<<@Edie-q6w says : Please pray for them!>> <<@Edie-q6w says : Habakkuk 1 : 5 Look among the nations and watch ---- Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you.>> <<@EvelynHermoso-rd2wx says : China wants more water. So embrace it.>> <<@hermelinotusi957 says : Karma at its finest…>> <<@maharlikayahudim4454 says : Chinese boats in the West Philippine Sea must return home so they can use them inside their own country, more floods are coming.>> <<@jayllaneta2507 says : Give the big hands of applause....... Clap your hands filipinos...>> <<@AlmaDamecog says : Kawawa Naman 😢>>