<<@johnmgovern7111 says : Nuclear power is the dirtiest energy of all yet the most dangerous and essentially ineffective. Consider a few years ago when Fukushima Melted down there were around 900 reactors world wide. Today there are less than half at 440. Most of Europe shut them down. China has 68 plus the worlds largest hydroelectric power stations yet they still have regular blackouts. Nuclear is dying and the Dutton and his cronies what to put it on life support??? Reactors have 60 tons of rods which have to be swapped out every 18 months. The rods are still 90% potent and radiologically HOT. Needing to be stored in deep Cold water pools. Just do the Arithmetic on 60 tons every 18 months by 7 reactors and you will know how much spent yet 90% potent nuclear fuel rods will be rapidly accumulating in deep water storage pools. The pool cooling water pumps have to be powered by Off Site AC electricity. A failure of the off site power say from a Solar Storm as happened to the Adelaide Pelican Point gas power station at Port Adelaide. Then the electricity supplying a Nuclear reactors and fuel pools would be a Chernobyl level nuclear catastrophe. Because the reacto/reactors would melt down within three hours and the fuel pools would boil off in 30 days exposing the fuel Rod assemblies to air causing the spontaneous combustion of the Zirconium coating on the Rods causing an unquenchable Nuclear Fuel Pool fire. This fire would create a runaway feedback loop where the fire would accelerate the boil off of the remaining cooling water. As this proceeded the intense heat would melt the Rod assemblies causing them to collapse into the inferno. The melting of the 90% potent rods would release the radiation into the atmosphere. Meanwhile the melt down like Chernobyl would render thousands of Sq kilometres of land unlovable for humans for thousands of years. South Australia had Royal Commission into entering a nuclear fuel value added industry to make Olympic Dam /Roxby Downs uranium mine Yellowcake into Nuclear Fuel Rods. There were months of meetings in South Australia over this culminating in a VOTE. Over 85% of South Australians voted ‘NO’. The answer was loud and clear from a well informed South Australian community. It’s hard to understand why this stupidity is yet again being raised the answer will be No from the Nation Mr Dutton and his cronies are dreaming that Nuclear is an answer to any energy problem. South Australia is pursuing Green Hydrogen which can easily produce safe. On polluting power into the future and all the windmills and solar panels can easily produce GREEN HYDROGEN a non polluting Gas. Do your own research on nuclear 2:06 Fuel pool fires try Google Scholar also Google or YouTube Green Hydrogen South Australia.>> <<@Denheer-de-Luynes says : The nucular power industry has gained a notorious reputation, due to its scientifically established likelihood of causing extensive and enduring environmental harm. Over time, even initially minor risks tend to manifest significantly, shifting towards inevitability. This reality categorises nucular energy as 'black' rather than green. Currently, we depend on fossil-fueled chemical reactions as a temporary measure, while we strengthen our efforts in sourcing and storing genuinely sustainable energy. However, continuing this practice jeopardises our ability to avert a climate catastrophe. The crucial point is that fossil fuels can be theoretically reclaimed, offering future opportunities to mitigate their impact. In stark contrast, the irreversibility of nucular oopsies results in enduring uninhabitable zones. The persistence of lethal, long-lasting isotopes can span hundreds of years for significant decay. With overpopulation already straining food security, permanently losing productive lands exacerbates these challenges further. In a world that grows more divided, amassing the capability for self-destruction is dangerously reckless. Stockpiling fissile materials is often seen as a deterrent to conflict. However, placing these stockpiles in unhardened, above-ground installations, within and near populated and productive areas, only serves to incentivise, and provide coercive leverage for aggressive actions. The vulnerability created by these installations could be exploited by relatively unsophisticated means, resulting in significant loss and damage, which is deeply concerning. It's 3 am. You're startled awake by a frantic police officer at your door, urgently informing you that you have just 3 minutes to gather essentials and leave your home, abandoning everything permanently. Would you take a copy of your homeowner's insurance policy with you in such a situation? Take a moment to review your policy now and decide for yourself. The extensively researched, unsustainable expense of the nucular fuel cycle is prohibitively costly, even under optimal conditions. For purely economic reasons, this option should unequivocally be abandoned. Technology plays a crucial role in our journey ahead. Yet, we must strive to avoid significant policy missteps like this, at all costs.>> <<@user-du8kd3sn8n says : Nonsense.>> <<@johngibson5314 says : You are wrong! Nuclear is not the enemy of renewables. We need both - we need it all to power the future. Stop arguing that this is a binary choice between renewables and nuclear.>> <<@davidferry548 says : If your child is dying in a hospital bed you don’t stop to cost the treatment you Pull out the cheque book. Labor at both levels have so screwed our energy future that we are rapidly approaching the cheque book solution to save us all>> <<@bigman23DOTS says : It will support Chinese economy….oh wait are we actually back trading with them on an equal basis?>> <<@LeviKerrison says : Country that’s 80% desert yet you are looking at nuclear rather than solar.n very dumb>> <<@Stikibits says : Such irrational opinions on Sky.>> <<@isomorph7954 says : Nuclear plants on existing coal generation sites -> no additional distribution infrastructure. Solar and wind -> expensive poles and wires all over the place.>> <<@user-zd3xs4ts6f says : Thank you for pronouncing nuclear correctly first of all, and for outlining a proper energy policy, unlike the current Federal government ministers who cant even come up with a proper response 😂😂😂😂>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Labors Renewable Poverty>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : Renewables > nuclear>> <<@JamesJonahJameson-cp6xr says : How does little-to-be-proud-of know what can and cant support the economy, when hes apart of the team that drove it into the gound! Australia has been in PCR since 2018! Not to mention... He doesnt know how much it will cost! 🤦>> <<@LuciferBlack-zp8lr says : Lol After 3 years in opposition the LNP finally release their offering of fairytales and unicorns 🦄..... 😆😆😆..... When nothing changes Nothing changes......♻️>> <<@Chad.H. says : Labor renewable will support the energy companies and give them more billions to steal from working class Australians. Albocorp is nothing but a corporates puppet>> <<@RogueElementMkII says : If Net Zero is the show, then nuclear is the go. Otherwise it's coal fired power stations, to power the nation.>> <<@indica8510 says : Hydro electricity just dig a hole in the river to spin the turbine. Free electricity for everyone.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Referendum needed on whether our politicians need to be forensically audited and investigated>> <<@ricky6864 says : Their renewables will only support their pockets and their corporate mates>>