<<@TrotterAndFriends says : Well William we cal lit the Royal family not the chosen few. Where are your wonderful cousins Beatrice and Eugenie. We love them, they are not old and can represent. Slimmed down monarchy huge loss and huge mistake. A poorly populated balcony is not attractive. Elizabeth was wise to show a family in full. That is what we "peons" want to see. Not just the few Elite. Awful>> <<@heathergriffin537 says : I hope to be still around when.William is crowned, im 79yr.>> <<@philomenasorce6114 says : Meghans wine will fail. No body is going to bye wine from someone who is disliked by most of the world !>> <<@denkendannhandeln says : Sara and Mike should have stepped in yesterday at the Gala Dinner with the Japanese emperor after her mother had to drop out. Such a beautiful lady in a tiara and ballgown would have been perfect. And she has 2 very cute princesses of her own to add to the table. Image their weddings in a few years. Otherwise we will have just the one wedding of a Princess, of Charlotte, in a whole generation.>> <<@margheritatimeus3400 says : The question is if Tindalls want that job. And I doubt It. The rule valid for Harry stands for them and for the York girls as well. No half in half out. Nobody can work for the Crown while he/she or their consorts are working for someone else or having private interests. To become working royal means a full time job. As it happened with Sophie and Edward, that at the beginning wanted a life outside royal duties, and when then were convinced by the late Queen to take service (to replace somehow the Queen Mother's and Prince Philip's active service), they had to quit any other professional activity they had. The image of impartiality the Crown must require full time commitment. And I doubt that Zara and Mike, or Eugenie's and Beatrice's husbands, may desire to give up all the things they are currently doing. I think that Charles's idea (shared by William) is using trusty royal ambassadors as Beckham for having the Crown present for charities, but without engaging working royals, leaving them time for institutional commitments. Any other scenario, with part time working royals, is simply not possible. Also because it'd open a neverending further quarrel with Harry, Who would complain to have been denied an opportunity given instead to his cousins....>> <<@heatherlawson-eg3od says : Great idea William changing monachy things have to change we trust William royals can still be part of roysl events without being working royals EXAMPLE WILLIAMS GARDEN PARTY NON WORKING ROYALS SUPORTING WILLIAM>> <<@JosefMengeleNHS says : Get rid of them. They have overstepped the mark with their WEF. YOU will own nothing.... they will own everything.>> <<@actuallyterry says : I really hope that Catherine overcomes cancer.>> <<@helamej2111 says : ❤️King Arthur William of Wales (with the Harry Potter's Scar) 👑 and Queen Catherine Elizabeth Middleton of Wales👸❤️>> <<@user-qj1hc6ep3y says : When so many others, including reporters and journalist, went low …. Princess Catherine went high like she always does. 👏👏👏👏👏🙏 Others…. M and H only know how to go low, hit below the belt , and betray others constantly and consistently. Man what a difference !!!>> <<@ingridpaluzzi4524 says : The anchor of this show is obsessed with Harry and Meghan...STOP THE OBSESSION,MOVE ON>> <<@joeblow4410 says : Why the royal build up, William makes you think he must be in trouble. Kate not looks ill, and a royal photographer takes royal family pictures. I doubt Kate was there. Harry and Meghan last trip went very well. It would be best for the royal family to move past the rift. The royals should be know for things they believe in, good things their doing for the British people, not the crap all the royal family is doing. The British press needs to be put in their place by the king to start being nice to all his family (Harry too).>> <<@annafarago6527 says : Sorry, cannot trust Megan or Harry ever. I would not trust them ever.>> <<@gloglo121 says : PLEASE STOP PROMOTING harry and his DEMONS wife LIES THEY HAVEN'T REACHED TO ANYONE IT SOUNDS GOOD AND EACH TIME YOU IDIOTS HOP ON IT LIKE THEY HAVE DONE SOMETHING demonic meg HAS NO EMPATHY FOR ANYONE TELL HER TO REACH OUT TO HER FATHER SHE HATES CATHERINE WITH A VILE PASSION WHY CANT THE LONG HAIR BLOND GET THAT SHE IS SUCH A FAN OF DEMONIC MEG SHE CAN'T SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREES PLEASE STOP PROMOTING DEMONIC megsy's LIES>> <<@lorettatocci3227 says : Nigeria was NOT successful, it was ridiculous.>> <<@gloglo121 says : Whatever harry and his demonic wife should do is go far far far far far far far far ...AWAY>> <<@lenageidenstam5462 says : Hope RF has good advicers, you can’t deal with people who lacks emotion. If it was sincere the first to reconcile with should be Thomas Markle!>> <<@kazasnapped3096 says : #Duchesspoundland>> <<@LW-no9sm says : RUBBISH RUBBISH RUBBISH. You are paid to keep these people in the 'news' every day - chiefly because they have no relevance.>> <<@NessieT says : The press/media does everything to undermine the Royal family and this constant digging is pathetic. There are no concerns about the Royal Family, they know what they are doing. The recent photos are stunning. The Royal Family cannot do right for doing wrong. Long live the Royal Family & God save the King 💂🇬🇧💂‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿💂🇬🇧💂‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿💂🇬🇧💂‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿💂🇬🇧💂‍♂️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿😊💂🇬🇧❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️>> <<@bobbieredweik7376 says : Prince William will be a wonderful King. With beautiful Princess Catherine, by his side, and along with their three lovely children, the Monarchy, would return to the days, similar to when our beloved Queen Elizabeth, reigned. Come on Prince William and Princess Catherine, MAKE IT HAPPEN, please!>> <<@karenduncan8150 says : Just let destiny take it toll.PWilliam already been prepared for it.well the late Queen was even younger .>> <<@iamteo7875 says : 3:11 If you think Princess Catherine took this picture, you may want to reconsider it.>> <<@mavismiller1508 says : Speculation not news>> <<@Leonore60 says : No concerns at all.>> <<@ronica4803 says : Oh for goodness sake, stop the waste of time speculation! I love Princess Catherine's photographs.>> <<@amandastubbs8568 says : Who cares , outdated system, not needed, all image .>> <<@HGG381 says : Its still only Daily Mirrow not good source of information!!>> <<@Laura-lc2io says : They'll be fine. It's a gift from heaven that William was born first.>> <<@ClownBiden says : Who cares , they are literally just figure head puppets .>> <<@troig43 says : Time for Australia to become a republic. 🦘>> <<@keithgiblin2636 says : Please commentators learn to call her Catherine, Princess of Wales; you're being disrespectful - it's way overdue.>> <<@user-hw7zf2in5e says : Stop using that Templar coss. It's ours.>> <<@user-ig7lv1rw6z says : Why would Meghan reach out to Catherine who she told the world had concerns about the colour of her childs skin colour but yet not reach out to her own father Thomas Markle?? She needs to start with building relationships with her father and family first if she wants to be believed. Meghan and Harry also need to realize that they are not the tonic that Catherine's doctors would prescribe. Catherine needs positivity around her and not more stress>> <<@user-ig7lv1rw6z says : It is really amazing how so much is made over some gossip from Richard Eden. William has not announced that he will further slim down the monarchy. Why do they assume that the Zara's Beatrice etc want to work for the royal family. William when his time comes will have to work with whoever is there at the time>> <<@wongsiawee8373 says : Tour on behalf of who n what? the underworld?>> <<@wongsiawee8373 says : The monarchy is not naive.. They do have long term plan for continuity not as if William and Catherine will b alone to shoulder the entire thing>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Why does the Aristocracy own up to 47% of the Land in England, whilst the working and middle class combined own less than 5%. Even worst ratio in Scotland. Why is the City of London a State inside a State that even the King has to seek permission to enter?>> <<@geob8172 says : Royal Family have No Future. They are Finished.>> <<@leevan2332 says : If Britain becomes an islamic country within the next 50 years there will be no monarchy lol>> <<@user-kf7qd7fi2e says : who will be paying for this world tour, funny the king has to pull out of his visit and then they announce this and have they heard about the uk security i would like to know whats going on>> <<@lukei6255 says : Clearly the few of them don't need all the mansions and palaces and can finally give back to the indigenous people the land their grandparents etc stole.>> <<@wagliz163 says : The British Monarchy effectively died with Queen Elizabeth II. King Charles, even before the cancer, looked much older than his mother (or father) at his age. Camilla is a life-long smoker and has health problems of her own. Princess Catherine may never be able to engage on the level she once did, and the children are still very young. Harry and Andrew are permanently out of the picture. Princess Ann might keep going for a while yet, but Prince Edward doesn't seem to have stepped up, although Sophie has. Even if William relents and brings in the cousins (who all have private careers) there's no meaningful future for the Royal Family.>> <<@richarda2248 says : Liz should have disinherited Chuck and installed Andy as heir. We would be a republic by now….😊>> <<@danielmendes2162 says : I welcome that decision with open arms!>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : William. Should get a couple of mistress and pump a few more kids>> <<@moodaymoom2271 says : Sorry but Meghan does not feel for Princess Catherine if that woman had an iota of compassion then surely it would be for her own father First. No , she is trying to ride on the coat tails YET again.>> <<@PS_testing321... says : We all know the King wants to know those children, but I really do not think he would ever ask princess Catherine to reconsider her position regarding Harry and Meghan for his sake. That has to be between the King and Harry. If meghan is raising them, the Sussex children will be raised to disregard the royals.>> <<@HonchHeado says : Harry you my man never forget it you are my King.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Stop worrying about your immediate financial future,concern yourself with Williams plans for the Royal Family>>