<<@GoF.URself8345 says : This guy is full of Shiite. These news agencies got played.>> <<@mreza84 says : For these types of activities, I recommend something like the Garmin inReach.>> <<@ryanmalone2681 says : Just keep an InReach with you if you’re going into the wilderness. Duh.>> <<@ryanmalone2681 says : A 3 hour tour?>> <<@robertjohansson1707 says : PSA: If you're going hiking, update your voicemail with information about your hiking plans. That way everyone will know where you are even if your battery runs out.>> <<@stellabellafontay9366 says : This is one Mountain Lion of a tale.l❕️ 🗣⛰️🦁>> <<@peppalapelada says : No, pumas generally do not follow their prey for days. Pumas are opportunistic hunters and prefer to ambush their prey. They use their agility and strength to surprise their prey over short distances. Instead of following a prey for long periods, pumas tend to move through their territory in search of hunting opportunities. If a hunt fails, they are more likely to look for a new opportunity rather than follow the same prey for an extended period.>> <<@TrudyContos-gq1bw says : I think this goes to show us that fasting is doing our insides good.>> <<@TrudyContos-gq1bw says : God bless>> <<@WestCoastHighlandGames says : Okay, if you want the inside scoop here's the details. I know Luke and live and work on the side of the mountain he was on. Luke is Albino and has limited vision, can see clearly only a few feet in front of him. He was probably trying to hike the old pipeline from Boulder Creek to Brookdale, which burned in the CZU fire, and the trail along it is no more. That stretch of woods is extremely steep, check a topo map. It is also pretty treacherous since the fire, I maintain a section of it for work, believe it or not but the fallen tan oaks, firs, redwood limbs, overgrown ceanothus and scotch broom make for a tough "hike". I've been stalked by a mountain lion twice that I was aware of, in that exact watershed, both times it left a huge fresh pile of scat on the trail. I don't think it was trying to eat me either time, more trying to mark it's territory, probably had a den nearby. Mountain Lions don't regularly eat people, they have evolved to be wary of humans. Unless you get caught between a mom and her cubs or trigger their hunting instincts because you are running or stooped over, they are most likely to observe you from a distance, which sounds like what Luke described. Most likely Luke was chillin doing his thing, whatever that was, then after a few days realized he was in over his head. He DID try walking out, but for him that meant walking uphill to get to Empire Grade, some people on Braemoor at the top heard him calling for help, but like I said that stretch of woods, after the burn, is actually pretty gnarly and steep, so combined with him being legally blind, and the old trails gone from the fire, it sounds like he fell down a ravine at one point and hurt his ankle so it's not hard to believe he got stuck at some point. The water he was drinking is essentially spring fed creek water from a steep uninhabited section of watershed, unless there was a dead animal upstream most likely the flowing water he drank was pretty clean. In fact, it is the same water most of the town drinks, albeit before filtration and chlorination. Yes, he could have just kept going downhill to get to the hwy, but these hills are extremely steep and overgrown, it truly isn't as easy as it seems. For anyone who says you can just walk to the ocean or San Jose in a day, you've obviously never been on THIS hillside, just look at a top map, after a major fire, overgrown and full of downed trees, it wasn't like he was on the Skyline to Sea or other popular maintained trail Also, he wasn't in Big Basin State Park at all, he was on SLV watershed property, which is not maintained like a state park. In conclusion, we were starting to worry about him after a week of him being missing, he wasn't doing this for "attention", his family is glad he was found, and really this story didn't need to be national news.>> <<@janiejones6789 says : Those reporters were incredibly rude to him. Smirking when he said that you can go 30 days without food. They would ask him questions, and then not let him answer them fully.>> <<@curtistay8307 says : The meth is strong in these people>> <<@elmclovin1 says : This sounds so suspicious. I call bull shit..!>> <<@imaninternettroll1660 says : 10 days?? Homeboy look like he been gone for 10 years. on here, looking like Tom Hanks>> <<@LeL-q9e says : I do not believe this story for a minute. Berries, gallon of water, mountain lion? Okaaaaaay. Reminds me of Sherri Papini case, not as dramatic tho. Listen to what happened to me. I too went missing, in a mall, and was accosted by gang members who took my wallet. Then as I frantically ran out UFOs abducted me and flew me away then brought me back. I plan on starting up a GoFundMe to help me recover from my arduous ordeal. And maybe CNN or some other media outlet will interview me. I love attention. I don't get enough at home. 🥸😎>> <<@mycinnamongirl says : He wasn't lost. It's going to come out that he hid on purpose for attention.>> <<@rickcroissette9240 says : Just when you thought CNN couldnt reach any lower. Here we are. You have lost 90 percent of your viewers since 2015 because you have turned into a propaganda rag. Now you try to silence all you tube. I will never click another one of your links>> <<@NMV-ej4zd says : Commenters: this man looks as if he may have albinism, so maybe stop with the mean posts about "how old he looks.">> <<@Drew791 says : Whoa, I’ve been thinking this guy was in his late 50s from the pictures.>> <<@a.c.f.2423 says : Dude went from blond to white hair in 10 days. Seems like he got a botched nose job as well...>> <<@hugopnabais says : Something is not right! 34? He looks at least 54!>> <<@meking3258 says : 10 Days and he was an hours walk from the city 🤔🤣🤣🤣 GTFOH ...and what did this hillbilly say you can go 30 days without food 🤔 🤣🤣🤣 YA SURE YOU CAN !! THIS GUY IS FULL OF 💩 why is he on the show ?? 30 days to 3 months without food IMPOSSIBLE !!>> <<@belaynehdanieltebore9846 says : How could he survived from dangerous night animals?>> <<@grumpyuncle. says : Fowler is a train wreck. Some of his advice was terrible.>> <<@lovewillwar2422 says : I’m sorry. I’d die. No way. I can’t even figure out what direction I’m in nature.>> <<@jesusiseverythingjc7591 says : All glory to Father God and Jesus Christ i love God and Jesus Christ dearly for all eternity amen>> <<@Omni-King2099 says : Bro was only gone for 10 days and came back like Tom Hanks from castaway 😂>> <<@Slimewolf says : That's a rough 34.>> <<@redago9 says : Young City slicker found after 10 days, from being lost in hike looking like father time.>> <<@carlvillarreal7603 says : 34 years old? I’m sure he was lost ten days…and 40years.>> <<@tradrlarryone1827 says : CNN actually reported something that has nothing to do with Trump finally.>> <<@michaeljones7222 says : I call bs the story sounds made up and him and the family are looking for their 15 mins of fame, it's not the wilderness out there and lots of houses close by..>> <<@wildthoughts6959 says : From any hill on Santa Cruz mountains you can see the 17 Freeway and probably hear the cars. Also you can see the ocean with populated beaches. Probably he was on medication or drugs , couldn't see the sun to walk towards sunset?>> <<@wildthoughts6959 says : How can you get lost in Santa Cruz mountains ? Start walking towards the visible ocean. The forest is short. Someone can walk across those mountains in 1 day. Simple, walk towards sunset to reach the populated beach, or opposite you hit dense SJ . DUH!!!!>> <<@trubiz4u says : Rip Van Winkle>> <<@survivalgal1882 says : As to being or getting lost, -EVERYONE who gets lost is not paying attention, so PAY ATTENTION! People in forests and places/times where you can't see the sun/moon or features on the horizon also tend to get lost. -"Stay put"? Absolutely, Do people tend NOT to stay put? Absolutely! The people who get lost most are hunters and hikers, hunters because they pay more attention to what they're doing than where they're going, and hikers because they think they "know" where they're going. -The INSTANT you even THINK you MAY be lost: Stop-Sit-Eat-Drink-Think! STOP to mark and remember where you are (don't make a bad situation worse, I keep flagging tape handy). SIT REST (fatigue adds to disorientation), EAT, DRINK these force you to calm down (low blood sugar and dehydration also add to disorientation), THINK about how you got there, landmarks, trail crossings, etc. (the use one of the eight reorienting strategies, starting with backtracking). If you're still lost, try once or twice more, each time returning to your mark, then think about waiting for rescue>> <<@survivalgal1882 says : So what are you SUPPOSED to do? -Yes, tell AT LEAST two responsible people, each in different social circles, where you're going and when you'll be back. -Do carry a survival kit ON YOUR BELT (never in a pack) which should have most of your "10 essentials" (which includes a smartphone and battery bank, a PLB, water treatment and hydration tabs, etc.) -and ALWAYS follow The Five Essential Steps: Planning, Preparing, Proficiency, Backups and Basic survival strategies and concepts.>> <<@DelroyMeadows-od3jr says : The mud was used to evade The Predator.>> <<@survivalgal1882 says : WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!! The limit a person can live without food is TWO MONTHS (give or take a few days, PROVIDED they stay hydrated, don't move much AND depending on the situation), NOT "one or three months".>> <<@survivalgal1882 says : UGH! The TRUTH about "wild water" is, North American wild water is actually fairly clean (unlike certain parts of the world), so drinking from a stream or lake is NOT "risky". You can get giardia and crypto', HOWEVER, symptoms like diarrhea don't present for about two weeks, even then when you get back home, one pill from your doctor and it's gone.>> <<@survivalgal1882 says : Dayhikers are NOTORIOUS for getting into trouble! Statistically, dayhikers get themselves into trouble more than ANY other wilderness activity and are the most unprepared and uniformed people out there. In fact, virtually All of their stories begin with something to the effect, "I was only going to be gone a few hours..." I like to call them CITYOTS (idiots from the city).>> <<@ubob38 says : Watching over his meal.>> <<@benetta8275 says : Reminds me of Gilligans Island, instead of a "Three Hour Tour", he went on a "Three Hour Hike" 😂 So glad he was rescued instead of being stuck out there with The Professor! Lol>> <<@RobertJohnson-gk2gj says : I’m sorry, but I have hiked & camped in those mountains and basic hiking rules # 1 Never Hike Alone!!! Map & compass !! Stupidly!! All he had to do is follow creek’s down stream! Stay on the trails>> <<@abelincoln3261 says : Streams don't flow north ... nor south... only down hill and by force... not south... they can but that is not the norm or standard... Learn the stars the sun.. travel.. time of day by sun .. movement of clouds and wind... lighting locations at night.. city sounds and migration directions.. if you know where you are and where other things are you won't get lost to start with.. Yes I have been lost twice... I know first hand how to avoid it ..>> <<@abelincoln3261 says : Survive means not die.. it does not mean think walk ... reason or logically exist.. it means only breath... basically.>> <<@abelincoln3261 says : BS that dude is full of crap... you can not go 30 plus days on only water and not have major mental issues.. if you make it at all..>> <<@abelincoln3261 says : There's is no such thing as a body cleanse that's just BS talk there. More nonsense from so called survivalist ,,,>> <<@abelincoln3261 says : Hey I'm gonna be on CNN... let be get my cap on backwards and find my favorite black tee shirt.... oh .... , check..>> <<@abelincoln3261 says : People crossed oceans .. traveled by horse foot and wagon across 3,000 miles no stores no refrigerators no bottled water.... just sayin... buck up.... Bubba !>>