<<@JeannineCoventon says : Can't even tell the truth about the nuclear/microwave testing on human subjects to the point of human cruelty. Yes the Government does involve itself in torture of people. They just lies to all of your faces to get away with it.>> <<@vincentburrowes9243 says : No Crises - We have had an increase in Natural Disasters in the last 10 Years - the insurance companies are raising their premiums or refusing to insure due to climate disasters. Don't believe in climate crises - Fine - but we are all paying more with something to do with the weather / climate!>> <<@DavidGetling says : The only thing that's incredible is that with one of the best Uranium mines in the world, and the most stable tectonics, that Australia didn't wholeheartedly embrace nuclear power decades ago.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Australian Pandemic Politicians should be forced back to Answer Questions about Pfizer been sued for Lying about the Vaccine been Safe Affective?>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Kenny the Shill Propaganda Dog. Talk about Pfizer been sued for Lying about Vaccine been Safe and Affective?>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Going from cheaper energy to the most expensive form of energy. "Incredible". :I>> <<@YUDNSAY says : I read that to use an AI search as opposed to a standard search consumes up to ten times more power, as all the current thinking appears to favour AI algorithms for all aspects of business, government, infrastructure, it seems logical that far more power is necessary going forward, China have the largest [by far] than any other country on earth of solar/wind/Hydro 'renewables'[check out their solar farms in the northern deserts] yet they still need coal/gas/oil/nuclear power plants as well, I also read that ten Nuclear power stations will serve Australia.>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : They picked Matt Kean to make Blackout Bowen look like he has at least 1 working brain cell.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Japan is releasing the waste water into the ocean gradually, with a green light from the International Atomic Energy Agency. The first release is one of four, scheduled between now and the end of March 2024. **The entire process will take at least 30 years.** That's Fukushima... try that by 7 Nuclear Reactors in our waters. 🤡>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Renewables are nothing but a Scam. Climate change is all Fake. Net Zero Fake Zero 😂>> <<@irga8814 says : Someone has some brain cells that give nuclear a good chance better than any “renewable” energy that the USA pushes even fossil fuel>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : Nuclear>> <<@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty_1 says : Nuclear is the MOST expensive option that will take around 20 years to implement. Who is PAYING Liberals to push this mess onto the Australian people? Please read the CSIRO report on this shamble of a policy.>>