<<@cegee77cg says : That's Why Donald rejected him for Vice President. After he asked him to be VP!>> <<@cegee77cg says : He is a LIAR 😮😢😅🎉>> <<@BlackFemaleAnd50 says : She hopes to be next.>> <<@Deva-no3dn says : Big fan of his and I’m sure he’s a great dad and a responsible boyfriend/husband/ex-husband/mate financially. Everyone has their own way of living. Would I want to be part of a harem! 😂😂😂😂😂 Nuh uh. I’ve got some pride.>> <<@sherolinnaheang3009 says : Elon is having all the babies for me. 042025 at Mar-a-la Go I will be 69>> <<@julianafairburn8611 says : LET Mr Musk populate the world 😂if that guy once married to Mariah Carey can, ELON is MORE a good father! Twins/triplets is faster Mr Musk🎉>> <<@prooveditt4839 says : Elon is everything that I wish I could be....except all the working. And the thinking. I guess I just want his $$$>> <<@Smiley_101 says : What will Mr Musk achieved by father many children ? The world going to multiplying all the time . No matter how much money you have you still not going to go down in history as that Elon Musk who produce Tesla , space X etc but ugh that 🤡 who fathered many children gross and disgusting. Look at Nick Cannon once upon a time the next Will smith but now just a 🤡 keep talking about his ex MC to keep him in the press . Same with you the only thing that keep you talking is you coming out have another baby like come on man none of us are surprised or cared but think you gross and desperate to keep other talking about you . Next life learn how to be grateful when you made it up there instead of acting like a lil kid can have as many kids as you wants bc you have the money to .>> <<@mathildabeukes7863 says : It was a secret.Chivon Zillis and Steven Furtich>> <<@DeloresBender-i6s says : No secret affair she wanted his genes so it was done theu IVF>> <<@DeloresBender-i6s says : Shivon announced it was through IVF>> <<@roqsanda says : Khazarian with either $500 Billions or $1 Trillion Dollars of Slavic-Serbian Nikola TESLA's Inventions. He should not produce children, as he never invented anything, said a post-link I have on my group TESLA TRUTH = Superman>> <<@karin4182 says : Sick>> <<@smartocquaye says : Rita's sense of humor is insane, Got me laughing the whole time.>> <<@ninasanchez1832 says : Congratulations for the new baby born of Mr. Elon Musk 💖🎉❤>> <<@aishwaryabalan3117 says : Sperm could be given cheap are across to use it, money will be used after all billions.>> <<@aishwaryabalan3117 says : Corona got resolved Pakistan and India Border issue got solved, People of Pakistan spoke in a positive yet funny way about satellite launch Stone pelleting on people stopped that religion itself got a complete different frame work. Gun shooting stopped, can have more children money is there in plenty fore sure, but end of the day other children are going out right they feel safe in ur America. True face greedy so called celebrities are out and people should know what is life. What is the value of wisdom is known across What is the value of people is known in the creation of Lord. Some things just dont change war in Jerusalem and so many death because of corona and wars and American Law again that trend of mentality goes behind sex sex sex and sexy children, lab sex, direct sex or money sex hahahaha once cheap always cheap. So many absconded and were taken by force that is also not felt. My LORD told that there are so many things that got solved and a new endeavor, but cheap mentality just dont change! TRANSPARENT TRANLUCENT NEBULAI I HERE BY CALL YOU THE SUPREME OF ALL ........................ .............................. ...........................(Suspense :))>> <<@aishwaryabalan3117 says : That is less, what about Deepika she also requires Elon's Sperm what about Amber ???? For people in the script of My Lord the value of Wife is never understood, people think they could wear traditional dress and flowers and they will become or equate hahaha serious ?????? Sending a wrong message through movies marrying a driver and going steal and then applied on body slips. Why it is a secret, because people didnt see baby bump of Director and Director had reveal that to Instagram and Facebook and that was not done so secret or cigarette. So is it 12 or more and how many women ??? First not bothered about corona again it was like baby. Hahaha could it be I went out stating so much and so this hahaha, this is not enough need more to quench my thrust.>> <<@g-gamer7363 says : He is a billionaire>> <<@janaenae1338 says : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@johnbell8011 says : Better having a bunch of mini Elons coming into the world … than having J*f E9stien’s attempt at procreation(failed😂) of mini me’s.>> <<@favorita9184 says : He can have all the children that he wants, he's a good father and a good provider ❤😊>> <<@Nathanaelelliott says : Dude he has already done it 11 other times give the man a vacation or something.>> <<@KariSupplee says : Congratulations on your new baby.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : 12th!!! But Billy G wants the plebs to have none.>> <<@Shadowviper_123 says : Bro is creating his own species in earth>> <<@Poputnyk says : It's not our business, for heaven's sake. I'd rather see a billionaire father a dozen children than a welfare dependant breeder who can't afford to feed any of them.>> <<@LeeEtta.Callahan73 says : Well he can afford them.. He supports them ..!!! It’s against God’s Moral Code .. But Elon and the Mother will have to deal with that..!!! But Let God Deal with them .. and Leave them alone..!!! Your Gossip only hurts the Children. not the Adults..!!! I’d suggest .. MSM To BACK OFF OF THE CHILDREN.. LEAVE THEM TO GROW UP IN LOVE AND PEACE..!!! God will handle these issues..!!! It’s not up to the Press or People..!!! STOP THE JUDGEMENTS AND HATE..!!! LEAVE THE CHILDREN BE..!!! GOD HELP US ..!!! IN “JESUS’ NAME” I PRAY.. AMEN, AMEN and “AMEN” ..!!! BLESSINGS ..!!!>> <<@AndySalinger33 says : Twitter isn’t a company. He wouldn’t “tweet” on the platform he bought and changed the name. He could post on X.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : People are just jealous he hasn't asked them>> <<@williamjessewalteriv3326 says : Elon..space is wonderful.. keep it up but remember to feed and clothe the poor also. Stay grounded to earth .. your NEEDED RIGHT HERE . 🤍👻🤍 someone let him know i said this.>> <<@AMKB01 says : For Elon, not making a big public deal about his having another child is prudent and a matter of security. Wackos have already endangered one of his other kids at an airport after tracking his flight number. As for Kanye ... he clearly needs psychological help.>> <<@Debbica says : Go away permanently schofield>> <<@TheClownCunt says : It’s not like he can’t afford that many kids . Ppl really need to mind their own F’ing business>> <<@Cdot_essay says : Not his fault woman are the way they are because he’s a billionaire 😂>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Leftie creepy Rita is losing it, is she jealous of Elon Musk because he has 12 children & she has only one?>> <<@Really658 says : Elon, I'd rather not see the world get too crowded.>> <<@devong7124 says : ELon can have all the Children he wants with the willing Mothers.. 12 use to be a common number of children. There was no Welfare either. Elon supports his Children as many others did also. My great Grandmother was one of 16 children, two sets of twins. My ex husband was the youngest of 12 children.>> <<@Prognosis__ says : I could imagine Mother’s Day being quite confusing and complicated>> <<@HappyYummmy says : Bro thinks he drake>>