<<@Chris-wj8fz says : Facts NOT politically correct behaviour eg correlate immigration with crime figures>> <<@PuddingPopPhD says : Australia is going woke , Going woke means Going down>> <<@MariannaMiranda-rg6xr says : This Labor government has to go.>> <<@user-zh4ux5tf8e says : He’s a lowlife not fit to serve this country>> <<@gregoryellsmore2095 says : Universities - once the source of wisdom and tolerance, are now the source of hatred and stupidity. Antisemitism is the essence of racial hatred and Fascism. My country? ... NO!>> <<@user-kz9ip3yj9k says : Albanese and labour government has failed all the Australian people and should be criminally charged with corruption and theft to the public purse>> <<@pbier6507 says : Dorothy, it's too late, you lost.>> <<@Critical-Of_Thought says : I stand with Israel ❤🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱>> <<@user-vp9um7nl2n says : Albo is a traitor.>> <<@patriciarose6371 says : Some senator ,or pollie stood up in Parl today and made impassioned pro Palestine (ie Hamas ).speech . Not removed but whole hearted backing by Greens . So terrorism is permissable ?.Albanese HAS to go !!!>> <<@missreal3815 says : Why are the western countries being run by such weak leadership, it is happening all over. I am sure that there is something going on that we are not to know about. In Western countries the weakest wishy washy people are being voted in and making a right mess of things. What has happened to strong leadership, where is it? Our countries are being handed over to misfits, criminals, and the rubbish that lands on our doorsteps.>> <<@annviolet4727 says : All blame to Israel for causing the rise of anti-Semitism World wide!>> <<@colinm1325 says : Whats the deal with syd uni divulging defence dealings with the muslim students? That has to be close to Treason.>> <<@Miehle74 says : Never mind climate change Albo. It’s time for some crimeate change. It’s chaos out there.>> <<@Wazzup-lc3re says : Remember albo JOINED IN ANTI ISRAEL PROTESTS and MET with Arafat Albo loves muslims, he wants to convert Australia to whats in these videos etc very important message in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dN9JIqIKvg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDlBTo_8nsA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRhGv0rDe8Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBpaMPQMHnY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gfns64eSMm8>> <<@desking8065 says : Protesters being on university grounds. why doesn't that bloke to get the police to move them off and site Trespass. That has got to be his move not govt.>> <<@donaldrossalexander9388 says : Mate you are talking about Labor! They are Terrorist supporters just as the Greens and Teals!!!>> <<@donaldrossalexander9388 says : Sake him and prosecute him !! He should be jailed for crimes against Australians !!! He and his government are with out a doubt a disgrace!!>> <<@YvonneCrean says : Failing in his duties full stop. 😡>> <<@hochung5046 says : He himself is antisemitism, and hates Israel, how would he uphold the law ?>> <<@ele2051 says : Mark is absolutely correct. It appears that Albanese's lack of strong action has indeed given a green light to these antisemitic attacks. Albanese is actually indicating strongly that he and his government are anti semetic. This is horrifying!>> <<@user-ik3bx8yf6t says : He’s failed every part of his job not just been soft on Anti-Semitism. We live in Australia and i get more angry when i see Aussies living in tents and going hungry i really couldn’t give a fark about Palestine, Israel, or Ukraine we have problems in Australia that needs to be addressed first the Jews have enough money to fund themselves snd you’re an infidel to Palestinians. I support Australia not Gaza or Eastern Europe 👍👌>> <<@user-pb1pr5xd4b says : We all know albo is a hamas supporter and hates the isrealis.>> <<@user-pb1pr5xd4b says : Albo is a disgrace as a prime Minister, the worst we have ever had.>> <<@jazzysnaps says : This grub has done nothing but divide the country the sooner he is gone the better for Australia.>> <<@grumblesmudie3141 says : The AFP and police won't investigate because the money trail leads back to the elite donors to Labor, Greens and Teals.>> <<@user-gw7dv1ru9w says : GET TO THE FACTS..ALBANESE IS ANTI SEMITIC..THIS COUNTRY LOST ITS BACKBONE..>> <<@user-de5ez5pe8t says : Albanese fails on all levels.>> <<@user-du8kd3sn8n says : There’s been an anti Palestinian crisis for years. All righties believe in equality I’m sure. And government not telling us how to think. Unless it impacts your lobbyists then government should tell us what to do, right?>> <<@johumphrey1048 says : Albi is failing in too many areas, he has gotta go>> <<@Genxkiwi says : Long live Israel>> <<@gw5436 says : Keep playing the video proof of this scumbag Albanese screaming out pro-Palestine crap at a grubby student illegal protest. Perfect example of a pointless oxygen thief that somehow backstabbed his way in as a PM>> <<@markeast4647 says : Well as still a student politician and Yasser Ararafat groupie , ALBO will never defend Jewish people. ✡>> <<@deathbysalt2382 says : This PM is failing on every task! This is our leader? Are we so lazy? Let’s kick him and the socialist party out. Let’s make Australia great again!>> <<@benjones4866 says : I think Albo dislikes Israel 🇮🇱? He needs to break up protest. The Palestine protesters and terrorist have more rights than Australian citizens during COVID. Imagine if local protested about Immigrants we would be arrested immediately.>> <<@user-if8ew8nd7k says : Very rife in Liberal Party too, they have nazis infiltrated for decades ask about Hemmett a criminal einsatzgruppen type cult, very close to Morrison whose Pentecostal Church also has nazi crims in it. Take note Sharri, who artfully ignores a lot of decent information in all our nations interests.Selfish.>> <<@mattmacca3990 says : Albenese will uphold whatever law he swishes.. OR will benefit HIM or his circle of ideological advisers..>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : Foreskin is on;ly interested in looking after himself, overseas Trips, Photo opportunities with World Leasers and sending this Country to the Dogs. Foreskins Government has done NOTHING in 2 years except Grandstand.>> <<@lesleycrowther-scott1809 says : What a disturbing situation when we deport these rabble rouse these Islamists calling gas the jews Don't give us the BS we heard wrong we didn't deport Albanese and Wong with them.>> <<@user-gw7dv1ru9w says : HE FAILED AS A HUMAN..IS HE A MASON..RESEARCH WHAT THESE LEADERS DO..ALL USA LEADERS HAVE BEEN MASON..GET SOME INTELLIGENCE AND SEE TRUTH..>> <<@cleenlivin says : Australia, Canada, USA and other Western Democracies all have feckless leaders that have all drunk from the same batch of common sense killing brain cell eradicating World Economic Forum spread Klaus Schwab juice.>> <<@Jimmy009-st8mm says : Hurt feelings are apparently more devastating to some than dead children and civilians regardless of which side they're on.>> <<@none4126 says : There's no anti-Semitism without semitism.>> <<@paulchilds9137 says : I cant see that australian jews have suffered too much. A lot of hysteria and nasty vandalism but no real violence. Our police are not going to beat up muslims because sharri says so. Police have done a good job keeping groups separate. This barrister gets a bit wacko at the end of the interview.>> <<@MARILYNABBERTON says : Labor has always despised the Jewish people no matter what they try and waffle on about. Ole two bob albo is terrible at hiding his disgust towards them>> <<@FromTheGong says : Take a tissue for your issue then go and by a bag of cement and harden up. This isn't a jewish country. Who gives a rats if a few Zionist jews feelings get hurt.>> <<@MP-ye6tv says : Thank you giving this decent man a voice ❤️>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : When it isn’t even safe to go to the local shopping centre anymore. Albo’s Australia, run for your lives.>> <<@coal_man says : From the river to the sea, The Aussie greens have become nazis>> <<@ministryformensbehaviour says : There are a lot of anti-semites in Labor. Not just the Greens and Teals. Just like Jeremy Corbyn's Labour in the UK.>>