<<@mortcraig says : It would be a different story if it happened to one of her family members she wouldn’t be laughing>> <<@sheiladunphy7232 says : Her blood is all over the Democrat and their voters Biden was very clear on open boarders before he was elected yet this is what his voters are ok with>> <<@waldoparsnip1025 says : Shheesshh ! There should be a " not suitable for all viewers " warning before cutting to Jayapal ! I'll have to sleep with the light on a couple nights ! And with Joy , it's kind of scary , if you look her directly in the eyes ... she almost looks .. well ... anyway ...never mind .>> <<@Robert-d3j1b says : This 💩 is like the original Omen trilogy,where the devils offspring was raised into politics an eventually became president,The Democratic Party needs to be revamped>> <<@Neno-wm3wh7dx8u says : As long as it doesn't affect libs they don't care.>> <<@SuperKaya75 says : She’s from Seattle.>> <<@jcofortco says : 😐🤨 That's NOT fear-mongering you twat. It's called THE TRUTH. GOOD for Fox & their banner!! 😊>> <<@jeffrylarsen6137 says : This little sweetheart's blood is on Biden's hands!>> <<@johnotoole5786 says : Dems are all beta men if zombie apocalypse happened ud get behind a Republican>> <<@stevezylla2350 says : Jayapal is disgusting on the inside as she is disgusting on the outside>> <<@dinavereecke192 says : You ladies are the problem in this country you are sick you should have no platform to spur your hate towards the people of this country you should be taken off the air never to return>> <<@ThomasRipley-pl6et says : These people can't ever deficate it would make less of them .>> <<@terrymcfadden954 says : Joy Reid has blood on her hands! Waukesha. BLM riots.>> <<@Mark-ml2vu says : Mayorakas is on the take. And the Democrats are Satanic that's why they can laff about it>> <<@uncleshawnofthejungle29 says : "At least one daughter that he cares about.." How many's he got? Lol>> <<@jim7993 says : Blasted means lied about without a chance to defend Fox News tactics are hilarious 😂>> <<@mickcallan1428 says : The devils own .hey joy no one dislikes you because you black they hate you because you are a malice liar and your hatred is on full display>> <<@JESUStheARK says : I always have to wonder how these people can do what they do like Mayorkas… and think are they or their family being threatened, blackmailed, or some kind of entrapment going on? I just don’t want to believe they could do something like this because he is this cold hearted. Then again i don’t know him.>> <<@thelaserchick1 says : Your questions are s joke .>> <<@charlesovercash8862 says : Yet she cries for the deaths of the murderers of October 7th.>> <<@DonaldWinterbower says : I would hate to be majorca's once he's relieved of his duties because he has a whole lot to answer for and the new Administration coming in we'll see to it>> <<@dinahburleson2163 says : Let the prisoners in jail take care of him.>> <<@donnariggs1567 says : NOW WE WILL HAVE TO PAY TO HOUSE THEM, CARE FOR THEM WHEN HE GETS CONVICTED, PAY FOR HIS ATTORNEY , MY GOD ,,, DON'T WAST THE SPACE, TIME, OR MONEY HE'S NOT WORTHY THAT CURTESTY .>> <<@FeliciaEncinas says : Rodica ghinea caught for drug possession and child abuse and neglect of child Arianna she kidnapped her and holding her hostage for drugs and vilolence>> <<@DianeFoy says : This is terrible Biden leader. What are you going to do. Nothing? This is on you Buden, killing us>> <<@rickyreese1223 says : Let em out on bail to stay at Mayorkas house with his family.>> <<@lindacombs7677 says : They are not sending us their finest citizens. We need to close the border 😞>> <<@DouglasBull-rk6tv says : Wow anyone who watches and agrees with them or is a Biden supporter your equally responsible for whats happening.If some how Biden wins we really need to do something to stop democrats>> <<@JosephAl-bq5xl says : Joyless Reed and her friend PayPal needs to go!>> <<@dcbornmike says : This is horrible. God bless this little girl and her family. You know what gets me is the terms that the general news outlets , and Progressives (which I use to be part of) use in referencing "Illegal aliens". They are not "immigrants" or "undocumented people".. The fact is they are breaking our laws and we the Patsy American public is paying the bills ... for starters. Each and every one of them might be priests and nuns and sweet as honey .... that said, they are here ILLEGALLY and need to be sent back. Sending them back will tell others that they are wasting their time breaking into our country .... our homes. I honestly wish ALL people love and the best in life, but in the US we have plenty of home grown problems .... we need to help our own First ..... charity begins at home.>> <<@jonathanverlin says : Though late, I was taken aback when I saw this. Simply put, for democrats to objectify the barbarity of murdering a child is beneath contempt. Jayapal doesn’t need a cognitive test. Her constituency does. STOP VOTING DEMOCRAT!>> <<@Ridnthstrm says : Mayorkas is scum>> <<@garytemple9258 says : This shows how and what democrats think of us over illegal murderers that biden lets walk free in this country.>> <<@smk-sy says : These dems care more about Palestine than America . Let’s not vote for them anymore . They do not deserve to represent us.>> <<@louisvazquez7514 says : Joe Biden is to blame>> <<@aglady4032 says : Elderly Republicans Wake Up your are not FOOLS like FOX stations thinks you are Do Not Vote For Trump At all for your Forefathers who Fought for the USA Trump doesn’t CARE and Fox is in on Using You In My Opinion Republicans ….FOX’s needs to be Sued Tremendously PPL look into this Now DOJ and FBI and CIA along with Homeland Security this is USA. Please FIRE this ILLEGAL JUDGE CANNON NOW IMMEDIATELY she is not a JUDGE for the UNITED STATES 🇺🇸 OF AMERICA… she is a Representative for Trump in my Opinion Who Doesn’t Love This Country the USA and Our Constitution at All Republicans Democrats and Independents who can vote for this JUDGE or TRUMP in your Country your Forefathers Fought For Us Americans…>> <<@DellaPantelis says : Democrats are the problem!!!>> <<@trishherbert6310 says : The big apple is a stronghold for Satan. That's what the statue of liberty signifies.>> <<@wilwear says : DONALD TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON>> <<@tobybigham4196 says : So according to Squad members, it is ok that innocent people suffer from the hands of criminals, as along as they can bring more illegal immigrants into the country to replace the people they don't agree with.>> <<@adrianablessed718 says : we need President Trump>> <<@adrianablessed718 says : democrats are liars>> <<@allencalhoon5322 says : I'm not allowed to comment on this. You tube doesn't want me to call joy pig a B>> <<@JoeymiroLopez says : Deport jayapal not american>> <<@JAdams-qy7ii says : Disgusting>> <<@sallymenezes says : jayapal's laughs because she's lost it, she does not know the protocol to follow when things go wrong. her constituents were misguided in voting for her, or may have been bribed to do so.>> <<@Freethinker632 says : Like we don’t have enough crime of our own Biden imports more! Sad>> <<@heatherbeth4249 says : Joy Reid is the most vile person and I thank God I am nothing like her>> <<@heatherbeth4249 says : These DEI hires what’s going on?>> <<@jakefrost8017 says : He's a family man with a daughter? At least it wasn't his kid, right?>>