<<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : How can labour be winning anything other than giving themselves a big fat pay rise these people who go on media to side with renewables clearly have invested in this crap don’t put them on TV it’s misinformation>> <<@johumphrey1048 says : Labor are liars and losers>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : Yeah that stupid woman in the background annoys me too>> <<@user-zb3bc3ou1e says : He most likely has invested in renewables and is worried same as the rest of these idiots>> <<@barrycone8876 says : That Bruce Hawker,is a one eyed pecker head,>> <<@user-ik3bx8yf6t says : No they aren’t Kieran lol>> <<@pandemicoftheunvaccinated5367 says : Very true, Ted O’Brien, says the plants can operate for between 80 and 100 years. But,of the active 416 nuclear reactors, the mean age is about 32 years. Among the 29 reactors that have shut over the past five years, the average age was less than 43 years, says Mycle Schneider, an independent analyst who coordinates the annual world nuclear industry status report>> <<@glennrobertson8656 says : Labour are on the side of their Union Super Fund Investments in Renewable Energy. Kean is a Green through & through. Keep spreading your false figures mate……😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫💵💵💵💵💵 Cheaper Electricity, Cheaper Electricity….. The Spin Continues…..😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👹>> <<@stancraigie601 says : Labor aren't on the winning side of anything!>> <<@JoeyBlogs007 says : The Liberal party is likely on the losing side because Australians are continuing to install solar panels, battery storage, and solar hot water systems at a record pace. Consequently, many households will opt to go completely off-grid. Introducing nuclear power could lead to higher electricity prices for those remaining connected to the central power grid due to increased grid maintenance costs. It's common sense that if average Australians don't see power prices falling, more of them will choose to go off-grid for their houses. Ultimately, this could result in higher income taxes, as the government and power companies would struggle more and more each year to generate the required level of revenue from nuclear power in order to sustain its cost of operation. By 2040, far more households would have already installed household solar PV, battery storage, and solar hot water systems. Thus, the potential income pie for centralised power generation (including nuclear) will have further reduced in real terms.>> <<@jamiem3115 says : Bruce hawker has been a waste of space for decades.>> <<@PsychoFanta says : "Progressive">> <<@nocomment1683 says : Albo lies through his ideological teeth petty petty little man his word is his bond>> <<@smileydave3907 says : BS>> <<@Dismas2503 says : I don't think that the "duplicitous" "thug" will be interested in facts.>> <<@Red_Line_Images says : What ever Labor say, do the opposite and you'll be on a winner. They don't exactly have a great track record>> <<@bestestusername says : Remember Hawker is a labor hack for decades he will never say anything bad about labor.>> <<@stancraigie601 says : Bruce Hawker, Labor shill!>> <<@Hat1607 says : “Winning side”? How delusional can you possibly get? Labor has no factual argument against it. What a joke>> <<@grantsapain says : Apparently nobody in the Labor party pays their own ebergy bills...>> <<@raymondparnell439 says : Who in their rigjt mind believes this title . . Get of the vodka comrades 😂😂😂😂>> <<@Michael-dl2cf says : Bruce is a Labor moron 🤡🤡>> <<@vincemultari3423 says : At the end off the day Australia is a piss drop in yhe ocean with pollution compared to China you fuckwits get really push china first then worry bout Australia>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : Sorry but were educated and I suspect you're echo chamber needs to be widened. Labor is finished every which way>> <<@frank00135 says : Labor are complete liar’s as renewable system that need replacing every 20 years against a 50 to 80year lifetime nuclear system without the thousands of un-costed powerlines destroying our forests and farming lands. Not counting the millions of birds and insects that are killed by the wind turbine blades (as all wing farms happen to be on major bird seasonal flight paths) we will need to bury in the ground (Pollution Max)! Come on Labor tell the truth and stop the lies and childish fear campaigns.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : There is no debate. It's illegal and costs too much>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Who the fuk is Fitzpatrick and Co Advisory Special Counsel Bruce Hawker ??? Another paid Labor supporter ???>> <<@jazzysnaps says : On the winning side of lying>> <<@caridadiannucci4339 says : They have a plan like all the other plans😊>> <<@franktully3065 says : Not Tony Windsor's cousin and ALP "strategist", Bruce Hawker again! What do you expect him to say? Naturally he's going to spout the usual rubbish.>> <<@bettymarshall2702 says : Why would you ask Hawker anything. He is as leftish as they come. Idiota.>> <<@ministryformensbehaviour says : This bloke pulling statistics out of you know where... Nuclear energy would turn Australian into an economic powerhouse. Manufacturing would return. It's what the globalists are trying to prevent. Think about it.>> <<@ministryformensbehaviour says : Labor's renewable agenda will be a monumental failure. The LNP couldn't win government soon enough. Australians are waking up.>> <<@Davidw-ci2ns says : Labour and green party's evil sick woke terrorism fake news lies lies lies are the enemy of us all>> <<@MrBigMatt123 says : Each-Way Airbus albogressy and his greens teal mean girls coalition have failed and destroyed Australia VOTE THEM OUT>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Aah as a voter, sorry but you're dead wrong>> <<@wuper2270 says : AWC just admitted he has no idea where his numbers come from and just copies what everyone else is saying! 😂🤣 Any other LNP sheep wanna make the same confession? Its good for the soul! 🤣>> <<@user-ys3co7bl1l says : Some one is dreaming.>> <<@andreikondisenko6089 says : Suffering Christ fellas , I was watching parliament question time today 24 / 6 , saw Albo stand up a flap his arms like a bird and a Sheila to the left and behind him pulling faces and squinting her eyes 👀. . Labour politicians , Marles looked lost 😞 as the rest of the labour cabinet . They are much more suited to work in a circus then run Australia 🇦🇺 . I think we’re in trouble with this childish crew . And that’s how I see it . Andrej Kondisenko Cairns Australia 🇦🇺>> <<@YTGhostCensorshipCanSuckMe says : Lies. Hawker, were those numbers based on the egregiously false 53% CF and 30yr Lifetime assumed as part of the gencost report (ie almost 6x more expensive than reality) in order to support the false narrative that renewables are cheaper ?>> <<@richardlee6781 says : Who is this fuckwit and why do you give him a voice.>> <<@user-dd9tc4zz8j says : People no longer really care about climate change or renewables. They just want to feed their families, and at the moment, climate change hysteria and renewables aren’t allowing that.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Australians know the LNP don't believe in Science facts... whether it be climate change or or the CSIRO & AEMO who say Nuclear is more expensive.>> <<@matthewpetherick921 says : Another fucking expert>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Hey sky how come you give this goose air time, a far left lobbyist– he has done public relations for china trying to make the chinese hong kong take over a good thing, even though china employed thugs and bully boy tactics to do so, and a long time , one eyed labor man. He has made a kings ransom from supporting communism>> <<@galaxyexplorer6189 says : Agree..What a load of crap.i'm voting for Peter Dutton and the coalition and their agenda of nuclear energy and prosperity for the Australian people well into the future.>> <<@margiecj4225 says : As if Labor is on the winning side of the nuclear debate!🤬>> <<@TheTemplar333 says : Not hard to bring down such a poor policy proposal by the Dutton opposition. It’s a clear attempt to keep his fossil fuel mates in business while seeming like he cares about climate change (spoiler, he doesn’t). Commenters, feel free to out yourselves as lunatics by replying “cLiMaTe cHanGE iS a hOaX!!!1!”>> <<@stephenbrowne119 says : These nuclear plants will be historic moment for our nation. Labor is on the wrong side. Bill Gates backs Nuclear. Labor only oppose it because it is not their policy. They have no credibility to tell the truth,>> <<@CatsandJP says : I love the comment in parliament to day…by the PM…..” Australia has some of the greatest resources of energy…we have sunshine…the wind…and the opposition leader’s …anger and energy everyday in parliament”…🤣🤣>>