<<@NaturgartenEuring says : Even during the corona plandemic, they looked at how quickly the weather would normalize again if it was no longer used. The flight stop during the pandemic was also such a test.>> <<@gabrielbattika says : Silver is one of the most toxic metals to aquatic life in laboratory experiments. Silver nitrate and silver iodide are particularly toxic, whereas silver chloride is 300 times less acutely toxic (CCREM 1987 https://www.waterquality.gov.au/anz-guidelines>> <<@pam_rob0543 says : Hang on....I thought this was a "conspiracy theory" 🤔>> <<@alfiewashere.695 says : Yep. Just casually admitting that all the tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy theorists were right all along. Only 42 seconds worth of admission though. This weather manipulation has been going on for YEARS!>> <<@Bigballs017 says : Is that the reason why we had floods? Excess rain?>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Conspiracy theorists right again.>> <<@creationdotcomfan says : Concentrate on Hydro and not the 'snowy' part might help. In fact, rename the project just 'hydro' then let's move on. Adjust to climate change. It's called seasons, and it has more to do with the solar activity than the level of C02 in the atmosphere>> <<@nicholascroker4057 says : Silver iodide exposure is toxic to humans, risk reward failure.>> <<@stevep9041 says : After decades of hiding it they now admit it. Amazing>> <<@ryandenegri9184 says : All these companies need to stop playing God. That's why this whole planet is so messed up because of all these idiots trying to play in God.>> <<@stevewiles7132 says : Should reduce the floodings then.>> <<@saltyreesescup3104 says : This Is The Only Muh-Climate Change I've Seen...😶🧂>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Meterologist Robert Simpson used Geoengineering for American Military WW2>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : America has a program known as ScoPex straight out of Harvard University just ask David & Richard they will explain everything>> <<@jule3480 says : How much did this cost to get more snow? Ridiculous>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Commercial flights aid with Geoengineering doesn't matter if a company stops What happens upon Earth if they suddenly stop?? Any of you brainless fruitcakes know at all? Science should f+-king speak now not delusions fairytales science you lazy brainless drones>> <<@DonaldDeCicco says : Wait, did this company just blame having to cease their climate change due to climate change? God help us as clearly we cannot help ourselves.>> <<@scottcurtis5322 says : Data is correlated. No cause for 14 % increase proved. 14% is easily manipulated. I am a sceptic>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Increased SNOW FALL by 14 precent. 🤡's 3...2...1.... 🤪>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : Aluminium has a high surface area once ionised None know>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : NOBODY STATES THE FACTUAL TRUTH STRATOSPHERE AEROSOL INJECTION GEOENGINEERING EVIDENT YOU PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW OR THE RAIN MAKING CONTROL ACT THAT PROVES THERE IS NO DAMN CONSPIRACY FFS USE YOUR DAMN BRAIN>> <<@PaulJames-by2rf says : So who is stuffing the environment>> <<@merlinite- says : Another one for the Conspiracy theorist and the reason i dont and wont believe in climate change ...you can't manipulate the weather and then blame it on CO2 emissions😂😂😂>> <<@ilguitaro says : To all the nuff nuffs who got on here saying cloud seeding & other forms of geo-engineering were crackpot conspiracy theories......we told you so! And this story is just the tip. If I try to mention what else they do, I'd probably get all those 'you're a fruit cake' comments again! So just go back to sleep and start fear mongering about climate change again....coz it's the only thing you nuff nuffs are programmed to do>> <<@olroy61 says : But but but, those are contrails! 😅>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Skynews admitting cloud seeding happens>> <<@Dpo2203 says : Now the farmers should sue these clowns 🤡 those who gave them authority to do it ! Failed crops .>> <<@user-pj5ub5cp9k says : Cue the loony conspiracy theorists.>> <<@alanchilds1456 says : Cloud seeding increases the temperature in other parts of the world also known as chem-trails>> <<@tonynicholson3328 says : Burt Lancaster to reprise role as The Rainmaker...>>