<<@davidjd123 says : Look into the Bulshiviks in ww2 and the overthrow of Russian then how the CCP and Russia have strong ties to control the world. it will make sense.>> <<@shadow.banned says : Supercomputing center?>> <<@dnk4559 says : Dr. Phil knows because he’s listening to the farmers who had land bought out from underneath them.>> <<@gail9906 says : How is that possible? πŸ€¬β€οΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί>> <<@beckinfidelis3916 says : Just did a quick search, and NO major media outlets are reporting on that story! There were a handful of articles a year ago and most of them seemed very dismissive of any concerns with headlines like "spies on tractors?" πŸ˜“ Plus one "fact check" I didn't even bother to read. πŸ™„ Is the whole World in China's pocket? Most of the articles really wanted us to know that Canada owns more farmland than China so what's the big deal? 😫>> <<@beckinfidelis3916 says : Oh FFS!! 😫😫😫 How does the government allegedly not know? πŸ™„ As far as that goes just the fact that they bring in Chinese laborers to work on those farms and then send all the food back to China makes me mad, too! 😑>> <<@luisdeleon9819 says : Donald Trump agrees? Trump is like a broken clock, right twice a day.>> <<@EffieBillias says : aus is no better>> <<@KrystelSpicerMindArkLateralThi says : *Claps & claps*. ..Hello from Stanthorpe. I'm really really sorry about the wine. There's so much wine here. You could probably have a bit for yourself. I'm so excited. I really honestly hope we are able to set the example people of the next era look up to us for. There is only 1 home team. You look like a father type. ..That's what we need to be now. Thank you sir. πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚πŸ«‚ We're going to be ok. We've been through so much. We've both become more patient. It's great to have you a part of our lives. Please be someone I can trust. I was tutored in lateral thinking and write about a gestures & kings people's leadership method. There is only one chance at home team. That's who wins. The ones people look up to later. Please join me on a quest sometime. Here's what I wrote about yesterday. I'm really really sorry but sometimes my work hurts. I'm as much a witness to my own life as anyone else is. I would do anything to help if there's anything I've drawn comparisons between which helps. .. a female's kind of world domination i suppose. Hi.βœοΈπŸ™‚ Ukrainian. Born in June. πŸπŸ’ƒ 🐊 .. Pubs and Gambling, a mix between entertainment & hospitality. Here's what you do to people. It's just terrible. (Just saying. It seems a good time to tell you this, what with things so unstable right now). Pubs. This is about how lights, wine & faces hide hiding there is violent-ish. Both the compulsive gambler and the dabbler who's advising from their moral high ground look alike the dabbler, since if you're upset, then you'll be told to chill out, for your not behaving as lights, wine & faces should. .. At the same time, gaming room staff weather passive aggressive or not both appear passive aggressive. They're to remain under the illusion RSL help disadvantaged vets and their families. Do they know how many people are self exiting who are veterans who are also pokie/slot players? More at Mind Ark (search YouTube name but on fb). Come let me shock you. Bring your asthma puffer. Government indulge proprietors who indulge patrons indulging a habit. ..How come we don't advertise cigarettes or take donations from cigarette companies but now we're saying gambling makes up for so much revenue. .. so I suppose it was just to distract us that cigarette compan not be able to offer parliamentary party donations? .. You do realise that if you don't make sense, you are going to be fairly easy to invalidate. Come with me please. By the way. Same way as people win a jackpot, proprietor needs to occasionally lost a large sum. Gambling makes people happier & sadder who play, and so the people offering it need to also feel happy & sad offering it. ..Proprietors are like writer's tech developers who play accessory to publishers, who just like government pick what with pleasing solution to call a problems. The way that proprietors of gambling facilities do not suffer like gamblers do, righteous tech developers tend to not to be writers themselves, & produce glitchy writers tech unless you've got the money to buy the hardcore tech free writer lateral thinkers need. Basically we have to raise the rich getting richer and poo getting poorer with the smart getting smarter & inconsiderate less considerate. Thinkers collect, & reduce degrees of separation between us & between flailers alike, so whilst we become more & more culmination of mainly one another, the engine cigarette becoming less considerate make their sillier costlier decisions sooner. Why else place the popular powerful closest to the money? So long is there unprepared for a takeover, money makes a fantastic distraction, & incentive not to hurt people when to have a shining reputation is how a politician makes their living. These days it's not the constituent that the government are afraid of but the government be constituent are afraid of but the officer is still defending government. The officer is like the dabbler. It doesn't matter whether the patron or the proprietor is wrong, they will always support the proprietor. .. Do you understand what I'm saying? Anyone who's actually interested in leadership, come speak to me please. All I write is free. It's fun but thrillingly scary. Take it please. This allows me to write more in my lifetime. Cheers. Most I write about is in relation to time. You'll need to have a high shock threshold & a good sense of humour, all you'll need a really good pair of garden gloves & the light off not to see anything too intense too directly. I donate this stuff to Creepypasta.βœοΈπŸ™‚ Writers tech developers need to be told by the way that they are burning their wick at both ends. Only selling to people who tell us what we like drops the shock threshold for truth that hurts of the collective. If they will not exchange hardcore tech with free writer lateral thinkers for least barbaric decisions which stand to solve problems unintentionally & before their time ..only ever exchanging that tech for money off of who mainly only telling people what they like, people will become less likeable about themselves, as well as Bell like less other things the less imaginative the ones being agreed with too much everyone wants same or better than Elon. Use some of that steel you're using to create rockets, to help create free writer lateral thinkers our tech. There are probably only 3000 on Earth. We aren't your starving artist type of writer. We are like your country's ports and your rail lines, and you need to tell constituents about us. Teach children lateral thinking in their formative years and allow them to move in with their grandparents. .. the generation gap is so wide now, that our children are there grandparents parents. It is people my age group listen to. If children are trained in lateral thinking, it might help conceal the trace of inbreeding the way our generation surely don't. To get a move on, no world government should be being instilled buy who aren't lateral thinker. I will say that another way. Do not let the popular powerful closest to the money organise world government, as well as do not let military who have not budgeted for your smiles and fond memories organise world government. Take your free writer lateral thinker, because we will tell you the things that you do & don't like. When the government makes sillier decisions, we're going to need you to notice who is dealing with circumstances as they arise now. This is how to take people without attacking them. Come to us. We need that tech more the fewer writers there are the riskier writing becomes. Krystel. (I have to come get my stuff don't i. It's just one of those things isn't it. It probably would have beenbthe less barbaric decision to be given it, but ok. You don't have to help. Everything's under control. Always has been.βœοΈπŸ™‚βœοΈ Please come with me? You're going to love it. It is very very different & much more exciting. They say that people are predicted to have a low brake speed if an emergency should arise. .. people are too far away from the backlog of problems people not want to look at & aren't even remotely close to an actual problem to have such thing as a brake speed. Maybe they have an around & around annoying everyone speed that's difficult to stop, but you going to need more than a break for that sort of behaviour. People usually use a butterfly net or a swat. Let's use a net.>> <<@kpopandotherplaylists2518 says : One of the state governors has been ringing the alarm on this one...>> <<@Ro-oot says : Do we own anything in China?? No. So why allow them to buy land in any of our countries?!>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : Maybe those Chinese buyers are US citizens already 🀭>> <<@jorgej5916 says : ....we've been talking/complainting about this "security risks" for years, why not just stop selling to the Chinese and stop the complaining ?>> <<@AAAA-vu7fp says : Intelligent american government has let them to buy up>> <<@TheKkpop1 says : Tit for tat, US has 800 military bases, most are surrounding China.>> <<@4thought___ says : At least we have a target- rich environment: we could just spray and pray at this point πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί>> <<@4thought___ says : You don't make it too hard for your enemy to get in, but this has gone too far, in every country.>> <<@JsckSzx says : sky desperately want you to think: china bad china bad>> <<@Lowlife-w3u says : Millions of Chinese in America, Chinatown's spread all over western nations,how come you white western European Americans don't complain about that?>> <<@JCarterme3531 says : Overreaction is a way to show patriotism. Is China about to invade continental USA?>> <<@charlesschulz8416 says : Its amazing what explosives do to bladeless wind turbines>> <<@jaggar95 says : It's not new news, first heard about this a few years back, but media slow to catch on. The CCP understand western greed and that will bring us down.>> <<@LynMurray-j1z says : Liberals did take our port of Darwin of China Albo gave it straight back to China-when he took over government so who is allowing China in>> <<@alexgerhardt8592 says : America should go buy land in china.>> <<@Lowlife-w3u says : Rich and greedy like white folks>> <<@AP-ei4jt says : Democracy has degenerated into collective stupidity.>> <<@AP-ei4jt says : People have gone bananas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Your made in china cellphones are much more dangerous than those farmlands full of cow dungs.>> <<@ViperOptix says : Xi (Taiwan) US involved | Putin (Ukraine) US involved | \ Iran (Israel) US Involved North Korea (South Korea) US involved China's big plan to weaken the US with out lifting a finger. China's spending nothing right now, it's building up its military. Buying and bribing officials is what China has been doing all over the world, you think the US is bad looks at places throughout the Asian Pacific, Africa, south America and even in Australia. China is buying up precious resources, building war ships at a record pace, bolstering its PLA forces (all strong young males), building forward operation base, with airfield between China and Australia. Meanwhile the US is a crumbling mess and the only thing between China's forceful influence and Australia is the US. we are screwed if a WW breaks out. People think WW3 will be nukes launched all at the same time, nah it will be conflicts in countries that have no nukes, like what's going on in Ukraine. South Korea next.>> <<@gwenyfred1743 says : Another Biden blunder>> <<@deycartdsouza9565 says : Hello>> <<@SF-pq3sq says : Its not by accident😊>> <<@SF-pq3sq says : The government can take it back easily enough😊>> <<@di_r67 says : love your dress.>> <<@AdrianAdrian-sg2tj says : Biden delivering what he's been paid for.>> <<@firequeen7872 says : Change the laws and take it off them. Just NO>> <<@S.Carrick says : The US Government is Biden snd Obama! Full blown Communists.>> <<@balung says : Australia should be more concerned about the CCP buying up farmland in Tasmania, and buying up Australian houses en masse in every State and Territory.>> <<@CREvothegreater says : im sure if there was anything to worry about the usa govt wouldnt have sold it to them......"we got this!"......>> <<@CREvothegreater says : im sure their intentions are innocent....>> <<@DK-ev9dg says : Keep spreading bullshit and hate about China. Shame on you. Hey loser, show the fucking map or locations.>> <<@XavierAnderson-eg5fp says : If the government allowed this they have no one else to blame.>> <<@LearnMadSkillsSigma says : China doesn't allow the USA to buy land there, so why does our government allow China to buy land in the USA? Why is Biden such an OBVIOUS TRAITOR WHILE EVERYONE SITS AROUND WITH THEIR HEADS UP THEIR A$$ETS? >> <<@MarkHines-p8d says : Australia is heading down the same path.>> <<@mandyspacek1087 says : The U.S will pay for selling land to China, big time!>> <<@Imissthe90sletsgoback says : Why are we letting this happen?!?!?>> <<@Judy-yg3jj says : This makes me sick>> <<@JackJones-ym8it says : Compulsory purchase the land back.. Bring in laws, anyone buying land, at least 100miles around government land must be vetted by the the FBI or someone.. Also bring in unilateral land policies, only countries where the US can buy land, can buy land in the US, and make it equal quantities,>> <<@SeeTheWholeTruth says : You forget.. China is only "spy" capable. They cant DO ANYTHING with any serious threat. You dont have the reality of our military, nor China's. Nor does Phil. The reality of what they did do is costing them everything right now. You dont get the real news inside China. You get CCP nonsense. Go see what is REALLY happening in China at China Observer, and China Insights. Look at the lists of information. You imagine they can get anything done elsewhere? When all they deal with within is UTTER contempt from their own people? They are worse than biden with fences and hiding.>> <<@henriknilsson7851 says : Amazing, how much do the Chinese think they can get away with?>> <<@marianac715 says : Governor DeSantis has banned the sale of farm land and companies to Chinese entities in Florida.>>