<<@hmo1076 says : What’s really disgusting was that this was said at a Christian rally and they laughed. 🙄>> <<@25STB2 says : Usa Taking family members hostage>> <<@m.sggs_9789 says : 😂😂😂😂>> <<@SLP_713 says : Now that`s funny !>> <<@ThaoNguyen-jv4up says : I love trump hahahahaha>> <<@aubrycrossley3913 says : Everybody don’t understand you had Trump the bozo the clown in office four years somebody gonna build a wall with Mexico he didn’t do them stealing your money y’all like giving away money Trump did an offer for years. All he did was steal your money. That’s crazy races.>> <<@clemdelafrome3570 says : What if Tramp were to travel to Russia and fight with Putin, in the ring!! Like a migrant fighting a us fighter, and he could show us how it's done. (Reminds me of celebrity death match)... By ttamps own philosophy the immigrants desperation will induce a win over the local fat cat. Let's make this happen! I want to see ot, or at least debate style... Let's see how tramp stands up for America!!!! In Putins court.. (Putin rides a horse, and trump admires that...)🫠🏇>> <<@marlinmr7 says : Hmmm..... No surprise since as a comparison this is the same "stable genius" (his words) that suggested folks inject themselves with Bleach-Lysol during Covid? YUP! That elevator is about 5+ floors underground and not above ground for sure.....>> <<@kellendorn4937 says : lmao theres more re+ards in a cnn youtube comment section than a assisted care center. i understand why biden is going to lose this election to a convicted felon now lmao>> <<@user-rq4bz6bg5l says : CNN face news 💩 only trump ❤️ 2024☝️>> <<@georgekenney8121 says : when Donald Trump talks about have a idea for a league of migrants it makes you think of the games they had at the Roman colosseum>> <<@darthtraya5992 says : CNN is a boatload of morons>> <<@kellieminter4492 says : TRUMP 2024. TRUMP JUST KIDDING. PEOPLE COULDNT HANDLE THE TRUTH OF WHAT TRUMP IS CAPABLE OF DOING WHEN IT COMES TO PROTECT THE USA. THE 1ST TIME HE WAS PRESIDENT HE WANTED TO SECURE BORDERS AND BUILD WALL. WELL, GUESS WHO WANTED THE WALLS TORE DOWN AND INVITE ALL IMMIGRANTS AND TERRORISTS INTO OUR COUNTRY. THANK THE MAN, Y'ALL VOTED FOR NOW THAT IS A DISGRACE.>> <<@Svoboda1234 says : Oh relax>> <<@ZaydarGetsNoGirls says : The media takes the bait EVERY SINGLE TIME>> <<@derektate6075 says : Illegal immigrants. Get it right.>> <<@sarbantz says : We Americans must open our homes and take migrants in.>> <<@themouseonthebike says : I am glad to be reading the many references to the Roman arena, this man is sick.>> <<@lindagibbs428 says : He is a piece of garbage>> <<@stephenhall8725 says : Crappy show who watches this garbage? You must be a smart person lol>> <<@James-eo9ze says : This is disappointing. I'm voting for Trump only because of the immigration issue, as Joe Biden won't close the border. If there was another sensible candidate, I would have happily voted for them instead of these two M!!America, out of 340 million people, this is all we have. I can't believe it.>> <<@amyram5972 says : There is so sad to see so much hate, i blame trump for this. He divided families, friends and our country. People this is not about a Republican or Democrat team --- it's about the PEOPLE and our COUNTRY. Our country is being laughed at and not to mention that Trump is trying to turn America like Russia and be a Putin. He wants to be a dictator. At this time he is making this country - our country a big joke and those of you who support his evil deeds will be just as guilty of all our suffering, if he wins, you think it won't affect you? Wrong , because he is just using you and your hatred to get what cry baby wants. This is sad. Our children, grandchildren, our families and our country will suffer. I hope you see his evil intentions.>> <<@afranks8566 says : This proves more and more that Trump wants to be Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat.>> <<@joshuabates7424 says : trump is sick, just sick!>> <<@JOE-6824 says : THE CATS OUT OF THE BAG thanks to YouTube Influencers WITH video.. So, why is there a Media BLACK OUT regarding Jake Tapper's ONE BILLION DOLLAR defamation lawsuit? Tapper and CNN are currently losing the case.. Because this is bigger then the Fox v. Dominion case, Shouldn't Jake be removed before the debate?>> <<@MatthewMcMurrin says : Trump is trolling you guys.>> <<@AlanaLewis007 says : So sick of Tfrump!>> <<@katden220 says : So I see CNN is back at their Trump bashing or what is really called Bidens campaign crew. You a really are pulling out all the petty stops. Next we will be hearing it’s not Joe it is Trump who is falling, blathering and cannot put sentences together without meds. You do know American sees your game. Your biased reporting and your activist rhetoric. Give the. The real news on Biden and the CIA https://youtu.be/A7b8Tmugqjs?si=bdGT4DLpM47gq6wp>> <<@user-hf7ue4if4p says : Should be a massive defunding and DEPORTATION of all illegal invaders. Their countries should refund billions to America.>> <<@fungoorstitch says : For any German viewers who may be watching, I'll transfer what Trump said in that clip. He said he wants to throw a slice of bread into a train car full of starving Jews for his amusement.>> <<@mykids039 says : It’s horrible to see a possible president DOESN’T CARE that the sickos who will take his comments as a call to action won’t be asking for proof of citizenship before they pounce!! One of the candidates can be classified as both cartoon options!! 🇺🇸VOTE AMERICA🇺🇸>> <<@woodguy76 says : You know who's actually embarrassing themselves? People taking an obvious joke seriously because all you have to do is mention Trumps name and liberal brains shut down. It's like a whole political party of Manchurian candidates.>> <<@danpictish5457 says : Trump walking down stairs raises concern: "There is something seriously wrong". This links with his serious dementia problems which his family including his dad also had.>> <<@user-ic2wp2rf8r says : Every American needs to watch the documentary, The Grab>> <<@conversationswithme8601 says : You take Trump literally, But not HELL? 😮>> <<@rdp_mizo says : Ofc the comment section of CNN is hatin on Trump😂😂>> <<@HuyNguyentrong-op4zo says : Ilo ve gest do ve kip Ask fo so ke lop you e Up TrUMP Trou verte..Du du ha..😂😊❤❤>> <<@TW-pm3iq says : CNN Sucks so bad…. These idiots are a disgrace to their own friends and families….>> <<@joycesmith8120 says : Republicans should have passed their bill and stop shifting the blame>> <<@buruskeee says : Lololol .. this is why CNN is a joke and why the country is divided. Full context: Trump was talking about the types of people that were coming across the border unchecked - military aged tough men - and he was making a comparison joke about how tough they are - so tough that they’d beat MMA fighters. The border is wide open and that’s huge issue, but instead let’s talk about a joke out of context so we can divide more people just like the “fine people” hoax. Bunch of sheep’s everywhere! And no I’m not a GOP supporter. Tribalism is the dumbest thing ever - these aren’t sports teams.>> <<@angelique77769 says : Getting out of the echo chamber may be beneficial when the country is in such bad shape.>> <<@angelique77769 says : Why don't you get your complaining Cassie to shut down another interview, when her feelings get hurt. Disgraceful!>> <<@Mo-yd8xc says : I don't like the former #fakepresident but she was trying keep from laughing. I don't like Venezuelan gang members either. Let them fight it out w MS13 mano a mano.>> <<@marisawoods says : Perhaps, that woman might feel differently, if she had to bury her own daughter, who had been taken out by illegals?>> <<@TheOffkilter says : If you think someone who says that sort of thing in a stump speech is rational, sane and should be trusted with the highest level decisions in the most powerful country in the world, then I in all honesty think you should be put in a conservatorship because baby you just too stupid for your own good.>> <<@silvialeprattomazza6214 says : Hopefully this stupid idea makes the Hispanic community open up their eyes to this guy's stupidity .>> <<@dmaxbravo_9562 says : Trump2024>> <<@lukhese8974 says : I wanna see illegal immigrants fight league>> <<@frankiemiller5364 says : Does the winner of the fight club get a reward? Citizenship, maybe? Human rights? Jesus H. Christ 🤦🏼‍♀️>> <<@lxbanos says : CNN is a national embarrassment>>