<<@user-su9fs1bn3v says : Elise is a horrible person and she's gotten more horrible and becoming a maggat scumbag and wearing that thick makeup>> <<@renesalinas9025 says : Nice Hair my guy>> <<@georgeacostaii6073 says : Trump could win with her as his VP.>> <<@kennethnakamura3936 says : VP IS HER ACCESS ROUTE TO PRESIDENT. LOOK AT HER EYES, THEY ARE BLACK, LIKE A SHARK. If trump picks her, he should watch his back. She will assassinate him and become President. Dum dum dum dum>> <<@anthonyperry6113 says : I as a constituent of hers detest her. She has done nothing for for her district or New York. She has lost this conservative vote.>> <<@timothyvanderschultzen9640 says : Tstephanic has an adam's apple! Dude alert!>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : Humanitarian, no such thing in America>> <<@gregoryberg5806 says : Doesn’t do much good to vote for Trump, if you don’t for a republican congress to carry out his agenda>> <<@gregoryberg5806 says : How many republican organizations are drawing lawsuits up to stop deportations z? Probably none. This shows who the problem is regarding illegal immigration is.>> <<@ps603 says : I will vote for Trump, but I just cannot force myself to vote for the deadbeats in DC now. The only way we are going to get them out is by no longer voting for them. Repubs have done NOTHING to help us or Trump for that matter. Repubs talk while dems walk all over us.>> <<@charliebrown5611 says : Its called saving the republic and our Constitution. Project 2025 is meant to detroy both.>> <<@daleford62 says : Trump killed the bipartisan border deal. Trump has blood on his hands.>> <<@daleford62 says : I thank Elise for lying to independents and turning them blue. She has made quite a difference in NY elections.>> <<@user-ft1xf8wk9m says : TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP, 2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@user-ox8ud9ys9m says : The Great State of New York Baaaaaaa>> <<@vinivv says : Trey goudy on Fox wow why am i not surprised, gave up on hillary gave up on politics ends up at fox LMFAO fkn looooooozr>> <<@user-fi2ni8xj1z says : TRUMP ENEMYS SHITHOLES FJB>> <<@felixdekhatt3145 says : trump is a lying loser, a convicted felon criminal, a sexual predator, the only reason you’re voting for him is because he gives you permission to hate, hate people, hate America, you probably make a lot of bad choices in your life.>> <<@romeocawis2237 says : why i never ever saw AOC talk on TV like the way Cong Stefanik talks. Please invite her one day to say her part as Dems member.>> <<@tinabattle718 says : Not HUMANITARIAN crisis but LEGAL crisis!>> <<@mikejerman1912 says : Where is Hunters Mug Shot?>> <<@timothywright1714 says : Elise Stafanik is the absolute epitome of Strong, American, Patriotic Womanhood🇺🇸!🇺🇸!🇺🇸🇺🇸!>> <<@annf3949 says : If joe Biden wins the election that election needs to be investigated because there’s no way people would want Joe Biden as president again. put joe Biden in a nursing home where he belongs>> <<@cliffwhite-hk7nh says : Is it just me, is one eye higher than the other>> <<@jaredhenderson4909 says : Trey be doing drag on the weekends..>> <<@connortilson7141 says : Zionism = Fascism = Concentration Camps = Gaza = Genocide! Live with your Shame, your Hate, your Theft, - it’s not gonna last much longer ! 🙏🙈>> <<@onyekachiemmy7813 says : please look in to the voting issue nw because you people must not let illegal migrant to vote>> <<@adorabledeplorable5740 says : Stefanik is a traitor and think we have forgotten her and Johnson betrayed Republicans by funding Biden White House. They gave up EVERYTHING in Exchange for NOTHING at the BORDER! So stop with the HYPOCRACY>> <<@dickmonti9899 says : If you vote for Joe Biden, you are straight-up a F*CKING MOR*N.>> <<@dickmonti9899 says : Hey, Democrats. Those of you making plans to STEAL the election, I have an update for you: IT WON'T WORK THIS TIME or EVER AGAIN. LOL>> <<@dickmonti9899 says : "I'm going to vote Democrat just like my Daddy and my Grandaddy! I will NOT vote on POLICY, but I will vote with my FEELINGS like a little grade schooler voting for Class President. Make my Daddy PROUD!" <------- Democrat Talking>> <<@bobbadham261 says : Drag the useless traitor outta the WH publically n physically, Trumps back to fix their mess!!>> <<@yessy6496 says : west va voted i tell u wut we not voting for trump after been a republican for 30 yrs so sad that u ppl voting for adulterer these really make me depress bc i never though i would be voting democrat it dose hurt i can not tell u how it hurt but my values come first u wish my republican stayed in my Regan yrs u have dishonor our republican party U KNOW THAT FOX IS NOT OWN BY USA IS OWN BY a Canadian murdoch i think they want to be us and u stupid ppl falling for it too>> <<@epmstrathss4222 says : No - it’s a flat-out invasion being enabled by the DC establishment and big donors.>> <<@vindenis9049 says : Trump and the GOP have to win BOTH houses and the PRESIDENCY and hold it all for at least 8 YEARS to have time to start fixing all the countries woes.>> <<@jhaiphet1970 says : Who is Ron Johnson? Trump is stupid.>> <<@terrence9996 says : Being bullied again by you tube.>> <<@CalvinMorris-cf8jk says : burger flippers for trump.👍>> <<@Davemurray2880isaindian says : The ridiculous Albino Peewee Herman interviews one of the GOP's most insane politician.>> <<@johnhale9697 says : I can see Joe Biden's TRUE FORM he has literally gotten HORNS sticking out of his head and if you can not see what he and his Media News are doing you are obviously BRAINWASHED and will require years of counseling to get you help>> <<@bruce5579 says : Biden is a traitor>> <<@BarbaraJudas says : Sick disgusting woman !>> <<@BarbaraJudas says : Wow she really wants to show her face to the world. Sick cathole lick scum !>> <<@user-tm4vz5hn2u says : We need to send them back to their own countries!! We are not going to be paying for them anymore!!>> <<@scottsechrest7045 says : I think the great congresswoman of New York should be Trump's VP pick is excellent>> <<@user-kd5pb9xz7d says : The weakness of the American position is visible throughout the world. They themselves say that Nitanyahu allows himself to shout at America. Eastern princes allow themselves not to answer the phone when the president of world hegemony calls them. Africans allow themselves to be confrontational. The Chinese are gradually replacing the dollar with the yuan. Some people simply refuse the petrodollar. Just 5 years ago this would have been hard to even imagine.>> <<@jeff6899 says : I love Elise ! I have a Slight preference for Tulsi as VP....but Tim Scott, Elise & Marco, Ben Carson, etc could also ALL be Fantastic, winning choices.>> <<@loscoolarrows5903 says : Idc which side you cheer for, that cut in to her smiling like that was creepy af>> <<@MiamiBeachMama says : Humanitarian aid should start at home.>> <<@MichaelTerry-mi3lk says : Biden will WIN IN NOVEMBER BIDEN/HARRIS 2024 🇺🇲💙🇺🇲💙>>