profits from increased prices there whilst using tax money to buy all the infrastructure from those same fossil fuel companies. During the increased prices from fossil fuels they will build expensive nuclear power facilities way over budget and with no impact on energy prices. Then they will privatise that publicly funded project back to those same companies at a price that makes a short term influx of cash but nothing compared to what just keeping them on government books would. Then pat themselves on the back at how well they pillaged the working population of Australia and blame labor for the power prices now that they’re back in power. Classic coalition play book.>> <<@KBHeal says : We should ditch the whole Net Zero lie. Seriously, you want to kill the planet with dangerous nuclear waste??? WTF 😱😱☠️☠️>> <<@desertwind666 says : Coalition is the opposite of doing what is right. Everything is calculated and nothing to do with what they believe is best. They would never campaign for something that was right and unpopular. As a current example (not including sudden nuclear stance change) the gender bias take on DV with no argument from Libs pointing out that it’s not based on facts.>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : Our job-providing industries will not survive in this country without nuclear energy.>> <<@BigFerg-hf6uv says : Victoria currently running low on Gas for winter. Wind turbines can't help as there has been not enough wind blowing to generate enough enogh back up power. Renewables can't do the job for baseload.>> <<@BatteryCommander says : Well based on Labor's Voice response, they'll definitely NOT unban nuclear!>> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Gambling Liberals. What are you prepared to lose 😅>> <<@opalguys9158 says : News Corp.... starting to sound like propaganda>> <<@Christian-yz1qu says : Littleproud is deceiving and lying to the Australian public. The Liberals and Nationals are so far behind the times it's pathetic. Only an economically illiterate person would push nuclear in Australia. Privatise profits, nationalise risks and losses. That's nuclear energy. Look at the cost blowouts and delays in nuclear projects overseas and you simply have to ditch the idea immediately. But Dutton doesn't care about facts, he's all about ideology and climate denialism. The LNP politicians do not understand that nuclear is a Trojan horse. Voters should not be as stupid as LNP politicians. The switch to renewables and smart grids is already underway around the world, and it's not "trillions" as some have been duped into believing - unless you count private rooftop solar that was installed years ago, which is comparing apples and oranges. SA is already running mostly on renewable electricity, exporting it on some days. You can't shut a reactor down when the renewable output meets all demand. Watch as an authoritarian Dutton takes away your rooftop solar to justify his nuclear reactor running. He doesn't believe in community consultation. The share of nuclear energy worldwide is on the decline. We don't need it here; it is a very stupid idea because it worsens the climate crisis by keeping ageing coal power plants and gas running and spewing carbon into the atmosphere. Reckless LNP climate change denialists want to destroy renewables to keep mining dirty fossil fuels because they won't even be holding office when their first fairy-tale reactor goes online. It's unbelievable that many people don't see this.>> <<@gribbo001 says : Ha ha ha 923 people…. Really? Come on get a proper poll hey like a federal election. I predict and bet that it will be like the recent voice, a huge support for it.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : If Littleproud wanted to do the right think he would stop lying or whitewashing on a half baked nuclear idea, there is not plan or costing or clue.>> <<@TheBillABCTV says : Cost of living is all on Labor.>> <<@mclanaford2957 says : We have no choice I am very angry that the left is destroying our environment and pulling our noses whilst sprinkling that we need this rubbish.>> <<@desking8065 says : 1 A lucas heights Published on Monday, the report by experts found there was a “make do and mend” culture at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation site in Lucas Heights. The report found that as a result of the facility's old age it failed to meet modern nuclear safety standards. These days the issue is no longer what could happen to the locals, it is what is happening to the science budget, what is happening to medical research, what is happening to the nuclear waste this new, larger reactor will generate and, last and most frightening of all, what could happen to Sydney if the rather exposed construction became a terrorist target. To shut down a nuclear power plant, the reactor must be brought into a permanently uncritical state (subcriticality) and the heat that continuous to generate must be discharged safely. Unfortunately, however, you can't shut down all radioactivity with the flip of a switch. ... They just didn't count on losing power to their coolant pumps. 10 May 2024 — Nuclear power is not renewable, and it is not safe. Uranium is a finite resource just like coal, oil and gas. It needs to be mined Germany has shut down its last three nuclear power plants ... CNBC https://www.cnbc.com › 2023/04/18 › germany-shuts-d... 18 Apr 2023 — The German government says it is making the country safer by closing down the nuclear reactors. “The nuclear phase-out makes Germany safer>> <<@colleenreece9777 says : In 100 years of Nuclear power, renewables will have to be replaced 5 times and that is going to cost as much or more than the original rollout.>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : Well Laura obviously you’re a renewable zealot and not independent>> <<@wilbur1884 says : LOOK ME-LUMN IT'S DAVAYE ALUTTA PROUD HE'S STILL ALUTTA PROUD OF DA NUCLEAR POWER PROGRAM. HIM & DUTTONI'STA OVA AT DA OLE NAULSTEOUS OF DAMNED OLE DAYOOH'S 👋😮>>