<<@covertpuppytwo3857 says : FUN FACTS: In 2023, the prestigious Pew Research Centre survey found that 67-percent of Poles had a negative view of China. While 34% declared their feeling for China within the last 3 years declined and as such, China from the polls appears to be among the most negatively perceived countries in Poland. The Polish public prefers that their country aligns its foreign policy the most with the EU, followed by the USA.>> <<@claudiuspseudonymus1369 says : Poland has tied itself to the USA in NATO...! Hence China will NEVER trust Poland as it is forever tied to the AMERICAN agenda.>> <<@siewkonsum7291 says : To hope is no good, it has to be followed by active actions to go, meet & explore with Chinese top leadership of all possibilities of doing mutually beneficial business & investments in Poland & China.>> <<@INDIGOBLUE555 says : I assume the US admin.won't be cheering at polish/chinese bonds getting too tight in time.... Just a guess though :)>>